Monday, June 4, 2012

What's up with that ?

I've never been much on fad and fashion. You could say I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer. Usually out of step and out of time. I know what I like and what I don't. I am what I am and that's what I'm gonna be. I just never could pull it off,being the " cool " guy or hangin' with the in crowd. Like most of us I do pick up on expressions and slang. Being a lover of words this has always fascinated me. Lately I catch myself saying, " It's all good " a lot ! Probably too much. With my wife I often say, " I'm out of the loop. " If something happens or a decision is made without me I'm out of the loop. This normally applies to those decisions I don't necessarily agree with. I say it with half humor,half annoyance.
And now I catch myself using another phrase, " What's up with that ? " This is used whenever I don't understand the reason or logic behind something. As in, Mayor Bloomberg wants to limit the size of soft drinks and I'd say, What's up with that ? I think the cool people where saying that a few years ago. Seems I've always adopted a popular saying or expression after it is no longer used in everyday speech. Just a little behind the beat. I have to wait for the phrase to become comfortable and acceptable in general society. I'm like that in clothes and fashion too. Although I can guarantee you I will never wear a pair of crocs or those cargo shorts ! Just not me.
To use a phrase from the distant past I guess I'm a sqaure. I'm not hip to the latest slang or fashion. I use out dated phrases and wear out dated fashion. I think that is probably normal for someone reaching almost 59 years old. What wasn't normal was I've always been this way, What's up with That ? Why are some of us so cool and others are not ? That's an eternal question. I'd bet everyone has asked that at one time or another. Especially during their teenage years. For me I think I was out of the loop. Uninformed and unconsulted.Long hair and Beetle boots I would have voted against. Never was too crazy about peace signs. And don't get started about Nehru jackets or leisure suits !
It is something I have thought about. Why some are so popular and others are not. I think it has little to do with looks or intelligence. Money doesn't play a major role in it either. What it is, is the ability to pull it off. To adopt the latest thing and make others believe it is cool and that you genuinely like it. I could never do that. Some things just seemed stupid to me ! In my own mind I was saying, " What's up with that ? " I was saying that long before some cool guy started saying it ! I've always felt a little uncomfortable with things outside the norm. Just not much of a rebel I guess. Probably my New England upbringing. Well it is what it is and that's what it's going to be. It's all Good ! LOL

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