Tuesday, August 9, 2022

what's happening

 Are you paying attention? The government, ie: the democratic party, is continuing to wrest control of your medical decisions. The latest attempt being this new legislation touting the ability of Medicare to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies on the price of medicines. It sure sounds great on the surface of things, everyone likes a bargain, but you have to look deeper than that. When the government can control the market, that's control. The government will decide exactly what medicines are "approved" and at what price they will be "approved." Government and big pharma are becoming bedfellows! Hey, there is enough money to be made by all, the taxpayers will foot this bill and they will share in the profits. This is a necessity when you make your citizens dependent upon government subsidies to survive. Don't worry, Uncle Sam will take care of you. The working middle class will foot the bill!
  You would have to be a fool to believe that a 15% guaranteed tax on large corporations will ensure enough tax revenue to pay for this plan. All that will happen is large corporations will respond one of two ways. They will simply move to another country or increase the price of their products by a guaranteed 15% or more! No corporation will reduce its' own profit margin! That bears repeating, no corporation will reduce its' profit margin! As a result, the working middle class will pay an additional 15% for goods and services to be provided to those unwilling to work. The wealthy will retain their wealth, the poor will stay poor with no incentive to work or produce anything, while the government takes care of them. Well as long as that general public votes the "right "way that is. The only question being, how long will those folks remain useful? Once all the reparations have been made, all the apologies issued, all the "inequities" settled how will they then be placated? You can't sustain a workforce that doesn't work! My grandmother had a saying about that, "Idle hands do the Devils work." I believe we can see that in action as I type these words. Just look at any major city for the proof in that statement. Turns out the Bible speaks about that, I confess to looking that up I don't pretend to be a Biblical Scholar like some I know, and here is what that book says: "  Proverbs 16:27 Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece, literally, “A worthless man devises mischief; and in his lips there is a scorching fire.” Proverbs 16:29 Wickedness loves company—and leads others into sin, or “An evil man deceives his neighbor and leads him into loss.”
Yes, I'd say that was accurate alright. 
  The Democrats are salivating over this recent "win." That's what they are calling it, a win. It's not being called the best path forward, the most prudent thing to do, no, it is simply a win! Upset that the Republicans confirmed the right to life their agenda is revenge! They are frantically trying to enact legislation to allow the free use of abortion as "health care." Do you think those "abortion" pills will be on the approved list? Do you think abortions will be covered fully by Medicare? If you don't, you're blind! All of that will be fully covered you can be certain of that, but you had better hope you don't need any long-term treatments, that will be denied! Hey, we can't afford that, cheaper to terminate the patient, one way or the other. 
  Perhaps you have read about the Civilian Conservation Corps. Created to provide jobs to the unemployed it was a part of Roosevelts "New Deal" that was packed with promises of prosperity. It didn't work ultimately, and we are still burdened with its' failures today. The idea of putting people to work was a good thought but having the people pay for their own salaries, not so much. You can't spend your way out of a recession. The new deal bloated the size of the government, increased the scope of government into everyone's everyday lives and actually prolonged the depression. Economists, far more knowledgeable about such stuff than myself say, lowering the taxes on the wealthy and business, allowing those folks to reinvest in the private sector, is the way to go. I say it this way, the Democrats have Champagne tastes and a beer pocketbook! We need to reduce the size of government, reduce government spending, and quit funding those "idle" hands! Time to separate the wheat from the chaff!  Saul Alinski, hero to the Obama's and their like wrote some rules. Number thirteen is in full view to those that are paying attention. It is being used to the fullest extent possible, has been for well over a year now. That rule is: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions." 

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