Sunday, December 31, 2017

time and man

 I'll be going into this year the same way I left the old, not rich. I purchased two Powerball tickets and my luck remained unchanged. I'm beginning to think that I'll never be a millionaire. Well, maybe this year. It's good to have dreams. Seriously though, I do wonder what that would be like. Just to be able to pay your bills the day they arrive in the mail would be an amazing thing. Definitely a life changing situation. Fact is, it wouldn't take a million. The next estimated jackpot is 440 million dollars. Even if after all the taxes and everything was taken out, if you were left with 44 million, that's more than enough for anyone. Having more than enough is a good thing though, pays to have a cushion. And no, I wouldn't feel any obligation to give any of it away to anyone. Would I, maybe, I don't know and will not know until I'm in that position. I hope to find out this year.
 Man is the only creature that marks the passage of time. All the animals, mammals, plants and such just live until they die. They do not count the days they are here, or the days that have gone by, they are only aware of the present. Do they fear death ? I doubt that. Man tries to comfort himself with the thought that life never ends, that we can somehow live eternally. We fashion that afterlife in whatever form is pleasing to us right now. The reason is because we fear the unknown, what will it be like ?       And so we soothe ourselves with pleasant imagery. We even use the opposite as a deterrent, we call that religion. But I do believe the soul of man lives on. We are energy. We can't create energy, only transform it from one state to another. We also can not destroy it ! That in itself is the proof that there is a higher power than ourselves to reckon with. The manner in which we do so determines our fate. I do believe in cause and effect. A fundamental law in nature and I believe a fundamental law regarding whatever energy we expend. The label applied to that energy is not so important, as the way we use that energy. Many labels have been applied to that principle, karma, fate, destiny, consequence, or just plain luck. I believe we are given that energy to use, as we see fit, and we will receive whatever return we initiated. Cause and effect. Will the end justify the means ? That is the paradox we face daily as humans. Should we base our morality solely on the end result of our actions ?  First, you have to decide upon the end point. Our influence on this earth is not constrained by time, it survives within the memories of others. That was the reason man first started drawing pictures on the walls of his cave, to pass his thoughts forward. We still read the words of Roman emperors, philosophers and seers. Those words influence us still. They are not constrained by time. Ignorance is what constrains man, and ignorance alone.
 It is this thirst for answers that created the need for a calendar. We want to know what is coming. Is it planting season or is the cold returning. Man first looked to the stars for those answers and where we still look today. Man has marked the time and by doing so marked his existence. In a few hours we will celebrate the arrival of another year. We will mark the passage of time, but can we really mark the passage of eternity ? No, of course not, but we can leave a footnote. Footnotes are important because they reference the source. And there it is, can we know the source ? Yes we can,  but only in our souls. Let your actions here on earth be a footnote, a reference for others. The time is not so important to note, the result of your actions should be. 

Saturday, December 30, 2017

a different view

 It being the end of the year we are starting to see those polls about people of the year and that sort of thing.  I saw one on my timeline yesterday asking something similar. My first thought was to write, " if the people you admire the most are the ones you have never met and spent time with, maybe you need new friends or a change in perception. " I put that thought in parenthesis for a specific reason. First take the word itself, parenthesis. For me it was something I heard from my parents , that's the ( paren )  part and the thesis part, well that is self explanatory. My thoughts, like all the rest of us,  are just a theory on human nature and behavior. I mean I don't believe any of us really understand everyone else. That is to say, understand what the other person is thinking. Having said that I don't understand why your most admired person would be a stranger. Oh I admire talented artists, singers, poets, writers and movie stars like everyone else, but they don't make the most significant impact on my life. The truth is they exist solely for my entertainment. What I admire is their talent. Who or what they are as people is a mystery to me and most likely will remain that way. Would I enjoy meeting these folks ? Yes, it would be nice to talk to them for a while, to get to know them. Would I stand in line for hours to shake their hand ? No, no I wouldn't. The reason for that is simple, I believe I stand on equal footing with them. Yes, they have money and fame, but we are in the end, just people. Should I stand in line to shake the hand of a total stranger ?
 It is an old adage, and one I heard often growing up, they put their pants on one leg at a time, same as you. Positive reinforcement they call it these days, I learned it as fact. That is really a fundamental difference. Wealth, power and influence do not make the man. That's not to say that the wealthy, powerful and influential can't be good people, many are I'm certain. It is the character that we should admire. You can't really know the character of a person without having known the person. Their deeds, their contributions, may indeed indicate they are of good moral character but how can you know ? If you don't know the person personally, you can't. Then you are left to admire whatever those deeds and contributions where. That is where the line gets blurred between admiration for the person and admiration of their accomplishments. A matter of semantics you say ? Yes, to a degree I think that it is. When they are asking for your opinion on man of the year, or most admired, that may be the intent. Who has accomplished the most, made the most significant contribution ? All of that s subjective. Popularity rises and falls like the tide. Similar to fad and fashion, what may be good this year is not so well received the following year.
 It was just that when I read that question the first name to pop into my mind wasn't a politician, poet, singer or anyone famous at all. It may sound cliché,  but the first name I thought of was my father. Now, that was a man to admire. Fact is, I spent quite a few years of my life trying to be him, as most young men will. Next I thought of Reverend Samuel Davis, not just the parish priest but a friend. He was an engineer, had a degree in that subject, and yet devoted his life to preaching the gospel. A man of faith, strength and a man to emulate. I have two brothers and a sister, all rank higher than any celebrity you can name. Yes these are the names that come to mind when I am asked about who I admire the most. As much as I admire the talents of strangers, they remain strangers to me. They entertain. Their lives, their character, who they are, are a mystery to me. I may fantasize about what their lives and character are on based on what is being presented to me. A good number of these folks are quite eccentric compared to you and I. We do make generous allowances for those that entertain us, don't we. Not so generous when they displease us however. The public is fickle. And it s for that reason I do not place much trust in the public but gravitate toward the personal. Even a cactus is beautiful when in bloom but I wouldn't want to embrace it. And so I say, if your most admired are strangers to you , you just don't have very good friends or you need to change your view of things.  

Friday, December 29, 2017


 Loyalty is one of the better traits a human being can possess.  Sadly it is one I see missing in too many. Loyalty , to some, has become a bad word. They have become loyal only to their own wants and needs. Loyalty to God and country is being pushed aside. The motivation is as old as man himself, greed. You can't truly be loyal to anything, if your only wish is to satisfy your own desires. To  be loyal you must remain unafraid. You can't be afraid and loyal at the same time. Loyalty requires faith.
 Consider the loyalty to your chosen partner for instance. Isn't it faith that binds ? I have faith in you  and you have faith in me. I'm not afraid to share with you because I have nothing to hide, there is no deceit. Once a deceit has been exposed, the faith is weakened. Loyalty comes under question. Few things arouse such hurt and disappointment as having your integrity questioned. It is my belief that hurt and disappointment stems from examining your own lack of loyalty. I can find blame, make excuses to place that blame elsewhere, but I can never erase the truth.  And in so having discovered that,  I turn and run. The tragic part is the other person in this has had their faith shaken. Doubts begin to creep in and erode them as well. They begin to look for the fault in themselves. That is when the deceit is complete. Some will remain isolated, while others rapidly seek a replacement. In both instances it is the desire for the reciprocity of loyalty they so desperately seek.
  Sacrifice is a word we hear a lot these days.  It is also misunderstood just as often.  A sacrifice is something offered with the hope of a return. A sacrifice is not a gift. It is not given freely and has nothing to do with loyalty. Loyalty requires no sacrifice. Loyalty is freely given and is not dependent upon set parameters. That is to say, the question of loyalty isn't answered with, it depends.  Like your family you don't abandon them because they don't meet your expectations. Well, at least you shouldn't, family is irreplaceable. That isn't to say you make " sacrifices "  for them to your own determent. That isn't the function of loyalty. Loyalty is accepting something for what it is. That is loyalty. Loyalty doesn't imply that whatever it is doesn't have flaws, quite the contrary. If you are truly loyal you are unafraid of those flaws.
 I have noticed an increase in the way people are adopting pets and their treatment of them. Let's begin with the word adoption. That is what they say these days, I adopted a pet. The pet is part of my family, it is a fur baby. Some even purchase clothing for these babies. You do have to ask what is the attraction here ? I'd say it was the desire for loyalty. Nothing says loyalty like a pet, especially a dog. They are always there for you, no questions asked, no comments offered, just there to please you. They really serve no other function in our lives. Now, there are exceptions of course, service dogs and the like, but I'm talking about pets here. What is their purpose ? To give us unconditional loyalty, which some label as love, is the answer. Loyalty and love do walk side by side, hand in hand as the saying goes. Even when you forget, or outright neglect them, they remain loyal. You can put your own self interest above theirs every time and they will remain loyal. Do you think they love you ? Or is it that the have become dependent ? Does it matter ?  I'd say it doesn't matter one iota. Man has kept pets for the enjoyment of them as long as man has been around. I only bring the subject up as a demonstration of what loyalty really is. Loyalty is the trait in animals that we humans desire from one another.
 I'm wondering what has happened here. Where is the loyalty these days ? Just throw loyalty under the bus whenever something doesn't suit you ? Discard it as something no longer useful, treat it as an impediment. I will only support things I find useful to myself. That is the attitude I see every day. No longer is it for God and Country, now it is for me ! Loyalty and allegiance ? Fanciful concepts, ideas from the past with no relevance in todays society ? We have pets for that sort of thing. In fact, I should disavow any and all allegiances and loyalty in the name of progress. I'm too smart for that. Smarter than what ? A dog ? Think about that for a while.   

Thursday, December 28, 2017

new to old

 With the end of the year fast approaching there will be talk of resolutions. I never make resolutions concerning the new year. I can barely remain resolute for more than a few hours about something I am not compassionate about. That is what resolutions are supposed to be aren't they, changing something. Well, if I haven't changed what I feel to be wrong by now, I'm not going to do it because I said so on New Years eve. But I do use this time to take inventory. That process begins with listening to the Christmas tree. This year, the inventory started out with what was lost in 2017. That was the sadness I felt. Having acknowledged those losses it is time to move forward, all one can really do after all. You can't change the past by reliving it, the outcome will always be the same.
 The experts will tell you to set goals. My goal is to stay living for another year, that'll be enough. Anything beyond that is pure gravy ! Of course you do have to define living. I am not talking about existing, for that really isn't under my control , I mean interacting with the world and the people around me. It is how I react to that will define my year, to a degree. Yes, there are many things far beyond my control in this world. If you find yourself focused on trying to change others, you will find yourself unhappy. That doesn't mean I shouldn't try to offer my opinion on things, or that I should agree to gain popularity. The adoration of the crowd quickly fades when you are alone with your thoughts. That's the problem with that.  Lying to oneself is something I can not understand, yet some seem to be able to do just that. It is the only explanation I can offer for their actions or reactions.
 This year my son and his family from upstate New York will be here. I can't recall the last New Years we spent together. I doubt that we will all stay up to see the ball drop. That is another thing I haven't done in a while. My wife and I were never ones to go out to a party, preferring to stay at home, safe from the rowdies. We got rowdy enough in our own living room and didn't have to drive anywhere. Now, we just get tired and go to bed. My son never was one to enjoy a drink and I rarely take a drink myself these days. All that nonsense is in the past, relegated to memory. Must not have been too bad as I do remember it ! No, we will have pizza, snacks and soft drinks ! Well not too many soft drinks, too much sugar, and not too many snacks, gotta watch the salt in that stuff and that pizza is great, but can give you heartburn. On second thought, maybe we will just have a few leftover Christmas cookies and milk, okay we are a little crazy, hot chocolate. Whatever we decide it will be nice to bring the new year in with him and his family. It'll be a change in routine that much is certain.
 2017 wasn't the best of years in my estimation. Not that it was a  bad year, just not as well received as others. Seems like a lot of negative things happened to me, to others, and to the country in general. Who you choose to blame that on, is your business. In fact, it is the blaming that has caused much of the negativity we are all feeling in the country today. But I'll leave that alone for now. It is my hope we have all learned something this past year, growing pains can be painful, and we all move on. Placing blame requires no effort. Let's focus our energies on finding harmony instead, requires effort though. With each changing year the direction is the same, forward.  Sometimes that requires a return to the past. Not every new idea is a good one. Sometimes, old ideas are the best.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

a different year

 Soon it will be 2018. It'll take a little while to get used to that. It always takes time for my brain to catch up with the calendar. I was just remembering when it was going to be the year 2000. All manner of stuff was predicted to happen, not the least of was our entire banking system collapsing. Well, we just knew those computers would screw up when the time came. A lot of folks were genuinely worried about it. I can honestly say I had no fear at all. The reason was two-fold. First, I didn't have any money and secondly I knew those bankers wouldn't let anything happen to their money ! Had the concern been world peace or something like that I would have been more skeptical, but money, ain't nothing gonna get in the way of that. As you know everything went along just fine.
 Here it is almost 18 years later. We are still forced to write what century we are talking about. Were you born in the twentieth century or the twenty first ? For a number of us that is a valid question ?Take my moms' husband, he was born in 1917. If he were to write 17 you might believe he was a new born. He was born in the 17th year of the twentieth century. Many of my grandparents were born in the later part of the 19th century, none are with us today. I wonder at what point we start having the " 20 " part of the year preprinted on forms and such ? When can we assume you were born in the twenty-first century ? I was born in '53 and don't ever remember seeing 18 anything preprinted on checks, forms or questionnaires. Of course we didn't have " drop down " lists until close to the 21st century either. Don't you hate it when you have to scroll way down that list to find the year ? It's almost like these millennials are showing off ! I wonder if kids born in the first decade of the 21st century will one day start saying, I was born in aught 3. I can hear a few old folks I knew saying that  back in the day. I was born in aught 3 or we had a big snowstorm in aught 2. O2 or whatever was pronounced that way. Aught, you just don't hear that much these days.
 If we go by the statistics I should make it almost to mid-century. Being born in '53, the century should be obvious, already sounds fantastic to some of these younger folks. There is no possibility I will see the end of this century. The way things are going I'm thinking it is just as well I won't. I'll just keep on remembering the sixties. The sixties were the good times, for sure. Very little responsibility compared to any part of my life after that. I was still a teenager and therefore knew it all and believed it. There was always tomorrow, as I would live forever. Now I'm not saying things couldn't change, I could always win the lottery ! I'm not regretting a thing however. It is just the natural progression of things. I enjoy a wonderful marriage, children and grandchildren. Life has treated me well, better than I deserve, but the sixties was the time. Yes, the 1960's. With continued good fortune and a bit of luck I will be able to say to a great grandchild, I was born in '53 and the century will be obvious enough. It has been my observation that as we age we tend to measure time not in years, but in decades. 2018, not a problem, I've got a couple more years. Now 2020 ? That will sound a whole lot different. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas past

  The gifts have all been exchanged, the big day come and gone. New memories were made and old revisited. I listened to my Christmas tree as I do every year and what I heard saddened me. This is the first time I can remember that happening. Well, if one is truly listening you can never be sure of what you will hear. That is the very reason I heard what I didn't necessarily want to hear, but what the tree had to say. Contrary to what some may believe , we really don't get to write our own story, we just get to live it. But that is the blessing we all receive from a loving God, his guidance if we really listen.
 It isn't my intent to write a sermon this morning but I felt a little context was necessary, a sort of preface to this story. With each passing year we have more Christmas memories, that is just the natural order of things, and so there is more to review. This year I brought out some mementos that had been given to me by a cousin. These mementos came from my Uncle Doc and Aunt Bet, as I always called them. Betty is Mom's sister. This particular Aunt and Uncle lived just down the road from me and so I knew them quite well. Aunt Bet was unable to have children of her own and so spoiled me and my siblings. For my birthday and Christmas they always gave me " lavish " gifts. I always felt they were anyway, they were always the cool stuff. I was told their budget was a little higher than at our house because they didn't have four mouths to feed ! I can easily see the logic in that. So, anyway, I got a few mementos out  and one of them is a cigarette lighter.  Yes, Aunt and Uncle smoked, everybody did when I was a kid. What struck me about this lighter was that it was engraved. On it is Uncle Doc's initials GLR. That stands for Garnet Leonard Reney. I knew his name was Garnet but had to ask about the L. Under that is a date, 12-25-49. Christmas 1949, so it was a gift exchanged 68 years ago. There was another, the same type that had Betty engraved on it. I gave that one to my brother for him to enjoy.
 As I said Aunt Bet and Uncle Doc lived just down the road from me. They lived " down to soakhide " as it was always referred to. Their home was originally a " camp "  cabin. Uncle Docs' father Victor had built two of these camps side by side on Soak Hides road. As I heard it he rented them out to hunters during the season. These hunters would have been mostly water fowlers, going for duck or geese. Both of those houses stand to this day, although they have long since been used as year round residences and have undergone some minor renovations. Uncle Doc would have been living at his parents home in 1949. He had moved to Baltimore just before the war taking a job with the Miller bros. He was drafted and served in WW2 where he got the name, Doc. He would marry Aunt Bet on the 26 of August in 1950. He was twenty six years old. He acquired the camp house from his Dad and they moved in there. They remained together for 53 years before Aunt Bet passed. Uncle Doc survived another four years before joining her. They spent their entire married lives in that home. Someone, I don't know who, lives there still. But I have a cigarette lighter that was there for the whole story. If only it could talk. Those lighters were given as gifts the Christmas before they were married and they kept them forever. Now the one is in my care and custody. It will become a relic one day, a relic of a place and time long since gone. Truth is, it already is. That is what saddened me as I listened to the Christmas tree this year. I was sad for the passing of time, sad for those no longer here to share the memory with. Still, I will be reminded each time I see that lighter sitting on my shelf of Aunt Bet and Uncle Doc and all the wonderful memories they gave me.
This is the lighter. Pretty high tech for 1949 as you press in the side and the top pops open , striking the flint automatically. They always did have the " coolest " stuff. In fact Uncle Doc bought a 1965 Mustang in 1965 ! Aunt Bet ? Aunt Bet never did learn to drive.  
 Yeah just like Dickens wrote in a Christmas Carol I was visited. I was visited this year by the ghost of Christmas past. Well, I guess when you reach my age that is to be expected. It has been quite a year, all told. I'm still thinking about what that ghost had to say, and that, is a good thing.  

Monday, December 25, 2017

Joy to the world

 I have awoken on Christmas day ! Joy to the world ! Joyful indeed am I that I did wake up and get to enjoy this day. As I sat and listened to my Christmas tree last evening I did a sort of year in review. I have much to be thankful for. But this morning, this day, in this blog posting I wish only to say Merry Christmas to one and all. May your day be Merry and Bright, the white part isn't as important. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017


 It's Christmas eve and all that's left is the minor details. This year I have the majority of the wrapping done and am ready. I purchased a real tree this year after having taken a hiatus from that tradition for several years. I have to admit I enjoy the real tree more and I believe it is a tradition revived. Well, that is until the tree huggers or some other group decides we aren't allowed to do that anymore. They can be a fire hazard no doubt about that. I do need to repair or replace my Angel tree topper. I substituted a star this year. The star is symbolic and quite attractive but the Angel, well the Angel confirms the promise of the season. Angels we have heard on high. That is what I thought that song was about when I was little, the Angel staring down from the top of the Christmas tree. The Angel was telling me that Jesus was born ! The one my parents had was Plastic with a c-7 light bulb inside. Her wings were clear and so the light sorta illuminated them, especially when the room lights were off. It was an inspiring sight.
 Our tradition was for all of us to decorate the tree. It usually went up a week or so before the big day. The same red and green metal stand was used every year. When I was old enough I got to crawl under the tree and tighten the wing bolts. Dad would be shouting instructions, tighten the one on your left, no, your other left !  That went on for a while until it was adjusted just right. Water and  a few aspirins were put in the stand. The tree skirt was wrapped around it. It was always said,  leave it open in the back so we can add water later, but we never did. Once that was done twine was attached to stabilize that tree. Let the decorating begin !
 Each ornament was individually wrapped in tissue paper. Unwrapping then was like opening a present, it was something to be admired and a surprise every time. Oh, the bell shaped ones, or this was Grandmas' ornament, the same stories told each year. Of course the lights had to go on first and I tried to avoid that part, it was always an argument. They're too close together, they're too far in the branches, they're too far on the end of the branches and on and on. You can't put that bubble light there ! It just seemed like a hassle to me. But when it was time to hang those ornaments I was there ! After the ornaments were hung the tinsel went on. We were told to put it on one strand at a time. Carefully drape it from the end of the branches. Do not allow that tinsel to get into the lights, especially the socket part, you wanna burn the house down ? If that tinsel gets in there , that's what is gonna happen ! Heard that every year. We must have done good as the house never burnt down. I do recall one year when we didn't put that twine on the tree and yes, it fell over ! Put twine on it after that, lesson learned.
 As far as Christmas eve went we didn't have any special traditions. It was a day filled with last minute things and Mom telling us kids Santa was still watching ! It's not too late you know, he can just fly right past this house, I'll turn out the lights. So, we were extra good on Christmas eve, got that far and didn't want to take any chances at the last minute. About eight o'clock I was sent to bed. Get upstairs and go to bed and do not come down until the morning, or else ! There was no reason for you to come downstairs, none at all. And so I didn't until I woke up in the morning. It was then that I would go to the top of the stairs and look down at that tree and all the presents. I still wouldn't go down because you don't want to make Dad mad at this point, not this close. Mom and Dad were always awake anyway and would eventually say, come on down. I knew they were awake, they knew I was at the top of those stairs, and they still made we wait !
 The first thing that had to examined was the stocking. They had to be opened first. And yes, everything in that stocking was wrapped. It didn't matter if it was a pencil or a Pez dispenser, it was wrapped. That would take you ten minutes or so. An Orange was in the toe and mixed nuts. Once everyone had opened their stockings the main event began. One present handed out at a time. There was no  " ripping into " things. You will conduct yourself in a reasonable fashion please, you're not animals ! Still, as I recall, the paper was flying and excitement prevailed.
 Years later when I had children of my own these traditions were carried on by myself. Well, truth is some of them were. Everything changes over time. It all depends upon how the " parents "  choose to celebrate. When the boys were little I was most often away for Christmas as I was in the Navy then. Yes, that does modify traditions. You can't really have a tradition if you don't do it the same way every year. That is what traditions are made of after all. The truth is your traditions are what you remember. That's the way I remember Christmas eve and Christmas morning. Now I do have a tradition I carry on just for myself. It comes from something my mom told me about years ago. Mom told me to " listen to the Christmas tree. " She says she did that every Christmas eve after us kids were in bed. Dad was going  to bed and she was finished cleaning up. Just before she went in she would sit in the dark with nothing but the Christmas tree lit, and " listen. " She never told me what she heard but the first time I tried it, I understood. I heard exactly what she heard, I'm certain of it. That Christmas tree does speak to me, and I believe it speaks to each of us if we but listen. That is what Mom taught me about Christmas. So, tonight before I go to bed I will sit alone, light that tree and listen for a few minutes. I'm never certain what I will hear, but I'll be listening. This year there is no Angel on high, just a star. Will the star speak ?     

Saturday, December 23, 2017

for goodness sake

 When I was a little guy Santa Claus was magic. I knew that just as sure as I knew the sun would rise in the morning. I don't remember anyone ever telling me that exactly, but I knew it had to be. C'mon he flies around the world with eight reindeer hauling presents for every child. Not only that but he comes down the chimney. Shoot, you have any idea how much of a mess that would make ? I had helped clean out the fireplace before, trust me it's a big mess. Yes I understood all of that and it seemed far more plausible he just twinkled his nose and there he was, in the living room. That's were Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched got the idea from ! Funny how the mind of a child works isn't it ? I believed it because I wanted to believe it and it is what I was told. I saw the real Santa Claus make his appearance at the Macy's parade in New York City. There was a movie made about that and I watched it every year with Mom.
 All the other Santa's were just " helpers. " I knew that meant imposters though. Mr. Ed at the church was one of them. I heard that Mr. Brill was one too, rode on the firetruck and at least once in an airplane for the towns' Christmas parade. Mr. Brill was Jewish but I figured Santa came to their house as well. Somebody told me he did it eight nights in a row for the Jewish kids. They had to light a candle for him. That way they got a present every day. Well, the rumor was the Jewish folks were quite frugal so they wanted to make it last. Plus I was told it didn't usually happen on Christmas Eve so that freed up Santa for the rest of us. I still don't know what the Muslims do for Christmas, if anything. We didn't have any Muslims were I grew up. It was a good time to be a child. I was reminded that he can see you when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake. Why didn't I think that Mom and Dad knew that as well ? This was before we had all of this spy stuff we have today. Yeah, a baby monitor, more like a spy camera. I'm not so certain the phones these kids have today aren't the same thing. I've heard your movements can be tracked that way. I'm glad I didn't have one back then ! There would have been some explaining to do. Might get coal for Christmas too. Grandma had a coal bin at her house so that didn't seem far fetched at all.
 I grew up and had to face the truth. It was met with disappointment that much is certain. I don't remember how that all came about but I found out. I slowly watched as Santa became commercialized. Yes there is money to be made from this fairy tale and I saw it exploited to the max. All those imposters standing on the street corners asking for money. Santa started showing up everywhere. Get your picture taken with him, get a letter from him, or even have breakfast with him, all for a few bucks. It genuinely hurt my heart to see it. But then I had kids of my own and they believed in Santa. It restored the magic and all was well. Following my kids were the grandkids, and I had Santa back for a while. Not surprisingly I wrote a blog about it.  It was poignant moment when I watched my granddaughter say " goodbye " to Santa a few years back. She gave Santa a hug and wished him Merry Christmas, turned and walked away smiling. It is an image still fresh in my mind.
 The magic of Santa is contained in the hearts of children. My memories of Christmases past keep the magic alive. Santa Claus, candy and presents. Santa Claus can grant your every wish if you just obey. It's a familiar message, or at least it should be. He does see you when you're sleeping and knows when you are awake. He also knows if you been good or bad ! I believe that not because I have too, but rather because it is truth. That's the difference between a child and an adult. It's all about risk and reward. My advice is, be good, for goodness sake. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

believe it

 I wrote a short piece yesterday about paying attention. Somehow the topic of discussion wound up being Gay people. So today I wanted to take some time to explain a few things. First off I wasn't gay bashing. Now no one accused me of that but I felt it was being implied. I don't hate gay people just disagree with their choice. And yes, who you choose to have sexual relations with is a choice. Am I friends with a gay person ? None that I know of,  but then again I'm not in the habit of asking. I rarely discuss such things with friends and acquaintances as it is really none of my business. I've always felt that information should be on a need to know basis. Guess what ? I don't need to know. That is part of the reason I talk about this " coming out " stuff. If you are hiding something it is because you know it is somehow not right, or at the very least not accepted as correct in the society in which you live. Holding parades and wearing rainbow buttons will not change societies perception of your choices. Same with people hiding their drug habits, they know they shouldn't be doing that, but they are. They are exposed when it gets out of control. Building rehabilitation centers and providing recovery services isn't going to change the behavior, only prevent further usage ; hopefully. The real solution is not to use those drugs in the first place. But that is just too much to expect right ?
 I try to be as honest with people as I can be. Yes, I will tell those little white lies to avoid hurting peoples feelings unnecessarily. Your cake is wonderful, your children are very talented and no that dress doesn't make you look heavier. What I won't do is bow to pressure to say or support things that I don't. If I knew a Gay person and was asked,  I would tell them they are wrong. That's correct, in my thinking they are wrong and have some sort of mental illness. In so saying that doesn't mean I hate them or condemn them in any way. I don't hate or condemn other illnesses why would I condemn that one ? That is something for them to deal with, not me. I'd suggest abstinence. A bad choice isn't made better by choosing it ! It also isn't better if I get others to agree with it. So, like I say, I'll leave that up to the person with the problem. I expect they do feel the same way as I do, in certain regards. I do not require you to believe what I believe to be cordial to you. I do believe that my Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Yes I do. Whether you believe that is not nearly as important to me. What I'm saying is,  I don't require your belief to validate mine. That also means I won't tell you it is alright, I'll still tell you it is wrong.
 The reason for that is quite simple really, belief isn't a choice. We do not pick and choose what to believe. If you are doing that, you are insincere. Belief is something that you know in your heart to be right. How much you stand by your belief measures your character. Many people deceive themselves with their so called belief. What they are doing is justifying their choices. When making a choice contrary to what we know to be correct, we do search for an excuse. All the other kids were doing it ! And so you believed it was alight ? Was it belief that made you choose that action ? Hardly, and now you need an excuse. Have their always been Gay people ? Of course there has been but that in itself doesn't make it right. There have always been murderers too, starting with Cain, doesn't justify it though. Oh, I know Gay people aren't hurting anyone else, and you are right about that. That is the reason I just leave them alone, they are still wrong in my belief ! It is not my job to correct everything I see as wrong in the world ! I do feel an obligation to speak my truth, even when that obligation exists only to myself. In my experience every time someone tried to convince me that a wrong was right, it was still wrong. You see, I feel no need to convince you of anything at all because I believe I am right. That's how it works. So, what I'm saying is,  Gay people just quit trying to convince me that you are right. You are not ! And that is the end of the discussion. No further action needs to be taken by either of us. I do believe what we do, we do by choice.   

Thursday, December 21, 2017

paying attention

 There are times when I sit down to write about the things of my youth and gets confused. Then I wonder if it was just that I wasn't paying attention. I heard that a lot from my teachers in school, maybe they were on to something. Well, that and they were always wanting me to " buckle " down. Buckle down, what is this Little House on the Prairie ? I had those elastic straps with hooks on the end. They have since been outlawed as too dangerous. Guess I wasn't paying attention to that either. Anyway, it seems a lot of history passed by me unnoticed. More likely it passed by without me questioning it. I just took things as they happened I suppose, and in some ways I still do. History has a way of repeating itself we have all heard that, and there is much truth in it. The truth stems from the fact that people really don't change all that much generation to generation. There were bad people doing bad things back then and there are bad people doing bad things today. As to whether the things are worse today, that is all subjective. You do have to start out with the premise that there are degrees of wrong don't you ? Yes there is depending upon what society accepts as right and wrong. The only real change is in the degree of punishment. We tend toward leniency today, a mistake in my estimation. I believe that punishment is a deterrent to crime. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
 I was raised to mind my own p's and q's.  I was told that meant mind your manners and behave yourself. It could also mean don't stick your nose into other peoples' business. I'm thinking that is why I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me as much as some others may have been. I was too busy watching my p's and q's. Seemed like my p's and q's got out of control fairly easy. When that happened it was met with punishment. That's right, let those things get out of hand and you're in trouble. So, the best advice was to mind your own affairs and let others mind theirs.         Seems these days a lot of folks are not heeding that advice and sticking their noses in where it don't belong. It is a particularity easy thing to do when you are untouchable, hiding behind a keyboard. All this mass communication can lead to trouble. We have seen proof enough of that following the last election. The reason is simple enough to understand, people aren't minding their p's and q's. P's and q's are everywhere ! Time to round'em up and put'em in the corral where they belong.
 Speaking of today's world I must have missed a few memo's somewhere along the way. I mean take all this " coming out " stuff we hear about. If you were hiding something it was because you knew it was wrong in some way. That's why you hid it ! But now, you just " come out " and admit it. So, somehow,  in some fashion,  that makes it right. Just who issued that memo ? I was told I would be punished to the full extent of law ! Somewhere along the line full extent came to mean a second chance, rehabilitation and job placement services. 
 Well  I remember when there were only two sexes, that's how old I am. The latest memo says your parents can choose gender x, have that put on the birth certificate. You can then decide for yourself, later on, depending upon how you feel, or just stay an X.  I understand all this gender stuff can be confusing to some folks. Why complicate life by having to decide ?  I don't know, I was paying attention to all of that when I was a kid and still do as a matter of fact. I noticed right away that girls were different than the boys. Fact is I spent a good deal of time discovering just what that difference was. No one ever told me I had a choice ! Was it that I wasn't paying attention ? No, that's not it at all. I was paying attention, minding my p's and q's. I didn't know what other folks were doing in that regard and really didn't care. I still do and I still don't.  

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

checking the calendar

 Yesterday I was thinking about traditions and such. It was then I remembered something else that seems to be missing from the holiday season. Calendars ! That's right calendars. I was talking with Mom and she was saying how she needed to go buy a new calendar. You know being 88 she doesn't use hardly anything in the way of electronics. Every year she takes the birthdays and doctors appointments off her old calendar and transcribes them to the new. She was wondering where to go to buy one. I told her Walmart or any of the various dollar stores. That is when we began to reminisce about getting all those free calendars every year. If you are a baby boomer I'm certain you remember. Every business in town handed them out. All the salesmen handed them out as well. I know that some still do, but they are getting far and few between.
 I worked at a company that manufactured road flares some years back. I was a maintenance mechanic and worked in the machine shop. One of the suppliers would hand out those " special " calendars for the guys. All I can say is the girls didn't dress like that in any machine shop I ever worked in. I can't say with certainty the year it happened but I do remember him coming in  and handing out a calendar that just had machinery on it ! What ? Yes, his company would no longer distribute those " special ' calendars. It was the first example of political correctness I can recall. I guess on the bright side we still got a free calendar. I can remember having calendars from a lot of stores in town.  They would have various scenes on the top and be quite large. Every once in a while a business would try to change it up and hand out pocket calendars or small books. Well, getting a calendar for the new year was never an issue back then, that much is certain.
 I'm sure there are people out there that collect calendars. I kinda wished I had saved a few myself. It would be fun to look at the old ones advertising businesses that no longer exist. That calendar would be accurate every 28 years, day for day. Pretty cool huh. So, if you had a calendar from 1990 it would be fine in 2018. Where were you in 1990 ? I was here in Greensboro. Our pharmacy still gives out calendars, at least I think they do. If I had one from 1962 that would still work and I would have been 9 years old. That calendar may have said, Percy Schenck on it ! It could have been the East Hampton Lumber Company just as well, Frank Smith proprietor. Yeah, that would be kinda neat. Of course it is a long time between uses but you could adjust by year as well. It gets complicated but depending on how a leap year causes a day to be skipped the calendar will repeat every 5,6, or 11 years or 28 years in the case of a leap year itself ! I know I had to read that several times myself to understand it. Anyway, the point is you could use those calendars over again. Once you have a full collection of 28 you would never need another ! Now that would be frugal ! Especially so when those calendars are free. 
 Well whatever the case may be I will start looking for those free calendars. It will interesting to see how many are still being handed out. I'm thinking that may be becoming a thing of the past. When was the last time you got a free toaster for opening a checking account ? Or maybe you got some silverware with your last fill-up ? I do remember seeing those big old calendars hanging on the wall. I also remember the calendars that would be found in the men's room at the gas stations ! Ah, the good old days. There was one garage in particular " Peckhams " if memory serves that used those calendars for wallpaper. A boy could get a ten cent bottle of coke from the machine creating a need to use the bathroom. Then, turn the bottle back in for a two cent deposit. A bottle of coke, an education and a two cent  return. Life doesn't get much better than that. Yes sir, had to check the calendar every time I went by " Peckhams " garage, I was always on a tight schedule. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


 We all have our Christmas traditions. Funny thing is not all our traditions are the same. I suppose it really does depend upon where you were raised. I thought I knew all the traditions, but as usual, just when you think you know it all, something new crops up. You'd think I would have learned that by now too. Well, anyway I heard of this tradition twice this year. Presents from Santa Claus are not wrapped but just paced under the tree. I really hadn't heard of that before. At my house and everyone I knew all presents were wrapped. The name tag would read, from Santa so you would know that. Mom and Dad and everyone else just put their name on that tag.  Santa always brought the things that Mom and Dad told me they couldn't afford. On Christmas day, as least as I remember it, Santa did bring that bicycle or whatever. Mom and Dad always gave you clothes and a few small toys. I don't remember ever being disappointed on Christmas morning. In that excitement I always forgot about things I wanted and concentrated on what I had. That one big thing Santa never failed to deliver ? I don't remember that ever happening. I think that was the difference though. I really didn't expect to get many gifts, getting the one big one was always enough. And that, that only happened while you still believed in Santa Claus. Yes, once you knew the truth of it, the magic was gone. You understood that money didn't magically appear at Christmas to buy those gifts.
 That may sound sad but it isn't. That was because the " magic " was replaced by knowledge. At that point you understood what a person had to do in order to gift you something. They either had to give up something of their own that they really liked or buy that gift. As I said you knew that money didn't magically appear and so that meant you had to earn it. Having worked to earn that money you then had to give it up to give it to someone else. I recall it making me feel real " grown up " when I had to do that. Never mind that Mom or an Aunt hired you to do stuff and paid you an exorbitant amount, two dollars just to rake the lawn or shovel the walk depending. That is something else missing in these traditions of today, making the kids feel grown up. Yes, we were expected to grow up ! We were expected to understand certain things. First was that money didn't magically appear or grow on trees. You want something, work for it. If someone is giving you a gift they had to work for that. Accept that gift with gratitude in your heart. That is when you learned that you don't always get what you want. Sometimes you just have to settle for what you need. Oh , and just because little Billy got ten " big " gifts doesn't mean you should have. Fact is, Little Billy was spoiled and would probably come to no good !
 Well I wandered off the original topic in all of that. I started out talking about traditions. I really never heard that Santa didn't wrap his gifts. I always figured the elves did all that stuff. I admit that I never observed that Santa used the same paper as Mom or that his handwriting was just like hers. Santa was magic anyway and could anything he wanted. All throughout my childhood we put an Angel on top of the tree. I did that for many years afterward, but have now switched to a star. That was because my Angels wings got broken. Maybe I'll buy another after the season, get a bargain. Our other tradition was the stocking. We had to empty our stocking first. No opening any gifts until that was done, a sort of warmup period. I can tell you the excitement level did rise. In the toe of that stocking I would find an orange. A tradition from my Mom's childhood. Dad's stocking always had a can of Schaefer beer ! Dad usually got a carton of cigarettes too. Oh yeah, a merry little Christmas for sure. I don't remember Christmas dinner being a big deal, that stuff was for Thanksgiving. No, after opening our gifts the tradition was to play with those gifts the rest of the day, just do as you pleased. I'll always remember my Christmases fondly. They were all special to me. Yes, they were just what they were supposed to be.     

Monday, December 18, 2017

Merry Christmas

 This being the Christmas season, the birth of Christ and all that is associated with that event is at the forefront. Whether you are saying Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas makes little difference to me. When someone offers a greeting that they believe appropriate I accept that greeting. What I mean is if a Jewish person wishes me Happy Hanukkah I will return that greeting with Happy Hanukkah to you as well. That is what is reasonable and civilized folks do. Your religion does not offend me. But in our country today all that seems to be an issue.
 I would like to point out a few facts. Facts, not feelings are what should govern the nation. Fact is 81% of the population identify with a specific religion. That means Christians, Jews, Muslims or  others. Now, that is a fact. Out of that 81%, 76.5% identify as Christians. That's correct, a fact recorded by official government documents. That tells me that only 4.5 % of those saying they practice any religious belief at all are not Christians, 4.5 % ! That isn't that great a number is it ?
 Now the ones that claim no religious belief at all shouldn't be effected by what the religious folks say or do. That is why we have the separation of church and state. At least that is the intent. I would suggest that the majority of our elected officials do indeed have a religious affiliation. You do the math on the likelihood that a member of the 19% would get elected. That would be almost five persons for the Senate, but not quite, only 4 9/10 of a representative.  So, for the sake of argument we'll say 5 people total in the Senate would have no religious affiliation at all that they admit too. The non-Christians are 4.5% That is 23.85 people. We'll call it 24.
 It should be obvious by now that the Christians are by far the majority. The number is 506 total in Congress that identify as Christians. Sure seems like a majority to me. So I am left a bit confused. How is it that the minority is getting their agenda pushed forward against a clear majority ? Now according to a recent survey, study nearly 4% of the population say they are a member of the LGBTQ community. Looks to me like their " beliefs " are being unfairly represented to me. 4% of the population dictating policy ? Okay, setting that aside what about the others ? What about the 19% that says they have no religious affiliation. Are they not pressing the courts for the removal of any and all religious symbols ? Well at least Christian ones they are, I haven't seen any petitions finding the Star of David offensive to anyone. Even setting that aside or combining it with the LGBTQ bunch 76.5% of the population identify as Christians and yet, the 76.5 % are not supposed to show that in any way at all. We are not supposed to say Merry Christmas, God Bless You when someone sneezes or pray in public ! We are not supposed to have any symbols on public property either.
 How did this come to be ? It happened because we started to govern based on feelings and not facts. Fact is, we are a Christian nation. That's a fact just as sure as the world is round despite any feelings you may have to the contrary. Why do you think we swear upon the Bible ? The reason is obvious enough and really requires no explanation. Oh I know you can " affirm " instead but you still do it on a Bible. At least in a court of law you do ! Facts, not feelings. Fact is we should just take a vote. I would expect 76.5 % of the population will agree when I say, Merry Christmas ! 

Sunday, December 17, 2017


 I was watching a documentary on the ancient world yesterday afternoon. Yeah, that's what us old folks do as their is little else that interests me on television these days. I do enjoy the History channel and INSP. But anyway I was listening to these scientists talking about ice core samples and the environmental changes that have occurred. Guess what ? Around one thousand years ago there is evidence of global warming ! Yes, that's correct the record clearly shows that global warming was taking place following a mini ice age ! Well, imagine that. It happened near the end of the dark ages. They didn't offer any explanation for that, just that it happened. Where ancient aliens destroying the ozone layer with their spaceships ? We do know there wasn't a whole lot of manufacturing going on, no coal burning factories, or power generating power plants. So, I was left wondering, what caused this global warming ? Could it be just a part of a larger cycle ? Could it be that man doesn't know it all after all ? There is the possibility that the scientists are wrong also, maybe there wasn't any global warming taking place. Can we trust the ice core records ? All this carbon dating technology may be flawed in some way we don't understand. Yes, I do consider it a distinct possibility that we aren't nearly as smart as we like to believe. Hey, we admit we couldn't build a pyramid like the great pyramid of Giza. There are many other structures from the ancient world we know we couldn't duplicate today so what is that telling us ? I'm thinking we just don't know it all.
 Global warming has taken somewhat of a backseat lately. I haven't heard nearly as much about that. I haven't heard much about Greenpeace either. I expect they are still soliciting for donations. Getting folks all riled up about the environment is big business. Sorry I'm just not much of a Chicken Little when it comes to this stuff. Yes I do believe we need regulations in place to prevent those that would proceed with total disregard, but I don't believe we are destroying the earth ! Fact is, we don't really know how long the earth has even been here. There are many scholars that will debate about all of that. The oldest written record on earth dates to about 4000 BC, so that is only about six thousand years ago. We can only assume language existed before that.  How long did it take for people to figure out how to write it down ? We don't have a clue. Science says the earth is at least 4.5 billion years old. I'm not much of a mathematician but what percentage of time would that be ? That written record I mean. Six thousand over 4.5 billion is how much ? Okay I googled the answer and it is .000013 %. That is how much we know, for a fact, if we believe the written record. Ain't much is it ? But yet so many of these " learned " scholars seem to think they have all the answers. Excuse me for being skeptical. Many Biblical scholars will tell you the earth is about 50,000 years old. Using the written record that is still only about 12% of the time. It's true the Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs but only 120 animals are mentioned at all. Of course we must remember that Adam and Eve couldn't write so no first hand account exists. Maybe Moses just didn't write them all down. Could be he forgot a few that weren't around anymore. Remember there had been a flood after all and maybe the dinosaurs just weren't good swimmers. Anyway my point is, we actually know very little.
 What does any of this have to do with anything ? Not much but it is what I woke up thinking about. That's what happens when you watch documentaries, you start thinking about stuff. Global warming, a thousand years ago ? And just now this is being reported as news ? Well, color me surprised.
 Consider this. We are being told that global warming is the result of mans' activities. Mostly it is a result of the production of energy. Isn't that what they say ? Those same scientists will tell you a basic fact as well. You can not create or destroy energy. All we can do is transform that energy from one state to another. So why do they insist that " creating energy " is the source ? Shouldn't it be the transformation of energy ? Seeing as how the Bible tells me God created the heavens and the earth, he must have created energy as well. Seems logical to me. If we go changing what God has made there will be consequences. The further existence of life on earth, indeed the planet itself is up to the one who created it. Now that is something to think about. 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

An offering

 Today we place the wreaths for our Veterans. It is the official day designated by Wreaths across America. We will meet here in Greensboro at the flag pole in the towns " veterans park. " A brief ceremony will be held there as we place a wreath for each branch of the armed forces. Following that we will proceed to the cemetery where the individual wreaths will be placed. As is the tradition, when the wreath is laid that persons name is spoken out loud, followed by thank you for your service and a hand salute. I think it is a wonderful tradition and hope it continues well into the future.
 We had a little bit of snow last evening and it is quite cold out. None of that will deter me from participating. Those we are honoring today were never deterred from their duties. Those veterans defended the nation 24/7 through all types of weather. I will use this as a reminder of that. Having served in the Navy I was almost always on board a ship where the weather wasn't much of a factor. Yes, the waters got rough but we had heat, running water and three meals a day. A fairly plush existence. The same couldn't be said for the majority of the vets being recognized in Greensboro today. The Army vets far outnumber the other branches. We have vets from the Revolutionary war forward. 
 Today we like to talk about the meaning of everything. Wreaths have been used as symbols of eternal life throughout history. It is an obvious connection, a circle, unending. The use of evergreens is also symbolic and fairly obvious. Then we had the Christmas wreath and the connection to Christianity was made. Yes, it was a way for the church to include pagan rituals in the church to attract those pagans. I'm certain we have all heard and read about all of that. That has only been in recent times though. When I was a child all wreaths were Christmas wreaths if they were green and had a bow on them. I had heard that before my time the placing of a black wreath upon a door meant someone had passed away. That was when we laid out our dead in the parlor. I'm glad I didn't experience any of that. Now wreaths are associated almost exclusively with Christmas. Given the political climate we live in today I wonder how long that tradition will survive. Will these wreaths be allowed on public property much longer ? I haven't heard about anyone protesting that but I'm sure it will come about sooner or later. Well I'm not going to think about that today. Today I am honoring our veterans by the placing of a Christmas wreath. That is what I call them and always will. I have seen very few headstones that mention the persons' religious beliefs. I'm certain if I were to place a Christmas wreath on the grave of a Jew, or Muslim, or any other they will not be offended. I highly doubt if any family member would be either. I'm just saying Merry Christmas not trying to convert the deceased or the family.
 The official website of Wreaths across America call them remembrance wreaths. For the 25th year in a row a wreath will be placed on every grave at Arlington National cemetery. That is nearly 400,000 wreaths. Nearly 13,000 other cemeteries across America participate in Wreaths across America as well. It was noted that this year the goal at Arlington was only achieved at the last moment and that is a troubling sign. I hope to never see a year when the goal isn't met. Whether you choose to call them a Christmas wreath or a remembrance wreath makes no difference at all. Me, I'll remember Christmas and I'll remember their service to the nation. I will speak their name out loud and thank them all. After rendering a proper hand salute I will say Merry Christmas to them just as I do to the living.  
 Merry Christmas to them all regardless of religious affiliation or even a lack of that. Honors are offered as a gift. My gift is what I value. That is what gifts should be. I'm giving a piece of me and I'm saying Merry Christmas. The gift of Christ carries great value and importance to me. I won't just give you something because I don't want it and that is why I say that. Take it as a sign of respect that I would offer such. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

old friends, time and memories

 It is time for the mailing of the Christmas cards. Some of this has been replaced with e-mail and Facebook messenger. I predict there will come a day when the annual mailing will be no more, except for a few nostalgic old folks clinging to the past.  I admit I still haven't finished my mailings and here we are down to single digits. Yes I complain about the cost of a postage stamp but that isn't the reason for the lack of mailing. I have been procrastinating. I have received a few and so I'm thinking other folks have been dragging their feet on this also. Not that I'm expecting a certain number, but you know how it goes. I just got one from an old and dear friend that drew my attention to all of this. When I got the card there was an " inside joke " notated on the envelope. It is just a simple phrase, a moniker of sorts, that was used in jest between friends. It was that reminder of the past that sprouted this thought, some old friends are relationships stuck in time. Separated by time and distance the friendship remains as it was. It is a comforting thing.
 We call these folks old friends and that is because we have grown old. Strangely the relationship hasn't aged a bit. This is especially true with those old school chums. After we graduate from high school and go off into the world in pursuit of our dreams we leave many behind. If we don't see them, or stay in touch on a frequent basis, the relationship remains stagnant. Time and distance changes us all, that is the natural process of growth. I'll remember you as you were, not as you are. Relationships  develop and grow by shared experience. When experiences are no longer shared, growth stops. Those we choose to stay in touch with, those on those Christmas card list, are the ones were we feel the relationship hasn't reached a conclusion. The friendship remains in limbo, stuck in time.
  I do think, on a subconscious level, we leave these relationships untouched for selfish reasons. I would rather just remember you as you were. All those years ago you knew my hopes and dreams, I spoke of my expectations with the bravado of youth, All hasn't gone as I was convinced it would. I'm equally as certain that your life hasn't progressed as you imagined either. As I said earlier,  growth comes from shared experiences and I haven't shared my experiences with you. Oh, I may have shared some positive experiences with you, bragging about an accomplishment or some good fortune. I may even have shared something that hurt me deeply, like the loss of a loved one, something like that. Still, we didn't share that experience on a personal level, that can only be done in person.
 Memory and nostalgia are connected to the ethereal. I hesitate to handle such things preferring they remain as they were. As I said, a comfort. I am keenly aware that time changes us all. I am not the person I was in 1971. Those " old friends " are not the same people they were either. Our experiences have molded us, adapting us to our environments. Would I still fit into their world ? Would they fit into mine ? I wonder does the " glue " that first bound us together retain its' adhesion ? My hope is that it would. Could old memories sustain a new friendship ? I believe they could if those old memories were the foundation. If we have adhered to our core beliefs, remained true to ourselves, we really haven't changed all that much. If we were genuine then, and remain genuine today, that " glue " will still hold.  Still, I believe our memories can be a gift. You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. That is what I was told and perhaps I am just now beginning to understand the wisdom of that old idiom. There are some things best left alone, just enjoyed for what they were. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

gender neutrality

 It is like something from a science fiction movie. It appears we are trying to form a gender neutral society. Mostly though it is the men that need to be neutralized. That's the agenda I'm seeing anyway. Oh I know I'm a chauvinist or possibly a migyonist. Since these feminists found the dictionary you can't be certain what you will be called these days. But I'm getting off the subject a bit. First we had all the gay parades and such, all the " coming out " parties and celebrations. The books were rewritten proclaiming that preference was a normal thing, whereas in the past it was considered aberrant behavior. Once that was established we decided you get to decide. Yes, you can just pick a gender and identify yourself with that, biology can just take a back seat. Never mind scientific facts, we will move forward on feelings alone. Medical expertise will make the necessary modifications to our outward appearance, a perfect deceit. I just wonder what it is they feel the need to hide ? If you don't like reality, just change it ? Umm, seems that way to me anyway. But that is mostly the men right ? They are changing themselves into women at an alarming rate. All men are oversexed animals with sex the only thought on their minds. If I'm a guy that wants to attract another guy what's the best way to do that ? Change into a woman !  Women have to be constantly on their guard. If it isn't a direct physical attack, it is one by innuendo. Men have even been known to stare at women and you just know what they are thinking ! It is the only thoughts men have ! Yes, men need to be neutralized. If we could form a gender neutral society there will be no more of this harassment stuff ! Not only that we wouldn't need to " identify " as any one gender, we can just be whatever, whenever the occasion suits.
 The cosmetic industry spends 15 to 16 billion dollars a year. The average women will spend 15,000 dollars in her lifetime on cosmetics. We are only talking about cosmetics and fragrances, Clothing is another area altogether. Why do women spend so much on cosmetics ? The answer is an obvious one, to look more attractive. Fragrances are intended to attract as well. Both industries constantly advertise and hint, not so subtly, that there products are intended to increase your sex appeal ! That's right, they are designed to make you more sexually desirable. Not one of those products advertise if you use it an intellectual conversation will break out ! None advertise a meaningful relationship will develop from the use of their lip gloss. Now I'm not saying using these products is an invitation to an assault but I wonder why are so many women surprised when the products works as intended ? When the use of those products attract the " male " of the species, just as they are designed to do ? Yes, men are hunters and will follow the scent. It is an inherent biological function of the male. Occurs throughout nature. Yet the mere mention that perhaps the lady bears some responsibility for fostering this attraction is met with extreme indignation ! Yes, I spent two hours doing my makeup and hair, I sprayed an attractive scent all over my body, but I didn't intend to attract you ! I just did all that for myself, to make myself feel good about me. You know when I feel good about me ? When others are attracted to me ! What a strange concept eh ? When humans are validated by others showing an interest in them they feel good about themselves. I know, I know it is very strange. But you say, I put on my makeup, do my hair, and dress nicely for myself, to feel good about me. If that is the case why is it the first thing you do when you get home is take off your bra, put on comfy clothes, wash your face and just relax ? You don't want to feel good about yourself at home ?
 It's all very confusing. If a lady attracts unwanted attention it is the guys fault. It is never her fault. Yet if a lady gets the reputation of being standoffish, she will be labeled " frigid. " No women I have ever known wants to be called frigid. No, they want to be desirable. Still, they want the decision to remain, by invitation only. Look it is all pretty simple to me. Keep your hands to yourself ! That's what I was taught and what I practice. I was also taught to watch my mouth. Probably the reason I still do not use " salty " language around the ladies. Some of that has become blurred with all this " equality " talk. If one wishes to be treated like a lady, one should act like a lady. If you wish to be treated like one of the guys, don't be shocked and appalled when you are. Seems the only answer would be Gender Neutrality.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

telling the story

 The elephant in the room this morning is the result of the Alabama special election for a Senate seat. An amazing thing if you really consider it. It wasn't too many years ago that such an election would have had little or no attention in the national news, now very are not aware of the results. The reason this election gained such attention ? I'd say because it was " influenced " by the main stream media. Yes, the American people have been influenced ! No, it isn't the Russians this time, it is the main stream media. The candidate they wanted has apparently gained the victory, albeit by a slim margin, and all is well. Moore hasn't conceded and there will be a recount. I'm not anticipating any change in the result. It is a very rare occurrence, although it has happened. Whatever the case, congratulations to Mr. Jones for a hard fought campaign.
 As far as the elephant in the room, that concerns the perception that Moore was defeated by accusation alone. I share that view with others. I haven't seen or heard any hard evidence that this guy was/is a pedophile. I should qualify that statement by saying if you were, you still are. There is no rehabilitation for that ! True, I have heard many accusing him of such and I believe everyone should be heard. I don't believe everyone should be believed ! Substantiated evidence is required to reach a conviction. At least that is the way it is supposed to work here in America. We can not judge people based solely on the perceived credibility of the witness. To do so would require the witness to be above reproach. Who among us could meet that standard ? That is especially true in todays digital world. The mother of that child that was bullied, you saw that on the news didn't you, has been shown with a confederate flag ! There are some saying she is exploiting her child for monetary gain. See how that works ?
 For every accuser of Moore I'm certain savvy lawyers, pundits, or politicians could find some " dirt. " Anything at all to discredit the person will do. Anything they have ever posted to social media, tweeted, and in any way made public, or not public would be fair game. I've written these blog postings for over seven years now, imagine what could be written about me ! If I were someone of some importance, someone that hampered anyone in any way, those posting could be gleaned and many conclusions drawn ! See, this is what he wrote ! I don't care though, as it makes no difference in my world. If I were to run for public office however, that would be a new ball game altogether. I'm not saying he would have won had not the media added their influence, I really don't follow the Senate races in the state of Alabama. Was all of this because the Democratic party felt they couldn't win that seat unless drastic measures were taken ? Was all this a political ploy ? I can't say one way or the other. I have heard that the Dems haven't won that seat in 25 years so that scenario seems plausible enough, even more so given the climate today. I understand this guy Moore has had issues in the past. Whatever the issues were he wasn't removed from his position. Amazingly there was at least one Senator, from the Republican party, that stated if Moore had won he would vote to expel him from the Senate. Was this Senator really saying, I'll decide you can be a Senator regardless of what the voters say ! That guy lost my vote for that. He needs to be reminded that it is the people that elect officials, not other politicians to suit their own agenda.
 Anyway congratulations to Mr. Jones I wish him success. I hope he had nothing to do with all this. I suspect he will be under close scrutiny for some time. The big question is, was the election influenced ? Yes of course it was and everybody knows that. We will spend much time and words denying it however. Will the persecution of Roy Moore continue ? Well, we will have to wait and see. If all those that accused him continue in their belief that he is guilty, I can't see why it would stop. If it stops, what will that then indicate ? Wouldn't that then say, it is alright to be a pedophile as long as you are not a Senator ? Of course I wonder were all these folks were when he ran for Judge, or got appointed Judge , whatever the case was. Was it alright for him then ? Sure didn't hear anything about that. And if I am Jones how do I feel ? Do I feel like I won the election fair and square ? Did I win because of my ideas, my platform or because so many were influenced to vote against my opponent ? What I mean is, did I get the votes because the people wanted me, or because they didn't want Moore ? It isn't the same thing you know. It is like taking the broken cookie because that is all that is left.
  If I lived in Alabama would I start carrying a sign, Not My Senator ? It'll be interesting to see. There will be a recount and the results will stand. Moore can complain all he wants and in one sense be justified in that complaint. He really was found guilty in the court of public opinion. The only question there being, who offered that opinion in the first place. Was it a political maneuver ? I'd like to believe it was not,but I don't. It is one the oldest tricks in the book. Politicians have been throwing mud at each other since the very beginning. It is to be expected when money and power is at stake. It's a real shame. I find it even more disturbing when it is an accepted behavior, endorsed by the media. I heard very little journalistic efforts to counter any of that. No, instead the media just kept adding fuel to flames in an attempt to retain readership or viewership. Facts had little to do with the reporting of the " story. " That's what is has all come to hasn't it ? The " STORY " is the most important thing in journalism today. Fiction sells, facts are boring. The reason is simple enough. Facts take time to gather, analyze, verify and demand integrity. Fiction on the other hand can just be made up as you go, unrestrained  the " story " can be developed into something sensational. Hey, if it is wrong we can always say, sorry, new facts came to light. Facts like, the truth. In this case the " story " is over. We will just move on to the next big " story. " Let's see, we currently have sexual harassment, bullying, and an accused pedophile to entertain us. When we get bored we can always fall back on race relations, the poor, or how the medical system is killing us all,or global warming. Then we can crusade for the national legislation of Pot. Get everyone stoned and they will just mellow out. It'll be a cool new America dude. Not a Republic but a commune. Groovy. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Hope and expectation

 I am the youngest of four. That fact may explain why I don't remember certain things from my childhood. What I was thinking about this morning is I don't remember getting gifts for my brothers and sister at Christmas. I also don't remember if they gave me anything. Like I said maybe it's because I'm the youngest. Not that any of that matters, it is just a memory, or rather, a lack of  memory. I'm certain if I did give anything to them it would have been homemade. I certainly had no money to spend. We didn't get an allowance and money was not just handed out, you had to earn it. Whatever the case was, Christmas was all about hope, not expectations. I knew from an early age to not expect the " gift " but to be grateful for whatever you were given. And no, it wasn't a disappointment or a hardship ! That is the way life was lived back in the sixties. I hoped for many things, I'm certain of that, although I can honestly say I don't remember what. As I reminisce about that time I can also honestly say I was never disappointed. The excitement of the day always outweighed any " expectations " I may have had. I forgot about whatever it was I had to have, in favor of what I did ! Santa Claus never let me down. I can honestly say, even past Santa, I have never been disappointed.  And that is a real blessing.
 Christmas isn't about the gifts. That is what we are all taught and the truth of it undeniable. It is also undeniable that little children are more excited about Santa Claus than the birth of Christ. I do remember at the church I attended having a birthday party for Jesus and it was a highlight of the year. We had a tree in the community hall, Santa Claus arrived and every child there got a gift from him. Yes, Santa Claus handed out the gifts with your name written on it. Afterwards we all got a small box of hard candy and an orange to take home. I remember those birthday parties quite fondly and wonder if the church still does that. Oh, yes there was birthday cake too. Can't have a birthday party without cake. What a wonderful tradition and a teaching time as well.
 My oldest brother left us three years ago and so I can't ask him what he remembers. Sadly I can't remember the last Christmas we spent together. Truth is I can't recall the last time all of us kids spent Christmas morning together. I'm guessing it would have been 1963 or 64 maybe. Harold, the eldest joined the Navy when he was seventeen. That would have been in 1964. I was just eleven at the time. Brother Dan was married two years later and so no longer at home. My sister lived at home until about 1969. We were scattered to the wind as the saying goes and so never got together. Even today my sister is in Florida, my brother in Georgia and I'm in Maryland. Sure, in the movies everyone gets together and has that hallmark holiday. Reality is quite a bit different. Still I remember that Christmas is all about hope, not expectations. That is why we celebrated the birth of Jesus, his gift is hope. He gives hope to all mankind if they but believe and obey. Strange isn't it ? Santa Claus tells children to behave themselves ( obey ) all year and they will be rewarded with gifts. Jesus tells us to behave ( obey ) and we will be given eternal life. In both scenarios all we can do is our best and hope for a good result. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Just offering

 Holiday letters, do you do them ? I have never done one, that but have received a couple.  A sort of year in review. Having never tried to do that I believe it would be a struggle. Would I have a years worth of news ? No, I think it would be fairly brief, hardly an anthology, more like a shopping list. Of course that does depend upon what the I am willing to share. It's not that I have secrets, it's just that I don't share what I think of as boring news. Do you really want to read about my health issues ? I don't think so. I consider myself fortunate when I don't have dramatic or traumatic news ! When life just goes along smoothly it is a blessing. Those everyday blessings do get shared however, it is just that I post to Facebook. Yes, I do enjoy that social media platform. I enjoy it when they post my " year in review " even though they want to sell me something. It's fun to look and be reminded of the experiences. That's why I like it though, because I lived it. If I were to share that with someone that wasn't involved it wouldn't be near as entertaining. I'm thinking it is the same with those holiday letters. They wouldn't be much fun to the recipients, unless of course you were to pack them full of gossip ! Everyone loves gossip. Yes, you do. I haven't done much worthy of gossip and the people I have the " dirt " on you wouldn't know anyway, so that's no fun.
 Do you have holiday friends and family ? You know, those that get a card and maybe a brief phone call. I have a few. It isn't that I don't think of them throughout the year but I wait for an occasion. I have no explanation for that other than laziness. Yes, there are times when I am too lazy to make the effort. What does that say about me ? I'll be the first to tell you we should all make time for our friends and family. I'm certain I have written more than one blog about that very thing. It is easier to write or talk about it than to actually do it. It's that way with a lot of things. Well, I'll consider myself admonished and promise to do better in the future. I should tell you I don't do new years resolutions either. Old dogs and new tricks ? Not very likely, but possible. I do have a habit of taking life for granted. I have awoken every day for 23,521 days in row, so can you blame me ? Yes one day that streak will end and I'll begin another. The next one will be for an eternity ! I wonder if I will become complacent about that ? Maybe that is what happened to the Devil ! Hmm, something more to consider.
 About those holiday letters though, I guess my year has been pretty boring. Same old thing almost every day. I really shouldn't complain about any of that. I don't believe we are supposed to be entertained all the time. The times we are not entertained we should be productive. I admit to wasting a great deal of time on entertaining myself. Yeah, think social media and watching television those sort of diversions. Are they accomplishing anything constructive ? The majority of the time I would have to say, no. In these modern times, with all the modern conveniences, we have become lazy, complacent in life and the living of it. That's why we have " outdoor " activities. We do subconsciously miss those activities that used to keep us alive and have created " sport " to replace them. Some of us hunt, fish, kayak, ski and all those type of things. There is an element of danger in those activities, and it is that element that we crave. Others among us center their efforts on " crafting . " Crafting doesn't necessarily hold the danger element, but gives us a sense of survival. Yes, we are making these things, whatever they may be, as a replacement for survival skills long since made unnecessary by modern technology.
  I find myself preoccupied with thought. What will be my contribution ? Is a contribution necessary ? Well I think my lot is to leave an offering, more so than a contribution. Offerings may or may not be accepted. Contributions are those things people create to the betterment of man. They are the practical things, accepted and utilized by all. Offerings are everything else. Offerings are those things that are either accepted or rejected on an individual basis. I'm thinking music, art, those things labeled the humanities. Some would argue that those type of things are contributions and I can understand that. It is true if you are the one " offering " that contribution. You would want everyone to acknowledge and accept that. That action is a validation. As for me, I am making an offering. I'll leave it to others to decide if it is a contribution. I do encourage others to " try it, you'll like " it. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't. I know, who told me I was normal.
 What has all of this to do with holiday letters ? Well a holiday letter is a year in review. Even in my most momentous year I would barely have more than a few paragraphs. Guess I could just jot down a few bullets. Holiday letters are supposed to be informative aren't they ? I just don't have much to tell you about on a personal level. I wouldn't feel right telling you about anyone else, shouldn't they do that ?  I tried to envision my highlight reel for 2017. Nothing comes to mind, nothing I would consider a highlight anyway. My greatest pleasures have come from seeing the accomplishments of others. Boy, that sounds self serving now doesn't it ? Getting " likes " on Facebook doesn't qualify as a highlight but I do enjoy them. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I didn't do anything in 2017 to brag about.   

Sunday, December 10, 2017

pro and con

 In the last few years I have discussed this issue of giving gift cards. I still remain, for the most part opposed to that method of gifting. It just seems like such a cop out to me. Certainly it is convenient  and requires little effort. It is also eminently practical. It also strikes me as completely impersonal, unless of course, you can place a monetary value on sentiment. What I mean by that is, how much is it worth ? Can our love or sentimental feelings be expressed in dollars and cents ? That is my issue with the whole concept of the gift card. That being said, my granddaughter has requested gift cards for Christmas ? A sign of the times ? I'm afraid it is just that and I'm not happy about the implications, still being Grandpa, I will fulfil her wishes as best I can, its' what I do. Yes, I know I spoil her, and all my grandchildren, and that can appear as a surrender of my principles. Look, even the Grandfather in Heidi had his soft side. I'm thinking it is just the gift card itself that bothers me, I didn't mind getting cash when I was a kid ! In fact I had one aunt in particular that always gave cash, in one of those envelopes from the bank that exposed the face of the president. I think the bank provided them free of charge back then. I don't know if they still do that, probably not. When was the last time you got a free toaster for opening a checking account ? But, I'm wandering a bit here. I don't have any of that money today but I do remember the aunt that gave it. Mission accomplished ? Yes, Aunt Minnie is memorable for her wealth, and little else, as I seldom saw her. Holiday relative, if you know what I mean. She was my fathers great aunt, but they traveled in different circles entirely. None of this is meant to disparage her in any way, it just the truth of the matter. I still hold a degree of affection for her, she was also generous and kind. She had no children of her own, whatever the reason was, and so had little experience. She gave myself and my siblings shrimp to eat and fancy crackers. She talked to us of current events and such. There were no toys at her house, all was neat and orderly. Aunt Minnie would have embraced gift cards, of that I am certain. Oh, by the way, my sister was named after her. Her real name was Mildred but she went by Minnie, perhaps a nod to her humble beginnings in life. Aunt Minnie married well as the saying goes.
 Now this idea of gift cards bothers me a bit simply because the monetary value is, of necessity, exposed.  That's not to say any gift I  purchase couldn't easily be researched ( googled ) and the price known instantly. I just don't think anyone would do that, I mean, to what end ? Selling it on ebay maybe ? Well, whatever, I just don't like that. I was talking about this with my sister, yes the one named after aunt Minnie, as she is contemplating gifts cards as well. As we chatted she asked what value amount I thought appropriate. I had to answer with, it depends upon the person. The reason isn't what you think though. The reason has nothing to do with how much or how little you value that person as a friend, relative or close family member. No, the value of the card has to be appropriate to the age of the person receiving it. Well that is, if you want to make an impression it does. You see value amounts are not what you see on the face of the bill or in this case, card. It really depends upon the generation you are talking about. Being a baby boomer a hundred bucks is still a good amount of money to me. If someone gave me a hundred I take that as very generous. If I were to give my granddaughter a hundred dollars she wouldn't be nearly as impressed. To her, that's a pair of shoes. She what I mean ? It is also dependent upon where the person was raised and their situation growing up. My brother only recently left Long Island, living in the Hamptons. When he moved to Florida he thought the housing was cheap, groceries were cheap and all of that. Then he applied for a job and found out the wages were equally as cheap ! It is all relative. Still to him, paying fifty dollars for lunch doesn't seem unusual but let me tell you in Greensboro Maryland that is extravagant ! All relative you see, by age, location and lifestyle. That is how you would have to buy gift cards. Might just as well buy the gift and put all that effort into selecting something yourself. I'd rather be thought of as giving terrible gifts than being cheap ! Yeah, I know it isn't how much the gift cost it is the thought that counts. I don't what to be thought of as cheap.
 I still haven't convinced myself it is alright to give gift cards. That is what this writing and discussing is all about. I keep trying to justify it. It is what they really want, I don't know what to buy them and all of the other arguments in the " pro " column. I just can't get past the " cons. " Fact is I think the whole thing is a con. I'm conning myself into doing something I oppose ! I am relenting to pressure. The pressure is, give'em what they want. The one item in the " con " column is that act of selecting the gift itself. You have to know the person, having been attentive to them throughout the year , to know what to buy. It requires thought. Yes, effort is required and it is through that effort that you can show your affection for that person. The proper gift will surprise and delight them because it is something that they either wanted or didn't know they needed. That is the magic in Christmas gifts. That is why the monetary value should be unimportant. That is why gift cards are just wrong. And so there it is, the cold hard truth. Excuse me while I go purchase those gift cards for the grandkids. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017


 The grasp of the obvious. It is something that I am continually amazed by. I listen to our politicians making speeches and they do nothing but state the obvious. I listen to these scholars, people of letters and advanced degrees, and they state the obvious. That amazement comes from their apparent surprise at the obvious ! Yes, people are different from each other. People do harbor prejudice dependent upon their station in this world. I know, it's a revelation. Imagine that if you can. I have listened as the conversation went from race to gender to sexual preferences to gender identity and we have arrived at harassment ! All those things are wrong ! There, now you know, the obvious has been stated, parades have been held to celebrate it, and legislative proceedings initiated to recognize it. That's what we do with all this progressive, liberal thinking and social growth. We state the obvious problems but never, ever, can we discuss the real underlining causes of these behaviors. Why that would just be rude and possibly ; offensive ! We mustn't offend at all costs. Being offensive is the worst thing you can do. The truth often offends so we will avoid that , instead we just state the obvious.
 It has been determined the best course of action is to assure whomever is offended that they are a victim. We will apologize, make sure they know we understand their pain, and state the obvious once again. Whatever has happened to these folks is not their fault. They bare no responsibility at all. In fact we should provide them with the " tools " they need to succeed. The " tools " of course must be provided free of charge. The " tools " will be specifically modified to ensure the desired result no matter how inept the user may be. Awards and accolades will follow. These folks will be held up as examples. The obvious will have been bourn out. If you give people whatever they want, they become compliant. Yes, it's true. Tell people they are victims, give them reparations and glorify their " success. " It's a wonderful formula, works every time. Well, it works for a little while. You do have to keep on giving. Just keep on bending reality, until reality is obscured by the obvious.
 Well I would like to point out the obvious . You can't please all the people all the time. Remember being told that ?  Still I watch as progress is being made, there are those that complain about that. The big problem ? Making a decision. Yes, we shouldn't actually decide upon a course of action and stick with that. Change is the only way ! It has become the battle cry of the liberal thinker.
 If you think anything differently consider this tidbit of news. There has been male and female throughout millennia , seems obvious enough doesn't it ? Not so fast there, gender " X " is now being proposed. It's true , check it out. Washington state is considering this as an option on a birth certificate. Don't want to go labeling someone. They can change it,  change it to whatever they identify as, who knows, by the age of majority there could be another choice. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it ? Not to some it doesn't and that is scary. Scarier still is our legislators are considering that option at all ! Something that should be obvious, is not. The reason for that is obvious though, wouldn't want to offend anyone. I'll go out on the limb here, there are males and females. There is no other choice. Never has been, never will be. It's just science folks !
 All these folks stating the obvious. It's very puzzling to me. How can you state the obvious, while ignoring it. Ignore whatever may offend others, legislate what does offend you. I find something offensive so you will legislate that offense so that it will no longer be offensive ? Huh ? Exactly. If its' the law, it can't be offensive ! If all of this doesn't make sense to you don't be surprised. I'm not sure I know what I am saying either. I'm just pointing out the obvious. Some people are just idiots ! Some of those idiots are politicians, scholars and entertainers.  

Friday, December 8, 2017

legislating biology

 It's an inquisition without the religion ! I'll probably be called a chauvinist, or a number of other names for this opinion, but that is exactly what it is starting to look like to me. Accusations are made, an investigation based on hearsay and innuendo is launched, and the person is found guilty. Only difference between the inquisition and what's happening right now is you can resign your position. If you resign and apologize you can avoid further persecution. Better still, you can check into a  rehabilitation center. Perhaps it is an addiction, addiction is never your fault so that's excusable. Kinda like receiving absolution. In both instances if you pay the fee, you're forgiven.
 Let's just calm down and take a good look at what the problem is. At this particular moment in time it's sexual harassment. Of course, only guys sexually harass anyone so guys are the root of the problem. Guys get power or fame and use that to intimidate, harass, and coerce the female workers around them. That's what they do !  The only solution is to get rid of the men. If they were all replaced with women none of this would happen. Well, I guess it is alright if they are gay guys, hey, they use the same bathroom as the girls and so are in the loop. Gay guys are alright, they're sensitive and caring. I'm not sure where the transsexual or gender neutral person would fit into all of this. But whatever the case, it's the guys that are the problem here. It doesn't matter how the women dress, what subtle messages they may send, no matter how coy they may act, none of that matters at all. Just putting bait on the hook shouldn't cause anyone to bite ! Even better is baiting the hook, getting a catch and waiting forty years or more to reel it in ! There is even a movement for that action, #me too.
 Now I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm not saying any of that is excusable. What I am saying is why, all at once, is it such a shock ! Why after all these years, and this interaction between men and women has been going on since, well, since people have had sexual urges, a biological function of all mammals, animals, plants and fish and fowl. Well, as Clarence Carter wrote in a song many years ago, " everything that has got life in it likes to make love." And now, in 2017, it's a big problem ! It's an assault ! Yes, just speaking in an inappropriate fashion is an assault. What I don't understand is how are we going to define a violation. During the inquisition it was easier, just interpret what was written in the Bible. If you didn't believe in the Bible you were guilty. If you believed in the Bible and begged for forgiveness, you were guilty. If you begged for forgiveness but could provide some information to bring down a bigger fish than yourself, absolution could be granted ! You went free, for a price. I hear quite a few people have been getting paid to remain silent, absolution was at hand.
 Yes and now Time magazine is placing four women on their cover declaring them " the silent ones. " They represent all the women that have suffered in silence as they were sexually harassed. Will all men have to pay reparations ? OMG, Women's lives Matter ! The women heading this movement up have been known to parade in the streets wearing a replica of their genitals as a hat ! They advocate for unbridled sex. I have to pay for their contraceptives, health screenings and abortions, if that is what they want. I should only agree to participate in this sex if I am first invited to do so, no advancement on my part is acceptable, no matter how slight. Soon a written agreement will be required to protect yourself from accusations.
 There is one thing that bothers me about this " silent ones " thing. Are they being recognized for not saying anything ? Are they the heroines of inaction ? Oh, I understand the rhetoric associated with this. Beaten, oppressed, and scared, these women suffered in silence. They were, after all, just women. But wait a minute, didn't you just tell me women were as strong as men. Didn't you just tell me women were equals ? Well, if all of that is so why didn't these " silent ones " speak up ? They were scared and so now we will give them a medal ! Yes, real heroines I'd say. Want a heroine, try Joan of Arc. There are many other examples of genuine heroines throughout history.
 Look what we are talking about here is human interaction. Males have pursued females since the beginning. Regardless of any social changes in that regard, the majority of males are attracted to females. Gasp, isn't that a revelation. There are guys that are, for lack of a better term, wolves. Yeah, some guys are like that, whereas the ladies were called promiscuous. In more modern terms, dogs and sluts ! Whatever the label, men are attracted to women. I know, I know, it is a shocker alright. This must be stopped ! Why it is just, immoral ! And there you have it, men are taking actions contrary to moral and ethical standards ! This requires an inquisition ! Only a cleansing by fire will do !  We will erase this vile, base, desire of men to say unwanted things to ladies, and in some cases actually touch them ! It is an assault on what ? Moral and virtuous behavior, that's what, but we can't base it on religious beliefs. It requires legislation.
 Could any of this have to do with getting the upper hand ? Call me cynical but it looks like the perfect timing for a power grab. If I can just fling accusations, without any proof at all, hoping they stick why shouldn't I ? It is what we do these days. Find an excuse, er, reason and level accusations, and then demand reparations. Pick your category. Are you a minority ? Maybe you're skin color is different, maybe you enjoy aberrant behaviors, maybe you just want to use the girls locker room ! If you are not allowed to do so you are being oppressed ! If you are a female and work for a male. He's a predator and guilty of assault. The proof ? Well he did say I looked good, or asked me for a date. I felt uncomfortable around him. He's guilty ! You know what the best role in our society today is ? Victim ! Yes that's it. If I can show how I have been the victim and someone survived that I am a hero ! I don't have to actually do a thing, just be the victim. The victim gets the reward !!