Friday, December 8, 2023

Which way

  Hanukah or Chanukah whatever the correct way of writing that is began last evening. Growing up I knew very little about the Jewish folks. Most of what I did know was wrong. But I have never harbored any ill feeling towards anyone because of their religious beliefs. Unless they were attacking me physically with their religion, I wasn't paying attention. Yes, I thought all Jewish people were wealthy. The ones I knew in my town owned a few stores so that qualified them as wealthy in my mind. Anyone owning their own business is wealthy. I knew they didn't go to church on Sunday, they went Friday night. If they had a synagogue in my town I didn't know where it was. They didn't celebrate Christmas because they didn't believe that Christ had been born. They are still waiting for his arrival. And I was told that was because it was the Jewish people that had crucified Jesus. Well, the Romans did it, but their leaders wanted that to happen. And that about sums up what I knew about the Jewish people. Well, that and Hitler tried to eradicate all of them during WW2 because he wanted their money. 
  The thing was I never really paid any attention to what religion someone practiced or didn't practice. I figured most everyone was a Christian though. Even then you had all the different groups and their strange ways of doing things. Going to the Episcopal church as I did was certainly a great deal different than going to the Calvary Baptist church. We were all praying to the same God but in very different ways. Growing up in the small town that I did I figured all Baptists were black people. That's who went to that church. Didn't have many black folks in my church as I recall. I never gave that much of a thought growing up. I just figured kids went to church where their parents went to church. Never thinking that it had anything to do with race or racism. 
  Like many I have drifted from the church and seldom attend any services at all. I could list all the reasons or excuses but that isn't important. That doesn't mean I have lost my faith, my belief in the divine. I have always and still do believe that God exists everywhere, all the time. I have no religious bias. All faiths are welcome as long as that faith doesn't involve harming others. If your religious practices are combined with your ideology, I will take issue with that. You cannot use God as justification for evil! That's the way I feel about that. You have absolutely no right to impose your religious practices/beliefs on me or anyone else. 
 I have learned a bit more about the Jewish people. I was surprised to learn that in total the Jewish people only comprise about .2% of the world population. That's correct "point two percent". I expected a much larger number. The majority live in Israel with the United States having the second largest population. I also learned about the many different groups within that religion. I really shouldn't be surprised by that given the number of denominations of Christians and the many groups of Mormons, Amish and Mennonites. Mostly what I have learned, although the truth is I should use the word verified, is that Jewish folks are just the same as everyone else. 
  As someone that likes history and often reads about what took place in the past, I'm aware of the persecution of the Jews. That persecution began long before Hitler and the holocaust. Christians were responsible for a great of the persecution in the past. The Muslims have persecuted and indeed called for the total destruction of the Jews since the founding of their religion in about 650 AD. Prejudice and hatred are learned behaviors. Both are taught either directly or by example. The only way that is ever going to stop, is when it is no longer learned. People don't unlearn things. The best we can hope for is that people choose to reject the things that are wrong. Unfortunately, all too often people are taught to embrace what is wrong in order to be right! 
  Maybe it is simply because I grew up in a small town on the end of Long Island. Our schools weren't segregated, and everyone went wherever they wanted. Thing is birds of a feather flock together and the varying groups each had their own hangouts. That was true based not only race but social standing in the community. What we refer to as culture today, now that we are all enlightened about that. That enlightenment hasn't done much to improve relations beyond pointing out differences. That's the way I see that. 
 Today we talk about cultural appropriation when one group attempts to adopt or mimic another culture. Was a day when it was called, appreciation. That was a good thing when others appreciated and wanted to adopt your culture. It certainly wasn't something to be mad about. But, as I said, we became enlightened. Making fun and disparaging another group isn't appreciating those groups however, and that is where things are often confused. All humans tend to laugh about the things we don't understand. You don't have to be a different race to have that happen. It happens with religious beliefs as well. I was told to watch out for those Jehovah's witnesses. They want to give you a pamphlet and get you to join their cult. That was at a time when I didn't even know what a cult was! There church was called a Kingdom Hall, and no one knows what they are doing in there. All silly stuff now. but as a small kid you tend to listen to what the adults are saying. 
  And those scientologists! I've heard a lot about them in recent years! Not certain I have ever met one though. And that's the thing about that. I wouldn't know unless I was told. That's the same with Jewish people, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Jehovah's' witnesses or whatever. There might be visible clues such as wearing a Yarmulke or other symbol but for the most part, I would have no clue about what you believe. Lots of things like that. Today we tend to tell everyone about our beliefs, our illnesses and our shortcomings as a means to gain acceptance. A short of forced empathy. You have to empathize with all of those things otherwise you are a terrible person. It is certainly a sign that you are the one at fault for not recognizing any of that! It's a sort of get out of jail free card. You are only picking on me because, "fill in the blank".
  In my experience in life, I have learned a few things. One of them is people don't care what religion, what illness, what disability, or what history you have or any ethnic groups you identify with until they can use that to their advantage. Doesn't have to be bad, could be a good thing, but the fact remains it is the only time they care. Whether they use that information for personal gain or as justification for a crime isn't the issue, it's the point. 
  Right now, at this moment Hamas is attempting to conquer Israel. It's not going to happen. Hamas doesn't have the resources to accomplish that goal. Of course, that makes no difference whatsoever to those being killed in the conflict. As in all wars or conflicts it is the innocents that pay the highest price. The combatants assume the risk when they join the battle. The reason for them joining that battle isn't important, they are participants. 
  The Israeli's were attacked by Hamas. That is a simple fact. Israel has every right to defend themselves and eliminate the threat of further attacks. Is it a battle of Jews vs Muslims? That is what we are led to believe, that's the narrative being put out there. The truth is the Palestinians simply want the ground occupied by the Israeli's. All the reasons, all the justifications are for motivation. To inspire the people to fight! The goal is to occupy the land. The Israeli's simply wanting to retain what is now their home. That is motivation enough for them to fight. 
  I don't know. I guess all I'm saying is my religious beliefs have never told me to kill anyone. I've always been able to get along with everyone that wanted to get along with me. I've never felt the need to impress my beliefs upon anyone else. I'm not just thinking about religious belief. I'm talking things in general. If we like the same kind of music, we will listen to records together. If you want to play something different, I will just find something else to do not blow up your record and insist on playing mine. As a general rule of thumb, if you feel uncomfortable around someone, leave. I've had friends and acquaintances from all walks of life because of my twenty years of naval service. You tend to meet a lot of people. I never asked a single one of them what religion they practiced, what their sexual identity was or what their politics were. Some told me but I never asked. Those that became friends generally shared the same beliefs as me. What a surprise. They became friends before I knew any of that. It was what I found out that always ended a friendship. Usually a mutual agreement. Just go your own way and I'll go mine.    

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