Sunday, December 31, 2023

it takes work

  We hear a great deal about mental health these days. We hear how much of a struggle life can be. It's overwhelming. Even our hobbies cause stress and difficulties as we desire affirmation and recognition for those activities. We post the results to Facebook and form groups to discuss and share our hobbies. Those that are "experts" abound and continually barrage us with their criticism. I don't care what you are talking about, what craft or skill you have, there is someone out there telling you that you are lacking. Some of those groups now limit what comments can be left, you have to pass the censors (administrators) of the group to be heard. I understand the reasoning but disagree with the decision. I'm an administrator of a group. All are free to comment, but not all are invited to join. It's my house after all. And in some circumstances, you will be ejected, no longer welcome. 
  It's my feeling that a great deal of this mental disability we are seeing is caused simply by a lack of hands-on work. Yes, a lack of labor. It's my feeling that a good day's labor is far more beneficial to our mental well-being than any therapy, any drug, any counseling or recreational pursuit we may have. It is that lack of labor causing the issues; that combined with the closeness of the "world" today. It's a bit of a cliche but our world is a lot smaller, a lot more crowded than at any time in history. Radio, television and finally the internet shrunk our world. We say we're connected for a reason. Our world has become a giant melting pot constantly being stirred! In the beginning the objective of the melting pot was to form an alloy. A combination of ingredients to form something unique. Now, the pot is constantly stirred, and each ingredient wishes to retain their separate identity. That causes constant conflict, disharmony and discord. Lacking a common goal, it is disheartening, disappointing and maddening. 
 When we work with our hands our minds don't have time to stray from the task. In most cases if that does happen you will be quickly made aware of that, either by a co-worker or serious injury. You have no time to worry about what others are saying or doing. "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." That's in the Bible. Idle hands are the Devil's workshop! Not a Biblical passage but true, nonetheless. All manual labor is performed to complete a task. A task that you can see and admire the result of your labor. So many of the "jobs" we have today are purely administrative, just paperwork and numbers, with no real tangible end result that we can see or measure. Nothing creative about any of that. No "craftmanship" involved it's just academic. 
 Many try to replace all that with a hobby. That's why all our hobbies are becoming so "professional." Even the tailgates on our pickup trucks are "professional" grade. Hobbies are those things we do because we enjoy them. We shouldn't be concerned with how good we are at that; we should just be enjoying the activity. That's not the case, however. We are all encouraged to be professionals! Well at least we should have professional equipment, supplies and facilities. More money and resources are spent on entertainment venues than on the schools in our country! Since 2000 the average cost of a sports stadium is 776 million dollars. The average cost of building a high school is 35 million. One for entertainment, the other for the future of the country. Our hobbies are taking priority over reality. Yes, playing sports is a hobby and shouldn't be an occupation.
 "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." Too much talking about it today and not enough work. That's the problem, that's why all this chaos and confusion. That's what is making people nuts! Don't think so, look at Congress. Lots of talking and no work getting done. Then half of what is proposed is crazy! Work isn't talking about the problem; work is solving the problem. And yes, the objective is to make a profit, not go broke talking about it. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023


 It is something I've written about before, this use of acronyms. It has quickly become a pet peeve of mine. Have we all become so lazy that we can't just say what we mean or write the words down. Apparently, it is too much effort because I see those acronyms in every communication. You really do need to know the context of the conversation or discussion to decipher what the acronym means. That has led to some awkward conversations I can tell you that. The clarity of the message can certainly be distorted beyond recognition. 
 This is especially prevalent in text messaging. Those acronyms have basically replaced shorthand. You do remember shorthand, don't you? Many today would be totally lost if presented with a page of those scribbles. I know I certainly would be. My wife learned that method of writing and so may be able to get the gist of it. My thinking is in the future if someone discovers some digital media file, an old e-mail or conversation of some type they won't be able to figure out what the person was talking about because of all the acronyms. A great number of them have multiple meanings depending on context and just who is writing the message. It's my thinking that footnotes are going to be required for clarity, a sort of key to the cipher. I can certainly envision an attorney having a field day with all of that. Sure, that what the letters are but that isn't what they mean! Heck lawyers do that right now with portions of the Constitution! Those acronyms can only add fuel to that debate. And let's not start on the use of pronouns.
  I don't know I'm just annoyed when reading some of these things and trying to figure out what they are saying. WTH? That means what the heck doesn't it? Depends on who is saying it. BRB, LOL, LOFL, and so many others. It is fast becoming its' own language. Why did all of this begin? I think it is just a reflection of society today where everything has to be done as fast as possible and as conveniently as possibly. It also relieves you of the burden of having to know how to spell some of those words. But I suppose writing with your thumbs on a tiny keyboard does have its' limitations. Two thumbs versus eight fingers. 
  I just figure I know the English language fairly well. I'm annoyed when I have to look up some acronyms to determine what it is being written. I know how to read, and I did well in reading comprehension while in school. Given some of the conversations I have had with others online I'm beginning to wonder if that particular skill is measured anymore. If it is, a great many people failed the course! Letter writing is a lost art. Having a pen-pal used to involve using an actual pen and composing a letter. I don't believe many are doing that today. 
 Now we have "friends" on social media, answer Tic-Tok challenges and Instagram. All of those involve the use of acronyms as the primary method of conveying your thoughts. I see many comments about teaching the children today to write in cursive. I'm thinking that isn't the biggest problem, we need to teach them to write, actual words, clearly stating what it is they are saying. But today the objective is to be fast! Post something on social media that involves reading more than two lines of text, without an image or a GIF (Graphic Interchange Format). Probably won't get read. That will get scrolled past faster than the road runner avoiding the coyote. No time for reading. 
  I guess I'm just old and stuck in my ways. I learned to read and write English a long time ago. I'm comfortable in knowing the meaning of a good number of words, what we call vocabulary. At one time it was a source of pride having a large vocabulary. That is slowly changing by substituting acronyms and coarse language to make your point. Listen to your politicians and leaders today and the terms they use. Sleeves rolled up, collars open they will curse, and use "vocabulary" only heard in bars on the waterfront years ago. I rather miss the days I had to look in a dictionary at times to understand those "ten dollar" words. Today fifty cent words are about as good as it gets. Well and acronyms and abbreviations. Annoying. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

that's cool

  I wonder about those folks forty or more that still talk about getting drunk, high or having sex with the giddiness of a teenager. With the big push for the federal legalization of pot I see that quite often. It just all seems so immature to me. C'mon people do we really need to broadcast our vices to gain some sort of social acceptance. Are you all really that insecure? Reminds me of when I joined the Navy. Whenever I went to a new command the attempt was made to discover if I was cool. That was important to know. I could be a narc. Are you cool? I'm cool, he's cool but he's not cool. Be cool man. I'm calling it Mary Jane because the square people won't know what I mean. Drinking alcohol was a given and you were certainly expected to get drunk at every opportunity. And sex, well that's all that was talked about! This was in the age of Pin-Ups, Playboy, and VHS tapes. Back when there were only two genders and one choice. Anything other than that wasn't cool.  
  This came to mind once again when all at once my Facebook news feed became filled with advertisements for gummies. Apparently, you can order marijuana laced gummies online. These ads all had "adults" enjoying the effects of these gummies. Their quality of lives has been restored and they are having sex once again because of these mood enhancers. Young again! That was the gist of the ads I did watch. One even had Grandpa being pleasant, no longer a grumpy old man. No sir, Grandpa was cool. And you get to choose your strength from a mild buzz to zoned out. At least one advised you to use responsibly, they are so good you might become a stoner. The thing being advertised is the "mood" altering effects of these gummies, along with the ease of use. Just pop'em in whenever you're feeling down. You can carry them in your pocket or purse. No mention of any medicinal benefit. 
  I have seen some ads on television using a slogan, "I can tell." A young man pulls into his driveway and his Mom comes out of the house, she walks over to the car and says, " I can tell." She then calmly explains to him that driving while high is against the law, same as a DWI. Mom isn't upset that he is getting high, just that he is driving high. There is another with a police officer doing a roadside check, he says, "I can tell." The underlining message in these ads is that it's fine to get high, that's cool. You just have to be cool. I remember when those type of ads involved a frying pan, and this is your mind on drugs. That was back in 1987. Now frying your brain is cool, it's legal, it's easy and convenient. Others can tell however, so. be cool.  
  And I get it, that's the bottom line in all of this. You have to be cool. It was that way with cigarettes, wine and liquor. It's about social pressure, fitting in, being accepted in the group. Today you have to support the use of pot and possibly other drugs. You have to be "woke" bro! Being cool today means accepting whatever the mainstream narrative happens to be. It was that way in the past too, but we called it being a rebel. We boomers were aware of the bad choices we were making, we didn't deny that we just dropped out and tuned in. Later we boomers restricted the use of cigarettes and alcohol citing health concerns. Yes, it was boomers, us old people that passed that legislation citing health concerns. At 21 you can purchase it all, including those gummies. Now that's cool. 
  I've always been amused by the facade associated with all of that. This beer or wine tastes so good, so refreshing. This bourbon or whiskey is delicious. I have always known the truth; it doesn't taste that good but drink enough and you think it does. It isn't about the taste at all. It is about fitting in and getting that "feeling" that comes along with the consumption of that cheer. Yeah, that's what the deal is regardless of all the other stuff. People drink for the effect. 
  Cigarettes were more about appearance; you looked tough or cool depending upon the situation. Now only the uneducated, the poor and the social outcasts smoke cigarettes. Not cool. Smoking a joint, rolling one up, doing some gummies, that's cool. Really cool if you are doing that at an LGBTQ+ event with your non-binary friends and drag queens protesting climate change. You believe you were assigned the wrong gender at birth. Cool. Smoking cigarettes just isn't cool man, but inhaling Mary Jane deep into your lungs, well that's old school cool. Still cool, but you might want to consider those gummies. 
  Well, I'll just try to be cool about it all. I have no desire to try any of those gummies because I'm under no social pressure to do so. Forty years ago, or more, I'm certain I would feel differently. I have learned a few life lessons along the way. I have discovered that altering your mood by the use of outside influences such as drugs and alcohol only creates a temporary reprieve from what we call life. Oh, it can be fun, no doubt about that, but it shouldn't become your life. Just be cool about it. And yes, I can tell. I'm just wondering how long it will be before the advertising of those gummies becomes more restrictive. Get high responsibly! You gotta love it. It's very progressive, empowering even. And that, that is cool. Don't get me started on the ads for Viagra, generic Viagra and all the others. Well, that's what makes you a man right? Yeah, that's the message. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

poking the bear

  There is an old saying about "poking the bear." It is something that isn't recommended. Yet that is exactly what the Biden administration is doing. It was reported that at least seventeen missiles were fired from Naval warships last evening. There were used to intercept other missiles and drones. Those missiles and drones being shot down were supplied by Iran to Hamas. There is no doubt about any of that, it is well known in intelligence circles. A very low-cost estimate to American taxpayers is a million dollars a missile. The cost of whatever materials, supplies and support I don't have any idea about. Certainly, the cost is in the millions of dollars a day. And all of this is being used to "poke the bear." The bear in this case being Iran. How long before Iran retaliates? Even if they only attack one ship at sea, launch a single nuclear strike against us or our allies it will be too much. War will be inevitable. For that reason, I don't believe we should "poke the bear" we need to simply knock that bear over the head. Remove the bear from the conversation! 
  But how are we to gain any support for that action when the same administration keeps driving an ever-larger wedge in the American people. The nation is being divided into political and cultural factions. Our southern border is being overrun and the response is to bus and fly the invaders across the country. Should we go to war how willing are those migrants going to be to defend our country when they won't stay and fight for their own. How many among those invaders are actually working for the enemy? We don't know, we have no clue about any of that. We have far more Americans on a watch list then these foreign invaders. What action is being taken to secure that border? Biden sends Blinken to talk to the president of Mexico. Where are the migrants coming from? Most aren't from Mexico but other Latin- American countries. Does anyone really think Mexico is going to do anything? I'm certain they are anxious to be rid of those folks. 
  This so-called migration is being funded by whom? Make no mistake about it, someone or some group is making money by funding all of this. Millions of people, poor, uneducated and starving to death aren't walking thousands of miles without support. Saw a group of migrants on television yesterday being led by a woman pushing a baby stroller, talking on her cell phone. Yeah, an arduous journey across very dangerous territory. But I'm told they are just seeking a better life, escaping injustice. The truth is they are being exploited by some group or cartel to their financial benefit. Those people are being promised what? 
  All the free stuff in America. And that promise is being backed by our President. It is being backed for political gain on his part. It's an attempt by the Democratic party to retain power. It isn't what is best for America, it is what is best for the Democrats retaining power. Also, the reason Biden is willing to poke the bear just a little bit, can always apologize later and send them some aid packages. And Ukraine, pay no attention to that anymore, like in the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Zelinski flies out of the war zone, leaving his country to come here and get some more money every now and again. We can deal with that situation later. Turns out its' not such a humanitarian thing at all, they can hold on for a while. 
 Now, Hamas, the ones that started all of this is being given a pass by the UN. Everyone should stop the fighting, you know, for humanitarian reasons. Hamas using those innocent folks as shields shouldn't be attacked. No, holding hostages and committing atrocities is all good, we should be more forgiving. We should stop and allow all the non-combatants to leave the battlefield. I'm certain Hamas will facilitate that in an expedient manner. They will release all the hostages and meet their enemies on the battlefield with honor. The truth is sometimes the only way to get rid of the termites is to burn the house down! And that is what Israel needs to do. Israel isn't poking the bear, Israel is going to destroy the bear. When the bear lives next door it is time to clear the lot. The Gaza strip will make a fine parking lot! 
  As for our borders we need to secure them immediately. We are closed for business. No more. The limit has been reached. There are quota's specified by law. "The United States allows up to 675,000 permanent immigrant visas each year across various visa categories." That's the law. There is also a set number of refugees allowed per year set by the President, with the aid of Congress. So just what is Congress doing about this uncontrolled influx of migrants and refugees? Apparent to me, not much. 
 We the people are the bear in all of that. I'm tired of being poked. When it comes time to vote I will be casting my ballot for America and her best interests. If you are in Congress and not supporting America, enforcing its' laws and acting in the best interest of this nation, you're outta there! That's what needs to happen. A convention of the States could make all that happen! That's what can happen when you poke the bear that is the American citizen. Secure the border and balance the budget. Enforce all the existing laws without exception. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Old people

  Yesterday I wrote about a gift from my granddaughter. It was a picture of my home and on the back of that she had hand-written, in cursive, her feelings about coming to grandma's and grandpa's house. It was very touching. In her short narrative she mentioned how I had so many pictures of "old" people on my walls and would tell her stories about them. I was amused by that and pleased as well. At least I know she has been listening. And she's not wrong, I do have lots of pictures of "old" people on my walls. Pictures of the ancestors and some of the things those ancestors owned, used, or had collected themselves sit on the shelves. It's a crowded space I live in and would be regardless of the size of the room. Some would call it cluttered, but I enjoy it. At my age I make new discoveries almost every day! My attic holds many mysteries I wonder what I put up there. But it's always an adventure finding the things I know are there, somewhere.
  It's been said a cluttered desk is the sign of a busy mind. I'm going to say that must be true given the state of my desk and surrounding area. I have stuff everywhere. All the desk drawers are full, and I've brought in extra drawers for the overflow. The wires behind my desk look like those pictures of an Indian phone center you see on Facebook. But yes, it is the photographs that dominate. The truth is I have fewer on the walls now than I did a few years ago. I have a couple of totes full of framed pictures waiting to be put back up. My wife is quite tolerant of this obsession of mine, but she does draw the line every once in a while. Fortunately for me she doesn't mind the clutter as much as some others might.     Some folks love history, love to read about it and study it. I live in it. All the pictures of the "old" people are reminders to me. A great number of those folks passed long before my birth. Still, I can hear their stories when I look at those photographs. and the online capability to search old newspapers and other documents feed this. I have learned little stories, incidents in those people's lives that would otherwise have been lost. From those clues I can assemble a piece of their lives and I'm fascinated with that. We all live on only by the stories that are told after our passing. We don't get to choose those stories; however, they are always told by another. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but someone has to give it a voice. 
  Among the pictures I do have on the wall are my parents. To my granddaughter, old people. My mother held her when she was born but she doesn't have any memory of meeting her. My dad was gone before that, before any of the grandchildren were born. As a result, all they know about them are the stories I've told. Not old people to me but certainly among the old people on the wall. There are plenty of pictures of the grandkids too. Pictures from when they were just babies to them graduating college. Dance recitals and ball games, awards and achievements all proudly displayed on my walls. A living history in my eyes.
  We are what we leave behind. If we can leave memories for others to enjoy, that is the best legacy of all. In memories we can find comfort and contentment. Things don't change in our memories unless we desire to make those changes. That's the best part of making memories, you really do get to choose. I'm comforted by my memories. I've stripped away reality and live with what remains. That is my truth. I'll be leaving lots of reminders! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Call my clutter a precaution. I don't want to take any chances. 
  Every photograph ever taken captured a moment in time. An instant really. Like the advertisement said, "these are the moments of your lives" I'm holding onto every second! I can't show my granddaughter the future, that is for her to see, but I can show her the past. Sharing memories is like sowing seeds. The hope being they take root, flourish, and create more seeds. An unending supply of comfort in difficult times. A nurturing of the soul. I have been nurtured by the past, it's why I'm living today. Kodak moments? Sometimes the only picture taken is with our mind and memory. Those are the best ones; the others can sometimes just be "old people." 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


  A memory of Christmas past. When I was just a young man going to church, we had Jesus's birthday party. In the parish hall we all sang Christmas carols together, had hot cocoa and cookies. There was a big Christmas tree and all the decorations. The story of Christmas was told and the birth of Jesus was celebrated. There was cake, of course. After a bit you would hear the jingle of sleigh bells and Santa would appear! He took his seat at the front of the hall next to the tree. Every child there got a present from Santa. I can't honestly say I remember what those presents were but some small token I'm sure. When it was over, we all got a box of hard candy, those little boxes like animal crackers came in. It was an exciting time for certain. Nothing too extravagant by todays' standards, just a simple hometown affair. 
 As the years passed and I grew older the party changed a bit. It became something for the little kids. I joined in knowing the secret. Santa Claus was really Mr. Ed. He was the verger although I didn't know that title and just knew he took care of the church. When I was older, I helped him change the lightbulbs high up in the church. I didn't mind climbing up that very tall ladder. It was an old wooden ladder and swayed a bit. The highest point was above the altar. Reverend Davis, the rector of the church would be there sometimes and reassure me if I fell there could be no better place. I responded with a nervous laugh, you're right about that. I would get the boxes of candles out of the basement for him too. A dark and dusty place with these old wooden shelves that looked ready to crumble. A bit of a creepy place. But it was God's basement, so I figured it was safe enough. Santa Claus kept his sleigh bells down there as well. 
 All of that was more than fifty years ago. I don't live in that area anymore and so don't attend that church. I wonder if they still have the birthday party, the candlelight service on Christmas Eve and those sleigh bells. I remember going caroling with the church bus and coming back to hot chocolate and cookies the Moms' had made while we were gone. All memories of a time long gone. Memories of the others I shared all that with. So many gone now, so many I haven't seen in decades. Memories of Christmas past. I really did have a blessed childhood. Blessed with the place I was born, the place I grew up in and the people I knew. Blessed to have such good memories.
  Yesterday the wife and I was given a gift from our granddaughter. It's a picture of our house drawn digitally to look like a pencil sketch. On the bottom is written, " The house full of love" My granddaughter had written a few passages on the back, very sentimental, very sweet, and must have used some mysterious ink because my eyes began to water a bit while reading those words. She said how it was the only house she remembers us living in and how much she enjoys coming to visit. She recounted the times we shared baking, playing games, telling stories and just being together. It did touch me deeply knowing that she has such good memories, memories for her to cherish in the future. That knowledge is the greatest gift I could receive. Our memories are an insurance policy, and hers are paid in full. A gift that lasts forever. I am double blessed. 


Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas 2023

  It's Christmas morning and all is quiet. No children here, just the wife and the cat. I gave Morris, that's the cat, a meat snack for Christmas. He already ate that and is taking a nap. He's pretty tired after a long night of doing whatever cats do at night. A few things were knocked over and he was scratching at the bedroom door so I'm guessing he was excited. Maybe he saw Santa Claus! But the television is on, and we are waiting. A little later in the day the kids will come over to open their gifts. My grandson, newly married and his wife working as a nurse, will not be here today. It's the first Christmas day without him and it is a little strange and a little sad. A new era beginning. His wife, being the newest nurse, is of course working today. That's how it goes in the world, and someone does have to work. My granddaughter will be here though, along with my son and his wife. 
  No snow here in Greensboro and the temperatures are supposed to reach near sixty. Global warming, I suppose. Well maybe next year Santa will get an electric sled and things get a little cooler. I heard the SPCA was on his case about treating those reindeers badly, making them work all night! And we have all heard about the mistreatment of Rudolf. It'll be nice for the children that get new bicycles or skateboards for Christmas. Not so good if they got a sled! Well, we always managed to have a good time regardless of the weather, especially on Christmas day. Had plenty of new toys to distract us, wouldn't be bored again for at least a few days. Then it was back to, I don't have anything to do. 
  I'll be leaving my tree up and the decorations until the first of the year. The tree mostly for my grandson to see. Most years that tree comes down on New Years Day. If not for my grandson, it would be coming down tomorrow this year. I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit but have made an effort anyway. I have plans for the new year. The scope of those plans is dependent upon the lottery drawing this evening. When I win that Powerball jackpot of 431 million dollars, plans will be expanded! If not, back to plan A. I'm going to move the television and my desk. The television is of course mounted to the wall and my desk contains my computer. Given the extent of the wiring necessary for both objects it is a big chore to relocate them. Things aren't quite as wireless as you would think they should be at this point.
  I will not be awake for the arrival of 2024. I haven't stayed awake to see the new year in a very long time. I'm not much on going out to parties or hosting parties for that occasion. Barbecues are great, birthday parties are fine, maybe a picnic. New Years Eve not so much. When you are not much of a drinker, a bunch of drunks celebrating can be very annoying. Having been on both sides of that I speak from experience. Sober people are a real bummer. 
  Merry Christmas.  

                                                  His Job is done.

Sunday, December 24, 2023


  The plan today is to cook some sugar cookies. Alright, bake the cookies. Actually, I will be making Spritz cookies. I'm no baker that much is for certain, but my grandmother Bennett was a trained pastry chef and an excellent baker. At Christmas she would bake Spritz and Peppakakor. As a kid I never asked too much about any of that I just ate them. Grandma was from Sweden and I just naturally assumed there were some Swedish cookies. Now that I'm seventy I have finally looked that up and know a bit more about what Spritz and Peppakakor are. Spritz is a German word meaning to squeeze. You make Spritz cookies using a cookie press. They are really just sugar cookies made to be used with that cookie press, instead of rolling them out and using a cookie cutter. Peppakakor spritz are made with molasses, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. They are also made with a press, that's the spritz part. Well, you are never too old to learn something new, the challenge is in remembering it. 
  We have the cookie press that belonged to my wife's grandmother. Her name was Elizabeth, but they called her Mo. Grandma Mo. My wife doesn't know the reason for that or how that came to be but that's what it was. Grandma Mo was long gone before I knew my wife and so I never got to meet her. But I knew her son, Uncle George. Uncle George was quite the character. After his passing we inherited a few things from his home. Among them are the cookie press and Grandma Mo's rolling pin. Both are still used, and Grandma Mo is thought of every time. My wife remembers her, and I just imagine what she would have been like based on the stories I'm told. So, in a way the two Grandmothers will be in my kitchen today, Christmas Eve 2023. Their memories remain. Oh, my grandmothers name was Cecilia, but we just called her Nana. 
  I'm feeling especially sentimental this year for some reason. Is it an omen of things to come in the new year? Could be if you believe in omens. Personally, I don't place much faith in omens or signs. Omens I believe are created in your own mind and signs; well, they could be written by anyone. They are also subject to change. I built a replica of the fireplace in my childhood home and have lighted a candle in it. The fire is burning reminding me of hearth and home from over fifty years ago. Back to a time when Santa Claus was real, and the Angels sang on high. It's Christmas eve and the presents are wrapped; all is ready for the big day. But there are no small children here today, no small children with their eyes all aglow. I'm remembering all those Christmases past. Mine, my children and my grandchildren. The excitement of the day is different now, more subdued. All is calm, all is bright. More like the eve of the first Christmas. Although I expect Joseph was a bit excited to find there was no room at the Inn. 
  I don't feel sad. Sentimental and sad are different emotions. Sentiment warms the soul and gives solace. Sadness just makes you feel bad. I expect that is a bit different for everyone. I'm one that finds the sadder the song the more I enjoy it. I love all those songs of heartbreak, desperation, toil and trouble. In short, the blues or honky tonk country. They make me happy. Sentiment makes me happy too. I will enjoy making the Spritz cookies and thinking about the Grandma's and the sentiment they must have felt while doing so. A common thread. That's what sentiment is. Life comes forever forward, traditions remain, stories told. Spritz cookies. Something I heard from my Swedish grandmother but is actually a German term. My paternal grandparents were Germans. So, in a way they are there too, although they had all passed before I was even born. The thread remains though. A reminder. 


Saturday, December 23, 2023

legislated forgiveness?

  I posted a small thing yesterday on Facebook about President Biden expunging the record of felons. This is a portion of that. "Criminal records for marijuana use and possession have imposed needless barriers to employment, housing, and educational opportunities," Biden said. "Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It’s time that we right these wrongs." He righted these wrongs by issuing pardons to felons that have been incarcerated or otherwise punished for breaking the law. That is what the media is telling me anyway. There are no specific numbers offered other than in the thousands of people will be affected. It doesn't apply to those that sold the drugs, only those that bought it, however. That is his idea of the moral high ground I suppose. If they hadn't sold it, you wouldn't buy it.
The issue stated was having a criminal record, especially a felony criminal record is an impediment. You are considered for employment, you can't vote, landlords hesitate to rent to you, and you can't go to Harvard or Yale! The reason all of that is true, and I don't deny that it is true, is because that criminal record speaks to your character. It tells others what choices you have made. Breaking the law is a choice! It is something you chose to do. It makes no difference whatsoever if the law you chose to ignore, to break because of your own free will was changed since the day you did that. The action remains unchanged!
In recent years we have established a sex offenders list. That list is a legal requirement. Why have we established that? It is to let others know about the character of those folks on the list! Yes, we have a right to know about that. I believe we also have a right to know about their criminal activities as well. When I joined the Navy a criminal record check was performed. When I got my commercial driver's license with a HazMat endorsement a criminal background check was performed. Prior to receiving a secret clearance to work on nuclear submarines a criminal background check was performed. The reason? To check on the nature of my character!
You cannot simply erase the past. If those folks chose to break the law, they also assumed the risk involved in that. They are also subject to the consequences of that choice. Forgiveness and forgetting are quite different actions. I can forgive but I won't forget. And I'm skeptical of anyone that makes any claim otherwise. Remembering is the most important part in that process. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. If you were willing to break the law once, I have no reason to believe you won't make that choice again. I should be armed with that knowledge, public knowledge.
That is the very reason most criminal records are public records and can be accessed by anyone. I have a right to know something about the character of the person and those legals records are one means to do so. Just like the bank isn't simply going to take your word for it, I'll pay the loan back, I don't want to simply take your word for your character. Hey, ask me about my character? You will never find anyone of better character than me, trust me.
It all speaks to consequences. We are all subject to the consequences of our choices. It's a wonderful thing to live in a country where we get to choose. A country where freedom is cherished, nurtured and protected. A country that has laws! The laws are made by the people and must be obeyed by the people. The laws can be changed, modified, or made obsolete by the people as well. Things is while it is a law it has to be obeyed. It makes no difference what the law was after you commit the crime, what matters is what the law was when you broke it. In years past we had what was called blue laws. Businesses were shuttered, unable to conduct business on those days. When those laws were changed and done away with were all those businesses affected by those laws compensated? They lost business, didn't they? And the law wasn't fair, was it?
Bidens' pardon doesn't apply to those that sold or transported the drug. No pardons for them. If they hadn't transported the illegal product and sold it those in prison wouldn't be there because they wouldn't have been able to buy it. It's the same logic being used with firearms. If no one can sell guns, no one will buy guns. If no one buys guns, no one will shoot others with that gun. We should only punish the sellers! Hey what people did with the product afterward isn't their fault, you sold it to them! It works that way if your coffee is too hot from McDonalds and you get burned. Not your fault, it's McDonalds fault, they sold it.
We've all heard the advice. If you can't do the time don't do the crime. If you don't want a record, don't want to get locked up, don't want to lose your privileges as a citizen, don't break the law! It's really quite a simple thing. You have to earn forgiveness. You can't simply insist I forget about it! It has been said integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Those records are a means of looking and should remain that way. They are a record of your character. No matter the reason, the excuse, the logic you wish to apply, you chose to break the law. Forgiveness is up to me, not up to you. That's the consequence. You can't legislate forgiveness any more than you can legislate charity. It is always an individual thing, just like your choices.

Friday, December 22, 2023

no exceptions

  I've decided to join in with all the experts on the 14th amendment. There sure are quite a few on social media. It's a good thing however if people are actually reading those documents. Discussing all of that can only lead to a better understanding of the Republic. The 14th amendment is a rather lengthy one and like all the others subject to interpretation. This is what it says but what does it mean. In section one it clearly states, "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law" so it's obvious to me that means in a court of law. Section three says no person can be a senator or representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civilian or military if they engaged in an insurrection or rebellion. That is what the Colardo supreme court has cited to disqualify Trump from the ballot. 
  Now whether you support Trump or simply hate Trump that amendment applies to him equally. Has Trump had due process? The answer is no, he has not. That process is ongoing, in the courts as we speak but no ruling has been made. Therefore, he has not received due process and cannot be disqualified under section three of the 14th amendment. No court has ever decided that Jan 6 was indeed an insurrection or a rebellion. Just calling something by the name, applying that term to it, doesn't make it so. Robbing the bank isn't an undocumented withdrawal, it's a robbery. Bruce Jenner wearing a dress doesn't make him a woman. Same thing with insurrection and rebellion. Has anyone that was arrested on that day been charged with insurrection? The answer is no. Where any shots fired? Just one, by the capital police killing one person. So, describing the events of that day as an armed insurrection or rebellion is certainly a bit of a stretch. A riot, a protest. civil disobedience are all possibilities. Disturbing the peace is what the majority of those arrested have been charged with, and criminal trespass. None of those actions are mentioned in the 14th amendment.
  Section three also states the Congress may remove such disabilities as well. Seems clear to me that Congress should make the final determination. Just as Congress is the sole body that may declare war, it should be the sole body to declare what is or is not an insurrection. It's true that the 14th doesn't say that in that direct a way but by having the power to overturn that it is implied. No different than a citizens ability to petition the Supreme Court of the United States for a review of their crime. The court will then issue an opinion on that. It is important to understand that the Supreme Court doesn't make the law or overturn a law, it only issues an opinion on the constitutionality of that law. There are only two ways an amendment can be modified or removed. Both methods are described in Article Five. It takes a 2/3 majority in each house to do that or a convention of the states. Thirty-four states must agree to hold that convention. When convened a convention of the states may direct congress what to do. We the People!
  If we allow a panel of Judges to decide who can and cannot be included on the ballot our vote is being taken away. What due process were we given? We the people are entitled to due process as well. Whereas in this case it is only the people of Colorado it should be of deep concern to everyone. Attempts have been made in the past to pack the supreme court. We are all aware that if we can pack the court with liberal or conservative judge's, decisions will go that way for a generation or two. In Colorado four judges voted to disqualify Trump while the other three disagreed with their opinion. It's worth noting all were appointed by Democrats. The decision wasn't based on party but on personal opinion. The purpose of the court is to administer the law, as it is written, not to make laws. Those four judges in Colorado have decided that they can mandate who you are allowed to vote for. They removed the due process portion altogether. Read section one of the 14th amendment gain. Due process. Can't disqualify Trump using the 14th amendment no matter how much you hate him. You have to wait until he has had his day in court. Applies to Trump and it applies to you. That's what a Republic is all about.  
  • In a republic, supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, while in a democracy, the whole population or all the eligible members of a state govern through elected representatives. (credit to Google) Note that in a democracy all "eligible " members get to govern and who decides that eligibility? In a republic supreme power is held by the people. We the people get to decide who you can vote for! It's important to understand that nuance, that subtle difference. It is what separates us from the rest of the world. 
  • So, there is my expert analysis. No law degree, no degree of any kind to be honest about it but I can read. All you have to do is read it for yourself, set aside any bias and it is plain. It means exactly what they wrote down. You are guaranteed due process of law! Everyone is, no exceptions. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023


  It's something I have talked about before and most likely will again. I see these ads on television for automobiles and trucks. Low down, no down, deferred payment plans, special offers and deals. Drive and sign or sign and drive whatever. Yesterday I heard one hawking a Ford F-150 truck for $15,000 off the suggested manufacturers retail price. The MSRP as we all know it. As usual I turn to the wife and say, if they afford to sell those trucks for $15,000 off how much have they been overcharging the rest of the year? They aren't selling them at a loss! 
  Now the last new car I purchased, off the showroom floor, was a 1975 Gremlin. Bought it at years end and it was on sale. It was a bit under three thousand dollars and financed for four years! I include that information to show that I really have little knowledge or experience in buying new cars. Paying for four years on a car was enough for me. I've always just bought used, er, pre-owned cars. Yeah, I remember when they were used cars. A quick search on Google and I find the msrp on a Ford F-150 is in excess of forty thousand dollars. So, with $15,000 off I should get it for $25,000. That isn't what they advertise however, what I'm hearing is you can save $15,000. It's what I call female math. You know, buy something on sale to save money. The actual need for the object or product isn't important, the important part is saving money. Spend more, save more. 
  And now the government is attempting to get everyone to buy electric vehicles. In fact, there is legislation proposing spending billions of dollars for infrastructure to support that. There will be tax breaks and advantages for doing so. The average price for an electric vehicle is about $59,000 dollars. Haven't heard of any at $15,000 off just yet. Perhaps the incentive will be to install a charging system in your home. If you live in an apartment building, I'm guessing you're out of luck. Haven't heard much about the plan for that. The average family has two cars these days so two charging stations will be required, unless you take turns. And just how that much on demand power is going to be available is unclear as well. Will there be rolling blackouts, even though those cars won't be rolling anywhere. It's pretty difficult to jump start an electric vehicle you know. And forget about push starting them, you have to really push a long way to get them started. 
  Some cities have started putting in bicycle lanes. Is that the future? Are we now going to expect people to ride their bicycles to work? Well, electric bicycles anyway. The average cost of an electric bike is about two thousand dollars. Soon they will be available at 500 dollars off! But you're saving the planet, right? Sure, you are. No fossil fuels were used in the manufacture of any of those things. No fossil fuels were used in the composition of the materials used to build those things. Never mind about the millions of tons of earth moved to extract the lithium and other minerals used to make those batteries. That's not a problem. Don't worry about the millions of tons of used wind turbines blades in the landfills, they are working on a way to recycle them. And pay no attention to the millions of gallons of oil used to lubricate those turbines, it's not being burned, it just leaks into the ground or the ocean when there is a failure. 
  I'm thinking I'll just wait a while longer before buying a new car or truck. Should be able to get a great deal when you can't buy fuel for them. A factory clearance sale! I should save enough money to buy even more stuff on sale to keep on saving. I'm going to save enough that I won't need anymore! The future is bright with electric light! Just gotta figure out how to generate it in sufficient quantities. If you have to ride a bicycle to achieve that, you'll just have to ride a bicycle.  

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Pope or Politician

  Pope or politician? It would seem that Pope Francis is more the politician than the Pontif. It's the only explanation I can formulate for his latest announcement. The church blessing what the church teaches is immoral and deviant behaviors has to fall under the it's politically expedient. Now I'm not a catholic, have never been a catholic but always recognized the Pope as the leader of the Christian church. The only differences I knew about between the Catholics and the rest of the Christian was the praying to saints' part and the way they performed their services. The Catholics certainly weren't endorsing what was considered sinful in any way! That apparently has changed. It is apparent to me, it's a marketing ploy. An attempt to get more "followers" through social influence. I understand the Catholic Church has been under attack quite a bit and getting some very bad press. Much wrongdoing has come to light.
  Pope Francis stopped short of endorsing same-sex marriage instead calling for a civil union type situation. I'm with him on that one as I have said that myself. I've said that because it isn't a marriage unless it is between one man and one woman. That's it, period, end of discussion. Now if you want to form a union with another person of the same sex, a legal binding contract that gives you the same tax advantage and other legal rights as married people I don't have an issue with that. It's not a marriage, however. And the last I knew the Church says marriage is between a man and a woman. There are no exceptions, no exemptions, no conditional moral grounds for that. Engaging in sexual contact with those of the same sex is immoral, indecent and an abomination unto the Lord! That's the way I was taught. But now the Pope says the church can bless that? It does leave me a bit confused. Pope or Politician?
  The church is there for forgiveness. That is the message of Christ and of Jesus. That's my understanding of the whole deal. All fall short of the glory of God. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I have vices, I commit sins daily. I can be forgiven however, if I ask for that forgiveness. The church isn't going to change the rules to suit me! If it was sinful and wrong yesterday, it is still sinful and wrong today. The blessing of sin? As I said, leaves me confused. Only a politician can endorse stuff like that. It's wrong but it's alright. We will just bless what is wrong. Isn't a blessing tacit approval for the action? 
  I'm well aware that the church, in fact all churches and religions, have a political component and always have. The protestant reformation is surely the best example of that. In its' simplest form the protestants were challenging the authority of the pope. Those protesting were saying only faith in God could grant you eternal salvation and not simply doing good works. In short, the Pope doesn't get to decide on your salvation, only faith in God can do that. The Pope, and the church in general lost a great of power when that happened. It was political power and influence being lost. It is also the reason the United States never established a state church! Marriage is a function of the church, civil unions a function of government. 
  It's all very confusing. If I'm a gay person I obviously believe that I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm holding parades and rallies celebrating all of that. I'm fighting for social justice! If I believe all that I must not believe what the Bible says. The Bible doesn't endorse any of that. Yes, you can argue semantics all day long, grab verses of the Bible out of context and indeed find some passages that could be construed as not condemning that. For me that doesn't change a thing. Even the Pope, although now endorsing same-sex unions with his blessing, continues to say that it is a sin. So, why is it important to these gay folks to receive the blessing from the very people telling them they are wrong? What's the point? If you are so strong in your belief, why do you require others to validate that. I know what I believe, and I don't need anyone to agree with me. If you don't, you're wrong. It's as simple as that. 
  My question to the Pope would be a simple one. To what purpose this blessing of sin? Why? To what end? If we are now going to say whatever you want to do is just fine, and we will bless that, why have a church in the first place? It all sounds like more of this liberal logic nonsense. Either engaging in sexual activities with those of the same sex is sinful or it isn't! And let's be clear, that is what the gay people want endorsed! It isn't about their "legal" rights when seeking the blessing of the church. It is about having the religious values changed to suit them. Forgiveness of sin is not the endorsement of sin! They really are polar opposites. In the Biblical account Jesus says, Go and sin no more. He doesn't excuse her sin but rather tells her to change her ways. He doesn't bless the sin, just the sinner. The action remains wrong. Is the Pope now saying, it's alright to sin as long as it is blessed? Conditional morality? Conditional sin? A conditional faith? All sounds political to me.         

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


  It was reported on the news that the military did not meet its' recruiting goals. The projection is the military will be the smallest in number since before WW2. A number of reasons were cited for this downturn in volunteers. Personally, I'm not a bit surprised by that, being a patriot isn't something that is exactly encouraged these days, nor is machismo! Today boys are supposed to be more in touch with their feminine side and celebrate that. It certainly wasn't like that when I was growing up. Oh, there were those that were in touch with that side, but it wasn't celebrated. Mostly it was talked about in whispers and used as an insult. There were those that openly opposed all that and were quite vocal, but that number was in the minority. I'm certain that plays a role in the low recruiting success we are seeing. Combine that with low pay, discipline, and not starting at the top of the ladder and many are shying away. It's a lot easier to say, "thank you for your service" than to actually provide that service.
  Is being an enlisted man or woman in the military a viable career choice these days? I'd say not for your immediate wants or needs it isn't. Really it is a long-term choice. There has been a push in recent years to hire veterans. There has also been a push to hire "older" people as well. It's for the same reason, dependable and responsible people that will show up for work and do the job as assigned. If one stays and retires from the military the benefits certainly are a good compensation, especially the medical benefits. Our medical benefits are almost as good as what the Congress have. But you can't expect someone eighteen years old to think about all of that. Now during covid 8000 people were discharged for refusal to get that vaccine. Although it was a lawful order that action added to the decline. It also sent a message to those considering enlisting. It was a stark realization for some, you have to follow orders. 
  I retired from the Navy twenty-two years ago. I'm not up on the current scoop in the ranks. The technology has certainly evolved from what I knew. I wonder how large a force we really need. Will there ever be a ground invasion and war like that in WW2 again. I have my doubts about that. Not with the weapons we have available today. Send in the drones, the robotics and the remote-controlled vehicles. Could we even expect a ground force to fight the battles that they did in the past? Protests and the questioning of commands is quite the common thing these days. We are arguing with each other about pronouns these days! Can we expect those individuals to fight? It is a different mindset in the 21st century. 
  The United States hasn't won a war since WW2. All we have managed to accomplish is marginal success in helping others win their battles. After Vietnam when those troops came home were there parades and celebrations? No, there was not. Only after a few decades were those soldiers celebrated. And even today all that is viewed as more of an entitlement than an accomplishment. Not to those that did the fighting, but in the eyes of those that didn't. The Vietnam war ended forty-eight years ago. Still a vivid memory to me but something from long ago to high school students of today. It isn't even the last chapter in their history books. What great victories have they ever heard about from those that were engaged in that victory? Those remembering, having any actual combat experiences in WW2 are far and few between. It is estimated about 100,000 of those veterans are alive today and all in their nineties. Their stories are documentaries. 
  A fighting force. That is what we are talking about. It is my belief that it takes a certain individual, a certain willingness to commit, to serve in those forces. It may sound corny, naive even, but I still remember seeing this written on the wall in the drill hall. " I am an American fighting man; I serve in the forces that guard our nations freedom." That is order number one in the Fighting Man's Code of Conduct. Number six says this, I will never forget that I am an American fighting man, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America." I joined prior to the end of the Vietnam war. 
 Consider this: (Prior to the Vietnam Conflict, violation of any of the above code elements could result in trial by Courts Martial. After learning of the atrocities inflicted on our personnel held prisoner in that action, it was determined that requiring strict compliance to such a demanding code was not always possible. It should stand as a guide to personal conduct but enforcement as a point of law is questionable.) A different attitude? Conditional compliance with a code of conduct. Being held to account? Well, it's a different time isn't it. If you want people to join your force, you have to have those joining believing in your cause. That cause is America! The preservation of the republic. And let us never forget,  ‘A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.’  Might come down to that again. 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

An awkward America

  Like millions of others' yesterday I attended the Wreaths Across America ceremony and placing the wreaths. It is something I became aware of some years back and participate every year. It's a wonderful gesture and a growing tradition. This year here in Greensboro we have a new flagpole erected in the cemetery. I was told that was part of a project from a young man to earn his Eagle scout badge. In the spring I'm told that pole will be surrounded by a brick patio and some benches placed there to honor all the veterans. 
  The ceremony was very nice with the local fire departments being highlighted. We have no VFW or American Legion posts in Greensboro, and I couldn't help but notice the lack of a military presence. Last year we did have a few veterans representing but not this time. The high school band was there and played God Bless America and a young lady sang the National Anthem a Cappella. She did a fine job, clear and bright and just the way the tune was written. A prayer was said, the narrative provided by Wreaths Across America read and taps was played in conclusion.
  There wasn't a very large group in attendance. The majority of those there were friends and relatives of those performing in the ceremony. I expect it is that way in most circumstances. Nevertheless, it is a nice gesture and I hope a tradition that remains. I did feel moments when it was a bit awkward. It seems like many public gatherings are awkward these days. That isn't the case when entertainment is provided. The carnival, concerts in the park and events like that don't have that feeling at all. 
 This past summer we had a rodeo in town, when they played America the Beautiful and those "cowboys" rode their horses around the arena the flag flying high. The crowd was a bit silent, a bit awkward, hesitating to respond to that in a patriotic way. That happened at the time Jason Aldean had released his song, Try that in a small town. They played that song over the pa system, and it had a feeling of defiance. It was an uneasy moment. A "cultural" moment? I don't know it was certainly an expression of a sentiment. Hometown proud. American pride? 
  We are living in a time when all of that is a bit awkward. We have the woke crowd that insists we should adopt every culture, every tradition, from everyone around the world, and incorporate that into our own. Calling it inclusiveness, it is the watering down of America. You are not to be proud of America, but rather apologetic for our success. Today the only pride you should display is that you do not have any "judgment" concerning others' choices. There is no right and wrong, everything is conditional, even morality. It just depends. 
 Today we have to be careful with whom we affiliate ourselves. You need to be aware of your social media posts and followings. You need to be careful who is following you! Our government is compiling a list and you had best be aware of that. Oh, that list isn't going to affect me much, I'm just a seventy-year-old man without a great deal of wealth or influence. But, if you are a young person, attempting to build a career, to advance in society you had better be paying attention! What did you say in the boys locker room in seventh grade! Did you deny that there are more than two genders. Did you say, America first. 
  Yes, it is a different America than the one I grew up in. It's an awkward America in my estimation. There is not a clearly define expectation from society anymore. I was well aware of what was expected of me as a kid growing up. I was often reminded and reprimanded for not meeting those expectations. There was no, let's talk with a counselor and discuss your feelings. Either you passed or you failed. There was no in-between. Roles were clearly defined. You may not have liked the role, but you didn't have a choice. The adults in the world weren't about to join you in some fantasy world. No, that wasn't happening. I was taught to respect the flag, my elders and authority. I was taught that America was the best country in the world. I still believe that, I still believe in respecting the flag, my elders and authority. I do so, even when it is a bit awkward. Hopefully one day all of that will become the norm once again. Let's all pray for that.   

Saturday, December 16, 2023

A chat

  I was sitting at my desk when it occurred to me that these blogs are somewhat like Roosevelts fireside chats. That thought came to me because of the replica fireplace I built last week. Some of you may remember that. I have it sitting on top of my desk and light a tea candle in it. Reminds me of my childhood home. Then I thought while I'm writing these blogs of mine, they are like those fireside chats. I'm just explaining my thoughts, ideas and opinions. That what Roosevelt was doing too. He was "viral" before that was a thing. Well, the truth is he only gave thirty-one of those chats in his 4,422 days in office. Still, they are remembered. They were delivered in a time when the office of president was respected. That isn't the case today. 
 In those chats he talked about the problems of the day. The depression, the war, and the economy. We are still talking about all that today. He presented a new program. The Social Security Act. That act has been modified and expanded since then and resembles little of what he envisioned. It was part of the New Deal. The new deal is another name for socialist policies. And his fireside chats were designed to foster those policies. It was his way of countering the conservative newspapers of the day. The New York Times was a conservative paper back then! Roosevelt was the precursor to CNN. It was brilliant as millions tuned in to hear those chats. Not always successful but overall, very effective. He did remain president for four thousand four hundred and forty-two days! Only death prevented it being longer.
 I'm not a fan of Roosevelt or his policies. I'm not old enough to remember any of his fireside chats but have read about them. They were all very carefully prepared, crafted to sound as though he was just chatting with you while drinking a beer or whatever. The genius of a politician. Lots of smoke and mirrors. His plan to "pack the supreme court" was a failure. I've been Ben for twenty-five thousand seven hundred and sixteen days. I've written four thousand seven hundred and forty-five blogs counting this one. None have been carefully prepared. But I'm not a politician. I also don't have millions of people "tuning" in to read what I have to say. Roosevelts fireside chats are preserved in the Library of Congress. My blogs are on a server far, far away in cyberspace. 
  The thing is, back in those days people did listen a good deal more than talk. The office of president was respected, even revered by some. When I was in the military, I was taught to respect the uniform, the position and the authority. The individual in that uniform wasn't what was important to obey, it was that authority. Used to be that way with the President or the United States and all the way down to your local Mayor. It was a respect for the position. A position that you elected those people into! That was true even when you voted for someone else, but they lost. Today if our guy doesn't win, we tend to not listen to what anyone else is saying. It's fake news! I think we would all be better served if we learned to listen once again. Or, at the very least, read my blogs. Coming to you from my fireside.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Just remembered

  As a person that write something nearly every day it caught my attention that the president of Harvard has been accused of plagiarism. I listened as the person she plagiarized explained that if that had been done by a white guy there would be a big uproar. She didn't seem to upset by that herself just pointing out a bit of hypocrisy. Later in the story it was noted that Harvard says she didn't really plagiarize anyone. It was simply a lack of proper citation. So really, it's like you didn't steal that car you just forgot to pay for it. The woman clearly copied some of the others work, her words, exactly. That is defined as plagiarism. I know, I looked it up. " the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own:" That's the definition I got. And she did do that, she just forgot to tell others the idea wasn't hers. She received her PhD in Political Science.
  Now I'm not writing a thesis or a dissertation for a PhD. Still, I often check my writings and ramblings and attempt to give credit where credit is due. I'm surprised at times at how close some of my thoughts and ideas come to others, even years in the past that I never heard about. But then again, I have said it many times and believe it to be the truth, there is little you can say that hasn't been said before. I figure as long as I'm not attempting to gain anything from what I'm writing other than sharing my opinions, thoughts or ideas, it's alright if I accidently "plagiarize" someone. If I decided to publish any of that for profit, I would certainly have to check a lot closer to make sure I'm not stealing someone else's work. I can see it happening with some small detail or quote, not remembering where I heard or read that. I do think it would have to be more of a conscious effort if I were writing my thesis. As I understand it, it takes years of research and study before you can even begin that process.
  As I listened to that story all I heard was a lawyer. Well, she didn't plagiarize anyone, she just didn't cite the person that she didn't plagiarize. Same reasoning as yes, this woman is pregnant but she's not going to have a baby. It's not a baby until it is born. And this person is a president at Harvard. They do have quite a good law department, no denying that. And what is the job of a good lawyer? To defend their clients is the answer. It's true that sometimes the innocent need defending, but by far the guilty need that attorney far more often! In fact, every time they break the law. She has an entire law department at her disposal and those learning the law as well. Seems clear to me that she is guilty. She doesn't deny that she used those works, those ideas or those words from the other person. Should she be excused for that because, well, oops I forgot to cite that? Aren't citations integral to the dissertation? Guess they will be optional in the future. Can always just add them in later on, you know, after you get that Doctorate, the job, the position you want. I'll give the money back after I make a few million, my bad, forget to mention that I stole it! 
  Now I'll say that if anyone really wanted to, they could most likely find something, or a few somethings in my writings that could be called plagiarized. I don't know why anyone would other than to discredit me in some fashion but that's unlikely as what is there to gain? It's fairly easy to do these days with all the online plagiarism checkers available. I've used a couple myself. Why are they upset with this Harvard president for plagiarism. It's because of her recent remarks to Congress on what hate speech is and what students are allowed or not allowed to say. The discovery of plagiarized portions of her dissertation is fuel to get her fired from that position. 
 It isn't the first time that has been noted but the first time her resignation has been called for over that discovery. The reason isn't important to me, the action is. It's my belief she plagiarized another author and is guilty as charged. It wasn't accidental, she didn't just forget, not a simple omission. She tried to take credit for it! Seems to me if you were that educated you could have found a way to rephrase whatever the other person had written to express the same idea in a different way. As I said I believe there is little you can say that hasn't been said before. The only trick is in saying it in a way that others haven't heard it before. She should be ashamed of herself and resign in disgrace. If allowed to get away with this, what message is being sent? 
 The world of academia. An exclusive group that believes themselves to be highly educated, somehow far more intelligent than the general population, entitled to rule over overs and make the big decisions. A group held to the highest standards of academic excellence. Aloof in their ivory towers they "explain" the world to the rest of us. Harvard University, the very best. And its' president stole her degree from another. Her excuse, I forgot. The big question is all of this is who checked that paper in the first place? How did that manage to slip through. Shouldn't someone have been smart enough to catch that? Makes me question the whole deal. Her degree was issued in 1997. Twenty-six years later it is finally noticed. She just remembered herself! Yeah, sounds like a reasonable defense to me. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

it's past

  Apologizing for the past. It has become quite the thing from the woke crowd. That's the way I feel about all of that. I fail to see what the purpose of apologizing to what the ancestors of someone that was wronged accomplishes. I'm not guilty of doing anything to any indigenous person on the planet. I'm not responsible for what my parents, grandparents or any other ancestors of mine may or may not have done. I will not apologize for any of that. I can certainly feel sorry that it happened, acknowledge that whatever actions taken were wrong, but nothing I can do or say will change any of it. So, what's the point? 
  The best we can hope for is to learn from the mistakes of the past. It does need to be remembered that all morality, all ethical standards, customs, traditions and attitudes are conditional things. We call all of that cultural. Hear a lot about culture today don't we. Yeah, and culture is always portrayed as a good thing, a right, an entitlement to whatever cultural group that claims that culture. Thing is culture is what formulates the societal reactions and interactions we all practice and experience daily. You know, the things being apologized for. The truth is the vast majority of those "wrongs" were the accepted social practice or customs of the times. Some of them are right now! Just because it's cultural doesn't make it right.
  It isn't the acknowledgement that things were done in the past that we are sorry for that bugs me. What bugs me is this expectation that you should receive some special compensation/consideration or benefit from that past. There is no one group in this world that hasn't been subjected to some injustice, some wrongdoing, some malady or calamity over their history. Anyone that was wronged was wronged equally! And that makes some folks bristle when I point that out. Oh no, I was treated far worse will be the reply. Those folks always feel like they should get more. Ask me how much money I should get for working, for retirement, for anything. It's going to be a bit more than you think I deserve I can guarantee you that. 
  This concept that we can somehow forgive the past is just ridiculous. In the city of Baltimore, they are pushing to release criminals from jail and compensate them for that time because the law was changed! Think about that. Those people broke the law, had their day in court and were found guilty. They were given a sentence. Justice was served. But, now the law changed, and we should apologize for that, release them from their sentences, expunge the record and give them compensation. Apologizing and compensating for the past? Well, that's exactly what they are going to vote on during the next session. 
  It appears to me the mindset is becoming if we simply allow everything, we will have nothing to apologize for. Now no one is giving anything back, no one is that apologetic, that sorry that those things took place. The past is like words spoken in that you can't take them back. That should be more obvious today than at any time in history. Ask that Harvard president if she would like to take her words back. She would love that, but she can't. Every one of us have said things we wish we could take back. The best any of us can hope for is forgiveness. It shouldn't, but generally forgiveness comes with a price. As long as you are willing to pay that price there are those that will demand it. That's the long and short of all this "apologizing" for the past. 
  I'm responsible for what I say and what I do. That's all I'm responsible for. Whether it is a direct action or an action I support that remains the truth. We are all what the professionals call enablers. Enablers are usually seen in a bad light. They are the ones, whether knowingly or unknowingly, enabling others to do something they shouldn't be doing. If we help others do good things, we are empowering them. That's what I keep hearing anyway. Ten years from now or a hundred years from now those empowering others will be seen as enablers! Opps, my bad. And that's how it goes in the world. I'm not apologizing for any of that. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

not surprised

  Things I hear in the news that surprise me when they shouldn't. Some baseball player is signing a 700 million dollar contract. Just goes to show where folks are willing to put their money. Sports and entertainment. And yes, it is the general public driving all of that, they are the ones buying the tickets. I read were Taylor Swift sold over a billion dollars' worth of tickets. Her fans are paying a hefty price. Same people I suspect paying seven or eight dollars for a cup of coffee. But whatever the market will bear it what is going to be charged, it's as simple as that. Those same people will complain vehemently about the cost of healthcare, a steak, or rent prices. All of that is outrageous! Three hundred to watch a ball game, no problem. Fifty or sixty thousand for an automobile not an issue, finance that for six years. 
  I shouldn't be surprised by any of that. People have always been willing to pay for entertainment regardless of their wealth or lack thereof. Always money for vice, always. We tend to focus more on the things we want more than things we need. That's a bit of irony in life that goes overlooked a great deal. Today we have "professionals" insisting that entertainment should be provided to everyone. Entertainment is an entitlement. It is the distraction that we seek. I believe that has come about as our occupations do not keep us entertained in ways that it used to. Most skilled workers in the trades enjoy their jobs. They take pride in their ability and their workmanship. It takes years to develop those skills. More modern occupations do not have that attraction, their attraction is a bigger salary. Thing is that salary will never fill that void, that's why they spend so much on entertainment.
  Now we are seeing a rise in artificial intelligence to do tasks. Robots are making inroads; automation has been on the rise since the days of Henry Ford. "Workers" that work 24/7 for no pay at all just occasional maintenance. They never get tired, never complain, and do the same task millions of times in exactly the same manner. The more time is freed up, the more entertainment becomes essential. The problem becomes how to pay for that entertainment. The entertainers keep charging more and more, can't blame them for that, and the public keeps on paying the price. That isn't going to change. It's like all the boycotts you hear about, how effective are they really? People will not deny themselves entertainment. And the fact is, we are all like that. It's just a part of our makeup, always has been. Shouldn't be a bit surprised by that but sometimes I am. A carton of cigarettes in Maryland is about $120.00. There are ten packs in a carton, twenty cigarettes per pack. The cost is about 60 cents per cigarette! And who is still smoking them? It isn't those living in a penthouse on fifth avenue that much is sure. No job, no money, no home but they have cigarettes and street drugs. Entertainment. I'm not surprised. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Magical or Practical

  I've got the tree up and the outdoor decorations are done. Gifts have been purchased but still need to be wrapped. I haven't mailed any cards but have received two so far. The effort is being made but not much Christmas spirit this year. It's all adult thing now that the grands are grown. It's all so very practical and so little magical. I think that is what I'm missing this year, that magic. It's not so much anticipation as it is preparation. And prep is never the fun part of any endeavor. Doesn't matter if it is painting the house or setting up for a party.
  I'm not ready for it to be Christmas. It all just seems so rushed these last few years. No time to smell the roses just try to avoid the thorns. Time is rushing at me, and I don't like that much. Never being one to worry about tomorrow a great deal I've always just gone with the flow. Now I find myself being swept away. It's an unsettling feeling. I wouldn't call it holiday depression although the experts often urge us to seek help. I could pay someone to listen to me and agree, or take a pill for that, change my mood altogether but no need, this too shall pass. You can't be happy all the time, always have it the way you want or the way you remember. The truth is things are pretty much what you make them to be. It's just that sometimes you don't feel like making anything at all.
  I'm beginning to understand what my parents and grandparents meant when they said, you have to make an effort. It was something I heard a great deal when I was a kid and saying, I'm bored. I was told you have to make an effort; it isn't anyone's' job to make you happy. If you wait for someone else to do that, you're going to be lonely most of the time. You can always find something to do, make yourself useful. When your happiness depends upon others you will often be disappointed. So, I'm making the effort this year to have a merry little Christmas. To be grateful for the years past and whatever years there are to come. I suspect even Santa Claus gets a bit grumpy at times, in a funk so to speak. You just have to keep trying. Don't look for the answers outside of yourself, they aren't there.