Wednesday, August 31, 2022

in a state

  It's been said if you cover the grey, you will take twenty years off your age. That's depressing, I'd still be near fifty! That's a half century, old by any standard except light years! Age is just a number, right? Yeah, that's what we seniors say about that. It's a big number though. That's why there is an entire industry selling products to slow the aging process or attempting to deceive us into believing that. Ever notice how that usually involves taking some blue pills or getting something lifted or "enhanced?" Yes, because that is youth. Now being a senior, and having sophisticated tastes, wine is the alcohol of choice. Drank wine when we were young for a totally different reason, it was cheap! We were more utilitarian in our youth, just interested in getting the job done. Now we pay a whole lot more for the esthetics of drinking wine and scowl at the screw tops! Hey, we're grown up.
  It's a funny thing though, how those our own age usually look older than ourselves. Well, except when we are looking in a mirror that is. Still, you see photographs of those you went to school with and wonder, what happened to them? Sometimes you don't even recognize them. You know that you still look the same, except for some grey hair and a few extra pounds. Still anyone seeing your picture would instantly recognize you. Strange how that is. In our minds that person should look like they did fifty years ago, and it can be a surprise when they don't. I guess when it comes to us it is true, you can get used to anything. Time is a subtle thing even as we count it. Just sneaks up on us while in plain sight. How does that happen?
 The thing is this, if I had the body of an eighteen year old but the experience of someone who is almost seventy, eighteen wouldn't be fun. I'm not doing all that again! Oh, it's a lot of fun to talk about, to remember and reminiscence, but that is what got me where I am now. It wasn't all fun and games, it exacted a toll. I certainly wouldn't want to go out clubbing. A room full of drunk people isn't all that much fun, it can be downright annoying. Youthful hormones raging, fueled by alcohol and drugs can lead to some sticky and awkward situations. Not to mention the day after. It doesn't feel good. No youth isn't really that appealing when you think about it. Fact is, that is why we were trying to grow up. Some of us have, some are questionable, and some never learn.
 Age, I've also heard said, is a state of mind. There are more than a few days my body would disagree. My body is definitely in a different state altogether. Remember those mornings when you said, I'm never doing that again. I had my share of those when the body was speaking instead of the mind. Wasn't thinking at all, no need for that, thinking just hurt! Today the thinking doesn't hurt so much but my body does, before all the fun. But I'm told to embrace the journey. There are even drugs to help with that, most notably opioids and prevergen! The first to mask the pain and the second to help you remember why you have that pain in the first place! You alter your state of mind. The reality is this, you are altered! You are older and it shows! That journey wasn't a vacation. You have gotten where you are on your journey, but it has come at a cost. Best thing is to be thankful you have been able to pay that price, it's too late to look for a bargain. 
 When it comes to appearance, attempting to look younger or whatever, you only have to fool one person, yourself. It's a lot easier to do if you only look at others. It's the others that have gotten older and it shows. Avoid mirrors whenever possible and try to ignore your body, it always was a kill joy! Age is a state of mind. You do have to decide what age you want though. We can't know how far into the journey we are, but we can decide where to linger. Draw upon the experience you have gained in making that choice.   

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Just say no

 The new discussion in about gender affirming care for children. I'm not surprised that the same people supporting abortion are supporting this as well. Apparently, they feel they have the power of life and death concerning their unborn child, and their children should they allow them to be born in the first place. They have decided that children can make decision about topics they know nothing about. They have decided to teach their children to just go forward based on feelings. Whatever they feel like is alright. I wonder if those same people would support these children if they wanted tattoos on their face or some limbs removed. What if these children don't feel like going to school, you know they feel like they do not need an education. Are we to affirm that? 
 Now I'm one that is all for parents having control over their children. Yes, parents should have the right to spank their children, to tell them what clothes they will wear, where they can go, and with whom they can go. I am not for child abuse and that is what this is. Children are often confused about everything. We call that gaining experience. I quickly discovered that a blanket and a parachute are not the same thing. Like every other child in the world, I was curious. Like every other child in the world, I sought attention. But I had parents that channeled that curiosity, sometimes forcefully changing my course! As far as gaining attention I learned about that as well. I learned that attention is easy to get but not always what you expect! 
 I get it, it's cool to be a trans person or any other alternative lifestyle these days. I get it, you be woke. I get it, you are progressive parents allowing your children to freely express their feelings. I get it, it is far easier to just say yes than to say no. Yes, the kids will love you for that, today, maybe tomorrow not so much, but it's all about the moment. It's about what I think I want right now; it's how I feel. 
 I'm not certain how we got to this point. The fact is there are about one million transgender people in the United States. That's about .6% of the entire population. If you listen to the news, you would think the number to be much higher.
 Yes, there has always been those people that felt different somehow, that enjoyed dressing up as the opposite gender. Native peoples had them in their tribes and thought of them as special. Being special doesn't make it normal though, just different. It also doesn't make them wrong or harmful in any way to others. But it is important to realize that feeling that way, for life, is a rare thing indeed. Should we allow children to decide on that? I'm a small child and you are going to enable a life altering decision based on my feelings? I felt like I wanted to live in the forest like Robin Hood when I was a kid. My parents didn't give me a bow and arrow and drop me off in the forest! I also really felt like I should choose my own bedtime and meals. I felt like I should say when I needed a bath, or when to brush my teeth. My parents didn't affirm any of that! 
 I seriously question why any doctor, any professional of any type, would even prescribe or perform any such procedures. When that child reaches the age of majority they can decide. If the parents want to help with that, go for it. But to use your children to make some political or social statement is simply wrong! And I can't see that in any other way. It isn't for the child, it is for you! Let me leave you with this parental tip, from someone that is a parent and a grandparent, Just Say No.   

Monday, August 29, 2022

what will we have

 Checking all the boxes. It appears that is more important than having the correct answers. As I was listening to an interview with one of the lady astronauts involved with today's rocket launch that became obvious. I was encouraged by her response though. The reporter listed all the people involved with the program, pointing out how many women, women of color, men of color; other than the white guys; and asked her opinion on that. Her response was, we have so many of those people in the program, and have had for years now, that I don't think it is an issue. I did smile at that response and the reporter was left unsatisfied. It was quite obvious he was hoping for a different reaction. Pressing the topic, a bit further he still got no satisfaction. Good for her, whatever her name is.
 It highlighted the need to check all the boxes, however. What if there hadn't been any African American, Latinos, or females involved? The reporter did stress that with the apollo missions it was only white guys! That isn't the truth but that didn't matter to the reporter. There were in fact many minorities involved with the program, you just didn't see them on television much. The thing was only qualified people were involved with the program. The number of qualified minorities was a small number, that's why they are in the minority, and there was no active plan to seek them out, to check that box. Fact is, there wasn't even a box for that. In those days no one was asking how you "identified" yourself. Whatever you said was taken as fact, unless it was obvious that it wasn't. Yes, back in those days BS would be called! 
 Yesterday marked the 59th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings' dream speech. That took place in 1963. In that famous oration he spoke of character rather than color. It was his dream for his children. He was, of course, speaking metaphorically about all children of color. It's my thinking he would be greatly disappointed today. He was aware, he spoke of it, preached it, that it is the character of a person that makes that person, not the color of their skin. Today, the most important thing is to check that box with the proper "color" and consider the character of that person later. Today color is being used as an excuse for character! That is to say, color used as an exemption! 
 Thirteen per cent of the population are black people. If you listen to the news and their pundits, you would think that number to be significantly higher. If you eliminated everyone else the entire population of America would be about forty million people. There are one hundred and ninety eight nations in the world with populations smaller than that number. In 2020 seventy four per cent of the population of America identified themselves as white. The number has declined since with fewer identifying as white only. That's important to understand. It has become socially and politically expedient to identify yourself in that manner. In short, not good to simply say, I'm white! It is always to your advantage however to declare some connection to another race/minority or "marginalized" group. As a result, we had to add boxes to the applications. It's a scramble to be the first! The character isn't important, the importance lies in being the first. 
  White people are the majority. That is just a statistical fact. We have been in America since its' inception as America. Yes, yes, when white people first arrived there were the natives, and their numbers were more. We called them Indians, savages, and red men. Thing is the white people, Europeans is a better definition of those peoples, continued to migrate, seek refuge, and have dreams of a new land. They just kept on coming. The Dutch (other europeans) stopped by in 1619 and sold slaves to these Europeans. They had purchased them from African traders by the way. Nothing unusual about that, Europeans had been holding slaves, being taken as slaves, and dealing with all of that for centuries. There were some blacks here before that, but not a great number. Africans just weren't world explorers for whatever reason.
  Simply put, white people made America. They had a dream as well. If you read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights their ideals (dreams) weren't all that different than what Dr, King was speaking about. All men are created equal. John Adams explained it succinctly when he said our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious man. It's true though that morality and religion are often set aside in favor of profit and progress. By whatever means necessary is often a term used to justify that. We know it is wrong, but it is necessary, this time anyway. America abolished the practice of slavery altogether in just eighty nine years as a nation. It was still being practiced actively in many other nations across the globe. It still is in some places. But a box was checked, a box of character. More followed, the equal rights act of 1964 is an example of that. Today we keep adding boxes, gender identity issues, sexual identity and that sort of thing. 
 What boxes define a person's character? Moral and religious values are those boxes. Morality is defined by the society in which you live, it is different in different cultures. Religion is what? Religion is a doctrine written by men. This is how you should live and interact with others. The practice of that religion (doctrine) is different in every culture as well. The United States of America has no official religion. You aren't supposed to say that, that we were formed on Christian principles of morality. Don't check that box!
  One thing is certain, it has proven to be far more difficult to walk the walk, than to talk the talk. That began with those founding documents. The idealism in those words inspire us all. And I mean all, regardless of your skin tone. It is very difficult to stay true to our moral and religious values. As true for a nation as it is for the individual. Just going to church doesn't make you religious and endorsing immoral behaviors certainly doesn't make you a moral person. Not even when I say my morality has to allow you to be immoral, that's my morality. That is just checking the box! I satisfied someone else, not myself. What will we have when every box is checked?     

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Fair to all?

 Once more on the whole forgiving student loan thing. We have to ask a simple question, is an education a commodity? In one sense it is, but in another it is certainly not. You can't take an education away from someone. That is to say, once you have "purchased" that product it is yours forever. That being established you have to ask is it fair to forgive a loan taken out on a product that you, as the lender, can never recover? At least with a commodity I can recoup some of my lose by repossessing the product. Not so with a college degree. What other things can you default on the loan and keep the product? Medical expenses may be one, you could declare bankruptcy but that is certainly different than loan forgiveness. Bankruptcy carries long term detrimental consequences, loan forgiveness does not. Should this Biden "loan forgiveness" plan carry the same consequence as a bankruptcy? That would seem fair enough. The reason for not paying, for forgiveness, is the same, should not the consequences? You could say some car loans are predatory, some offers from credit card companies are certainly predatory, and even some mortgage companies. Are any of those being considered for forgiveness? Forgiveness while you get to keep the car, the home and all the goods purchased on those credit cards without any negative effect on your future credit worthiness.   
 Going to college and obtaining that degree is speculation. The individual is speculating that the degree will enable them to pay back the loan. What other purpose does that degree serve? It isn't a guarantee, it isn't even a promise, it is an advantage gained, much like a great deal of practice is an advantage in sports or playing a musical instrument. You will have an advantage over the inexperienced but sucess is not guaranteed. Those that invest, speculate, in other products are not extended forgiveness when their choices fail. Should have bought into VHS tapes rather than Beta. No loan forgiveness for any of that. I bought a home but can't afford to pay the mortgage and the heating and electric bills while feeding myself and my ten children. No loan forgiveness there, just homelessness. Have to hope for charity.
 I've heard some talk that just the interest should be forgiven, that it would be fair to do that. Fair to whom? The one loaning the money, whether it is the government or some other entity, they did so to make a profit. They are speculating as well. Should that profit be denied when your speculation proves wrong? That is to say, you made a bad investment? Yes, there is a bit of risk when loaning money out and agreeing to receive payments over time in return. That's the purpose of that interest after all, making it worth the wait on the part of the one lending the money. That is their interest: making money. How is it fair to remove that interest? You received what you wanted, your interest was satisfied, why shouldn't theirs? 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

never forget

 We will never forget. How many times has that been said? I've forgotten. The first thing that comes to mind in that regard for me is 9/11. We would never forget! Quickly now, what year did that happen? Sadly, many will not know that answer. Many will say 9/11 and repeat what events took place that day. Many today only know that as history. Twenty one years after the fact, it is being forgotten. But I remember the intense feelings experienced by the nation. That is what will be forgotten. It will be forgotten because you can't remember what you didn't experience for yourself. It's not your fault, it's not a conscious thing, it's nothing that can be taught. Even those that remember their history lessons will not remember that. In much the same way I don't remember anything about the civil war, the war of 1812, World War One, World War Two, and Korea. I know nothing of any of that except the historical facts, and stories told to me. I haven't forgotten, I never knew.
 When we say, we will never forget, it is the emotional response we are thinking about. It's true for the ones that are there, it is not true for those that were not. I often find myself wondering about that. Why did my second great grandfather go off to fight in the civil war? What was his emotion? Patriot, to preserve the Union, to abolish slavery, or was it something else? To impress his girlfriend, prove his manhood, or was it an opportunity for an adventure? I'm certain he never forgot! He may have questioned his response the rest of his life, but I'm certain he never forgot.
 Each of us will remember historical events in a different context. 9/11 for me was an attack upon the nation. I remember where I was, what I was doing and what I thought.  I was angry, very angry and wanted revenge, immediately. It was the prevalent emotional reaction at the time. Those in this country that appeared to be of a certain race were threatened and, in some cases, attacked! In an historical context it was my Pearl Harbor. I had heard my parents and others of their generation speak of that day, the horror and the anger that followed. I had read about gathering up the Japanese citizens in the country and putting them in Internment camps. 
 That is what they were called then, today we say concentration camps, which carries a more ominous meaning. Many gasp and shake their heads at that today, asking how we could have done that, in America! They have no understanding of the emotion. And yes, it was an emotional response disguised as a common sense reaction to what had just taken place. It may have been the best thing when you consider it, when you think of the danger any Japanese, or even anyone thought to be Japanese was in at that time in America. I don't say that as justification but rather as an explanation. In the context of time, it may have been a reasonable thing. Yes, they were interred. They were not made to work, subject to physical abuse or exterminated, that happened in concentration camps in German held territories. Later on, many Japanese that were American citizens joined in the fight and served with honor and dignity. That happened after the initial emotional shock and anger subsided just a bit, once cooler heads prevailed. 
 As for my generation what will be forgotten? I'd say Vietnam and 9/11 are the major historical events that will be forgotten about on an emotional level. Already we see documentaries about those events with views much different than we heard at the time of the events. At the time when everyone was decrying, we will never forget! I participated in Desert Storm/Desert Shield. How many remember that today? Shock and Awe! Today just a footnote. With each generation a little bit is forgotten. We tell the tales of the patriots that fought for our freedom and gained independence. The emotional tale of America, indeed the heart of the nation. But that emotion is being lost, a generation at a time. Today the flag is disrespected on a daily basis, protests against America are common, disparaging comments about the President, the Congress and America in general broadcast every day. Patriotism now called fanaticism or worse, nationalism. Statues and monuments erected in an emotional response removed and forgotten, placed in dark rooms or exhibits as examples of past injustice. 
 We will never forget, but the reason for remembering has changed. We are to remember what? The emotional response formed today by those that were not present at the event. We are to remember that in the past there were inequities and injustice. No longer are we to honor those that fought for a cause unless we agree with that cause today. It has to conform to today's sensibilities! And the next generation will forget about and start anew. That generation will do the same, perhaps restoring some of the past for a brief time, at least on an emotional level. Ah, but a lesson many still fail to understand and accept is a basic one, you don't miss something until it is gone. While we are busy changing things, correcting the past and making progress, we will forget. Then we remember but it is too late, it's gone. We again will say, never forget.       

Friday, August 26, 2022

an ethical choice?

  Any and all monies appropriated by the Congress of the United States comes from the pockets of the taxpayer. That is how that works in its' simplest terms. Those monies are to be used to conduct the business of government. The key term there being business. Congress votes to approve and disapprove the use of funds. Yes, Congress decides what the money is to be spent on. Congress however does not have to power to spend those monies on charity. The reason is simple enough, the function of congress is to conduct business, not run a charity! Recently we heard about student loan forgiveness. Three hundred billion dollars of charity! That three hundred billion dollars still needs to be paid back to the United States treasury department. Those that didn't borrow those monies, nor receive any benefit from those monies, are now responsible for paying that money back. 
 It's pretty easy to be charitable with other people's money. I have no problem giving away your money, sometimes to myself! That is what congress has been doing for quite a while now. If you were to somehow compile all the bills, all the spending on charitable issues, combined with all the grants the congress approves for various "research" projects, the number would be shocking. I'm guessing hundreds of billions is a conservative guess. How much of the taxes collected is actually being spent on business? That's a question I have. I don't have an answer for that but I do know the government is borrowing money from other countries, China is a big lender, to sustain our business. Will China simply forgive our debt? I don't think so. Fact is, all told, "we the people" owe foreign entities a staggering seven trillion dollars! Yup, foreign countries hold the notes on over seven trillion dollars' worth of securities! And yes, there is interest to be paid on those loans. Do you think any of those nations would just forgive those loans or say, don't worry about the interest, just make payments on the principal. 
  Loans are made to do what? Are they to be charitable donations to people so they can get whatever they want? Loans are made to do one thing, and one thing only, make more money for the one loaning the money out. Yes, I know, what a concept. It's almost like it is a business. You know why? Because it is a business. Student loans from the national treasury are issued for the same reason, to make money for the government treasury! The thinking being, if the treasury makes money, we won't have to borrow money! That was achieved way back in 1835 when the government actually owed no foreign entities a thing. That's correct, we the people had zero debt. President Andrew Jackson proclaimed the "public debt" was paid in full and said these words:   “Let us commemorate it as an event that gives us increased power as a nation, and reflects luster on our federal Union, of whose justice, fidelity, and wisdom it is a glorious illustration.”  Sadly, it didn't last long as Congress began debates on how to spend any surplus by distributing it to the states. By January the first of 1836 the debt had once again grown to 37,000 dollars and a depression began in 1839 that lasted four years. The civil war followed and with that, more debt.
 The public debt, that's what we are talking about. The Congress of the United States is supposed to conduct the business of governing the nation including managing the budget. Nowhere in the Constitution is Congress given the authority to donate to a single charity, of any kind. Charity is not mentioned anywhere in that document. You could argue the separation of church and state is evidence that the government is not a charitable organization! Charity is a moral thing, not a business thing. Ethics concerns morals in business and in your personal life. Is it ethical to forgive a debt to one group of people while imposing that debt on others? I fail to see how that can be justified. Is that "forgiveness" really ethical? You may very well feel it is the moral thing to do, and you are certainly welcome to donate any monies you want to any cause, group, or organization that you want to, it's your prerogative. The Congress is not an individual. The Congress represents "we the people" and does not get to decide on charity. They decide on law, on ethics. They conduct the business of the people, for the benefit of the people, for "We the People" not for individuals.     

Thursday, August 25, 2022

remaining active

  So, the wife is listening to a television show. The host remarks, for you younger members of the audience that may not know who Elizabeth Taylor is, she is lady that makes the perfume your grandmother wears, white diamonds. My wife looks up suddenly from her crocheting and remarks to me, hey I wear that! I remark back, you are a grandmother. That's when I get the "look" and you all know what that is. It's the I don't want to hear it look! That's when I went to You Tube and found an ad for Hai Karate aftershave and cologne. Yes, it was a budget brand and came with directions on self defense, to fight off the women. Today they would undoubtedly be sued on multiple layers. Domestic violence, promoting violence and it didn't really make you irresistible. Posting it to Facebook it broke the tension in the room.
 We began to talk about all of that a bit. How we used to look at others, like our neighbors and say things like, they shouldn't be doing that at their age. Or maybe, I'm amazed that they can do that at their age. That's when we both had to admit to ourselves, we are that age. You know you can still do a lot in your sixties and seventies. I think the ads on television call that, remaining active! They sell supplements for that, along with medical procedures and Pevergen to boost your memory! Makes you remember who you are I guess, can think of at least one person that needs that badly but I'm not going to get political. At the same time, they do recommend you wear life alert around your neck, just in case. Help is on the way.
 I do have some concern for this latest generation. I'm not concerned so much for their physical ability to "remain active" as their phycological ability to cope with life. If you listen to the news, it's a big problem already. Now I'm not making light of any real mental health crisis we may be having in America, I'm in fact showing concern. My concern is this narrative of today. You can't do anything on your own. You need support, you need help, you need assistance. You need the government to intervene in every aspect of your life! Only government can stop bullies and others from hurting your feelings. The government will mandate what pronouns are applied to whom!  You can come to work dressed in any fashion you choose; you can tell your employer when you will work and when you won't. You are entitled to mental health days when you just aren't feeling it! And if you need an emotional support animal you can take that animal anywhere you go! 
 My concern is what happens when they get old. Even the government can't stop the aging process. What happens when it isn't fair? Will they be able to accept reality? I admit it can be a sobering experience. There are times reality just slaps you in the face. Getting the senior discount, when you didn't ask about it, is one of those times. Or going up some steps and a younger person offers to "help" you. What are they going to do when they are offended by all of that? When they discover that being "woke" wasn't what they thought it was. Might cause some emotional distress. Especially when they discover they now have a fixed income and a mortgage to pay! I borrowed money and have to pay it back? 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

lessons lost

  We have all heard the story of clothes make the Man. There is a great deal of truth in that tale, truth about human nature. I was thinking about it as I was working on a slide show. I had been given a collection of slides taken by my wife's Uncle George. Judging by the cars and clothes I'd say the majority were taken in the late fifties and into the sixties. Now Uncle George was a member of the greatest generation having served in WW2. It was his parents and their friends in those photographs that caught my attention. Pictures of them visiting a floral park especially. I don't know a lot about this park other than it was called Sherwood Gardens, that was the label on the slides. There are many shots of the flower gardens, trees and bushes with manicured lawns and footpaths. It is obviously a bright summer day, and the men are all wearing suits, the ladies in their finest dresses strolling alongside. One can imagine a genteel scene of polite company and polite conversation. Of course, there isn't a cell phone in sight! The people are actually looking at each other and conversing with one another. No fact checking going on, no but Google says this. Just people dressed for the occasion, visiting the park, and enjoying the scenery.
 In other pictures I have these same folks playing cards at the kitchen table. They are all still wearing their suits and the ladies dressed in their finest. There are pictures of the children dressed for the holidays, especially Easter, everyone dressed to the nines as we used to say. It all looks so very formal through today's lens, but I remember when that was the normal thing. It was that way at my house growing up as well. It was a time when you dressed for the day or the occasion. That occasion may be going to the grocery store. You did dress for that differently than being dressed to work in the house. When I was younger, I remember my mom wearing an apron. That changed when mom began wearing slacks! Yes, mom was on the cutting edge of fashion in that regard, she began wearing slacks instead of dresses. I especially remember her having a pair of what she called Matador pants, today they are called capris I believe, also known to me as clam diggers. You didn't wear an apron with those. My father changed his clothes before going out to social functions of any kind, even a bar-b-cue. 
 But as time has gone by, we have adopted a far more casual approach to all of that. The manner of dress today has also changed public attitude. It is the clothes make the man syndrome. People are far more likely to be aggressive in the manner of speech, and action, than they were in the past. I encounter that every day. 
 What lies behind that? I would say a bit of selfishness is the root cause. We all just want to be comfortable. Wearing a suit and tie, dress shoes, your "good" clothes was inhibiting. Sometimes uncomfortable and restrictive. Not to mention it took effort to maintain your appearance. Back in those days you did have to press your clothing in order for it to look good. The washing and care of your clothing was a chore. Certainly, today it is a lot simpler, but we don't want to be bothered by any of that. Today it is, come as you are. And that, that is a part of the problem. In years past at least we made an effort to present ourselves as civil. I do remember my mom laughing when clothes were first advertised as permanent press. She still ironed them, every single piece. You had to be presentable. I would hear, you aren't going out of the house looking like that! It was a reflection on your person and your family! Don't go out looking like some bum. When company was coming you changed your clothes. Company was anyone that wasn't your immediate family. Sometimes you might get caught off guard, but you had excuses ready for that. I was just cleaning the basement or working in the yard. Sometimes you just pretended you weren't home.
 When I was young, I would be made to get dressed. I didn't like it much; I think most kids are like that, but it did change my attitude. I did feel a little more grown up, a bit more adult. At least I was forced to act that way. No crawling around in the dirt, rough housing or yelling. I was expected to act like a gentleman. It was the clothes make the man syndrome. When I was in the Jr. Choir at church and put on those robes, I felt different. Later when I became an acolyte in that church and wore vestments, I felt different. It worked that way when you put on your suit. Even today when dressed for an occasion it does change my demeanor. That was the purpose of all that. It was an outward display of respect towards others. That's who you did that for. That was the lesson. Today the lesson is different. Today it is, this is the way I am, take it or leave it! I'm not making an effort to do anything. And the underlining message in that is, I'm entitled. You have to respect me no matter what I do! It's all about me. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


  “What is morally wrong can never be advantageous, even when it enables you to make some gain that you believe to be to your advantage. The mere act of believing that some wrongful course of action constitutes an advantage is pernicious.” Cicero

Those words were written over two thousand sixty-five years ago. Marcus Cicero wrote them, there were a lot of Marcus's back in Roman times, and many of them pretty smart guys. Marcus was a philosopher among other things. He became a politician of great power and influence. In the end he was beheaded by order of Marc Anthony. Cicero's big crime was supporting the Roman Republic! Yes, it was a time before Rome was ruled by Emperors and Caeser. Without going into a whole history lesson on how the Roman empire was formed and ruled that was the problem with Cicero, he fully supported a Republic! His enemies, those wanting absolute power had him removed from the picture. Cicero believed that having an Emperor, one man with complete authority and power was morally wrong. That is what he was talking about when he wrote those words. For that he was beheaded, and his hands cut off. There were presented to Marc Anthony and that marks the beginning of the Roman Empire as we think of it today.
Morality in governance is what Cicero was talking about. When our Republic was founded, it was founded on a moral basis. That was clearly spelled out even then. John Adams said our constitution was written only for a moral and religious people. That is still true today despite attempts to "amend" that constitution otherwise. Yes, some amendments have solidified that basis for a moral governance, others like the sixteenth, increased the power of the federal government. We have to be very careful in making any amendments to the original document. So how do we determine morality in governance? That is the big issue, the core issue we face every time we cast our ballot.
If we are to say that morality, and indeed moral actions are individual things, how can we apply that to the whole? What system of government should be applied? If all morals and all moral actions are individual a dictatorship would seem to be the answer. Just allow the one to decide. But that is so restrictive, isn't it? So perhaps a simple democracy is the answer. That is what many would have you believe today right here in America. We hear that term used interchangeably with what we actually have, a republic. A simple democracy, however, is in practice, no more than mob rule. A simple majority is all that is required, always one vote away from defeat or victory.
I think it can be seen that a moral standard in government is a requirement. That standard can only be maintained by individuals, the citizens of that government. It cannot be legislated. It is the moral convictions and beliefs of the people that sustain a moral government. It is the concern for the whole, not concern for oneself, that should fashion your moral standard. Religions have been established among men to serve that function. The promise of reward is the motivator. A reward that lasts forever, far beyond our mortal existence.
The function of government is to maintain a balance between what should be and what actually exists. Ideally all would share equally in every facet of life. There would be no wealth gaps, no housing gaps, no awareness of race, handicap or infirmary. Everyone treats everyone equally! The reality is quite different however, the best we can hope for is a moderator, a governance of inequities. That is what government should do. It all depends on the individual, however. A republic attempts to maintain a moral standard in government without the removal of a moral standard in legislation, ie: no laws that are immoral. Even those laws that appear to create an advantage to the individual. As Cicero pointed out, even believing so is pernicious. It is pernicious to you and to the whole.
The evidence lies before you. You don't have to look far to see that happening here in our Republic. The lack of morality is shocking. And I'm not talking about Christian morality, Christianity is a doctrine, morality is a universal thing. Society dictates what will be accepted as "moral" behaviors, but that acceptance doesn't make the action moral. Morals remain as an individual thing. Morals cannot be imposed; they must be accepted. That is the reason our constitution was written only for a moral and religious people and is totally inadequate to any other. Whether it is a mob or a dictator when moral is decided by the one, it is always to the advantage of the one. To believe otherwise is pernicious.
Synonyms for pernicious include:
harmful · damaging · destructive · injurious · hurtful · detrimental · deleterious · dangerous · adverse · inimical · unhealthy · unfavorable · bad · evil · baleful · wicked · malign · malevolent · malignant · noxious · poisonous · cancerous · corrupting · ruinous · deadly · lethal · fatal · malefic · maleficent · pestilent · pestilential · baneful · pestiferous 

Monday, August 22, 2022

going with the flow

 The goal is to get to heaven. That's what we have been taught since day one. At least the majority of people I know have been taught that. It's one of those topics rarely discussed, just assumed. Even the most evangelical among us rarely talk about the most important part in that. That part to me would be, what am I going to do once I get there? It is something I have never really heard an answer to. I hear things like there is no sickness, no sorrow, no wealth gap, no racism and all of that. It's all good! But what am I going to do once I get there? I'm there for all of eternity, right? I'm an angel. Will it all be a mindless bliss? I've read that some believe that is exactly what it will be like. Just an eternity of feeling great. I just think it would have to be something more but can't imagine what that would be.
  None of these thoughts are to be construed in any way other than curiosity. There may be some that get offended when I ask such things. And then there are others that will answer with condescending remarks and feign superiority in religious matters. I have no doubts about the existence of God, of a higher power that controls and creates. The evidence is overwhelming and quite simple to understand. The universe didn't get in an orderly fashion by accident, by chance. It had to be planned. It was planned to serve a purpose that we can't understand. It is that purpose that fascinates me. 
 What will be our purpose after we leave this earth? What becomes of our energy? As I have written many times in the past, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one state to another. That's the science as we understand it. So, it stands to reason that my energy will be transformed in some fashion. Is that energy my soul? If so, could it be used to power the next person, animal, plant or vegetable? If that is the case, how could I be in heaven? Maybe heaven is really like a battery, a storage device for energy. Our energy is there, ready to be used at any time. Is death really just our energy being transformed/ recharged?
 I have been seeing some new articles about black holes recently. Some now saying that alternative universes exist inside those black holes. At least one article claims science now believes our universe is inside a black hole! Yeah, could be I suppose. I'm no astrophysical scientist but have read where nothing can escape a black hole, not even light. The gravity is that strong. Well, whatever goes in there has to go somewhere is my thought. In an ever expanding universe, which the scientists assure us we are, those black holes could explain that. Like being shot out a shotgun all the particles are going in the same general direction just not in a straight line, a scattered pattern, ever expanding. Thing there being, who is aiming the gun? I don't believe any of that would be accidental. Has to be part of the plan.
 Perhaps what we are striving for is becoming positive energy. In electrical theory positively charged atoms do not move, negatively charged electrons do. They move from the positive side of the battery to the negative side, or sometimes what we call ground. In that way we could say that heaven is the positive energy, it never moves. The negative is life as we know it, in constant motion heading to the ground. Biblical verses allude to just that, and they did long before we knew about electrical theory. Unless, of course there were advanced civilizations before us that knew all of that and more! But the battery was drained, and we are in the process of recharging that battery. All the negative electrons returning to join the positive atoms. Is that what is in a black hole? 
 I'm just wondering what I'll be doing? Will I be just waiting in the battery to be used or sent down the line to ground. If the charge is high enough, sparks fly before contact is even made with the ground. It gets hot! Real hot! When you see lightening you see electricity traveling up from the ground following a path of negative electricity. Isn't that interesting? It is all a part of the circuit. If I am sent down the line, I have to be negative, if not, I'm positive. Both are necessary however to complete the circuit. That explains why bad things happen. Sometimes being a bad thing is a good thing. Hard to understand, isn't it? Yeah, sometimes it is, you just have to go with the flow.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

finding peace

 It's a funny thing when your parents, relatives and friends become people you have known. It happens after they pass and just kind of sneaks up on a person. Just the other day I was talking with someone, and that realization came to me. I was talking about my father but describing him as a just another man. What I mean is it wasn't all accolades and praise, that description contained some flaws in his character as well. Those flaws were presented as endearing however, you know how that is. It is those things that you accept about a person but love them anyway. That is the rest in peace part we all hear about, that we wish for them. The truth is we want that rest in peace for ourselves. It takes time to happen, but it does happen, at least for the majority of us I believe it does. It is the final phase of grieving that takes place. The person doesn't necessarily have to die for that to happen either. It can happen when others simply move on or move away. If you have ever been in the service, you will understand that. Lots of people I have known, now resting in a peaceful place in my mind. They may or may not be dead! 
 In thinking about these people, I often wonder just how well did I know them? That is especially true with my parents and others of their generation. When I was young the motto was children are to be seen, not heard. As a result, much was not discussed before the children, you would be told that when you were old enough. Never did get that old, but I'm working on it. Still, I think I knew my dad pretty well. He was pretty straightforward about things most of the time. Yes, there were subjects he skirted around a bit embarrassed to talk about, you didn't air your dirty laundry in public. You also did not show any flaws to your children. It was, do as I say not as I do! But as far as how well I know anyone I can only know what they reveal. I'm certain each held secrets and surprises. Things they chose not to share. 
 It's important to understand that just because someone doesn't share everything, they are not practicing a deceit. I think that is the impression we often have though. We want to know everything, all the juicy details. It's a part of human nature this gathering of intelligence. It's part of our survival instincts. Keeping some intelligence to ourselves however, only sharing that with those with a need to know, is equally as important. I'm thinking that part of the lesson is being lost. There are things that you don't need to know about me and me about you. Should it become a necessity I'll let you know. Sharing unnecessarily can lead to conflict and confusion. What's that saying? Better to be thought foolish than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. But that expression alludes to the idea about deceit, doesn't it? 
 Deceit or discretion? Are they one and the same? Often, they are thought of in that fashion, but they are not. That's true even though they are synonyms. It's a part of the English language that makes English so difficult to learn. To deceive others is to mislead them in some fashion, to practice a deceit is to have others believe something that isn't the truth. Same thing, only different. Being discreet is a good thing, practicing deception is not, unless you are a magician. It ruins the trick if you know how it's done. Sometimes it ruins the individual if you know the truth about them as well. 
 Thing is, that truth is measured against your truth and sometimes they just don't agree. Seeing that more every day in this modern world of sharing everything. It's my thinking we should practice more discretion. Yeah, the way my parents did, the way a lot of my relatives did, and the way a lot of my friends still do today. Comedians often are indiscrete, that is there stock in trade, and what invokes all that nervous laughter. They talk about the things we shouldn't openly discuss. Bodily functions and unkind thoughts about others usually topping the list. Pretty funny stuff, right?
 Well, I managed to wander off topic again, happens to me a lot, but I attribute that to an active mind. I started out talking about how others become people you have known. It is then you can talk about them in the third person. They have found a restful spot in your heart and mind. Their memory doesn't disturb you; it has become an old friend. Takes time for that to happen. One day you will just start talking about them in that way. It can be surprising. You begin telling what you know, discreetly, biased, and convinced of the truth of it all. As Paul Harvey would have said, the rest of the story.                  

Saturday, August 20, 2022


 Great minds think alike. That's an old axiom we use when others agree with our thoughts. Usually, it is said tongue in cheek and a wink of the eye. But it is the collective that achieves greatness. That is true with a family, a community and a nation. The founding fathers thought quite a bit alike. That is how our constitution got written. Now they didn't all agree on every detail, there was much debate and discussion, but they did agree in principle. Today it would seem our politicians, and they are the lawmakers, can't agree in principle on anything at all. They are not thinking alike.
  Just what is the thought today when it comes to government? What is the principle? The founding fathers said, "we hold these truths to be self-evident" and went on to tell you what those truths are. They declared the purpose of government was to secure these rights. The consent of the governed was the basis for securing those rights. Is that true today? Given the state of the electoral process you have to question that. What are those representatives really representing? It would appear they are representing whoever donates the most to their campaigns. When three per cent of a population can dictate a course of action is that representation? Not in a Republic it isn't. When the majority is being told they are the problem, is that a true representation of the nation? 
  Now the founding fathers were concerned with human rights. The right to strive for greatness unencumbered by government. They would be no paying tribute to a government. That's what Kings and tyrants demand, tribute. It wasn't until 1861, eighty five years after achieving independence, that the first personal income tax had to be paid in America. That was earmarked to pay for the civil war. That tax was repealed in 1872. In 1895 the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to tax anyone without that tax being applied to each state based on population. Basically, what they meant was a flat tax. Not surprisingly the states with the highest incomes didn't agree with that and the ones with the lowest thought it to be completely fair. In 1913, in the final months of the Taft administration, the congress passed the 16th amendment. In 1912 the Democrats had won the presidency and control of the house and congress. So, you now have to pay tribute to the government as a result of that legislation. Well, if you work for a living, you do anyway. Seventy thousand pages of legislation have been passed since 1913 governing the collection of that tax. Seventy thousand pages! 
  What was the principle the founding fathers supported? If a man worked, treated his neighbors and business partners fairly, he could improve his condition. Moral and ethical behaviors were to be valued above all else. That is the importance of religion. Yes, Christianity was the predominant religion being practiced in the United States at its' inception but, it is important to note no other religion was barred! In fact, separating church from state was of primary importance. It was understood, government is a business. Government should be run for profit, for the good of everyone. The purpose of government is to ensure fair and equal treatment for all. Important to note that seventy thousand pages of legislation has failed to accomplish that as far as taxes go. A flat rate, applied to all equally, is the only answer. 
 Why hasn't that been instituted? The answer is obvious enough. Those making the most do not want that because they would have to pay the most. Those with the money can control just who represents them. Gaining support, it is called and a bit of a misnomer. Those doing the supporting are doing so for the benefit of themselves. Yes, we are all that way. Even with all of that, the top ten percent are paying seventy one percent of all taxes collected! Is that fair and equal treatment? Hardly seems so to me. Still, no one is proposing repeal of the 16th amendment. An amendment that the Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional! It was that is, until the Democrats decided differently. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

moving on

 Watching the news about the homeless situation in Baltimore. There is a regular city of Red Tents where a good number of these folks stay. With the weather changing the call has gone out for blankets and such. The how and why these people are homeless covers the entire gamut of the human condition. What is the solution? I have no answer to that and no one else does either. I have thought about all of this before, how this has changed over the years. When I was young, I would hear about Hobo's. Hobos were transient workers that roamed the nation following the weather. They were willing to work for food or a few dollars. But at some point, the hobos quit traveling and settled down in one area. It was at that point they became known as homeless. Hobos were certainly homeless but not identified in that fashion, I wonder why that was? Well, that was in a time when the shiftless, the lazy, those that made poor life choices were held accountable for all of that. They weren't victims of anything but consequences. The consequences of their own choices. 
 Now there is a genuine homeless problem throughout the country. It is estimated that about half a million people are homeless in America. It's important to note that the vast majority of those folks are citizens of this country. The ones here illegally are being housed, fed and given medical care, along with educational and occupational opportunities. They are not counted among the homeless. I can't help but think there is something wrong with that picture. Perhaps if we channeled our resources to our citizens before illegals the homeless population could be reduced instead of increasing almost daily! But, that's not important because the homeless don't vote. You can't vote without an address; something being provided to those illegals. The push is on to allow those people to vote, no citizenship required. It is reported that about 15.5 million illegals are living in the United States! None of them are homeless. At least not according to official government accounting they aren't. They are refugees!   
 Yes it's an interesting thing about the homeless. We have had a pandemic raging, according to the media, for over two years. The fourth booster shot is being rolled out and the fear of Monkey pox is on the rise. Still, I haven't heard of any homeless populations being decimated by any of that. Why aren't we finding bodies all over the place? Could it be acquired immunity? No, the science says that takes too long to develop, we all need to be vaccinated and boosted! I'm guessing it must be the stellar hygiene and proper diet that is protecting them. 
 Typically, we think of the homeless people as living on the streets. The actual number of people doing that is far less than the reported half a million homeless. That's because homeless means simply not having stable housing. Homeless people live in shelters, other family members homes, or private boarding houses. If those houses don't contain a private bathroom, it is considered inadequate housing and you are homeless. They also include those that have been forced to leave their homes. We could fix all of that with mortage and rent forgiveness. Don't worry, you won't have to pay more taxes. Interesting to note is that the government defines those folks that have lost their homes or apartments as "refugees" but are not entitled to the same benefits as illegal alien "refugees." But it is the ones living on the street that draw the most attention. The hobos that became squatters. If we could just get them to move on, the problem will disappear.       

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

just waiting

 There are days when I feel like I'm just waiting. I have no idea what I'm waiting for, just waiting. I don't feel restless, that's not it, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, I'm just waiting for something to happen. It always does if you are patient. I've discovered things usually aren't good if you rush. I also think that is a lesson that isn't being taught these days. I was taught, patience is a virtue. It isn't Biblical advice; you won't find that in the Bible. No, that advice goes much further back in time. I suspect that lesson was learned early on while trying to capture some food. Rushing after an animal would either leave you hungry or dead! Yes, patience is a virtue. And ironically one that takes time to understand and appreciate. 
  We have become a society always in a rush. We want everything, now! In fact, the most common phrase being used these days is, I deserve this. That applies to anything that you want. It makes no difference if you actually earned whatever it is, you deserve it. Interesting to note is you never deserve to be punished for wrongdoing; you don't deserve that. Someone else is to blame for that even when you are the one performing the action. Inanimate objects are often the cause as well, especially guns that are violent. But if there is something to be had for free, you deserve that. You shouldn't have to wait for anything if you want it today. Isn't that why we started selling things on time? Get the goods now, pay for it later. Of course, now we shouldn't have to pay for it if we determine the cost was too high.      We deserve forgiveness. The thing there is, you have to earn forgiveness! You do not get to decide when that forgiveness is extended, if ever it is. You can't demand forgiveness. Contrition is the vehicle to forgiveness. It takes time to be forgiven. This notion that we can legislate forgiveness, legislate charity itself, is all wrong. You can do neither. You have to earn forgiveness, and charity is a gift from another, not an obligation.
  I do find myself waiting. I find myself waiting for yesterday to return. I know in my mind it will never happen; it will never return but I'm still waiting for it anyway. Waiting for a return. A return to everything that was good about the past. Yes, I'm well aware there was much injustice, suffering and pain in the past, can't change that, but I'm not talking about bringing any of that back. I'm talking about when we were all patient enough to listen to one another, have a decent debate and discussion. Today we just race to file "suit" to gain what we feel we deserve. I'll just sue for whatever it is I want! You, or some other entities are to blame for whatever misfortune has befallen me, that has denied me what I want. I deserve to have whatever I want! I deserve to be able to act in any way I desire. And I should be able to do that now. 
  Waiting for what once was. Sounds rather foolish, doesn't it? That's because it is. That doesn't change anything though, I still feel that way. I had no idea that aging would be like this, waiting for something. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to grow up. I couldn't wait for a lot of things! I dismissed the advice to wait, be patient, good things will come in time. Well things did come in time, not always good though. That was usually my fault, I rushed in. Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread! Another lesson that takes time to understand completely. Those times may make for some great stories later on in life but were indeed, foolish. Perhaps what I'm really waiting for is what could have been. It's a fine line between rejoicing and regret. Think I'll wait a while before deciding on that.            

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

being the victim

  I have a question? Just who is profiting from the covid at home testing kits? I have to ask that after listening to a medical reporter on the morning news. It turns out the experts agree, at home testing is not very good, not very effective at all. Their advice is to take at least two tests, a couple days apart when you feel like you have symptoms. They went on to say, take three in you don't have symptoms! Yes, that is what the expert said, take at least three in home tests when you don't have symptoms. I heard that as, take the test often enough and you will test positive. You should begin wearing a mask and staying socially distant! 
  We have all seen the ads, get up to eight in home test kits for free. Well, first thing to understand is this, nothing is free. Your tax dollars are going somewhere to pay for the manufacture and shipping of these kits. The expert informed me that those kits are, at best, about 60% accurate. Use enough of them though and they increase in giving the desired result. You will test positive. Are you sufficiently paranoid yet? I have avoided that by not taking any tests at all. I'm not worried about any short or long term side effects from any vaccine either. That's because I haven't taken them either. 
 I did go to the internet in an attempt to get an answer. The bottom line is no one is telling. As of January of this year, at least two billion has been spent on the in home kits. That two billion was shared between three companies that manufactured the tests. No one will tell the cost of the individual kit. It's shrouded in secrecy! Reminds me of much of the testimony the Democrats collect these days. National secret can't tell you that. Now I'm no investigative reporter, no watch dog, but it sure would be interesting to see if any politicians, have ties to any of these companies. Are those authorizing these free tests, delivered to your door, in any way making a profit? I will repeat what I, along with many others will tell you, follow the money. 
 Given the admitted efficacy of those test kits one does has to wonder, why. Are they giving the desired result? Yes, I suppose you could say that they are. They are certainly keeping the public aware and nervous. They are creating an atmosphere of paranoia. Test, test and test again. If you don't have symptoms, test at least three times! It was determined early on that they couldn't get everyone tested. The hospitals, clinics and parking lots weren't going to do the trick. But, if we give them test kits, for free, that can be done at home, well, that ought to work! It has: many are scrambling for those tests, testing themselves at every opportunity, remaining vigilant and afraid. Why? Because we are being told that there are the variants! No defense against the variants. The test kit will not tell you if you have one of the variants, but you should use those test kits anyway. Hey, they're free!
 Now if all this testing should fail to do the trick, we have a few other things up the proverbial sleeve. There is always Monkey Pox and Polio. Those viruses have been patiently waiting in the wings. Can home test kits for those be far behind? We do need something that will keep people at home. On the bright side however, we now have enough ventilators to supply the world! Literally thousands of them, sitting in storage all over the country. The truth is thousands were also sent to other nations while you were being told there was a critical shortage here in America. Scary uh? Well order your free kits, test every day after brushing your teeth. One day, you too, will test positive! No telling what that might entitle you to. Always good to be the victim in America.          

Monday, August 15, 2022

no need to ask

  They surely must live in a different world, those that read the New York Times I mean. I have left comments on their Facebook postings and as a result my feed always contains some of those. You know how that works. There is one section addressing the Ethicist. This is where people write in asking question of an ethical nature. I am always surprised and shaking my head. Apparently, they have no moral or ethical compass whatsoever based on those questions. The last one I saw was asking if it was alright to "date" someone else because your husband has Alzheimer's. Well, you know she is lonely and just wants to have a good time. My only comment was, "till death do us part." Perhaps that hadn't been included in whatever marriage ceremony she had participated in! There has been a story on Facebook several times that explains my feelings about that situation. The story is about a man taking his wife for walks every day despite her having Alzheimer's and not knowing who he is. His response is simply, I know who she is! 
  I've read a number of these questions. If those people are really serious, I mean, genuine in that questioning, we are all in deep trouble. I can only say that I am not seeing any foundational morals or ethics as I know them to be. They are questions that I would have been able to answer when I was in elementary school. It is never acceptable to lie, cheat or steal. Even when you are certain you can get away with it, it is wrong. If you sign an agreement, you are bound to that agreement, even when you don't feel like it. Your employer does have a right to tell you when to work! Your employer can make certain requirements mandatory for your continued employment! He can fire your sorry butt for not performing up to his expectations! That's the way it works. Your hurt feelings do not require any action on my part. 
  I know that the Times is a liberal, left leaning publication. One need only read a few articles to grasp that. As with most liberals the concern lies with itself and its survival. Just go with the flow as long as it benefits yourself. All the programs and ideas that it supports are based in that philosophy. That philosophy is basically, never deny yourself anything! And that is usually the basis for those ethical questions. The fact that they have to ask is what I find disturbing. Education is always one of the major topics of the liberal crowd. College degrees for everyone! But where is the moral and ethical education? It is obviously sorely lacking among that crowd! 
 The big cities have always been a haven for moral depravity, vice and criminal activity. That's because it is an environment where you can hide. You can remain anonymous while living in plain sight. People will just walk right by you, ignore you out of fear, or just plain complacency. There is no accountability. That city philosophy is now spreading, in part due to the internet and social media platforms, to all areas of the country. Anonymity behind a computer screen is easily achieved. Like in the big city, you can find others like yourself. Others that will support you, for their own purposes. 
  I don't know I was just struck by that question. My husband has Alzheimer's, is it alright for me to date someone else? What part of marriage do you not understand? What part of love do you not understand? Does commitment mean anything to you? And what sort of man would be willing to date a woman under those circumstances? Don't worry, he has Alzheimer's, he won't know. Well, all I can say to that is, I know!
  But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at all. After all she was asking the Ethicist, not the moralist, so it is just a question of ethics for her. Therein lies the problem, separating ethics from morality. Too many today that just don't understand the difference. She is having a moral dilemma and attempting to solve it with ethics. Doesn't work that way. Liberals need to learn that lesson, should be a course on that in every classroom in America. It used to be back when we stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, when we started the day with a silent prayer. When we were taught about God and Country. It was then when we found the answers within ourselves, we didn't need to ask.     

Sunday, August 14, 2022

we'll never know

 Why do we seek what we will never know? It's a question I find myself asking more often with each passing year. What I mean is we all want to be remembered. When we think about dying, we think about being remembered. Thing is, we won't know whether we are or not. That's my thinking anyway. I don't believe I will be in any celestial heaven looking down upon the earth and its' inhabitants. I just don't think it works like that. So, any recognition we receive has to be in the here and now. Problem there being we are told to not seek that recognition lest we become vain. In fact, in the Christian tradition vanity is a sin and the Bible tells us that. It is a sub-category of pride, one of the seven deadly sins! Pride goeth before the fall! I've heard that all my life. 
 I tell myself, and others, I write all these blogs to leave a record of my thoughts, feelings, and observations. That's true, I want to be the one to tell the story. If I don't write that story myself someone else will write it for me. I'm leaving a reference! You could say that it is vanity that compels me to do that, and I can offer no argument to the contrary. That's why I ask the question, why do we seek what we can't know? The ultimate arrogance is suggesting that we know what others do not. We are all guilty of that. Don't you love it when you have news, information, or just plain gossip to share? You just can't wait to tell someone. We often dress that up as being helpful or just offering some advice or opinion. The truth is we want to show that we know something others do not. Some secret of the universe.
 There is no denying the power of the written word. If it is in writing, it must be true. That's the thought. Written in stone is the expression, it can't be erased or changed. The obvious example of that is our headstone. A name, two dates, and a lifetime in between the two. I am filling in the blank because I want you to know. My story is in the first person, when others speak of me it is always in the third person. I am the only one that knows my thoughts, true for me and for you. 
 We say we are going to share. I have said that many times myself. I'm sharing my stories, my thoughts and feelings. What you need to understand about that is that sharing isn't giving it all away, it is sharing a portion of whatever it is. I certainly haven't shared my complete story. I, like everyone else, have little secrets. The majority of those "secrets" aren't really secrets at all, there are those that know the truth, the facts and the reality. The belief on my part, and yours, is that they will forget. They are those things we choose not to share, at least, not with everyone. 
  I think about writing down those secrets to complete the story but wouldn't want that read until after my passing. The reason is obvious enough, I don't want to share that stuff just now. What's the reason for that? Vanity is the answer. Yes, vanity. It could be damaging to my image, the image I hold in my own mind. My perception of self is certainly different than the perception others hold of me. If you knew the whole story would that change your perception of me? I have to think it certainly would. Isn't that the very reason we offer up those stories and experiences in the first place. The hope being it alters your view of things. We call that invoking empathy, something we all want and cherish. In the end, we all want to be the hero in the story. Best way to ensure that is to write the story. The frustration is simply; we will never know. We can't know that, all we can do is, believe.    

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Grandpa Ben

 I'm so old I remember when we didn't have twist tops on bottles. I was reminded of that when I was with my granddaughter Shyann. We had ordered a pizza and was sitting at a table; I had purchased each of us a fountain drink while we waited. As we sipped those drinks and chatted about things in general, searching for topics we could share, she pointed out what she felt was an antique bottle opener. I looked and she was pointing to a Coca-Cola opener mounted on a board, with Coca-Cola graphics, probably a reproduction. I told her, yes that is what it is and that when I was a kid they could be found everywhere. I told her we didn't have screw top bottles back then or pull tabs. She seemed surprised by that. Really? I told her when I was little lots of people kept a "church key" handy. I explained you needed that church key to open the beer cans, the ones with a seam in the side! She said she had never seen a can like that. 
 Now being a grandfather, I do enjoy telling the stories of my youth and what it was like growing up in the "old" days. I guess on some level it gives us that superior feeling, we know things they don't. That's a basic human trait I think wanting to tell others' things we feel they don't know. I was telling her that the only time we had a fountain soda was when we went to a soda fountain. At first, she thought I meant an actual fountain that just had soda coming out! I explained about a soda fountain and what I really meant. It was quite a treat to get a fountain soda back in the day, you could ask for cherry in your coke too. I was telling her I could buy a bottle of Coke from the vending machine for ten cents and get two cents back for the deposit. She was telling me about all the deposits they can get back in New York state on bottles and cans. 
  I don't get to spend much time with Shyann. She lives in upstate New York, and I just don't make it up there as often as I should. The time I am there is usually spent with my son and his wife. Shyann, like most young people is always busy with her friends and doesn't have much time for old people. As a result, we don't really know each other very well. She has a nose ring! Well, it isn't really a ring it looks more like a horseshoe to me. But she is eighteen now, hard to believe, and it is her choice. I get it, piercings are all the rage. I suppose you can always remove that horseshoe when the style fades away. It would be easier than having a tattoo removed anyway. I don't think she has any of those, yet. My other granddaughter Morgan does have tattoos and multiple ear piercings along with a belly button piercing. Kids these days. 
  Shyann is in college these days, starting back up soon. She doesn't really know what she wants to do, not unusual at all, but says she likes philosophy. We have that in common it would seem. I wish I had more time to talk with her about philosophical things, but I suspect we wouldn't agree. In talking with her about that she told me she is aware that getting a degree in philosophy wouldn't be the wisest choice as getting a job would be difficult. At the moment she plans on getting her associates degree and deciding latter on what she might pursue. She is a quiet, soft spoken young lady and hard to read. I don't have any suggestions regarding an occupation suited to her. Morgan I could see as a schoolteacher, or some other people related occupation. 
  All in all, it was nice visit, and I was glad to spend some time with her. A granddaughter should know her grandfather. A distant grandfather especially. We do live in different worlds with different family dynamics, expectations and experiences. A different world view! It has been said we don't get to pick our relatives and that is very true. We do get to pick our friends. Being a grandfather and a friend is quite the task and requires a constant effort. I hope that Shyann does view me as a friend. A friend she can count on. Grandpa Ben. 

Friday, August 12, 2022


 Watching the Democratic party is like watching a magician, one hand is being used to distract you while the other picks your pocket. It has just been one trick after another ever since Hillary lost that election. Are you distracted enough? What's the latest steal? It is this so-called Inflation reduction Act. A bit of legislation that makes big pharma a bedfellow of the federal government, one hand washing the other you might say, and investing in green energy. It will do very little in the way of reducing the deficit or slowing the rate of inflation. In fact, many experts are warning that it will most likely raise the rate of inflation! All I know for sure is this, you can't spend your way out of debt! 
  The latest distraction is this searching of Trumps home. The left leaning news organizations are loving that. They appear to take offense at calling that a raid. It was a raid, legal at least on paper, and authorized by proper authority. I haven't heard it mentioned by I'm guessing the Judge that signed those papers isn't a supporter of Donald trump or the Republican party. That's speculation on my part I really don't know, call it a hunch. There has been some hint that a secret source inside Trumps home provided information that led to this search. Will this informant go on television and reveal themself? Or will that persons' identity remain as secret as Kavanaugh's accuser? You know in the interest of national security. Ninety days out from the mid-term election the Democrats are getting awful nervous.
  My advice is don't be distracted. It won't be long before Joe is confined to the basement, the report is he wasn't told about this maneuver beforehand, he couldn't be trusted. Joe is liable to spill the beans, if he remembered that anyway. Well, the Executive branch doesn't need to know what the Department of Justice is doing anyway. Make no mistake about it, this had nothing to do with papers for any archive. This was solely for the purpose of distracting the American people from what is really happening. Should the FBI recover any "classified" documents that can be used, that is bonus points. Thing is, this time they may have gone too far and the whole plan blow up in their face. Perhaps arriving pre-dawn when Trump wasn't at home wasn't the smartest move. What were they thinking? Are they that afraid of Donald trump that they figured he would hold off the FBI singlehandedly? He wouldn't unlock the door? 
  I don't know if trump intends to run for President again any more than anyone else does. The Democrats seem convinced that is his intention and are getting desperate to prevent that. That's the view I have anyway. But surely that has to be more to all of this than meets the eye. Merrick Garland goes on television and basically says, I authorized this raid, we had an insider tip, and we are going to get Trump. The DOJ has requested the subpoena be released. My guess that is to give enough time for the documents to be doctored. No talk of releasing the documents that led to the writing of that subpoena however. But I'm supposed to be believe all of this is on the up and up. It isn't transparency, something the left constantly touts, this is translucency. You will only see shadows and smoke. Everything else will be classified! The Post is already hinting about information regarding "nuclear" weapons. Well doesn't get more secret than that does it?
  This administration is like watching a train wreck. It's just one thing after the other. There is so much to watch, so much to see, that most just can't take it all in. And that, that is the plan. Joe Biden is just the tool being used and will be discarded when he is no longer useful. Whether it is long covid, or some other medical diagnosis he will be replaced. The Dems failed to get that first woman president with Hillary but haven't given up on that dream. Now there is a chance to get the first woman president and a person of color to boot! A real two-fer deal. And don't forget the incumbent always has a very marked advantage in any election. And this has to happen quickly before the Republicans can gain control, have that all important vote on who becomes the vice-president. Should Harris become president she does get to nominate anyone she wishes, but the Congress does have to vote to approve that choice! A subtle piece of the process being overlooked. Don't be distracted. 
  Look I don't know if Trump has anything illegal or not. I don't know if the DOJ had just cause to raid Mar a Lago. I do know the mid-terms are ninety days away. I do know this administration has falsified and doctored official documents in the past. I know this administration has spent literally millions of taxpayer dollars on investigations that proved nothing at all. I know they intend to hire 87,000 more IRS agents to ensure that the 735 billionaires in the country pay up! Yes, I'm expected to believe that is their intent, not to pursue me, the average taxpayer, no, just the wealthy. If I make less than 450,000 I'm good. I do know that the government is going broke! Gee, how could we get some more money? The 83,000 agents we already have can't collect it fast enough! And we are promising loan forgiveness!