Monday, December 18, 2017

Merry Christmas

 This being the Christmas season, the birth of Christ and all that is associated with that event is at the forefront. Whether you are saying Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas makes little difference to me. When someone offers a greeting that they believe appropriate I accept that greeting. What I mean is if a Jewish person wishes me Happy Hanukkah I will return that greeting with Happy Hanukkah to you as well. That is what is reasonable and civilized folks do. Your religion does not offend me. But in our country today all that seems to be an issue.
 I would like to point out a few facts. Facts, not feelings are what should govern the nation. Fact is 81% of the population identify with a specific religion. That means Christians, Jews, Muslims or  others. Now, that is a fact. Out of that 81%, 76.5% identify as Christians. That's correct, a fact recorded by official government documents. That tells me that only 4.5 % of those saying they practice any religious belief at all are not Christians, 4.5 % ! That isn't that great a number is it ?
 Now the ones that claim no religious belief at all shouldn't be effected by what the religious folks say or do. That is why we have the separation of church and state. At least that is the intent. I would suggest that the majority of our elected officials do indeed have a religious affiliation. You do the math on the likelihood that a member of the 19% would get elected. That would be almost five persons for the Senate, but not quite, only 4 9/10 of a representative.  So, for the sake of argument we'll say 5 people total in the Senate would have no religious affiliation at all that they admit too. The non-Christians are 4.5% That is 23.85 people. We'll call it 24.
 It should be obvious by now that the Christians are by far the majority. The number is 506 total in Congress that identify as Christians. Sure seems like a majority to me. So I am left a bit confused. How is it that the minority is getting their agenda pushed forward against a clear majority ? Now according to a recent survey, study nearly 4% of the population say they are a member of the LGBTQ community. Looks to me like their " beliefs " are being unfairly represented to me. 4% of the population dictating policy ? Okay, setting that aside what about the others ? What about the 19% that says they have no religious affiliation. Are they not pressing the courts for the removal of any and all religious symbols ? Well at least Christian ones they are, I haven't seen any petitions finding the Star of David offensive to anyone. Even setting that aside or combining it with the LGBTQ bunch 76.5% of the population identify as Christians and yet, the 76.5 % are not supposed to show that in any way at all. We are not supposed to say Merry Christmas, God Bless You when someone sneezes or pray in public ! We are not supposed to have any symbols on public property either.
 How did this come to be ? It happened because we started to govern based on feelings and not facts. Fact is, we are a Christian nation. That's a fact just as sure as the world is round despite any feelings you may have to the contrary. Why do you think we swear upon the Bible ? The reason is obvious enough and really requires no explanation. Oh I know you can " affirm " instead but you still do it on a Bible. At least in a court of law you do ! Facts, not feelings. Fact is we should just take a vote. I would expect 76.5 % of the population will agree when I say, Merry Christmas ! 

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