Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Making Merry

  Being rather a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas, I'm not current on some things. Now I've seen the Grinch that stole Christmas on television, the cartoon version of that, but never the one in the movies with Jim Carrey. Apparently, that was released in theaters twenty-three years ago. New to me though. But I just learned that the grinch eats onions. I was totally unaware of that. I saw on Facebook in a meme, or someone had created it, the grinch up to some mischief. It was in the same character as Elf on a Shelf. A great marketing tool in my estimation. 
  The whole grinch and Whoville has become quite the Christmas attraction here in Greensboro. It began during the time my son was the Mayor of Greensboro. It has grown in size each year. On the carnival grounds, every small town in America has a carnival ground, Whoville is set up with lights and whatever else and some of the characters from the story are roaming about. The grinch is there along with Cindy Lou Who and others. I only went to see it one year and so am not up to date on all it actually entails. As I said I'm more traditional and fail to see any fascination with the whole Dr. Seuss thing for Christmas. I'd rather see Santa Claus, Nativity scenes and that sort of thing. 
  Like everything else things change over time, and this is a change for me. For those growing up with the grinch and Whoville I'm certain it is a nostalgic thing for them. And parents tend to take their children to places that are nostalgic to them. There are those that readily adopt whatever the new thing is as well. Some just want to be on the "cutting" edge, the lead in these things. It just depends upon your personality. I've always been a bit conservative, although there are some that knew me in high school that may disagree with that assessment. This Whoville thing in Greensboro is becoming quite the holiday attraction drawing folks in from quite a distance. The local fire department benefits from it and it is a good fundraiser, and the town supports it as well. I'm not certain how many years this has been taking place, but I'd guess five or six so far. 
  So anyway, I found out the grinch eats onions. I asked my granddaughter about that, and she gave me one of those looks. You know the kind, like you're stupid or something. It's in the movie. What movie? Then her eyes really roll back, and she looks like, omg, is he kidding me. When I tell her I've never seen the movie she can't believe it. It's the truth, I've never seen that movie and frankly have no desire to do so either. Never been much of a Jim Carrey fan, he's not that funny in my opinion. So, we're talking about that, and she is telling me how much her dad likes all of that. Along with being a big Star Wars fan he likes the Grinch. I'm still thinking about the Grinch eating onions. 
  So that is what inspired this creation of mine. I had seen that meme or whatever on Facebook about the grinch. Armed with this new information about the grinch loving onions I decided to make this for my son and his wife. A bit of Christmas cheer that I hope they enjoy. I do like building stuff although my crafting skills leave a lot to be desired. Most definitely an amateur in that department. I tell everyone that is part of the charm. This is what I made. 


                                                     Instead of cookies for Santa, it's onions for the Grinch.

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