Friday, February 28, 2014

A couple things

It is the last day of February. The march winds have already begun to blow here in Greensboro. Those same March winds are supposed to blow old man winter away. Well, I hope so, so far he ain't a goin' nowhere. It is 12 degrees this morning. According to the forecasters there is little relief in sight from this cold. More talk of a polar vortex. Call it what you will, it is cold weather !
Next Tuesday is shrove tuesday. Seems like it should be warmer but those pancakes will taste great on a cold day. Lent begins on Wednesday. I was surprised to learn how many of our younger people do not know about those traditions. I guess they are not being taught those things at home or in school anymore. Probably not politically correct or maybe offensive to some. I don't understand it. It is a definite shift in social conscience. One I'm afraid is not for the better. I mean, let's face it, even the pretense of acknowledging God, is preferable to just ignoring him altogether. Ah, the times they are a'changin'.
On the news I see where Spike Lee made some big rant about a process called " gentrification. " Had to look that one up. He was opposed ! In a foul mouthed,obscenity laden rant he complained about how his old neighborhood had been improved by the white folks ! He didn't say way he no longer lived there himself and chooses to live in a 32 million dollar mansion elsewhere. Maybe he is championing reverse Gentrification. I don't know. I do wonder why people put so much stock in what celebrities say. I would say he is a competent filmmaker but what does that have to do with gentrification ? Being a filmmaker does not bestow you with all the answers to the problems of urban blight.
I have been taking a course on the constitution. Very interesting. I just learned an interesting fact about the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments all restrict the powers of Congress, ie: guarantee our rights. The other seventeen bestow more authority to Congress, taking away some of the power of the people. Something to think about. I wonder why the Government seems to be getting more intrusive ? Just something to consider.
So, let the March winds blow and get rid of old man winter. April showers await and the flowers that bloom in May. Something happens in June too but I don't remember that part of the song. Bluebirds singing ? I'll take it.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Acceptance,tolerance or oppression

I think we must come to terms with a simple fact. Man cannot in his finite universe understand or explain the infinite. Think about it. Can you really understand the infinite space of the universe ? No, you can't, nor can I. We even divide that infinite space into galaxies in an attempt to make it fit our finite minds. The beginning of one galaxie and the beginning of another ? Perhaps each galaxy is a molecule making a whole. A whole what ? It is an exercise in futility.
We also need to come to understand that there are certain universal laws. They have been labeled over the years, the most popular being, " natural law. " These laws although very difficult to delineate cause much harm and upheaval in society when violated. They are basic to co existence with our fellow man. These laws are intuitive to man. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is about as succinct as it gets. Defining that is the struggle of man. There are variables. What is acceptable in a society depends largely upon the values of that society. The " natural laws " always apply but societal acceptance of behaviors vary widely.
Is it feasible to define the values of a society ? That depends upon the definition of society. All the groups and subgroups could be considered a society. That is why certain clubs sometimes call themselves societies. The society I speak of is The United States of America. Is it feasible to state the values of this society ? I would have to say it is not. The best that can be hoped for is tolerance. Tolerance does not mean acceptance however. Tolerance also does not mean the imposition of your beliefs upon the society in general. And therein lies the difficulty.
The United States of America, as a society, was formed during the " Enlightenment Era. " There were Christians and some say Deists that wrote the founding documents. Religious freedom was of prime importance. Interestingly little was said about religion however. It was to be kept separate from Government. The values contained within any one particular religion was not to have preference over any other. At the time of the writing, Christianity was the predominate religion in this nation. The term religion was used interchangeably with denomination. The founding documents do not say that the values, as expressed by Christian doctrine, were not to be recognized in the application of law.
There is a flaw with the enlightened way of thinking. If we are going to base our decisions solely on what can be observed and tested by man, the scientific method, what do we do with the unexplainable. What about those natural laws ? Do we legislate contrary to them ? To do so will cause a great deal of unrest. To legislate in accordance with those natural laws is certainly the wise way to go. For surely if anything is to be learned from history it is this, rebellion against a government ( society ) occurs when the people of that society feel their " natural laws " have been violated. When forced " acceptance " becomes oppression !
This is the struggle I see going on today. I have read about this same struggle in my history books. The players were different, the issues may have seemed very different but they were not. The central issue has always been the same. To live free. Governments are instituted among men in order to promote harmonious relations. This Republic of ours is little different in that regard. As I watch the news I am reminded of that famous quote from Benjamin Franklin. " A republic if you can but keep it. "
Can you base a set of " laws " on principles which cannot be defined ? These principles could also be called " religious values ". It is those " religious values " whether you choose to label them as such or not, that motivate a society to harmony or dissent. Acceptance, tolerance or oppression ? Depends upon those " natural laws " does it not ? I think so.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On the World Tour

Last evening I went to see the Harlem Globetrotters. Well, my granddaughters dance troupe was invited to perform at halftime so I really went to see that, the globetrotters just happened to be there. It was the first time I have ever seen the Harlem Globetrotters live. I remember seeing them on television when I was much younger. There fame was much greater then. I even remember the name of one of them, Curly Neil, the bald guy. There were no familiar names last evening. They even have a young lady on the team. Her name was " tea " something. They did warm up to Sweet Georgia Brown and did the signature " water " in the bucket bit. Still  funny stuff after all these years.The told the crowd they have been in existence for 88 years. They are sponsored by Pistachio nuts and support a group called World Vision. A portion of the proceeds from there 2014 " World Tour " goes to that organization. Very commendable.
This being my first attendance at a live Globetrotter event I really have no basis for comparison.While I found it entertaining, it wasn't hilarious. I got a few good laughs and a few surprises. I must say I did leave a little disappointed. I can't explain what I was really expecting, but it didn't measure up. The players didn't seem to be as skilled as I would have thought they should be. Their ball handling was certainly impressive but the shooting seemed average. The opposing team, I was expecting the Washington Generals, were called the All Stars. Maybe that somehow added to the disappointment I feel. The overall attendance didn't seem to be that many. I have no ability to guess the number of people there, but there more empty seats than full ones.
The half time show was, of course, the highlight of the evening for me. My granddaughter and her dance troupe performed one number. It did seem special to just know she played the halftime show for the Harlem Globetrotters ! Pretty cool stuff. That also leads me to believe the Globetrotters have lost some of their star appeal. I wonder if the act has become " stale. " One young lady I work with said she had never even heard of them. I found that puzzling. How could you live in America and never had heard of the Globetrotters ? I guess that fact alone says something.
Irregardless of any of that I can always say, my granddaughter did the halftime show for the Harlem Globetrotters ! It was at the Wicomico Civic center on February 25,2014. A date to write in the books. I saved my ticket and will give it to her one day. I'm thinking she will not keep hers. You know how you don't really think about that stuff till years later. It will look good in her scrapbook one day. So I can say I have seen the Globetrotters live. Watching them on a black and white television, lying on the living room floor, I never expected to see them in person. And to think my own Granddaughter performed at their show ? Would never have thought of that. Something, isn't it. You could say she was part of the 2014 Harlem Globetrotters World Tour !
My " STAR "

The World Famous Harlem Globetrotters

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

bobby socks to stockings

At the grocery store we also get what the business calls, HBA stuff. I've never asked what that means exactly but it is the non grocery things. Things like medicines and cleaning products. I was unpacking some of this material yesterday when I noticed it was cards full of bobby pins. Now I never had girls of my own but I know what bobby pins are. I didn't know whether the girls today even used those things anymore. My wife tells me my granddaughter does. At any rate, as I was holding those pins I said to a co worker they reminded me of an old song. I sang ( sorta ) when a girl goes from bobby socks to stockings. The manager of the store, a lady of my generation, laughed and remarked she remembered that song well. The cashier, a girl much younger, asked, " what are bobby socks ? " We both laughed and I told her you wore them with your saddle shoes and poodle skirt. Needless to say that explanation didn't explain a thing. Chuckling the manager says, I wonder if they still make stockings ? After a little discussion it was decided that panty hose and knee highs had more of less replaced real stockings. They could be had at specialty shops.
This conversation led to a little bit of reminiscing. The idea that a girl went from bobby sox to stockings implied she had grown up. She was now a woman and dressed like a woman. That was in the time when the girls wore skirts and dresses. Only the most progressive, or the very rebellious, would be seen in slacks or jeans. I remember as a young guy all the ladies wore a dress. My mother had what she called a house dress and would change out of that to another dress when leaving the house. At some point Mom did start wearing slacks. Very progressive and I remember Grandma not thinking much about that. Now I see the moms in the store wearing yoga pants ! Scandalous. In my day Moms were a bit more,shall we say demure, and not quite so, um, provocative.
There was an older lady that used to shop at my store. I haven't seen her in a while and hope that she is well. She always came well dressed and her hair coiffed. Coiffed is the only way I can describe her hair. She wore one of those pill box hats with the netting on it, neatly pinned and placed just right. A long dress, stockings and shoes with short block like heels. With her long overcoat and gloves she struck quite a sight of elegance. The last of a generation. A real lady.
I do wonder just what style the ladies of today will be adopting in years to come. When reaching into your sixties and beyond I do not think Yoga pants,high heeled boots and clingy materials are going to work for them. Skinny jeans may not present the most appealing of pictures. Sorry about that, just sayin'. Just like I think long hair on an old guy looks pretty ridiculous. Bald on top and long gray strands on the side. Muscle shirts and tight jeans don't work so well either. So it is not just a gender thing. It is just that there was a time when we grew up and adopted the style of being grown up. Stockings for the ladies and perhaps suits for the guys. Time and style change. The current trend of tattoos, body piercings, and clothing choices should make for interesting sights at the rest home in years to come. I would say, rock on, but I don't think the kids are rockin' anymore. I'm not sure what they are doing. The current generation doesn't seem to have a theme, if that is a description of what we did. Last thing I heard about was being " Goth " but I don't think that caught on. Is there a time when they go from yoga pants to dress slacks ? From tee shirts to blouses ? I do think adjustments are going to have to be made. Call it growing up or just being practical. We all have to do both at some point.

Monday, February 24, 2014

And Justice for all

In some online discussions I have been asked  what I thought justice was / is. It would seem an easy question to answer. In composing this response I have discovered the opposite is true. Justice is a difficult thing to explain. I looked online for an appropriate definition and found several views. One said, " Justice is achieved when an unjust act has been redressed and the victim feels whole again. " In thinking about that I concluded that the attainment of Justice would then be dependent upon the victim. If justice can only be achieved when the victim feels whole again, would not that feeling be subjective ? The victim harboring any resentment from the wrong committed against them would never feel that justice had been served. Another statement on Justice says, " Justice gives closure to society in that it allows the citizens to move forward,feeling they are safe. " Again it seems that justice would then be dependant upon the ( citizens ) victim. Closure must come from the wronged.
Justice, it would seem to me, means equality. To be treated in an equal fashion under the law, or in society. Justice is served when the victim has been recognized to be equal. I think that is what is meant in the Pledge of Allegiance when we say, with Liberty and Justice for all. Liberty being freedom and justice meaning we are all equal under the law.
We seek justice ( equality ) when we have been wronged. Just what is it we want ? I think that varies with the individual. Is it justice we want, or retribution ? What is retribution ? The dictionary says it is, " retributive Justice, a theory of Justice that considers propionate punishment an acceptable response to crime. "  That implies an eye for an eye does it not ? An equal exchange of injury. Again Justice is equality in that theory.
I do think we often confuse Justice with Vengeance. Justice is aimed only at the wrong and is not a personal thing. Justice seeks an equality. Vengeance however is quite personal and demands quite a bit more. The only thing the two have in common is the only way they can be satisfied is by the injured. The one who is wronged must be satisfied.
I am left with deciding just what is justice ? Is equality the sole measure of justice ? As long as I am left dissatisfied justice has not been served. That leaves another question, can justice be achieved ? It would appear that justice is a personal decision. Justice can be administered, but not guaranteed. Just as a physician administers a healing process the results may be less than satisfactory.
Can justice be obtained for the wrongs of the past ? Not if justice is solely based upon equality. If would seem to me a measure of forgiveness, from the injured party, is necessary for the complete application of justice to be successful. A complete redress of the wrong requires the cooperation of both parties. The one that committed the wrong must be willing to accept responsibility for their actions and the injured must be willing to extend a measure of forgiveness. Those are the components of justice.
I would then conclude that Justice is a cooperative venture. Justice can be offered, but relies solely on being received. Justice is only achieved when a balance has been reached. A propionate exchange between the wrongdoer and the wronged.  

Olympic Dreams

The Olympic are over. If I was asked about these winter games I would have to say,disappointing. I am not disappointed with the medal count, but the overall event. I admit to not watching every minute of coverage, in fact, I watched very little. The winter games are not as appealing to me as the summer games. It is just all the negative things I heard about during the games.
First it was in Sochi, Russia. All I heard was how unsafe the place was and how the village was not ready. I saw pictures of unfinished hotels and two toilets to a stall. I heard they were shooting dogs. I heard how the Russians had displaced thousands of their citizens to even build the place.
Secondly I began hearing about the venues. Shaun White removed himself from an event, citing it was unsafe. I heard many other athletes complaining about the conditions. After the events began I started hearing more complaints. Complaints about the judging. I heard complaints from the athletes, trainers,coaches and even the judges themselves. That is where the real disappointment for me, comes into play.
I know it is a bit idealistic but I think of the Olympic games as a gathering of Nations. We come together in the spirit of competition. Politics aside, a temporary truce on the world stage as it were. That is what I was always told and I can not help but say this one was a huge disappointment in that regard. I heard more bickering, like kids on the playground, in my short time viewing, than I have ever heard in the past.
The whole event was overshadowed by the events in Ukraine. There athletes left the games and black banners were in evidence. That is not the fault of the Russian government, it would not be fair to blame them. What their actions now, in the aftermath, I let the world community judge. I also saw the Russian police beating those girls protesting with horse whips. That is what the news reported,complete with video footage. That was disappointing. It was reported that it cost an amazing 51 Billion dollars to put on these games. Maybe it is time, time to rethink this whole Olympic thing. Perhaps we should apply that 51 Billion dollars toward world hunger or world peace. Now that is an idealistic dream for sure, but a pleasant dream nevertheless. Instead of coming together to compete maybe we should come together to cooperate with each other. That is an Olympic Dream !

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Finishing Up

I finished a small project I have had in mind for some time. I had even written a blog about doing this project and was surprised to learn that I had written that in October of 2011 ! Guess you could say I didn't rush into it. To tell the truth though, I started it a while back and for various reasons it wound up lying on the workbench. I'm no different from most of us, I am easily distracted. Excuses are far easier to come by than ambition, in my case, even when it is something I want for myself.
I would rather do a project start to to finish uninterrupted. For me, things get done that way, any pause and it might not get restarted for a while. Doesn't take much of a break to have things come to a complete halt. If things are not going the way I thought they would, or I discover some other flaw, I might stop. I do tend to look for reasons to not continue, valid excuses in my mind, but often nothing more than an excuse. How about you ? Do you start a project and stay at it ? Or do you do your projects in starts and fits ? Do you require specific conditions and equipment/tools ?
I have always found myself wanting a proper workshop. A workshop with all the equipment a man could want or need. My interests vary widely and I have some skills in just about every trade. A complete shop for me would have to include woodworking,metalworking,electrical and automotive equipment. Oh, I also need a " study ". A place to write my poetry and the great American novel. A study with a fireplace and a bay window overlooking the bay should suffice. Ok, maybe just a wood stove would do, but the bay window is essential. I could make do with a Lighthouse though, that would make a good study, on a private island.
In my home, growing up, if you wanted something you either built it, repaired an old one, or went without. I had used boats,motors and lawn mowers. All repaired. We had push carts, all made by ourselves and tree houses. Dad could fix just about anything and taught us kids to do the same. All this carries over to this day. I would still rather build it or repair it myself. I grew up with the mantra, " if you want it done right,do it yourself. " I have never really thought of it as crafting, we called it making do.
As I sit here admiring my latest completed project I wonder why ? I wonder why I don't finish more of what I start or dream about ? Why do I look for those excuses ? I think it is because I have got a little bit of that attitude of, I want it now. That attitude is becoming more prevalent throughout society.Patience, that is what is required. It is also one of my shortcomings. I am not a very patient person.
I am pleased that I finished this little project. A sense of accomplishment is always a wonderful thing. Still, it nags at me that I could have done it better. If I had had a bigger shop, more tools and materials. If I only had ? There is a part of me that feels like everything I do is being judged. Judged by others and I don't want poor grades ! Funny, I didn't really have that attitude in High School. I was really only concerned with passing. But I guess that is a good thing in an offhand way. If I had tried for the best possible grade I could have gotten in school, I probably wouldn't have finished at all. Probably would have found some excuse to put it off. Life is strange sometimes. Now I've got this other little project in mind, maybe I'll start it. Well I had better think about it for a little while, it doesn't pay to just rush in.


I made this " boat shelf " to display my Bow Light. I wrote the blog about it on Sunday October 16,2011. I finished it on Saturday February 22, 2014. Don't want to rush things.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Worth the risk

I do wonder why if a citizen of this country of ours actively pursues their civic duty they may be labeled. The labels may include, troublemaker,upstart,activist or just a plain pain in the derriere. Seldom, if any, are they called a Patriot. Patriot seems to be reserved for those serving in the military. The dictionary defines a patriot as " a person that vigorously supports his country and its' way of life. " Sounds a lot like a person that takes an interest in the running of government. Should groups form in support they are often labeled too. Why is it the connotations attached to these groups are usually viewed negatively ? Think groups like the Tea Party.
Our form of government,as I often point out, is a constitutional republic. Being a republic that means ruled by the people. from the latin, res publica. We elect our representatives to act on our behalf. The curious part of this is when we ( the people ) attend government meetings and begin to interject ourselves into the discussion we start getting these labels. Our representatives often brush us aside or at best listen with detached indifference. Their attitude often becoming one of, I'll make the decision here. That could not be farther from their true function. Remember they are your representative !
In recent years there is even a hint that government agencies are spying upon the public. Those in power using the resources, provided by us, against the people for political advantage. Okay, so we all know the government has been doing this for many years. It really is no secret. There is no denying that power and money are at work here. This was foretold by the founding fathers in there writings and other documents. Truth of it is, it has been so since the establishment of the first government. The morality of man is not infallible..
I find it strange that those acting in a patriotic fashion, doing their civic duty by participating in government, are not looked upon with favor. Talk to just about anyone and they have an opinion. Most will expound upon what the government is doing wrong. Why do these people not understand that they are the government ? Why do they not understand it is their duty to make their wishes known ? How have we arrived at this point where the majority of the people feel their only obligation is to vote ? How many even know who their representative is ? In this age of email and social media contacting your representative is as easy as it has ever been in history. We are the Government. If we want change we must make it known. We must insist upon it.
I think we need to change our thinking a bit. Those participating, those attending meetings and writing to their representatives should be commended. They are patriots in the truest sense. The support of our country and establishing or reaffirming its' values is the responsibility of the people. The old adage, if you don't vote, don't complain applies. I would add if you don't participate actively don't complain either. The reality is because of our form of government it does require full participation, at least a two thirds majority in most cases. One or two voices speaking out in opposition does little good. Speaking out in support in always acceptable. Who doesn't want someone else to agree with them ? That is a no brainer. It is only when you disagree that you get these labels. A patriot will stand firmly in their beliefs in spite of these labels. Will there be repercussions ? Most likely those in power will attempt in some fashion to silence you. The question really is, is it worth the risk ?
Consider this : We are supposed to be supporting the Government, the Government is not supposed to be supporting Us.

Friday, February 21, 2014

We the People

Becoming an elder statesman I begin to see things in a different light. I have begun to reach conclusions based on experience. Experience can only be gained over time, and I have put my time in. Having lived ( experienced ) divergent attitudes to life in general. I have gone from the exuberance of youth  with its' fiery passions to becoming a bit more mellow. One might even say. contemplative. I have joined and opposed social and political attitudes and views. I have adopted some and discarded others. I have changed sides on issues. In other words I have lived and hopefully grown in understanding and tolerance. It is not always a comfortable thing. Growing pains are not just for children but should be a part of of us forever. When we become too comfortable with ourselves we are probably missing something.
Over the last few years I have taken a more active interest in government. Government has impacted me along with everyone else in this nation. There are many issues that are being brought to the forefront  Many of us are voicing our opinions and displeasure. Many of us are also busy trying to be politically correct. Many quote and misquote the founding fathers and the documents they wrote. Each word and line in those documents being scrutinized. Just what did they mean ? I think the real problem is that " We The People " have become lethargic in the administering of government. Many of us are keenly aware of our right to vote and proudly claim the right to do so. I hear the brags of, I Voted, I have done my civic duty. The truth of the matter is that voting is only a portion of your civic duty. We do not elect our representatives to make decisions for us, they are only there to represent our views and desires, as the governed. Our government exists only by the will of the people. That is what a Republic is. We all know, of the people, by the people but forget we are the people ! Our representatives fail to listen to the people or seek out the opinions and desires of the people. Our representatives act in the best interest of their own agendas, or the agenda of their political affiliation. That is where government has gone off the track. The government is not controlled by the desires of the Congress, the Senate or the President. We the People control the government. Merely giving approval to a particular representative to cast a ballot on our behalf is not participating in the administration of government.
The government has become unwieldy. The reason for that is simple. The government is trying to administer to too many things unrelated to government. The government is attempting to micromanage our lives. That is not the vision of the founding fathers. That is not the vision contained with the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights or the Articles of Confederation. The premise was Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The purpose of Government was to ensure those unalienable rights were protected. It is " We the People " that bear that responsibility. That is our civic duty.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


I'll bet you all clicked on this right away. That title got your attention. It usually does and it is used a lot. To sell products mostly. I am always amazed at how the advertisers manage to work some sexual innuendo into their products or services. Doesn't seem to matter what the product is either, car insurance,buying a car,clothes,deodorants, house paint or whatever. Sex sells. Everyone talks about it. Even who we should or should not be having sex with is discussed ! It is a topic that has been of interest since man began. Some people are very comfortable with the subject and others are far more modest. I fall into the modest crowd. That aspect of my life is nobodys business but my own. I don't want to talk about it. So why am I writing a blog with the title, sex ? Just wanted to see how many page views it attracts I suppose.
I grew up in the sixties. The era of " free love " and all that. I guess that sort of behavior did take place in the really cool spots like Height Asbury ( sp) and other places in California but not where I lived. At least I don't believe it did. Oh, we had the hip kids and they probably smoked some dope, but not much more than that going on. The telling of the stories is always a lot more exciting than the truth of the situation. The hippies were exploring their sexuality. Yeah, ok call it that if you want to, I have a different name for it.
And now we have reached the point where we can buy pills to extend ( no pun intended ) our explorations. I could put in any number of double entradas but will refrain. I see many commercials and written articles saying how we should stay " active " forever. The implication being if you somehow lose interest in these explorations the quality of your life is diminished. You probably need help of some kind. I think it is the drug companies that are ratcheting up this social pressure. At the very least they are planting the seed of doubt. Or are they trying to say the acceptance of a change in your life cycle is a bad thing ? Better living through drugs. Sounds like a familiar theme doesn't it ? Well sex is money. Always has been in one form or another. I don't expect it will ever change.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm Moving On

I was thinking about some old friends and acquaintances and how we are all different. I was also thinking about those that we gravitate toward. In recent years we often refer to our spouse or significant other as our soul mate. I think there just may be something to that. Our souls may indeed be connected. And it may not only be with our spouses but with all of mankind. I do think our souls are energy and as such never destroyed.
This thought came to me as I was remembering a particular person. This person was always on the edge of fashion and embraced whatever was new. In thinking about this person the only adjective that came to mind was, current. This person was current and enjoyed the present time. With that thought in mind it occurred to me that I am more yesterday. I feel a stronger connection to the past than to the present. The future is for dreamers.
We have all heard of someone who has an old soul. These people seem to have a calmness and understanding of things beyond their years. I have known a few like that. I think their souls are close to a transformation. Just what that transformation may be, I can not imagine. I will leave that to the dreamers. To those that carry the hope for the future with them. They are the poets and spiritualists among us.
I think we all fit into one of these categories, to varying degrees. The degree to which we conform depends upon on our own awareness. You are the only one that truly knows your soul. The hearts desire is another matter altogether and should not be confused. The heart and soul are different elements but comprise the one. The wise man follows his soul but the passionate follow the heart. Just as faith and belief are intertwined so are the heart and soul. Each is dependant upon the other.
When I think of the past I feel an energy there. I draw upon that energy. Yesterday for me is never really gone. I can not just forget about it like some others appear to do. I have an attachment. There is a song currently on the radio that speaks to that. The singer says, " I hear voices " and I can relate to that. I hear the voices of those in the past as well. I haven't forgotten. For me the truths of the past are still valid. Call them " values " if you will, but I call them signposts. If one just reads the signs the destination can be reached.
I am not saying we all need to take the same roads in life. The avenue would get a little crowded. What I am saying is I think we need to know just where on the highway we are. Our souls are on a journey. The real question in all of this is, is there an end to the journey ? I would say no. Believing our soul is energy and cannot be destroyed that is the only logical conclusion. I do think we can strive to be a force for good. To strive for something more than ourselves. The destination is what ? To know that is to know the meaning of life. All we can do is keep reading the signposts. One day the destination will be reached. That destination is all a matter of faith and belief. Our hearts and souls are the vehicle.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Short and sweet

I like to read quotes and sayings. People certainly have some wise things to say. I like it when things are succinct. That is not always possible but I find it an admirable quality. There is a time for speech making and a time to just say what it is you what to say. It is just a matter of preference I suppose. For me, however, the longer the explanation the more likely I am to become disinterested and lose my way. On the other hand, short explanations or statements are far more open to interpretation or misunderstanding. The fewer the lines the more can be read between them.
Maybe this fondness for quotes and sayings come from my youth. My great grandfather said little but when he spoke people listened. He often had a cigar in his mouth,although he seldom lit it, and would just sit and listen. After a bit he would take that cigar out of his mouth, say a few words, and that was that. Usually not more than a half dozen words or so. Short ,to the point, and some would say abrupt. I always admired his ability to just state a fact and leave it at that. I do realize that that was back in the day when others did respect their elders, so any contradictions to him where kept to a minimum. I also knew a few farmers that were the same way. Some would say it was the common folks and they talked common sense. I would have to agree with that assessment. Those that thought themselves above the common man had a tendency to pontificate on just about every subject. I was always left wondering who they were trying to convince, themselves or me ?
I remember a lot of the adages my parents and others used. I find truth in them every day. Yes they are cliche, but they are the simple truths in life. We do have a tendency to make things far more complex than they need be. When we spend more time looking for excuses than for answers, clarity is lost. A personal favorite of mine is, " the more you know,the less you think you know. " An old farmer told me that when I was sixteen or so. You know I just thought I knew it all at that age. That simple statement, said as a matter of fact, without any malice or as rebuttal to anything I was saying, did give me pause to think. I still think about that statement.
I also find it interesting when famous people are quoted and I don't agree with the quote. Just because they are famous doesn't always give credibility to the statement. At least in my opinion it doesn't. I just heard  or should I say read one I had not heard before. This was from a man named Jose Bergamin. " A belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief, it is a superstition. " I would have to disagree with the esteemed Mr. Bergamin. I wonder what he meant by belief. Belief to me immediately implies a belief in God. Of course I can believe a lot of things and not be committed to that belief, IE: have doubts, but belief in God can have no doubt. That just seems a complete contradiction to me. Either you believe in God or you don't. Simple. I write little sayings or adages if that is what you choose to call them. I wonder if any of them will ever catch on. Probably not, unless I become famous that is. Then I could hear people saying, Ben said this or that. LOL
I will leave you with this one that I composed the other day, " Emotion is often an ardent motivator but seldom a good guide. "

Monday, February 17, 2014

I wonder ?

You know when I was a kid, adults never lied. At least according to my parents they never did. Dad, the teacher hit me ! Smack, what did you do ? I didn't do anything. Smack, You must be lying, teachers don't just hit kids for no reason. Smack, now quit lying to me or, smack, you're gonna get it ! Worked the same way with every adult. I saw Mr. Rosen today and he said, and you were guilty as charged. No such thing as hearsay. Another adult said it, it is the truth !
There were other absolutes as well. If it tasted bad, it was good for you. When something bad happened, it was your fault. If you wanted something you had to earn it. You always needed to " buckle down " and get with the program. And at least for me I always heard, you are not reaching your full potential ! Why ? I wasn't applying myself.
Yes things have changed quite a bit since those days. Parents and other adults have first names and are not always right. The phrase, because I said so, just doesn't cut it anymore. Nowadays kids expect a valid argument,with clip notes, to justify their parents actions. The adults must prove there intentions or social services may be summoned ! I think the closest thing we had to social services was our high school guidance counselor. Their advice, you need to buckle down and bring those grades up. You could talk to your Priest or Pastor who would tell you, Honor your Mother and your Father. And, pray for forgiveness because you were wrong !
Now that I am an " adult " I know all that wasn't exactly true. Adults did tell less than the truth and sometimes they were wrong. The thing was they kept up the facade anyway. We kids were told to go in the other room when the adults talked. Now I know what they were talking about, what the plan was for the future. Adults were conspiring against us kids all the time. They had to stay on the same page. It was all a big plot. Keep the kids just a little bit afraid. Do not let the children get too familiar with the adults. That was why they didn't have first names, just a little too cozy there. Mr., Mrs. , Aunt or Uncles whatever but never Bob or Jane. Which reminds me, remember the books we had ? See Jane run, run, Jane run ! Kids were always running somewhere back then. The boys played in the dirt and the girls played with dolls. Boys and Girls were different. Well, I guess it is progress. But I wonder ?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It takes faith

I think it is safe to say happiness stems from hope. Hope for ourselves and hope for others.One could argue that faith is the vehicle of hope. Faith carries it forward generation after generation. If we lose faith,we lose hope. Without hope there is no happiness. One could also say, happiness is love. The love that is spoken of in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Faith,hope and love. And the greatest of these is love. (happiness )(charity)
The things that make us happy are indicators of growth. When we have reached the point where we want nothing and are happy, we have grown. I think that may be the secret to a long life. Finding happiness in the hope of others. That could explain the love we feel for our children and then a very special love of grandchildren. I'm hoping to feel the love of great grandchildren one day as well. Is that a selfish hope ? I guess it is and so I am not fully grown just yet. I'm thinking that is a good thing.
I think that perhaps in generations past, when families where much larger than today, that sense of hope was easier to find. There are disappointments along the way. Reality has a way of interfering with our hopes and dreams. Numbers increase the odds however. The more children we have, and grandchildren, the more likely we are to see that hope. It takes only one spark to start the fire of hope but it is a slow flame. It is that flame that turns into happiness. ( love ). Happiness completes the cycle.
We need to have faith. Faith is an essential building block. The question  becomes one of, where do we place our faith. Do we place our faith in man ? Can man solve all the issues of the world and bring about a lasting happiness ? If history is a guide I would have to say, No. Our track record isn't so great. Is it a matter of intelligence ? When we become smart enough we will have all the answers ? I don't think so, answers generally lead to more questions. Then that leaves us with faith in a God. A creator that made, or at the very least caused to be made, the earth and all the cosmos. That we have to take on faith, do we not ? Is that not where hope lies ? Hope lies in the benevolence of the creator.
When we are able to set aside our own disappointments and failures, when we can sit in the evening at peace with our own thoughts, when we are content, we find happiness. Happiness stems from the hope we have for mankind. Happiness is believing that our creator is indeed benevolent. Our existence here in bodily form is finite, our spirits are not. The infinite spirit of man can be found in our prodigy and that is happiness. The prodigy of mankind. The only condition to that is, it takes faith.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Walking alone

I think one of the most difficult things to do is walk alone. To have that conviction that you are correct and proceed despite what others may think or say. I'm not just talking about doing something controversial or necessarily different from others, but rather to go with conviction even when you are alone. Alone with your thoughts as well as alone in action. To be absolutely pure in your spirit. To harbor no reservations or ulterior motives of any kind. That is a difficult road to travel. It also the reason we have our God. Whatever you conceive your God to be, we all need him/her. Whether we can admit that to ourselves or not, that is truth. There are those that will deny that need, but they are lying to themselves. It is easy to do with those around you supporting you. You may become lost in your own intellect and proclaim you have the answers. Those that try that are in denial or are not thinking at all. Any man that gives even a moments thought to his position in the universe has to realize how little he actually knows. Arrogance is easy in the crowd, but non existent when alone. When there is no one to impress with your intellect, or bluster, when there is no one supporting your decisions, that is when you walk alone. Are you confident in your actions ? If you are a thinking man there has to be doubts. The dispelling of those doubts is the function of faith. To have absolute faith is not the mark of a zealot or an ignorant man, but the mark of the thoughtful. man. One that has reached an understanding with his God. That understanding may differ from the understanding of others. That is alright. Each of us love one another in a different way, but it is all love. A passage I heard often in church but never really contemplated is from Philippians 4:7. " And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. "
It is this peace that enables us to walk alone. The source, in literal terms, is not important. God is not a literal thing. The temporal is not concerned with God. It is our soul, our motivations and our sense of self that is concerned with the spiritual. It is the inquisitive nature of man that thinks of these things. It is God that provides the answers. It is not necessary to call that God anything at all, that is for the convenience of man. What is necessary is understanding. Understanding and acceptance. That is what we should all be striving for, acceptance. We need to understand first that we can not understand, then accept that. That is faith. And with faith we can walk alone without being alone. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Just my opinion

There is a movement in this country away from Christian values. Indeed, it is getting to the point where the very mention of Christianity and some begin to bristle. The cries of separation of church and state echo across those purple mountain majesty and onto the fruited plain. In the name of freedom we are tearing up the foundations of liberty and building upon the ever shifting ground of, what's popular. If it feels good, do it and everything goes. Laws are written, stricken and modified and codified. We are man and we know best !
We need no moral compass, no guidance, we will blaze our own path to glory, or descend into anarchy and despair in the process. By the power of shear intellect we can do this.
The arrogance of man. It has been and continues to be our greatest fault. We rule over the animals and plants. We can communicate with one another. We can read and write and envision abstract thoughts. We can do it all. Yeah, right. In the big picture we are just a molecule in the universe. And like all the other molecules we are subject to universal law. We can be gone in an instant. Transformed. We are energy and energy can not be destroyed but it can be transformed. That is a law.
In the foundation of any society there must be a standard. Something to build upon that is stable and unchanging. A set of rules for conduct within that society. A standard moral value. And yes here is the word that causes much consternation in society today, religion. Just what is religion ? The dictionary defines it as, a moral code with sacred feelings that causes feelings of awe, mystery, guilt or adoration. It doesn't take an historical scholar to figure out what religion the founding fathers had in mind. Those principles contained within that religion are the basis for our nation. It is what they came here seeking in the first place, religious freedom. Free from an oppressive government interfering in the practice of their religion. That was the key to them, religion is separate from government. They did not say, religious values,a moral code, should be absent from government, a big distinction there. That code, that set of values was Christian. No doubt about that.
The issue today is the interpretation of that code. The misunderstanding of that code does not mean we just discard that same code. Perhaps man in his arrogance and superior intelligence are failing to see the message contained within the code, dare I say, the Bible. Gasp, we shouldn't be referencing the Bible now should we ? It hasn't been scientifically proven to be 100% accurate. Why man has figured the whole thing out. It all started with a big bang ! Just what made the bang is in doubt, err, we don't know for sure, but it started with a bang. Okay, even if that were the case we still require a moral code to live by. We still need a method to interact with each other without constantly bickering or trying to kill each other. Oh wait, we seem to be doing just that right now. I wonder why that is ? Could it be that not everyone is following the code ? Could it be that the absence of the code in society leads to these problems ? Could it just be that man doesn't know it all after all ?
If we just abandon this Christian religious code of morals and ethics just what are we going to adopt as a standard ? A standard is imperative ! There are other religions in the world we all know that. Should we adopt their morality ? Or should we just govern based on emotional response. Give the people whatever they want ? Avoid the tough questions and choices and just go with the flow.
I submit this. If you took and wrote down a moral code of conduct, one that instructed us in proper social behavior and just how to get along with one another, one that included suggestions on helping one another and a cooperative spirit what book would you have ? A Bible. That is what you would have. A Bible without the stories of inspiration that our present Bible contains. I submit to you the moral principles are the same. I also submit that it is that very book, The Bible, that the founding fathers referenced in their writings and thoughts. Yes, they used others as well, they were educated men but the moral code was Christian in nature.
It is my belief the dialogue we should be having today is not whether we are a Christian nation but the defining of those values. If we could reach a mutual understanding of the words in that book, all would be well. I know that is not likely to happen however. We all read and have our own understanding of the word. Some of us get lost in the literal translation. Others get lost reading between the lines. It is a discussion worth having however. In fact, in my opinion it is vital.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Yeah, that's logical

I heard some really great logic yesterday. It is so good I am still trying to digest it. I had to share with you all in case you have not been enlightened. Eric Holder has figured out the crime problem in the country. At least the felony crime recidivism rate. He has proposed that we return the privilege of voting to convicted felons after they are released from prison. He feels they will not commit further crimes if we do that. That is the logic I'm trying to digest. I'm a previously convicted bank robber, a felon, I serve my time, say twenty years and am released. I meet with hard times finding employment because I'm an ex con you know, and consider robbing that bank. But no, if I do that I won't get to vote ! I was denied that for the last twenty years, I have learned my lesson. I don't care how desperate I get, I will do my civic duty from now on and vote ! Please Mr. Holder don't revoke that right again, why its' inhumane. I know you understand.That is why you oppose voter ID cards. Interfering with criminals rights to vote isn't justice at all. It really makes no difference if you are a convicted felon or just an illegal immigrant, denying the vote just isn't right.
In related news the Lt.Governor of Maryland, Mr. Brown wants to decriminalize marijuana. This should be done because a disproportionate number of young African American males are getting criminal records for the illegal use and possession of this substance. It is not the fault of the youth however, it is the fact that having the stuff is criminal. It we decriminalize it there won't be any crime. There, problem solved. The problem lies with the law not the person breaking the law. I wonder if that logic would work in traffic court ? I know I was doing 75 judge and the sign said 60, but if the sign said 75 I wouldn't have been breaking the law. The sign is wrong !
I can't help but marvel at the logic of these elected officials. How you can arrive at these conclusions is beyond my power to understand. It takes a special kind of " perception " I'm guessing. The same perception used in saying that guns kill people. People kill people, a gun doesn't do anything at all unless someone picks it up,loads it and pulls the trigger. Is the gun at fault ? No, it did what it was designed to do, by man. Some argue that the founding fathers ,when they wrote the second amendment, never envisioned a time when we would have automatic weapons and large magazines. Well maybe they just never envisioned a time when we would blame the gun. The spin doctors are going into overdrive. Logic and common sense are slowly being replaced by legalese and double talk. I can do little but shake my head and wonder. I can still vote though and shall do so. I'll keep listening and waiting, waiting to hear something positive. There is always hope.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Really, a letter

I read a news article about two congresspeople, or is it congresspersons, that have written a letter to Mr. Godel the owner of the Washington Redskins football team. They are attempting to coerce him into changing the name of the team. It is offensive ! Well, to some it is. Recent polls show that 90% of the Native Americans don't think so but 10% think it could be. The Congressperson that finds the term Redskin offensive is also the chairman of the Indian Affairs Bureau. Isn't Indian wrong now ? No mention of legislation to change the name of that bureau to  the Native American Affairs Bureau however. Wait, would have to reconsider that too. Native American is acceptable but affairs ? That might send the wrong message. Perhaps Department of Native American Concerns would be a better,more politically correct title. But then the acronym would be NAC. That could be subverted to Native American Casinos ! Isn't that what they are noted for now ? Oh my, that might be offensive to some as well. What to do. The other congressperson is a Native American so perhaps she does have a legitimate concern. I don't know her mind so will reserve judgement on that. Still she apparently is not asking to change the name of the bureau, so ?
The real question in all of this hoopla is why is it news at all ? Given the issues being faced by congress is this deserving of their time and attention ? Should they not be concentrating on more important issue than the name of a football team ? Is that the duty of Congress ? Maybe the news is that they wrote letters at all. Shouldn't they just have sent a tweet ? Tweets get a lot of attention. I hear about them on the news all the time. This person tweeted this or that. Or they could have threatened to " unfriend " the team on Facebook. That would get those Racist peoples' attention ! They must be racist to call their team the Redskins. And worse than that , the have used that name for eighty years ! Imagine that. Writing letters indeed. Do they know the cost of a stamp these days ? Could have saved 49 cents  if they mailed them together. Talk about government waste !
My bet is that they didn't write those letters at all. I'm betting they had some aid or secretary, or are they administrative assistants, wouldn't want to offend, type, no print those letters. Then they used an auto pen to sign them. Another person in the office was dispatched to post them as well. How much did all that cost ? Well as long as they are doing something I guess I shouldn't complain. Amazing though that Congresspersons or Congresspeople, whatever the heck they are, make the news for writing a letter. Good thing they weren't educated under the Common Core or they wouldn't be able to do that. It is my understanding only casual letter writing is being taught in the schools now, formal business type formats are not. I think they use tweets for that or E-mail. Or is it Instagram ?
Yes two members of Congress write a letter to a private citizen about the name of his football team and it makes the evening news. Those letters amount to nothing more than a threat. Big brother ain't happy ! Those that may find the name offensive, in an overwhelming majority do not, but big brother doesn't like it. Be careful what you name your children or pets, you could be next !

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Reluctant heroes

What has changed ? That is a question often asked. It is met with a myriad of answers. Theories abound about what has changed. What is this difference ? It wasn't like this in the old days. I hear that a lot as well. What is it I am talking about ? Attitude is what I'm talking about. A shift in social attitude has taken place over the last generation. And here is where I espouse my thought on that change. I think what has changed,what is missing, is humility. We have shifted more to the pride side of things. I believe there is a big misunderstanding about what humility is and just what pride is. I can not recall the author of this quote but it is not mine, " Pride makes us artificial, humility makes us real. " I sure do hear a lot of people and groups proclaiming " PRIDE. " This kinda pride and that kinda pride. With pride comes arrogance. Things only go down hill from there. Confucius said, " Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. " That old Chinese fella was pretty sharp and insightful. Humility is also encouraged in the Bible. How can we worship our God should we not poses humility ?
The confusion may lie in the word humility vs humiliation. Different things altogether. Humiliation is the act of damaging someone elses' dignity. To suffer a loss of dignity is to be humiliated. Humility is the act of being modest or humble. It is not the absence of pride altogether. Being respectful of others is showing humility. Pride need not be boastful or vain. It is these distinctions that are being lost. The humble man does not humiliate others. The virtue of humility was illustrated in the television show, Kung Fu . Yes, it was a hokey show and taken to the extremes, but the lesson was there. I can think of no shows today that do the same. Are we teaching our children about humility ? Sadly I think that virtue is not being taught or demonstrated much in general society today. I see a lot of arrogance and pride however ! The actions of many are becoming hubristic  in my opinion.
Once there was a day of reluctant heroes. Today I hear a lot of people claiming that title. I even hear some demanding that title. There are parades of pride. Action groups and movements abound. A lot of bluster and noise about rights and entitlements. What I see too little of is the quiet humility of the virtuous. In a sense I suppose that is as it should be. It really shouldn't be seen. It just appears to me that humility is being forgotten and the brute force of pride and arrogance is winning the battle. It is a challenge to the humble. Truth will prevail in the end. I do believe it would be a lot easier and a more productive approach if we all learned a little more about humility. Often times great people come from humble beginnings. That doesn't always mean they were poor, it does mean they were humble in spirit. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Begin at home

It is a idea I hear often. The rich should have to give to the poor. I fail to understand the logic behind that. If I work and prosper why should I then be compelled to give it away ? If I inherit a fortune why should I then be forced to give it away ? Why should I have to give anything to anyone ? Other than a moral obligation to do so, I can see no reason I should.
That very idea sparked quite a conversation yesterday. I engaged in a lengthy debate, on Facebook, about the purpose of Government and charity, It is my contention that the Government is not a charitable organization and was not designed to be so. That is not the purpose of Government. Charity comes first from the individual and then the Church or other organizations designed for that purpose.
It is a wonderful thing that our government sees fit to offer assistance. The key word there being assistance. To assist ( to help ) implies that the person receiving that help is doing something to better their position, they just need a little help. This assistance is not a right it is an entitlement. Should you qualify for this help you may receive it. These government programs are not a function of the government, they have nothing to do with governing, they exist only by the charity of the people. To many in our country this has become a " forced charity " and that point is well taken. When I am compelled to pay into a system that in turn gives that money away, without my authorization,to individuals or groups that I do not approve, is that not forced charity ? It is difficult to see it otherwise, unless you are the one getting the free stuff.
Then we reached the point of charity. How much should I have to give. It was determined the Bible suggests 10%. Setting aside the whole Church and State issue let us assume that figure for Government charitable programs. The extremely wealthy man donates his 10% and the minimum wage worker chips in his 10%. Which has donated more ? Ten per cent is ten per cent is it not ? Is your ten per cent any less than my ten per cent ? Of course not and that is where the logic falls off the track. If I am rich I should give more than ten per cent because I am rich ? Why ? Because I have more than you ? Unless you are completely destitute you have more than someone else so why don't you give more ?
We live in a country were we value our freedom over anything else. We are free to do as we see fit, within certain constraints of course. I am free to make as much money and acquire as much wealth as I desire as long as I do it legally. Only my own heart and conscience compels me to give any of it away. Charity is a function of the individual. That is a very old saying, " Charity begins at home " and one worth taking the time to understand. If you believe that all wealth should be distributed equally among the people you are living in the wrong country. A socialist state may be more to your liking. That is how it is supposed to work in their system, unless of course you are in the ruling class, then you are exempt from that whole sharing thing.
It was a nice discussion. I don't think anyone involved in that discussion was offended by any of it. I do think it is a discussion we the people should be having with our government. We should be talking about all of this with our elected officials and those that wish to represent us. It is a very complex issue. Charity or assistance ? Should charity be a forced action ? If assistance is to be given, should not the recipient be compelled to do something in return as grateful acknowledgement of that assistance ? Are there limits to charity and assistance ?
If you take the position that our government is not  Christian based then our government has no moral obligation to the people at all. If you believe that it is Christian based then there are those values to be considered. But wait, I already hear the cries of Separation of Church and State. That separation does not imply the absence of Church in government but does define its' role. Charity is not a function of Government.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

What's the point ?

We all have days when we say, what's the point ? I know I ask myself that question. Is there an answer to that question ? Just what is the point ? In those moments when you feel like no one is paying attention or listening to you there certainly doesn't seem to be a point. It is that feeling that begs you to search for an answer, a reason to continue. In that time the search for motivation is the primary quest. For some, they just give up, others withdraw, and others just keep moving forward. I think it should be a starting point. A time to stand looking at the sign post and decide upon a direction. Do you need to change the road you are on ? Should you continue on the same path ? It is not the end of the road, we don't get that choice, but we can choose to move forward. We can choose a different approach.
I do believe we are all here to serve a purpose. We have a mission to fulfill. I can not believe all of this is an accident. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is a natural law of nature and I believe a spiritual one as well. Positive and negative forces at work. The scientist speak of energy yet they can not define its' origin. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. That much was taught to us all in school. Hopefully Sunday school taught you the source of that energy. It goes by many names, but is one. When the balance between the two, positive and negative is upset, that is when we begin to question things. That is when we want to know the point of it all. To restore the balance.
If the point is something that satisfies only you, how would that benefit the whole ? I would have to say it cannot. Drawing from that conclusion one can only deduce the point has something to do with the whole. Then we must define the whole. What is the whole ? Is it your friends and family, your little world ? Is it your state or country ? Is it the entire world as we know it ? Or is the the infinite space of the heavens ?
The only thing inexhaustible, that we know of, is energy. It can be transformed, remember, but never destroyed or created. The source of that energy remains unchanged. It would logically follow that the point must benefit the whole, the energy source.
We are faced with choices, a chance to read the signposts if you will, and choose a direction. What is the point ? The point is to consider your position in all of this and then proceed. Each of us are a piece of that energy. We can be transformed, but never destroyed. The decision to become positive or negative rests within us. The signposts are there if we but read them. When we stop the journey to question, it is because we are uncertain. Uncertainty and doubt can be of benefit but should not be cause for inaction. They should give us pause for they are indicators. Like caution lights they should make us look around a bit, check our surroundings carefully and then proceed. I think that is the point. The point has little to do with me but everything to do with the whole. When I ask myself, what's the point, I am being selfish. It is a flaw in human nature. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Unknown Changes

This morning my thoughts are scattered. Every so often we  must reorganize our thoughts,don't you think ? More properly though it is our beliefs that require review. It is prudent to take stock stock and inventory. We tend to go along thinking we have it all figured out and then, something changes. There are times when you can not put those changes into a category. Sometimes there just doesn't appear to be a place on the shelf. I find myself in that position this morning.
Oh, nothing earth shattering has happened, nothing of great significance, at least I don't think so, but that it what is unsettling, the not knowing. Normally we just file things away as a matter of course. Things fit into an area. We all experience the full range of emotion. I think it is the difficulty in  identifying the emotion that I am feeling now, that is the cause of this unrest. Emotions are motivators but usually not very good guides. That is where the sorting out should begin. Is it anger,fear,empathy,sorrow, disappointment or some other emotion ? Just why do I find this change so troubling ? Is it really a change at all ?
This blog is not a platform for airing my personal struggles. I write this to share my thoughts and experiences with others. I hope some find it useful and I write it for myself as well. This short piece is just that, a therapeutic exercise. It does help to just write things down. I often discover things about myself in these writings that I wasn't aware of. Perhaps that is what is troubling to me this morning. Could it be that I have looked into a corner that I have not fully examined before ? Are the things I see there unsettling to me ? The question then becomes, do I discard those items or embrace them ? How much of me do I hold onto ?
Growth involves changes. Changes can be difficult and painful. There are changes that will occur naturally, the ones we can not control, and there are changes by choice. In time those changes becomes the normal thing, the standard. In some areas however there should be no change. Change should not be contradictory to growth. These are the pieces of " you " that should be embraced. They may or may not be embraced by others. Is it possible to love the whole without loving all the pieces ? I think this is true with others, but not so much with yourself. A truthful man knows his faults and strives to correct them. I think the best you can hope for is forgiveness. Forgiveness for yourself, from yourself. Deciding when that forgiveness should be given is an exercise in growth.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Dancin", Dancin', Dancin'

When my mind gets occupied with some deep thoughts I often start pondering superficial things as well. I think it may be a mechanism to keep me from becoming obsessed with a single thought. Becoming obsessive is not a good thing. I am currently chewing on something rather complicated but this other thought came to mind. Dancing. That's right dancing. Now it has been a number of years since I went to a school dance or any dance for that matter. The days of  " cuttin' the rug " have long since past. There was a short period in time when I would go to the nightclubs,I never called them nightclubs personally, but they had alcohol and music. It was in these establishments that I would move, in a semi-organized fashion, and simulate dancing.
When I was in grade school and high school it seemed like new dances came out every week. The twist,the mashed potato,the froog, the swim and a myriad of others. I admit to never really learning these dances but did an approximation of them. Truth is, I do not know any dance in it's strictly formal way, not even the fox trot ! Back in the day, few men did or should know, unless you were rich or a James Bond type. At the high school dance we just stood along the walls and watched the girls dance with each other for the most part. Ah, but that is another issue altogether.
All those dances were called Fad dances. Some have survived the years as a joke, something of nostalgia, not to be taken seriously. They were serious at the time though. As I was thinking about this I wondered if tit still happened today ? I know I am not " with it " anymore, that is to say " I don't make the scene man " but how come I never hear about any new dances ? Oh, I've heard of a few that they do at weddings and such, the Macarena, Chicken Dance and Gangnam style but not like the dances I remember. I have heard of Miley Cyrus " twerking " but does that count as a dance ? I don't think so.
The last great dance craze I can recall was the disco era. The hustle and all that stuff. No, I never liked disco and so never did any of those dances. That whole era is now viewed more or less as a joke, in my opinion. I'm guessing a sociologist would have some explanation for this. I don't know but it sure doesn't seem the same. Is they any show like American band stand anymore ? Has Soul Train been derailed ?
Like I said, all this is just superficial thought. I really don't care about the dance scene and never really have. I think I am like most guys, I much prefer the slow dances. I just want to hold the lady close and kinda sway back and forth. As long as I didn't step on her toes it was all good.
I do work with some younger folks and they tell me not much has changed at the school dances. The girls still dance more with each other than with the guys. The guys still stand in small groups and leer at the girls. They don't really do any specific dance anymore with the exception of the " funny " ones. As to the night club dance scene I know nothing. I don't know anyone involved in that deal either. I do expect the bars are still pretty much the same. Alcohol still has the same effect on us all and most still go to bars for the same reason.
It seems to me casual dancing is going by the wayside. The show I see now is Dancing with the Stars. You get graded by professionals. Yes, dancing has gone professional grade. Of course, that is ballroom dancing not break dancing. Do they still do that ? What about the robot ? I just may have to Google all this. Nah, if I go out again I can still bust a move, or a hip ! C'mon baby, let's do the twist !

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I was checking my Facebook page, news feed, or whatever you call it when it jumped out at me, a warning ! The headline said, " Expert warns of " Caffeine Use Disorder. "  It caught my attention and I began to read the article. Expecting it to be about those energy drinks the kids seem to favor these days, I was shocked to find she was talking about my morning cup of coffee. The research behind this was done by a Professor Laura Juliano. It is her opinion that nearly 50% of all Americans that drink coffee suffer from this Caffeine Use Disorder, CUD for short. I could be suffering from CUD ! In her study she found nearly 50% of the people interviewed said they would have trouble reducing or quitting there coffee consumption. She doesn't say anyone actually tried to quit or reduce there coffee consumption just that they said it would be hard. I can testify to this, I can quit drinking coffee anytime I want to but I would be cranky ! But in fairness to the Professor I must say this. When I first started with this coffee habit I used cream and sugar. Instant coffee with two teaspoons of sugar and a goodly amount of cream was sufficient to appease me. I have progressed to, straight black coffee, perked, only the purest grind will do. Have I developed  CUD ? OMG, the professor says and I quote ;
" The negative effects of caffeine are often not recognized as such because it is a socially acceptable and widely consumed DRUG that is well integrated into our customs and daily routines. And while many people can consume caffeine without harm, for some it produces negative effects, physical dependence, interferes with with daily functioning and can be difficult to give up, which are signs of problematic use. "
First I must say I think maybe the professor was using too much caffeine herself when she wrote that paragraph. It is a bit of a run on sentence. On and on like after you drink a lot of coffee. I know about that, I have been known to do the same. Oh, a sign of CUD !
There is hope though. The professor says it is a treatable disorder. Therapy with a professional can help. Treatment centers for other additions may prove beneficial. A ten step program may be in order. Currently manufacturers are not required to label the caffeine amounts in their products. As a guide the professor recommends no more than two or three eight ounce cups of coffee a day. Less, if you are pregnant. And so I say, what the heck is up with 7-11 selling those large coffees ! Shouldn't there be a limit ! Should we be allowing coffee drinking on tv ? What example are we setting for the children.
Well all we can hope for is for science to develop a new pill. A new drug to replace this insidious coffee bean addition. Who knew ? That's what I want to know. Who knew about this plaque upon the nation and did nothing ? Maxwell house, Folgers or does it go deeper than that ? I expect it will be covered under "  Obama Care. " I have CUD and can no longer function effectively in society. Now this as got me wondering about my corn flakes use.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Going to Church

I remember that day like it was just a few days ago. I was standing there looking out the front door. The sun was shining through that glass in the aluminum storm door. You know the kind, the ones with the bent aluminum initial in them that matched the family's' last name. Well, it was supposed to anyway but ours was a used one and had someone else's. That never did get changed. I was ten years old at the time. I remember seeing the long shadow on the living room floor from myself and the door. Then Mom says, we are going to start going to church. Just like that, out of the blue. My first thought was, there goes Sundays. There was no discussion, no questions asked, Mom said so and that was that. The following week I had to get " dressed " as we dressed for church in those days and off we went. All the way there my sister and I were lectured on behaving ourselves in church. Apparently any infraction in Church means immediate descent to , well,  lets' just say you don't want to go there. Following that first service I met the Minister. Mr. Davis stood at the door shaking hands with everyone. He was wearing those long robes and the collar and kinda looked like an older Jesus to me. It was a bit intimidating. He started asking questions ! Yes, I enjoyed the service and yes I will come again. Now I did it, having just told Jesus I would come back again I am not left with much choice, there goes Sundays for sure.
As it turned out my sister and I joined the junior choir. We had practice on saturday mornings We both went every saturday and church on Sunday for the next five years. We never missed a day. We both have the awards for perfect attendance to prove it as well. I didn't progress to the senior choir but opted to serve as an acolyte. I continued my attendance until I left for the service. Mom had been right all along, it was " good for us. " I did enjoy those years and formed a bond with my God that has lasted throughout the years. I became pretty good friends with the Reverend Davis. He really wasn't Jesus but did have an engineering degree and for a motorhead like myself, that was pretty impressive. I didn't know that preachers went o college first. I'm not sure what kind of school I thought they went to but it wasn't regular college. I had heard of seminary school but figured you just studied the Bible and stuff.
All of that would have started in about 1963. Reverend Davis has passed on to his reward. I no longer live anywhere near that church. The church building still stands proudly. I understand it has undergone renovation and expansion since the days of my attendance. I also understand there have been some shifts in the teachings of that church. Guess I should have mentioned it is an Episcopal church. Not that I stick exclusively to a particular denomination, I don't, but I hear about changes in doctrine. I can't help but wonder what Reverend Davis would have to say about those changes. I don't believe he was what you would call progressive. Nevertheless those years were a great time in my life. Friendships formed, memories made and a strong foundation for living laid. Yes as it turned out going to church on Sunday was a good thing. Looking back I can say this, my sister and I went every Sunday but after a while Mom would just drop us off. She didn't attend regularly. Maybe not having us around for a few hours was her idea of Church ! It was certainly more peaceful.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Motivations. We all do or say certain things and sometimes we wonder why. What we need to do is examine our motivations. It is something I do and am surprised at what those motivations may be. Generally speaking whatever the motivation is, it is to benefit myself. That doesn't sound very nice but does have truth. I think we all do things hoping to effect a change. A change that will benefit us. That is not to say it will be detrimental to others, quite the contrary may be true, but it will be pleasing to us. It is a very difficult thing to decide to do something injurious to ourselves. Self sacrifice is a commendable attribute.
Some of us are motivated by fame, some wealth and some ideals. Of the three, ideals are the hardest to explain. Ideals are why we rant and rave against perceived injustices. Fame may destroy the individual, wealth may corrupt, but ideals can start wars ! It is when we are motivated by ideals that the real danger exists. It also when  the most good can be done. When we act in the best interest of the common cause not just our own cause.
Pure logic and rational thought would seem to be the best approach. Isn't that the premise behind the character of Spock on Star Trek ? The character often was shown to have no empathy, the human side being suppressed. The paradox there was the decisions made often benefited others more than himself. The whole " needs of the many " philosophy. Is that the best method ? Is that the approach that should be taken by public officials ? Is there no room for ideals in that scenario ? You could say that is why we vote. To express the needs of the many and decide upon that need. The reality is in everyday practice not everything is put to the popular vote. We could not operate that way but it would be ideal. Another paradox.
What motivates us ? Affirmation of our actions by others would seem to be the answer. The more people agree with us, the more we are motivated to proceed. I hear others say they are self motivated. They claim to do things just for the sake of doing them. I'm not going to say that isn't so, it could very well be, but it is not what I experience. I need feedback,encouragement and acceptance. The pursuit of an ideal is a slippery slope to travel upon. I would say I have spent far more energy and time in pursuit of some type of ideal than in pursuit of wealth or fame. I am not saying I am righteous but stating what I think to be truth. I would settle for fame and or fortune though. Motivations are the basis for priorities. What is your priority ? Now, there is another whole field to explore.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Just friends

I'm thinking I may have reached a certain age. The age of being comfortable with myself and others. It is a good place to be. It is a liberating feeling really. It is a difficult thing to explain. I can speak with my contemporaries with out the need for brag or bravado, the younger men sometimes call me sir, and the girls don't see me as a threat. I'm just a harmless old man. The only other option for me at this point would be, dirty old man, and that is a title I strive to avoid. I can now just be a friend to mankind.
I think we all start out our lives just wanting to be friends with one another. Watch little children play and that is obvious. Babies will reach out and hold each others hands and will hug one another. The desire for companionship is born into us. As we get older things get a little more complex. The alpha males and beta males butting heads, same with the ladies. Personalities develop. A drifting apart from the acceptance of youth occurs. And then when we discover the opposite sex, oh my, things really go crazy.
For us guys the first real awareness of this shift begins with the girl saying, " can we still be friends? " Arrg, those words are like daggers in the heart. The only answer you can give is one that you really don't feel. A paradox of emotion. If I say yes, does it mean I didn't care in the first place and if I say no, I'm just a jerk ! Oh, the angst of youth.
I think for the majority of the population a feeling of competitiveness between  same sexes and a feeling of uneasiness between the opposite sexes exist until we reach that " certain " age. This age does differ for all of us. Some learn how to be comfortable earlier on than others. There are those that never learn, or should I say accept, that eventuality. I have accepted that I have reached that age. It does nothing to reduce my own self image or self worth. That is the comfort part of the equation. The other part of the equation is learning how to behave in a socially acceptable fashion. In an ironic twist I have found that those behaviors are simply the ones I was taught as a child. It isn't a big mystery after all.
I am aware that there are those that don't " like " me. I am aware that I have detractors. That is just part of life and nothing to be overly concerned with, unless, mobs start forming then I may want to reconsider my opinions. I am aware that physically I am not twenty anymore. Leave the exercise of youth to the young. I'm not saying quit, I am saying adjust a bit. I do have a few miles on me now and breakdowns occur a bit more frequently. I have discovered that mental exercise is more satisfying in this " certain " age. I have done plenty, now is the time to think about it all. I have earned the right to relax just a bit. I have learned to be " just friends " and be comfortable with that. I know now that there are levels of friendship. Not all friendships are a step below love. Friendships can be a step up or a step down. Friendship can also be a return. Strange how your actions are sometimes misconstrued, especially being friendly. Seems like you have to be of a certain age before that becomes believable to the general public. In another ironic twist I have discovered that the " just being friendly " part must first be believed by yourself  before others will buy it. Sincerity of emotion is the key to social interaction. Sounds pretty profound doesn't it ? It can also be said simply, be true,be you, goodnight Gerber face. I don't recall who said that last line but it isn't mine. I do think it speaks volumes.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

In the first person

I have said it in the past and will continue to repeat it, I am a big fan of the written word. I like the written word because it doesn't require any technology to enjoy. All you need is the words,light and the ability to read. Caveman did that with their pictures and it has proven to be effective. I am a firm believer in continuing the practice. Recording our voices is great, making video presentations are wonderful, but nothing tops the written word. If it is written down it somehow seems more official. Isn't that why we say, no job is done until the paperwork is complete ? That includes our lives.
I have also talked about writing a journal, for lack of a better term, for the grandkids. My thought is to make one for each of them. Each one of them are different people and deserve my individual attention. It is my desire to share my memories with them. Real memories are always in the first person, everything else are just stories. I don't want to leave them a bunch of stories. That is why it is necessary to write a journal for each. They must be in the first person to be meaningful to them. Like a card or letter addressed to you, that is what makes it personal.
When I start this process of writing these journals I would like it to be confidential. In other words I want no one to know about it. It is in my mind to present these journals to them sometime in the future. Hopefully, the distant future. I picture in my mind some great dramatic moment when, with shaking hands and the hint of a tear in my eye, I hand those volumes to them. The old grandfather passing his legacy to the ages. And it must be done, in the first person.
I will include a selection of my blogs. I think some may prove interesting to them in fifty years. There are ones where I speak of current events and changing trends in society. They may be amusing in the future. My views on politics and such could provide insight. My hope is that through the journal I will be remembered the way I really was, remember me in the first person please. Yes, you may quote the book ! It may prove useful as a reference when raising their own children. You see, Great Grandfather said that and it is still true today ! I've got proof, here it is in black and white. Yes, he actually wrote that with his own hand, it wasn't scanned or printed. What did he use ? He called it a pen !
I must also include some of my poems and a few old photographs. It will be a difficult process I think. Deciding what to include will require some deep thought. It is not an easy process to condense your life. Just which moments do you want to share ? More properly, which of your memories do you wish to preserve ? I think that may prove to be the most difficult part of all. Sharing those memories that are the most significant to yourself. To attempt to write down and share just who you really are, honestly and accurately can be painful. Often times we are not quite the person we appear to be, especially to others. That goes double when we get to write the story ! But as I said it is not the stories I want to tell, it is the memories. Again I say this, " Real memories are always in the first person, everything else are just stories. "

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another View

I was listening to the news when this little article came on. Apparently there is a petition to deport Justin Bieber. According to the news article this petition has garnered at least 100,000 signatures. It is mandatory that the White House respond to this petition.
The White House is required to respond to any petitions which garner more than 100,000 signatures, according to the “We the People” standards.
The petition, which was filed on the day the 19-year-old Canadian pop star was arrested for an alleged DUI and drag racing, says “We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked.”
It continues, “He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nation’s youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society.”
The above  comes from a News Agency and is not my words. What I find interesting is that this requires a White House response and it must come quickly. Now, I'm no Justin Bieber fan, if fact all I know is his name and that he sings, but am I the only one that finds a bit of irony here ? The kid is nineteen, has more money than any of us will ever see, is most likely surrounded by people telling him how great he is and is being a bit, shall we say " rebellious. " I can think of a few others in the same category and no one wants to deport them or anything.
On the other hand we have thousands of illegal people in our country and we start calling them " undocumented workers " and giving them assistance ! No great petitions for removal are being circulated that I am aware of. I hear a lot of complaining about these people, but that is about it. I do know sixteen states are giving these same " undocumented workers " in state college tuition. If these workers are " undocumented " just how much do you think they are contributing to the tax system ? Wouldn't there be a document or two to be filled out ? Oh, that's right I forgot we are overlooking a key fact, they are here illegally. Look, even Justin Bieber has a green card. Bad influence or not Justin Bieber does contribute a whole of money to tax, and generate sales in this country. I know I would be very happy with just one per cent of his annual income from selling Justin Bieber stuff. And there is a petition and a big outcry from, at last count well over 200,00 people. That's correct, over 200,000.
Why are we not starting a petition to deport, wait that is not even the right term, to send back is more like it, those that are in our country illegally ? How many signatures could we get to the affirmative. The White House must respond. If the signatures are numerous enough, the response would have to be in keeping with the will of the people. In reality all we need is a petition that the government enforce the existing law. That would do it.  Or do we only enforce that stuff when the offending party makes more for themselves than they do for the business owners here in America ? I'm thinking that may have something to do with it. Just my view.