Thursday, March 31, 2016

The advocate

 Lately I have found myself in an uncomfortable spot, being the devils' advocate. Let me be clear in that in no way do I support Donald J Trump. Yet, I find myself upset about the politics surrounding this man. That he is disliked, reviled even, goes without question. It is also true that everything that can be done to stop him from winning the necessary delegates for the Republican nomination is being done. The plotting, scheming and conniving is obvious to even the most casual of observers. The stand I am taking that places me in this advocates seat is that the election process should play out as designed. I do believe that the person receiving the nomination should be the one chosen by the popular vote. Regardless of whether or not the party likes that person, that should be the case. The party leaders do not, and I can't stress that enough, do not get to select the nominee ! Should Donald J Trump receive the necessary 1237 delegates the nomination is his, period. This is not going to happen and it is known already that it will not happen. All that remains is creating an illusion of " fairness. " Somehow the Republican party must pull off this maneuvering without alienating there constituency. It is going to take a real Houdini act.
 Now, as I said I don't support Donald J Trump. I do not believe he has the qualifications or personality to fulfill that job. He is " The Donald " an egotistic billionaire. He is all about Donald and all about winning. He says and does the things that he does because he is not a career politician. Politics is not his game. When he loses this bid for the nomination, and I firmly believe he will, he will cry about it and blame somebody else. The bottom line for him however is, he hasn't lost his job. His job is not politics ! In fact he is priding himself on being politically incorrect ! That alone has gained him much support at the polls. Sometimes the things we believe we want or need, are precisely what we shouldn't have ! This is a case in point. There is nothing presidential about Donald Trump.
 The only thing I advocate for is an even playing field. In this case it appears that I am advocating for Trump. That is not the case at all but I labor against that perception. It is not okay to rig the election because you don't like who is winning. This Republican campaign is turning into a Keystone cops situation. As a registered Republican I am feeling a little embarrassed by it all. Remember when they wanted Donald to sign the " pledge ? " Well I guess " pledging " doesn't really mean much to the Republican party as they have now reversed on that several times. The panic is real among those career politicians. Their jobs are at risk and they are well aware. The problem is, how do we get him to go away ? Hillary Clinton will receive the Democratic nomination, that is also a forgone conclusion. Trump may or may not defeat her in a general election. The Republicans' don't want to take that risk. Hillary does have some baggage and Donald Trump isn't afraid to open those bags !
 It is going to be a long hot summer. A third party will enter the race to muddy the waters. I can see this situation only getting worse. I figure long about June it will come to a head. Ted Cruz will somehow get the nomination. Voter fraud will be rampant, all parties hollering about that, but the results will stand. If Hillary survives the summer, without indictment, she will be there in the fall. Some will refuse to vote due to disgust with the whole scenario. I will dutifully cast my ballot, although at the moment I am undecided. I am not seeing a viable candidate from either party. Maybe the third party person, unless of course that turns out to be Donald Trump. All one can do is vote their conscience.
 I do believe that there are many plots afoot to derail Donald Trump in his bid for the nomination. Not that these machinations haven't taken place in the past, they have every since there were elections, but these are so obvious. No attempt to conceal anything. Well nothing short of criminal that is. Call me a skeptic if you will but I wouldn't rule that out either. The politicians don't want to lose their jobs, understandable, and the Republican party wants to win the White house. Both goals are of paramount importance. We have long been a two party system for all intents and purposes. The ideology of both parties has evolved and changed over the years. Both parties have always seized upon whatever divisive issues that are current to further their candidates. Both parties have jumped the fence on more than one occasion. This time they are just tearing the fence down altogether. No holds barred in 2016 !  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Providing provenence

 I was talking with my mother on Sunday, as has become our custom. She is 86 now and I'm 62, amazing numbers when taken in a certain context. I couldn't have imagined that when I was 12 or so, but here we are. Dad has been gone for sixteen years now and I have lost my older brother. Two of six from the immediate family. That's one third. My mother is the last of her immediate family, Her immediate family was twelve. Time marches on, as the saying goes. and waits for no man. But enough with the sad stuff, it is something I prefer not to dwell on. Those folks are not gone to me, just out of sight. If I start seeing them , that is when I will get concerned or rejoice.
 We talk about the old days and the way things used to be. We share the same old stories over and over again. It is a comfort to us both. Sharing memories is sharing a time together. It is like reliving the moment. Every once in a while I will hear something new. The " new " stories happened many years ago and I was just not included for a variety of reasons. Perhaps I was considered too young or there was fear I would " say " something. You know how that goes. Whatever the case, I'm hearing the tale now. I especially like it when the story explains a mystery. The how or why of a situation. These are not big earth shattering tales of great importance but rather the little details in life. Socrates said a life unexamined is a life not worth living, or something close to that. He was talking about the details. The details are of interest to me. It is this " providing of provenance " that fascinates me.
 In my mothers' immediate family she has become the sole provider of this provenance. None of her brothers or sisters survive to tell or contradict the tale. Provenance must be provided by the earliest known recorded evidence or testimony, following that it is just hearsay. Fortunately her memory does not seem to be failing. There are moments when she opens the " vault " as well. We all keep our little secrets locked up, that is a natural and normal thing. I can not explain the impulse to release some of that information. Perhaps at some point it just doesn't matter anymore. Perhaps there are other reasons for withholding these tidbits. It could be personal embarrassment or protecting another. The decision to just let them go arrives suddenly, in my experience anyway. All at once I feel unfettered, and out it comes. I wouldn't say it is necessarily growth, but it becomes necessary. Secrets can be a burden. Keeping secrets implies withholding important information. That isn't the truth of it though. Secrets are just things we are unwilling to share. Their importance may be of negligible value to others. a curiosity.
 When I began to write these blogs I did so to record my story. I wanted to leave a record for future generations to read. My thinking was, and still is, that if nothing more they may provide an amusement. I would certainly be interested to read the thoughts of my grandparents or great grandparents. I can remember some of the things my grandmother said and her stories but I don't know her thoughts. When I was a child I asked the questions of a child. There is a lot more I would like to ask now. And so now I have come to realize that I am the sole provider of the provenance of my life. That is true for each of us. What will that provenance be ? That is also solely up to each of us. Our legacy is what we leave behind, property or money. The money is taken at face value. Property however is often measured by its' provenance. Provenance is what adds the value. Often associated with antiques. Well one day we all become antiques. Antiques represent an earlier time. I think we should all provide the provenance to add value. If you want to be remembered, give them something to think about, that's my thinking.
 I guess what I am saying here is, unlock that vault ! Share the stories you have with others. Tell the tales of life and loves. The objects that you cherish will be left behind one day. The old saying you can't take it with you is 100% accurate. If you wish those objects to be valued by others you must instill that value. Provide the provenance. You are the earliest version of you ! It is your testimony that carries the most weight. Make it known. Of course it doesn't hurt to withhold a little bit of information, just to hold their interest. The secret to a good show is to leave them wanting more.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


 The imposition of belief. Why does that seem such a necessity for some ? It is not enough that they believe, they feel impelled to force others to believe the same thing. This is true in religious matters and political ones. Name calling and violence are not uncommon methods. Threats are issued. For some, discussion is not an option, it is straight to condemnation. I wonder where this came from ? In politics the answer is a simple one, money and power. Politics appeals to mans basest desires. To control others and benefit from them in some fashion. I can grasp that motivation and we are all guilty of it on some level. Just living life requires some political skills, like negotiation. Diplomacy is the method to gain compliance with your needs. Strangely. those that practice those qualities are often considered weak. If not weak , they are thought of as manipulative. A show of force, either with strong language or physically produces immediate results. Only wealth will sway those perceptions. The wealthy speak and people generally listen. Wealth and/ or celebrity lends credence, even to a fool.
 Now that leads me to religious belief. I believe I was commanded to testify about my belief. I was told to go forth and spread the word. I wasn't told to go forth and beat people up until they profess belief in my God. That is not the goal here. I am not to just remain silent either. To testify is to tell the truth as I see it. That is testimony, first hand experience. That is what I often write about in these postings. My religious belief is what guides me through life. From that belief stems my moral and ethical code. My guide is no different than anyone else's, it is quite complicated. Often subject to different interpretations and occasional revision. I do feel the need to testify, to spread the word to others. Yes, I hope that others see the truth in my words and gain some understanding. The understanding I wish for is for others to understand me. That can be confusing. Empathy is the word used to describe that ability.
 Conflict arises when misunderstanding occurs. Although I may disagree with your choices that doesn't mean I am condemning you. All it means is I have a firm belief that your choice is the wrong choice. I will, given the opportunity, explain to you why I feel that way. Hint : It can be found in my basic religious teachings. If you dismiss those beliefs as invalid there is little I can do about that. It does no good for me to refer to the " guide " quoting those verses. What you believe to be fiction I believe as fact. That is the impasse we face. You require verifiable scientific evidence and I can only offer the empirical. Your experiences and your interpretation of them is at odds with my own. I can not understand the absence of belief anymore than you can understand why I believe. Neither of us are wrong.
 There are central issues and themes we find in conflict. I would say the issue of life and the sanctity of that life is a major one. That discussion is often argued vehemently, even within the religious community. The allowance of murder, for convenience, is something I cannot condone. The question then becomes by doing nothing to prevent it, am I giving approval ? No, I would say I am not. As long as I testify to the truth, my truth, that is all I can do. Yes, I can cast my ballot as well. I can withhold funding. I have no right or obligation to use physical means. That is the imposition of faith I am writing about. An imposition is either unfair or unwanted. My obligation is to hopefully create a desire in you to " want " to share in my belief. It is offered, not imposed. Conversely it should be accepted as such, a gift. You may politely refuse. I should feel no offense if you do so, only regret that I failed in my testimony. I'll keep trying. I'll live with the label, insistent. I'll try not to be incessant ! Truth often arrives in a thousand subtle ways. It is when you realize those truths that the " lightbulb " goes on. Ironic isn't it ? That is when we say, I saw the light. Prophetic even.

Monday, March 28, 2016


 Following yesterdays' blog posting I was pleased to read some comments. It is always a pleasure to know that someone is reading and giving thought to my words. I had mentioned in that posting how the conduct of church services have changed over the years. I had written a post about that very thing earlier in the year. It is titled Celebrant or Supplicant. I guess it is the same way for us all, we become accustomed to a certain routine, certain expectations and change comes slowly. Should we be away from that routine for any length of time the change can be a shock. It can appear wrong ! That is true even when there is no right or wrong way to do something, like going to church. As long as the intent is pure in spirit, the manner in which you worship should not come under question. It was that that lead me to thinking about a lack of continuity. Tradition one might call it. Traditions and the traditional way are practiced generation after generation. Tradition gives continuity to our lives. And I began to think that perhaps it is this lack of continuity and traditional values that have lead us to where we are today. Are we lost ?
 These traditional values have stood the test of time. Time is the final measure after all. Our lives are finite, time is not. I question the wisdom of the abandonment of these tried and true values. A resetting of the standards. It is occurring throughout our society and not just in the manner of worship. It is also in the manner of raising our children. The values being instilled in them is quite different than in the past. Many are being taught that they are the center. The lessons focusing on self worth and personal needs. They are being taught as a singularity, not as a part of the whole. That, I believe, may be because of this loss of continuity. A loss of continuity in family, community and country. They are becoming lost. Commonality is just as important as continuity. This changing of our value system is damaging that commonality and contributes to the loss of continuity. indeed it destroys it. Are these changes for the better, or are they just a means to circumvent the inconvenient ? Practicing traditions and upholding established values can be inconvenient when you are the center of focus. Traditions and values are the body of a society. Destroying them, destroys the society. Perhaps that is why we get that feeling of loss. We feel disconnected. We long for the way it used to be.
 I can't help but notice the prevalence of a particular practice these days. The seeking of counsel. Was a time we sought consul from our religious leaders. Now we just attempt to sue the other person or entity that offends us. Oh we have plenty of other " counselors " to turn to and we do so frequently. Why do you think that is ? It is because we are lost and seek guidance on how to proceed. Those lessons were not taught to us in our youth. There was no continuity in that area. Not being raised as a part of a family, community or even country it could be no other way. Traditions and values are instilled in a person, not taught from a book. They are not intellectual property.
 Some may find these connections I am making, tenuous at best. I don't claim to have any special insight into these things. I do know the comfort I receive from these traditions and values. I was fortunate enough to have been raised that way. The fields I played in as a child were the ones my parents and grandparents had played in. The church I attended was the same. Even the manner of our speech was the same as those that had gone before us. We drew upon the lessons of the past to solve the problems of the day. We were taught, it wasn't about us. It was about your brothers and sisters.  Family first !  Community came next, and country. Respect was given freely and was only lost due to your own actions. The notion of having to earn respect is a fallacy. You had to work to keep that respect ! You are responsible for that. Is it that that has become inconvenient ? Is that what we wish to circumvent by the abandonment of tradition and value ? Personal responsibility should be a tradition  !

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Born again

 Easter Sunday, a special day for sure. When I was a kid it was celebrated with Easter Baskets and new clothes. That was pretty much the deal. The fact that Jesus was risen was naturally stressed and the story told. Up early to receive those baskets from the bunny. Our dyed eggs were cracked and chocolate eaten. Then put on those new outfits and off to church with Mom. This was in the days of men wearing suits and the ladies wore dresses. Bonnets and white gloves completed the ladies attire. Easter Sunday services was a formal affair, in fact, going to church period, was a formal affair. Very solemn and very regimented. A feeling of comfort swept over you as the years passed and you became accustomed to the services. You knew what to expect and how to respond.
 I can remember our church getting a deacon. His job was to assist the Reverend. He was a younger fellow and led the youth group. It was quite the controversial thing at the time. I was one of those young people and so thought little of it, it was " cool " with me. He began to incorporate subtle changes to the routine. Mom and other " old " people would mumble about it, it not being respectful and all. Imagine playing a guitar in church ! Sitting on the steps in front of the altar ! Be lucky not to be struck by lightening. Why it is a sacrilege. Singing some kind of hippie song too, Kum Bye Ya  or something. I do recall when he proposed having a sunrise service for Easter. Seemed fitting enough to me, sunrise and Jesus rising from the dead. The thing was he was going to have it on the beach ! Yup, right there by the edge of the ocean, like a bunch of beatniks. Outdoors. Pretty radical proposal. How is a lady supposed to walk in that beach sand in a dress and heels, you tell me that ? And just what is the altar going to be ? A dory ? Maybe you could borrow one from those Lester boys. Church services on the beach. Yes that was quite the idea alright, and the Reverend approves of this ?
 I do remember going to the first service held on the beach. At least I think it was the first for our church, but maybe not. Anyway, it was different. I remember thinking it was more of a public spectacle than a reverent expression of faith. That is the way it seemed to me. I think we were the only ones at the beach though. Still it was such an alien environment for church services that I did feel self conscious about it. Prayer and praise should be conducted in the lords house, isn't that why we built the church in the first place ? If you are going to worship outdoors, like some Druid or something, what is the point ? When I was young you seldom saw anyone even pray over their meal in public. It seemed like a rather pompous display to me. More like a show than anything else.
 Well that was probably fifty years ago or more. Times change and the method of worship has too. In some cases the altar has been replaced with a stage. It is more about the show in my opinion. Fifty years ago you didn't go to church expecting to be entertained. No sir, you went there for instruction. It was a time to repent for your transgressions ! And let me tell you, transgressions are far worse than just being wrong or making a mistake. We didn't go to church to tell God how much we loved him, we went begging for forgiveness. Sure we said we loved him, he did after all have his son die for us, but we needed forgiveness. I told Mom and Dad I loved them too when looking for mercy or asking for something. I knew however that actions speak louder than words. Didn't do a whole lot of good to talk, or sing praises for that matter, if you hadn't acted right. When I went to church you were told you were a sinner ! Plain and simple, that is why you were there. Put on your finest clothes, enter the house of the lord respectfully and humbly. Listen to the instruction offered by the Reverend and beg forgiveness. You can celebrate later.
 Well all of that is just a memory. A tale of the days gone by. It was my youth in a time a place. Funny how you remember certain things about growing up and others you just seem to forget about. I was in the choir at church and then served on the altar. In a way I guess I was part of the show. I didn't think of it that way back then. I just thought it was better than sitting in the pew and listening. I got to stand up and sing wearing fancy robes. Following that I help serve Holy Communion. I felt important. Also I figured it gave me an edge. Maybe my transgression wouldn't be quite as bad seeing as how I was acting right. Well at least one day of the week I did anyway. Each Sunday was like a resurrection ! Happy Easter.  

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Act accordingly

 Empathy and understanding. One is learned and the other experienced. The definition of an empath is one that that understands the feelings of another. The empathetic person " experiences " the others feelings. It is an admirable trait and one that should be fostered. The question is, can you go too far with it ? Going too far can be the cause of inaction and therefore no resolution to the problem is forthcoming. In an individual we call it " feeling sorry for yourself " but when we apply that to others we call it compassion. The compassionate person understands and sympathizes, practicing empathy. The wise person knows when to detach themselves from that empathetic connection. Emotion is often an ardent motivator but seldom a good guide.
 The trend in society today is to be overly empathic, in my opinion. We call it  compassion, understanding, tolerance, benevolence, affinity and sympathy. We are being told that we should react to that with charity and forgiveness. Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of others. To know how they feel. What we are being told is that others feelings are always right and justifiable. That is simply not the truth. There are times when those others " feelings " are just wrong. We have to move beyond emotion and examine facts. Understanding is being in agreement. Feeling " bad " for actions of the past, or the present, is not understanding. Feelings are not based in fact, but in emotion. Actions are in response to feeling. The action should be one that amplifies the good and negates the bad. Those actions must remain within a boundary. Moderation in all things is the applicable adage.
 Are we, as a society, extending those boundaries  ? This attitude of " all the good things " the politically correct if you will, is doing harm. By not defining boundaries, standards, how can we know how to respond ? We can not just react to feelings ! Feelings are transient things subject to whim and whimsy. The blind acceptance of your " feelings " being correct is the fault. Judgement and discrimination are wrong ! Isn't that what we are told, over and over. But if we do not exercise sound judgement and discriminate between right and wrong are we not inviting disaster ? If there is no right or wrong, what is there ?
 Legislation is mans' answer. Laws are thought of as punitive. That is not the case however. Laws define what is acceptable in a society. It is only when you do not act in accordance with those laws, that is, operate within the boundaries, that punishment is forthcoming. When we wish to change those boundaries, we write legislation ! Often this change is quite subtle and is only noticed by those directly affected. In more recent years we have seen major changes taking place. These changes are being justified mostly by empathy. This empathy, our feelings , are being manipulated by the powerful. They (we) are being used. But what is this agenda ? It is, as it always has been, commerce. There is money to be made. The easiest way to get what you wish is by appeasement of the opposition. Give those opposing you what they want and they become compliant. Replacing faith with empathy is the deception being practiced. There are laws, upon which this nation was founded, that impede this commerce. The only method to overwrite those laws is by convincing the population those laws are invalid. Isn't that what we are being taught ? Science has the answers ! We can explain it all. Do whatever you like, as long as it causes no harm to others or impedes commerce.
 Man is writing law to justify his desires. Our laws should delineate what is acceptable behavior. Being human we do react to our immediate needs. We have been given laws, guidance if you prefer, on the proper way to interact with each other. Man, in his arrogance has modified those laws to suit his agenda over the ages. Those laws, innate to us all, are being ignored. Will there be a punishment for doing so ? Yes, I believe there will be. Those laws stem from an authority. Something too many fail to understand. While man argues over just what this authority is, the authority observes. In due time, like a diligent parent, the authority will respond. The response is dependent upon our actions, not our feelings. Act accordingly.

Friday, March 25, 2016

looking ahead

 Yesterday I went to get my eyes examined. Like a majority of the folks from my generation Doctor visits are few and far between. I believe we don't go for the routine stuff simply because that is the way we were raised. I don't recall my parents going to the doctors for anything that wasn't an immediate crisis of some type. When you got a toothache you went to the dentist, when you got injured you went to the doctor, and if you couldn't see it was time for the eye doctor. It was pretty much cut and dried. Doctor visits were expensive and inconvenient. For guys, it is also a sign of weakness. A great deal of the maladies of aging were just accepted as that, getting old. Not much can be done about getting old so why bother the doctors about that ? But yesterday I went because I need new glasses. And so I went through the process again.
 When I arrived I had to fill out the patient information form. I was, no surprise, a new patient. Reading down the list of possible ailments you could have, or could have had, or might get, is rather scary. I dutifully checked each box with the appropriate response, mostly no or none. The questions about whether anyone in your family has or has had, any number of problems is always a mystery to me. I understand the significance of asking but I am sorely uninformed about such matters. My family members don't talk about such things, it is personal. Then signing the " privacy " form and the obligatory form releasing the doctor from liability I return the clipboard full of papers to the receptionist. Glancing over it quickly she says, come with me.
 This same receptionist then checks the prescription on my current pair of glasses and does the glaucoma testing. Off to see the doctor. The doctor glances over my forms and says are you a new patient of mine ? I'm thinking, well yeah, that was the first question on the form. Then he asks if I have any medical issues not listed on the paper. I'm thinking again, what else could I have, that list was pretty extensive ! I respond with , nope.  I get the impression he really doesn't believe me as he says, you're 62 ? It was that questioning tone that lead me to believe he was incredulous as to my medical history. He asks what year I was born, almost like it was a pop quiz. We begin the actual eye exam. He is shining those bright lights in my eyes and going umm and ahh. Then he positions that set of lenses on my face and begins flipping them around. A quick series of, is this better. I wonder why all eye doctors do that in such a rapid fire manner. One or two, better or worse, pick one, hurry up ! I decide upon a set of lenses.
 Okay, so now we are winding this visit down. The consultation part begins. The doctor says my prescription has changed dramatically ! He has no explanation for this turn of events. My current glasses are too strong. That is when he begins to hypothesize about the reason. Maybe I'm getting to be diabetic, I am after all, over fifty. That is what he said ! Could be getting cataracts too, that happens very slowly and I am getting older ! Yup, he mentioned that again. The problem ? My eyes are improving. He asks about any family members that may have had any eye conditions and if they are still alive. Say what, are they alive ? Yeah, Mom is and I don't know anything about the condition of her eyes. Yes, Dad passed but he didn't die from poor eyesight ! At least I don't think that was the cause.
 Overall he was a nice guy and did seem concerned about my eyesight. Other than calling me old several times and being skeptical about my medical history I am satisfied. He did try to sell me a pair of glasses, his occupation so I understand that, and wished me well. I guess it was eighty dollars well spent. An investment in my vision. Really all I wanted was the prescription to order some new glasses with. I can get them online at a significant savings. In fact I ordered two pair. Should be good to go for another five years or so, if I make it that long. Maybe next time I won't need glasses at all ! That's something to look forward too.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Are we complicit ?

 We are the baby boomers, the children of the greatest generation. Our parents , for the most part, have left us now, gone to their reward. Many of us believe we will do the same. That is , go to our reward. Fewer of our children believe that and fewer still the grandchildren. The narrative has changed in America and it saddens me deeply. Religion and the belief in a life everlasting has fallen down in the conversation, almost as an afterthought. Belief is imploding upon itself in the name of progress. Inaction is becoming the response. The cries for help are not directed to our God, but rather to our government. And what promise does the government offer in return ? A temporary and transient existence at best. An existence dependent upon the charity of others and the tax system. Immediate needs are the priority with no thought for the future. Life has become a disposable commodity. One and done ! I have been witness to this degradation in society, this crumbling and decay. I feel shame for my shortcomings. Too long have I lingered in self doubt. Too long have I embraced the material. By opposing nothing, under the guise of tolerance and understanding, I have contributed to this erosion of faith. Faith is learned through example, faith requires following. Faith is learned in silence, not in shouts.
 The preceding rather depressing paragraph was inspired by the events in Belgium. They were committed by young people misled, misguided and maligned. And who is behind this ? The children of the greatest generation ? Yes, that is truth for the greatest generation didn't just live in America, They were not all Americans. The greatest generation was a time frame in history. A time in the world when beliefs were enforced and defended, for the better or worse. Yes, mistakes were made, terrible mistakes and atrocities occurred. An entire generation was affected, that is why it was a world war. And now I am witness to events that may indeed precede another such conflict. The only difference being in the ideology of that war. Jihad, defined by the Muslim community as " the struggle " has two meanings. The first meaning according to their scholars was that "the struggle" speaks to the internal struggle for truth. The second meaning, the one the western world is very familiar with, is the struggle against the non-believers, the fight against the infidels. Which is correct ? That hinges upon belief does it not ?
 Wars are fought for dominance. That is the only reason for them. This " war on terror " is also a war for dominance. The Muslims call it Sharia Law and it is government of the people through a religious doctrine. The authority for the enforcement of those laws are contained in their holy book, the Koran. The war is an effort to defeat this belief system, without admitting that is what is being done. The narrative is that only a small percentage of the population that reads and follows that text actually believe it. Or, at the very least practice its' tenets. Just as we are seeing a lack of belief in America they are experiencing a revival of sorts. The "war on terror" is the effort to suppress this resurgence of fundamentalist teaching. The fundamentalists are the terrorists. Now they are labeled " radicals " but that wasn't always the case. There have been periods in history when the Muslims were dominate. They were dominate for almost four hundred years and the crusades were a response to that. A war to regain dominance, and the Christians were successful. The reality is it was all based on commerce, just as it is today. Wars are fueled by perceptions and belief but take money to finance. The real way to "win the war" is to cut off funding of that war. This " war " we are waging now is low budget, hence the " terror " attacks. We had best figure something out fast before the big money guys get involved. Determine who is profiting from this current situation and you will know what needs to be done.
 Remember World War One began as a result of the assignation of Arch Duke Ferninand . Who will be killed to begin this war ? It is only a matter of time and circumstance. All that is lacking is a definitive target. Were a single nation to be identified as the culprit the war would have been fought and settled by now. The problem is we are fighting a belief. It is like fighting a shadow. The only way to defeat it is to bring it into the light ! Until we admit that, and accept that, the fight continues.
 Once again I have found myself typing away without having any real sense of where I am going with this. It is a troubling thing and I seek the answers. We live in troubling times but I am equally certain each generation before me has said the same. Hopefully some of you reading this narrative will get something out of it. Somehow I feel just a little bit responsible, like I am somehow complicit in all of this.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Not that complicated

 Act your age, not your IQ ! I'm sure you have heard that little message at some point in your life. It was used frequently around my house when you did something silly. The underlining message was that you knew better than that. To attempt to do something, and fail at it miserably was unacceptable. The best course of action was to stick to what you know. Don't go acting foolishly. I think it is all a part of that New England stoic demeanor. It is what was taught and practiced. In New England, in the old school tradition, it is an admirable quality. One should remain unflappable in the face of adversity. I'm not certain why this is attributed to the New Englanders as it is practiced all over America. Maybe it is just because that is where the first settlers in this New World landed. The Puritans, due to their religious teachings, were certainly stoic in nature. Foolishness is to be expected in children. Adults acting in that fashion are called, fools. The idea is firmly planted in our consciousness. The strange part in all of this is that adults who act " foolishly " but are successful are given a different name, " eccentric. " Others, considered artists, fall into a category of their own. Often labeled, "geniuses," their actual IQ's could come under serious questioning. In fact, some are actually " mad " by conventional standards. Creativity and intelligence are not necessarily related. At least that is my opinion.
 Do you find yourself seeking permission to be creative ? What I mean by that is, do you seek encouragement before trying to do a new task or activity ? Are you concerned with looking foolish ? I wish I could say that I was not, but that would be a lie. I have found the older I get the less I think about it though. Isn't that a bit of irony ? Well it has been said as we age we return to our childhood ways. It is not that I am acting in defiance of convention but rather I am just acting. Like a child, I find myself less inhibited by the opinions of others. Yes there are barriers that still exist, like common sense for instance, but I find myself more willing to take a risk. Acting my age is more like acting the way I feel than the years on a calendar. As far as acting my IQ I find that of lesser importance. Your IQ is not how smart you are, but your ability to learn. You can teach an old dog new tricks ! It isn't very difficult either, if the dog is willing. And that is the key here. You have to give yourself permission. It shouldn't be done as an act of defiance.
 Acting in defiance of anything is acknowledging that the action is somehow wrong. Anger is a powerful motivator but comes with baggage. Anger is only justified when the action is changed and accepted by all, falling short of that will leave the person bitter. On the other hand doing something without any expectation of change, or seeking confirmation that the act was just, has no such burden. It is done solely for the pleasure in doing it. We are not concerned with looking the fool.
 At what point is it considered initiative ? It seems it is only considered such if the venture was successful. Should you fail you just look foolish. You should have known better. Of course being foolish is better than bring naïve. If you are foolish that doesn't mean you are lacking in experience or wisdom just that you acted like a fool. Hmm, kinda the same thing isn't it ? Still I'd rather be naïve than foolish. You can change naïve but not foolish. If you are naïve twice you're really just being foolish. They also say there is no fool like an old fool. That is because being naïve is associated with the young, they have time to learn. The truth is none of us know how long we have got. We have an expectation of time however. I think perhaps the "old fool" is the wisest one of all. You have years of experience to draw upon and are unencumbered by appearances. All that is necessary is to cling to common sense and give yourself permission. Isn't it Nike that says, " Just do It . "  Three words that sum up nicely what I'm talking about. It really isn't that complicated.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Who is accountable ?

 It is something I have been thinking about and struggling with a way to say it. It seems as though we spend an inordinate amount of time looking to the past and regretting our mistakes. It is true that those that fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. I wouldn't argue with that premise. The thing I struggle with is trying to correct the past. We can understand what was wrong, alter our attitudes and vow to never repeat those mistakes but that is all. This idea of reparations and atonement for the past is a rather baffling thing to me. What more can be done ? It is a source of aggravation and frustration. I am aggravated by the protests of the present and frustrated that nothing can be done.
 Yesterday I read an article about a man that had been captured in the Congo and placed on display in the Bronx zoo. Billed as the " missing " link he lived in a cage with monkeys for companions. He was in no way agreeable to this. He managed to obtain a gun at some point and committed suicide. I had never heard of this travesty. It glaringly represents the depths man will go to in search of a profit. This happened in 1915. How this was allowed in beyond my comprehension. It cannot be changed, it happened. That this man was a man of color is not lost in the story. This incident, but incident isn't a strong enough word to describe this, wasn't that far removed from the days of slavery in America. Fifty years isn't that long and the black man had yet to be recognized as equal to the whites. But this wasn't about racism, this was about profits. This man was nothing more than an attraction.
 That is just one of millions of stories about mans inhumanity to man. All races , creeds, and colors have been subjected to such treatment. In all periods of history this occurs. It is always for one thing, profit. The profit may be monetary or a personal gain in stature or prestige. All of these atrocities can not be undone. There is no way to erase them or make them right. We can only acknowledge the wrongdoing and move forward. To spend our energies " crying over spilled milk " is accomplishing nothing. In fact it is my opinion that more harm is done by creating an atmosphere of resentment. A meme I see quite often sums it up, no one living today is responsible for the actions of those in past generations. I am not responsible for what my great grandfather may have done. In fact I can only claim responsibility for my own actions.
 I think the question becomes one of, does injustice of the past give you a pass in the future ? That is, if I can show, in some fashion how my ancestors were wronged, that becomes my " ace in the hole ? " I can draw upon that past as a reserve ? Or is that past to be used as a crutch ? Does the past cripple us in the future ? I can see where one might get that perception. Once the injustice has been recognized, accountability assumed by the offending peoples and that injustice eliminated, shouldn't that be the end ? How long is that accountability to be validated ? How many times must the account be settled ?
 I am still struggling with this. Are we searching for excuses or solutions ? There are times when there is no excuse or solution. What do we do then ? Some things never change. Mans' inhumanity to man will continue into the future. That is the frustration. Picking at old wounds will not allow them to heal. I do live with the knowledge that it is easy to accept the past when that past wasn't yours. How much of the past do I own ? Only that portion I had control over is the answer. For all the rest I turn to my God or my government. I can turn to my God for forgiveness of my own transgressions and to the government to correct injustice. Injustice is allowed by government as it suits the society. Morality and ethics are personal concerns. Injustice should be the concern of all men. Is injustice the responsibility of government or of man ? Just who is accountable ?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Enough ?

 When others are willing to pay for something is that confirmation of its' worth ? You would have to say it validates its' monetary value, that is obvious enough, but that isn't what I am thinking about. I am thinking about its' worth as an object or idea. Even if something free enjoys great popularity the question remains, would people pay for it ? Is the parting of our wealth, however meager or large, the measure ? Is that action the "stamp " of approval ?
 There are things I don't understand. Abstract art is one of those things. I see the famous paintings and wonder about their appeal. Is the appeal truly an artistic appreciation or is that something that people have been convinced of. Andy Warhol famously painted a Campbell soup can and it is worth a fortune. Nothing abstract about it though. Lately I have been seeing " starry night " in a few articles. Hailed as a masterpiece it looks like a child painted it to me. It is also worth millions of dollars, why ? Something I don't understand at all. I expect I never will. I wouldn't give a dime for it as a piece of art. Is it a masterpiece because others are willing to pay millions for it ? Is that the confirmation od its' value ? I went to a local museum and they were having an art display. An artist had hung some old pool cues from strings and called it " dancing sticks. " The artist enjoys some moderate regional fame and the asking price was in the thousands. I just stared at it in amazement. Really, old pool cues on strings ? Well it is something I don't understand at all. I could have went home and duplicated that easy enough. What I can't duplicate is his name or his fame.
 I guess what I am trying to say is, people will pay for the things they are convinced that they need, or that others also want. The secret to selling anything is creating that desire. In the case of this abstract art I feel the people have been duped. Somehow those folks convinced others it is art. They so ingrained this belief in others that those that don't " get it " are considered uneducated and uncultured. They prove the value of this art by spending millions of dollars on it. It must be good if it costs that much is the thinking. At least that is my thinking on this subject. It isn't only art where this takes place. Artificial worth is assigned to a lot of other things as well. Paying for the " brand " is a common example of that. Consider Under Armor clothing. Good stuff no doubt about it but is the value really that great ? Some believe, well many do given its' popularity, the cost is justified. That little symbol on the clothing stamps its' value. When I was a young man it was an alligator on your polo shirt ! Big bucks for that stuff. Both are what the public in general are convinced is the best. The best costs more ! Is that a true statement ? Is something only worth what others are willing to pay for it ? Yes, it is, to THOSE OTHERS.
 So the question remaining is how valuable to you is that confirmation ? Is the denial of that value a form of self protection ? What I mean is, if I refuse to compare my work, whatever that may be, against the standard of monetary value, am I just kidding myself ? Is that a protection against failure or rejection ? Does the receiving of " payment " confirm your work as valuable ? Is that the sole validation acceptable as absolute proof ?
 I do wonder if money changes the art. That is to say, if I begin to be paid for something will that change that same thing ? If I were to be paid for writing these blogs would I continue to just write my thoughts ? Or would I feel like I have an audience that needs to be satisfied ? The same holds true no matter what the action is. Does money taint the art ? If no one had paid Van Gogh for his paintings, accomplished while in an insane asylum, would they be regarded as masterpieces ? I don't think so. Was it madness that painted those pictures or was it genius ? The money says genius, I reserve judgement. If he hadn't gotten paid for those works would he have continued to paint them ? Is the only truly honest work we do, done solely for ourselves ? I guess the real question is; is that enough ?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Discussing Faith

 I had an interesting conversation the other day with a gentleman who professes no belief in God. I'm not certain just how he classifies himself. There are several terms for this among them Atheists ,Agnostics and Humanists. I do know that he requires empirical evidence. We just chatted, bantered really, about the subject of God and the existence or non existence of hell. I assured him my faith  was unshakable but didn't mind discussion at all. It is in these discussions that I find out about my own thoughts. I pointed out to him that I felt like the Bible instructed me to go out and testify about God and Christ. On the same token, I don't feel compelled to forcibly convert anyone. I do not think that was the intended message. The old phrase don't shoot the messenger also applies to the receiver of that message ! If they choose not to receive the message don't burn their house down. As I explained to this gentlemen, faith requires no proof, only belief. I can give you the message, testify to its' validity, but believing is solely up to you. I can not make you believe anything. It is true I may force you to acquiesce by constant badgering or threat of violence, but that isn't belief.
 Something I see happen is people begin to idolize the messenger and not understand the message. It is a fine thing to look up and admire an individual for their knowledge and/or wisdom. They may have both but not necessarily. This happens with entire congregations ! The followers begin to follow the messenger and not the one who sent the message. Sadly, in time the real message gets lost. A message of intolerance may develop, so certain does the congregation become of their own righteousness. The congregation takes the words of the messenger as words of truth and acts accordingly. There are instances where this behavior ended up running contrary to the real message.
 The issues arise when those that truly believe begin to force that belief upon others. That is why the separation of church and state is so important in our government. No laws shall be made to impose religious belief or practice upon anyone. Some would argue that is has occurred. Typical examples were the so called " blue laws " throughout the various counties and states. I argue that they were not laws but regional ordinances. At the very least they were never a federal law. The separation of church and state (federal government ) was never breached. Regionally restrictions upon commerce may have been imposed on Sundays and other non-religious holidays. I don't believe it intended to force anyone to go to church or believe anything. What it was was a declaration of what was considered proper behavior. Yes, it was based upon the traditional idea of the Sabbath day.                
Remember this was in a time when professing Christian belief was not just an accepted thing, it was an expected thing. Commerce won out in the end, not because the precept of honoring the Sabbath day was wrong, but because there was money to be made. It really is that simple. The argument was that their ( the business owners ) rights were being denied. Legally I can see their point and have no valid legal defense against it. Personally I think it was a fine idea and did raise awareness. Children would often ask about these restrictions. In my case it was explained that Sunday was a time for the Lord. Call it a veiled threat if you like, but I was lead to believe that God wouldn't be too happy with those violating the Sabbath. The message I received was, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco wasn't a good thing, give it a rest ! If only until one o'clock on Sunday afternoon, just give it a rest.
 These were the type of things we discussed. Understanding begins with discussion. Tolerance too, begins with discussion. The imposition of your will upon others is not conducive to dialogue. Just telling others that you are right and they are wrong isn't discussing. It must begin with listening. Listen to what they are saying and counter that with your own thoughts. Do not rely upon the words or thoughts of others. Quoting the Bible, the word of God, does little good if the person doesn't believe the book. The call to testify, to tell the truth as you perceive it, does not include threats. It is simply a statement of what you believe to be fact. Facts require proof, faith does not. Faith requires only belief to exist. That is the discussion isn't it ? Faith. Do you believe ? Nothing to do with facts, just belief.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The voice of reason

 Casual remarks can lead to discussions and debates. You would think I would know better by now, but apparently I don't. I see postings that I just can't seem to resist commenting on. I type in a quick response and before I know it, I'm either defending or explaining. I find this is especially true when the posting makes no sense to me or is just blatantly misleading. Like stepping on a pebble barefooted I can't help but cry out. I really should just be quiet as it doesn't do any good to yell ! Well, I admit that sometimes it makes me feel better.
 I get annoyed by postings that compare apples and oranges and draw conclusions based on that comparison. The church gets a tax break so we should fund planned parenthood ! Sorry I fail to see the logic there. Our European ancestors emigrated to north America. Some say it was immigration and illegal. I say, was their a established nation in north America ? There were nomadic tribes of indigenous people, that is true. Each tribe may have considered itself an individual nation and some were friendly , some not. Did the immigrants ( Europeans ) expect anything from this collection of host nations ? No, they did not. It was not an immigration, it was an invasion. Apples and oranges. As to the legality of it, is invasion ever legal ? The point is I find it annoying when people expect to use that as an excuse for the illegal immigration we see today. We did it ! No, we invaded. End of discussion.
 I shy away from the term " liberal " logic as it is a disparaging term. That some play fast and lose with facts is true of liberals and conservatives. That conclusions are reached based on faulty logic cannot be denied. It is just that sometimes the stretch is just so great as to be laughable. Applying a different name to a known action or response doesn't change what it is. Take Planned Parenthood. The implication is to plan for the addition to a family. The reality is , it is a plan to murder. Many don't like that reality and argue vehemently that it isn't so. I can see no other way to describe ending a human life for the sake of convenience. As far as " saving the life of the mother " that is less than 1% of all abortions performed and even that statistic is debatable. It is for convenience.
 It does seem to me that many like to jump on the bandwagon these days. Many just grab onto these little postings and memes and accept them as fact. Then they begin to support them. With a world of resources at their fingertips  no effort is made to check the facts. What really irritates is when others refuse to accept the facts. In the face of overwhelming supportive evidence they refuse. Then they go on to justify that refusal with nonsense or nonrelated facts. The most popular being, I know that is what it says but it isn't what they meant. Most often used when the Constitution or Bill of Rights is quoted. Strange how when " rights " they claim to have aren't written down that isn't a problem. Those unwritten rights are always guaranteed by those same documents they say are outdated or misunderstood. Then they say, it isn't written down but that is what it means. See my point there ? But enough of that. I will try to keep my fingers still when I see these postings in the future but it probably won't happen. I say I'll keep my mouth shut too but it doesn't happen. I'll just call myself the voice of reason and continue. Somebody has to say it. I'll try to ignore what others may call me. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

secular reflections

 I read other blogs for the same reason I hope others read mine, to gain a different insight or point of view. I don't read a large circle of them and so I find my thoughts and ideas are usually inline with those that I do read. It is human nature I suppose. I wouldn't want to read, on a continuing basis, anyone I find myself at odds with. It can cause anger and rebuttal. I have found it best to temper my rebuttals to avoid a series of, mostly nonproductive discussion. This morning I did read one that caused me to think. It comes from my friend Barbara. No surprise there, she can be an inspiration. She was talking about the celebrating of St. Patricks' Day and other non-religious holidays. How they seem to have taken on a greater importance than our traditional holidays. She proposed a theory about why that is and I would have to agree. Her theory is; as we, the country, move towards a more secular society we are shifting the focus on celebrating these lesser holidays in order to give that same celebratory experience to our children without invoking the religious. In short, being politically correct. I hadn't thought of it in quite that way but it makes sense. As a result St. Patricks' day, Halloween, Memorial Day and Veterans day, which incidentally have both just turned into three day weekends, are celebrated with all the furor we can muster.
 In thinking about what Barbara was saying it occurred to me that we have shifted the focus of the salient reason for our holidays. In the past, traditionally our focus was on the recognition of our God. We celebrated Easter and Christmas in our schools and our homes. Easter was celebrated by the theme of rebirth. It was spring and Christ has risen. We got new clothes to wear to church, held a parade and celebrated the resurrection. In our schools we had Easter Bunnies and all of that. I don't know but I expect that has been scaled back considerably. Christmas was a time of gift giving. The gifts were given in response to the gift we had received. Our savior had been born, that was the celebration. It is the birthday of Jesus ! That is what was taught in school and at home. It was a time of great joy. not for the gifts received from others, but for the gift we were given by God. Now we are told to not even say, Merry Christmas, but the more generic Happy Holidays. Just what is it that we are celebrating ?
 All of this is in response to being inclusive. Inclusive doesn't mean abandoning your own beliefs however. Inclusive does not mean to be exclusive either. God has always been the foundation of the American experience. I have had this argument many times and my opinion remains unchanged. We are one nation, under God, regardless of when that phrase ( under God ) was added to the pledge. It remains a valid statement to this day. The separation of church and state is an important feature in our republic that can not be denied. That separation was created not to exclude God from the conversation but to limit that influence on government policies. We pride ourselves on being inclusive.
 And so I am left thinking about what Barbara was saying. Just what are we celebrating these days ? Why are we shifting from the spiritual to the secular ? Is that a healthy attitude to teach our children ? These " lesser holidays " are centered around what themes ? St. Patrick Day is all about drinking green beer and being leprechauns. Memorial day is a three day weekend. The majority of the population under the age of thirty probably can't even tell you what it means. Veterans Day is just a day off. It has something to do with Veterans is the most common response I get when I ask. What is Halloween all about ? Getting candy and dressing up. What cultural value does it hold ? It has become just another day to party. Has that what our holidays have become ? Well that is the standard definition of holiday, a day of festivities. I believe the reason for the holiday is just as important as the holiday itself ! If it isn't, then why not everyday ? The reason for the suspension of productivity should be a good one. Even God took a day off, that is true, but I'm glad he didn't decide to take two or three ! And we were told the purpose of that day as well. A day of rest and reflection. What are we to reflect upon with the secular ?  

Thursday, March 17, 2016

" Peta" and Patrick

 Happy St. Patrick's day. It is a holiday that I have always laughed about. Imagine a person chasing snakes with a stick ! I can imagine you would want to celebrate that. Drinking beer and eating cabbage and corned beef however ? Well what ever floats your boat I suppose. In the politically correct world of today I can't understand why all of Ireland isn't offended. I can't understand why anyone of Irish descent isn't offended. I mean, c'mon, the wearin' of the green, bad accents, and public intoxication are all attributes ? The Irish are portrayed as hapless individuals that fight a lot and drink beer. Yet, here we are holding a celebration. How much longer will this last ? I can't see it ever going away because it is just too much fun. An excuse to celebrate. No one is being hurt by any of this, right ? Not unless an Irishman hits you with his shillelagh should you offend him. And a shillelagh is an accepted thing for him to carry.
 Now back a few years or so I would have been participating in all of this revelry. As far as I know I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me but used to enjoy beer. That seems to be the only qualification necessary to join in. In fact I would say it is the central theme in all of this. St. Patricks' day is a day that encourages the consumption of alcohol. It is held on the day St. Patrick died, maybe that is why everyone is drinking. The Irish are famous for their wakes aren't they. St. Patrick is said to have brought Christianity to Ireland, another reason to drink perhaps ? Although I can't imagine why that would be. Maybe he also brought those bagpipes with him, now that would make me drink or cry ! I'd probably do both ! Of course having to run in a kilt would make a man cry as well. Having to wear a kilt would make me want to get drunk ! I have never understood that choice of dress for practical wear. Hey, call me a sexist but a skirt looks great on a lady but a mans' legs should be covered up ! That's just common sense.
 I hope everyone enjoys the festivities and has a good time. I pray that no one is injured in any way. Enjoy the parades and the cabbage. Drink your green beer and relax. I'll be staying at home. I have noticed something since I quit drinking beer and hanging out with those that do, drunks are annoying people ! Everything is either really funny or deadly serious. There is no middle ground. They are fun to be around if you are drinking with them, but don't show up to the party late. And beer smells bad. I'm not saying don't drink beer and enjoy yourself, to each their own. As I said, I've been there and done that myself, too often and to excess. I will occasionally enjoy a cold one to this day. I've just moved down the road a bit. Had some fine St. Patricks' day celebrations in my time. It is strange to try to explain it however. St. Patricks' day is a feast day on the Catholic calendar. It is a day to remember a man that was considered a saint. When we think of Saints we don't think about drinking. Yet, that is exactly what is associated with St. Patrick. Well that and being cruel to snakes ! Guess he didn't belong to PETA. They were chased into the sea where they supposedly drowned. In his defense though the snakes did attack him while he was fasting upon a hill. A snake never made it back to Ireland until someone brought one there. New Zealand is also a snake free zone, did you know that ?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

LIsten closely

 It would appear that the Republican party is going to face a moral dilemma. The Donald has won again. The party as a whole isn't happy about it. Strategists' in the party are trying to figure a way out of this. Unfortunately Mr. Trump keeps fulfilling the requirements to receive the nomination. The dilemma is following the process and allowing it to work, as designed regardless of which candidate wins, or using loopholes to circumvent that. The media refers to the possibility of a " contested " convention. The real term is " brokered " so I'm not sure why they are using contested. Maybe the media just likes the word contested as it sounds more confrontational. Brokered sounds like it is being sold. Really a brokered convention is where the delegates choose who they want to receive the nomination for President. The popular vote may be ignored ! It is nothing new in the process, just that it doesn't happen often. That is what the party wants to happen now as it may be the only means to block Trump. That is the moral dilemma the party faces. We shouldn't block a nomination just because we don't like who won. The process must be played out as designed by law. That is the basis for a republic ! The rule of law is that foundation, without exceptions !
 This situation may fracture the republican party. It is truly a historic moment in time. This could prove to be a defining moment in American politics. The man that is vilified in the press, a man you hear few publically support just keeps winning. A controversial candidate ? One could call it no other, yet if he wins the nomination, we must allow that win to stand. I can see no other course of action. The opposition is going to be Hillary Clinton. She is not without controversy and baggage of her own. That she has supporters can not be denied, she is also winning the nomination from her party handily. The democratic party doesn't have an issue with that. This isn't 1968 when the democrats had the problem the republicans are facing today. Their convention then turned into a brawl ! Let's hope that doesn't happen at the republican convention.
 As for me, my personal thoughts, I am left scratching my head. I find it difficult to endorse Donald Trump but the alternative party has nothing to offer me either. I can only watch the process at this point. The Maryland primary isn't until April 26. I'll be certain to cast my ballot. It is going to be a difficult decision to make this year. Refusing to vote is refusing to be heard at all. I can't go without speaking. It is my hope that the process goes as intended. I will be very disappointed if any monkey business takes place. Is it even possible ?  Like many Americans I am a bit skeptical. My trust in politicians and the political system is under serious strain. The perception is the voice of the people is falling upon deaf ears. Donald Trump, whether you love him or hate him, seems to be the one listening. That is why his popularity is as great as it is. When you listen to folks you know what they want to hear. It is easy to tell them that ! It is basic phycology. Fortune tellers use that same technique. They listen to what you have to say and tell you what you want to hear. Mysterious isn't it ? Not really. I was a Navy recruiter for a few years. I can tell you this. I never lied to a single recruit to get them to join. What they heard me say wasn't always what I said,  but what they wanted to hear. I often used the phrase, if you qualify, to preface my answer. Can I fly a jet in the Navy ? If you qualify you can fly a Jet in the Navy. What is heard is, I can fly a jet. The fortune teller gets you to come back, the recruiter gets you to join, and Donald Trump gets your vote. So in the end all I can say is listen carefully to what is being said and vote accordingly. I'll be listening very closely I can tell you that ! I have made no decision yet !   

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Restoring America

 Today is known as super Tuesday in the political world. It can be a turning point in the election cycle no doubt about that. I hope the voting comes without incident. It is getting to be a bit contentious out there. The discussion  is whether the American people are just frustrated or angry. I think the American people are frustrated and that has led to the anger we are seeing. No matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on, I think that is a true statement. I also think it is a reflection of our society in general. I should correct that to say, a reflection of what our society is becoming. I have been saying it for some time now, people are generally adopting a more aggressive attitude. I see it every day in a hundred subtle ways and it troubles me. It is  a lack of respect that breeds this aggression is my opinion. The lack of respect begins at home.
  Interesting is the definition of respect. The dictionary says it is admiration of a person or quality. That isn't what I normally think of when I hear the word respect, I think that admiration results from respecting the other person. So just what is this respect thing then ? I believe it is a attitude developed over time. It is a method of interaction with others. It begins at home when we are little children. When I was a child, and it continues to this day, I always called Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad. I didn't even know they had other names for a few years ! I didn't say sir and maam, but it was implied. In my neck of the woods other adults were referred to as Mr. or Mrs. If they were close friends of the family that changed to Aunt and Uncle regardless of any real relationship. Respect is also a close relative of fear. The fear stems not from the person you are disrespecting, but the fear that you are doing wrong. It is a moral transgression in my mind. To disrespect someone is just improper behavior and it shall be punished. The punishment may indeed come from the one being disrespected in the form of a punch to the face ! The real punishment will come when you stand in judgement and the wise man does not defer just actions. That is what I was taught about respect.
 The American people are frustrated. They are frustrated with this lack of respect and have become angry. We are angry that our elected officials are failing to uphold standards accepted for generations as correct. Some of these are contained in codes. Take for example the US code in regards to the Flag. It is not a law and you can not be punished for violating that code. In my youth that code was closely followed as a means of respect. Today that code is literally trampled upon every day ! Ant attempt to enforce that code is being viewed as a breach of our civil rights ! The attitude is, I do not have to adhere to that code. That is true, you are not bound by law to do so, but you should feel bound by tradition. To do otherwise incites the anger of those who do. That is only one example and there are many more. These are just viewed as " progress " to those that wish to redefine traditional values. The ones working are becoming frustrated by those that refuse to work. The ones refusing to work are becoming frustrated by those insisting that they do. And why is that ? Its' root cause lies in the values we were taught as a child. Respect for self ! That is the central message I was taught and my generation. Charity is not something to be sought after or thought of as a  right. For many of us that still believe that, it is a source of frustration that others do not understand that concept. Yes it is called pride. Pride isn't a bad thing. Notice how quickly " Pride " is used to justify improper or immoral conduct, as if citing that quality makes those actions correct. Why is that ? Because pride is a good thing that's why. To associate with pride lends credence to your actions. Pride is not respect however and should not be confused with that. Respect is just actions. Pride is being unashamed of your actions. Being unashamed does not make the action correct ! Refusing to accept that you are wrong does not mean you are right. That is the frustration  I am writing about. That is the source of this anger.
 I could go on about this but must leave for work. I hope some get the message I am trying to convey. I don't expect anything to change as a result of this writing but hope it causes some to think. There is a lot of frustration and anger right now. Some will call it hate. Indeed, that emotion is being elicited to gain advantage. Listen to the rhetoric for just a few minutes, choose whichever candidate you please, and the message is the same. Vote for me and I will restore America. Restore, an interesting word. To restore is to take something back to its' original condition. There was a time in America when we taught the qualities of respect and correct social behaviors. There was a time when we followed the " code. " It didn't need to be written down and enforced by rule of law, it was written upon our conscience.

Monday, March 14, 2016

word warriors

 Today I am posting my two thousandth blog ! Isn't that amazing ? I never expected to reach that level when I began. I have first to thank Barbara Strong Borsack for inspiring me to do so. I had read her blog and thought, " how cool is that " That was on Aug 18, 2010. It was the very next day August 19, 2010 I posted my first one. I wonder just how many words I have written since. I did have some published in book form, for myself, a few years back. It is something I think about doing again but the cost is high. Anyway, I am amazed by the number and variety of topics. I do try not to repeat myself but I'm certain I have done so. I wouldn't call it a body of work but perhaps just a limb !
 I was inspired by Barbara because she was writing from my hometown. A quaint little fishing village on Long Island. Well, it was, at one time that, but no longer. Nevertheless it is what I remember as home and so shall always remain that way. I thought, how cool is that that her words were being shared with the world ! It is still a dizzying thing to realize. Her voice and mine can be heard anywhere on earth, by practically anyone. Those words can instantly be translated into any language. Amazing, simply amazing and not to be taken for granted. No need for a learned individual to actually do that job anymore, a few keystrokes will get it done. We don't even give that a thought. Sadly that is what happens with all new technology eventually. It will just become commonplace and taken for granted. I remember well the time before this " internet " was a thing. It wasn't until 1992 that the internet as we know it today began to be used. That is a mere twenty four years ago ! It seems like it has always been available however. I retired from the Navy, after twenty two years of service, in 1991 ! I wonder if ships at sea have access to the internet ? Can we just e-mail home now, from wherever and whenever we like ? That would certainly change that whole experience. I wonder if it is for the better ? Hmm, something to consider as I do feel this internet, with all its' social media does have a tendency to add drama to our lives. Knowing " up to the minute " incidents from home while deployed could be a cause of much angst. On the other hand being able to immediately respond is a benefit. Well, I have wandered off a bit, as I often do, on a tangent. I just think this whole internet thing is an amazing technological advance. I do find myself becoming somewhat dependent upon it and grow a little concerned every now and again.
 Fortunately I only rely upon the internet for entertainment purposes. If the whole thing went down it wouldn't hurt me all that much. I can still write a letter, thank you Miss Bird for teaching me the heading, greeting, body and signature parts of a letter. Occasionally I will include a postscript. I can, when pressed also write that letter in cursive ! I wonder if this new generation can do as well ? Without " word " and a processor could todays' students define those parameters ? Although in all fairness the internet is just the delivery method employed and is not to blame for any of that.
 I am grateful however that my words, my random thoughts and memories can be shared on this platform. I have been given a soapbox ! It is a soapbox of great potential. Just how one would attract vast numbers of " followers " is a bit of a mystery to me. Some things just go " viral. " I'm not certain I want to be classified as " viral. " Viruses are something I try to avoid. Mostly what I write is for myself. I do hope that some others may benefit from my efforts. As I put it in one of my blogs, I do hope to speak some words of substance. It is something I consider in my compositions. All of my words contained in those two thousand postings are available to the world ! It is a responsibility. With responsibility, comes accountability. Even if that accountability is only to oneself it should be taken seriously. It has been said, The pen is mightier than the sword and I agree. The internet wields that same power, only faster and to a wider population. That is the responsibility I think about. I don't think anyone is in any immediate danger from me though. Not unless I become viral, or a virus ! I shall continue to wield my " pen ." I am a word warrior.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Changing time

 I was up this morning at the usual time. Well it isn't really the usual time as I did move the hands of the clock forward one hour. My internal biological clock is still spending daylight ! I have to tell it to start saving that stuff ! My brain doesn't seem to have adjusted well either as this is the second blog I have begun this morning. The first one was a dead end, thought wise, and I got lost. Not that it hasn't happened before, it does, all too often, but I'm blaming it on the time change. I won't see the light of day for a while yet, no pun intended. Adjustments will have to be made.
 I do question, along with a lot of others, the necessity for this time changing stuff. I have heard and read many explanations for it and none of them really satisfy me. Of course the government doesn't have any obligation to conform to my wishes. I just can't see where it serves any useful purpose. Most of Arizona and Hawaii don't even observe it. They don't have to and neither does any other state if they chose not to. So why do we keep this up ? I can think of no possible reason other than it has become a habit.
 Now if we were to stop fiddling with the clock just where would we leave it ? Does it stay on daylight saving time ? Here on the east coast that means it stays lighter longer in to the evening. When I was younger that was a great thing. Now that I have aged somewhat, something else time does that I disapprove of, that just extends the work day. The work may be chores I need to accomplish but darkness is always a good excuse to quit. I don't mind the darkness around six or so, that works best for me. I do like early morning light best. The light in the morning is warming, not hot. The light in the morning beckons you outside to face a new day. Long about five or six I'm ready to head inside. Time for dinner and the news. I love the evening shadows and the stillness that accompanies it. So, for me, leave it alone, no daylight savings time. But, as I said, I'm old.
 As the world grows smaller I can see the need for universal time. In 1972 that happened with the establishment of Coordinated Universal Time, interestingly abbreviated UTC. I know it doesn't make sense but it was a compromise between English and French. It is really what I was taught, Greenwich Mean Time, established in 1675, but now uses an atomic clock to add seconds to the day as needed. The old way relied upon the position of the sun as observed at the National Observatory in Greenwich, England. It was an aid to navigation. Every 15 degrees of longitude is equal to one hour of time. So if I know what time it is in Greenwich and compare it to the time where I am, bam, I know where I am. Sorta, but that is why we have a mean time in the first place. But because we are relying upon the sun to measure time we can't really all be at the same time , all the time. There is just no way around that obstacle. But all this fiddling with time ? Is it necessary ? I just don't think so.  

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Credence and credibilty

 As I write these blogs of mine I am speaking to myself more than anyone else. I have said in the past I find them a form of self therapy. Not that I don't enjoy engaging in deep discussions with other actual live people, I certainly do, but the title was chosen to express my intent. These are truly my random thoughts and memories. I will admit that lately my thoughts have become more centered around a few central themes and less memories are included. Perhaps I am discovering what is at the core of my existence, these blogs being a journey of self exploration. I can't say I have discovered anything new though. The reflection I see is pretty much what I expect. No epiphany yet !
 There is an aspect in all this that I find troubling. I sometimes feel the need to include the quotes and thoughtful writings of others to lend credence to my own thoughts. The troubling part being I do not include it for myself, but for those that would be reading that thought. I feel as though I am trying to justify my thoughts. I get the sense I am trying to convince others to think in the same fashion as myself on whatever topic it may be. That is in contradiction to my stated intent. The calling upon others to add credibility to my statements or thoughts somehow seems like cheating. It is almost as though I am saying, I don't think I'm smart enough to think this on my own, so here is a quote from someone really smart ! That's when I reach into the grab bag of famous quotes or writings. World renown poets, philosophers and all around geniuses work best. The use of these makes my thoughts more credible, or does it ?
 I have written before what I believe to be a true statement, there is little one can say that hasn't been said before. The only question being, if enough people say it, does it make it true ? The answer, obviously, has to be no. Some truths are indeed self evident, as our forefathers knew and stated so eloquently, but others are not so obvious. It is those truths I find myself exploring ever more deeply as time passes. Perhaps it has something to do with aging and the realization of my own mortality. Could it be that I am searching for evidence, for justification of the intangible ? The empirical is satisfied by observation but the theoretical is not. Theology is the study of God and religious belief. It is a theory. The meaning of life and our role in it is based solely in conjecture. Isn't that why we say no man can know the mind of God ? And so we must go on belief. Does belief require evidence? I would say it does not. That is why belief appears in so many forms. Belief can be claimed for the most humane of acts, as well as the most inhumane.
 When I write my thoughts and then seek " affirmation " of those thoughts from well renowned scholars, philosophers or theologians am I questioning my own belief ? Yes, it would have to be that way. Genuine belief requires no validation. Genuine belief, in a theology, can not be confirmed by empirical evidence. Thomas famously required empirical evidence from Jesus of his resurrection. Jesus showed him the holes in his hands and the wound in his side. Thomas, we are taught, doubted no more. Remember empirical evidence is obtained by observation. Thomas " saw " Jesus and his wounds. Whether or not Jesus was physically present at that point in time is not important to the story. What is important is the perception that he was. For Thomas that was the empirical evidence he required.
 It is this that I find myself troubled over at times. In the face of " empirical evidence " to prove or disprove ones own thoughts, feelings or beliefs the challenge can be tiresome. When we become " tired " we may make concessions or quit entirely. Is this the fight we are called to ? With the phrase, don't give up the fight, is that what we are saying ? Cling to your belief ? Yes I believe that is what it is. Belief does not rely upon the empirical. Thought relies upon the examination of the evidence as presented. Do we continue to search for the empirical evidence, or do we surrender to faith ? But by surrendering to faith are we giving up the fight ? As to the question of theology, I believe the "empirical evidence" will only be revealed in death. I am called to believe. Everything else is subject to review.

Friday, March 11, 2016


 I woke this morning to hear about the firing of the executives in the wounded warrior project. Their actions are deplorable and I hope they get their just deserts. I have only heard a small amount of the alleged wrongdoings. Funds donated in the belief they would be used in an appropriate and prudent fashion misappropriated for personal pleasure is an inexcusable thing. In my opinion , it is nothing more than a betrayal. Those folks betrayed the veterans they were obligated to serve, and the American people at large. It is treasonous !
 Sadly I can't help but think there actions will impact all charitable giving. It may be viewed as a confirmation of what many people suspect, that the charity administrators are the real benefactors of those donations. This is another example of the " jading " of America. Is it any wonder we are becoming jaded ? These sort of things have happened throughout history and will no doubt continue. Money does tend to have a corrupting influence on many. Greed is the root of all evil. More evidence of this is with our own government.  "When the people find they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic."  That famous quote comes from Benjamin Franklin. Was it prophetic ? No, not at all, it is common sense. When those administrators found they could spend funds, almost indiscriminately, well, you see the result. Only after questions were asked did the board of directors act. Not unlike our present Congress ?  Did that same board turn a blind eye until they had no other choice ? When will Congress feel it has no choice ?  That is the jaded view of things and one I feel justified in having.
 Our national motto " In God we Trust " speaks to the nature of America. Despite appeals and objections, arguments and indignation, the implication is clear. We the people of the United States of America trust in God. It is not an endorsement of a specific religion as some would argue. What it is, is a statement of our belief in a higher power than man. It also implies we follow the doctrine of the Judeo-Christian traditions. We don't say in " Allah " we trust ! And I only say that to point out a distinction. God is God and Allah is Allah, not the same thing being implied, nor inferred from those words. That is the moral and ethical foundation upon which this nation was established. In the preamble it clearly states, " secure the blessings of liberty. " And just where do " blessings " come from ? I'll leave that answer to you. Those administrators that misused and abused those charitable donations for their own pleasure and profit have violated that trust. Beyond the consequences of the legality or illegal actions they took, they will face judgement. That is my belief, and the belief of my Nation.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Out there

Yesterday we set a record temperature wise here in Greensboro. It was a gorgeous day. As is my custom I settled in for a little afternoon nap. The windows were open and the birds were chirping. It is a different world with the windows open that much is sure. I could hear the sounds of the cars on the highway, the voices of people passing by and an occasional rustle of some tree limbs, dry and scratchy without their leaves. It just seems like the whole world was a bigger place, an inviting place. rather than a cold barren thing to pass through to get to work. Spring arrives in just ten days and I am anxious.
 I think this period of time when the mornings are crisp and the afternoons warm is becoming my favorite time of year. The time when the windows are open and no air conditioning is humming. It is a time that reminds me of my childhood, pre air conditioning. Oh Dad had a car or two with air conditioning , but that was later on. I don't recall ever having air in the house. I heard some people that lived upstreet had it though. The school certainly didn't. I do like living with the windows wide open. Strange how I lock my door at night and slide that deadbolt into place, yet don't feel insecure having the window open. Well the screen will keep the bad guys out. Oh you can still do that in Greensboro and feel confident it will not end in a home invasion ! The screen keeps the bugs out and that is enough.
 It is a short period of time that these conditions will last. Before long the a/c goes in the window and I will feel closed in again. Not that I won't welcome the relief of all that cool air, I sure will, but it does close it in again. I have the porch to sit on when I feel that need for open space so life isn't all bad. The porch isn't screened in so those pesky flying things can become a problem in the evening. Being a renter I can't just screen it in. One does have to make compromises sometimes and it is just a part of life. I don't have to cut any grass so that is a compromise I'll gladly make. Renting does have advantages.
 It is during this time that I think all of this has something to do with the way things are today. Are we becoming disconnected from the outside world ? I mean that literally ? There is a world outside that door. We are always either trying to heat ourselves against it or cool ourselves down. We lock the doors and close the windows tight. We are always concerned with the weather. I find that strange seeing as how we are better equipped to handle the weather now than at any other time in history. I mean, we don't have to chop wood to heat our homes, hunt to eat meat or grow gardens. Normal everyday weather is nothing more than an inconvenience to us. Snow, rain , hot or cold what impact does it really make ? It is only when it becomes extreme that we need be concerned. Yet we insulate ourselves from that. The time we do spend " out there " is either for work or play. The distinction being, it is a destination. A place we go. We don't live there anymore. A few do and call themselves " survivalists. " Man has moved indoors.
 Now I am not saying we all need to move outdoors and go camping. I am not advocating returning to the wild. What I am saying is that I think we are disconnected from nature just a little bit. We go out into the world, but return to our own fortress at night. Doors  and windows buttoned up against invasion by what ? Is it man or nature we fear ? In truth it is a little bit of both and has always been so. In years past I think we lived life with a little more edge to it. I'm betting our great grandparents would get quite the laugh out of us and our relationship with nature.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

where the soul lives

 Our lives are journeys of the soul. Is each life a single journey and a single soul ? That is the stuff of philosophy. It is an interest I seem to have developed in my advancing years. Philosophy and religion are bedfellows. Both are requirements to living a successful life. Love, I would say, is the nutrient required for growth, love of self, and the love we receive from others. As in all things, balance is the key. Each of us are different in our requirements. Some require more from others and others withhold self love. We have many names and descriptions for those states of being. The gamut runs from arrogant to meek. Finding the mean, for ourselves, is the challenge of life and of living. And it is ourselves that we truly must satisfy. That state of being must not be to the exclusion of the society in which we live, that would be too much self love. The expectations of society have to be considered. That is simply because we do require love, as a nutrient, from others. The poet John Donne wrote, " No man is an Island unto himself " a phrase most of us are familiar with. I believe he was simply saying we are not self sufficient, any of us.
 There are many little things people say and do that bring these thoughts to my mind. I have grown to not react so quickly to these things and consider their intent. That action in and of itself can be a hazard. I may misinterpret their words or actions and reach a bad conclusion. I can't help but second guess some folks. I question how genuine their words and actions are at times. Then again, there are times when I must question myself as well. Too little or too much ? Am I over evaluating my own opinions ? Would my thoughts stand up to independent review ? That is the sticky part for sure. That is where the balance must be present. It is where the spirit lives.
  I think that our spirits are a blend of what was and what will be. We should take whatever we were given and care for that. The nurturing of the spirit we label as religion. It comes in many forms. In all cases the practice of that religion does require something from us. It is never a one way street. Whether it requires a sacrifice of some type, or merely correct actions, the requirement exists. How much of that obligation we are willing to acknowledge is a measure of our devotion. I do think each life is a single journey. One carrier on the highway. But I also believe we are not a single soul. We are all that has come before and all that will be. We only have care of that soul for a short time. The soul will continue its' journey long past our life. It is the life everlasting that has been promised to mankind, no matter what label you wish to apply to the religion. All religions say we are going somewhere ! Yes there are humanists and atheists that proclaim their " religion " has no such promise. I submit they are not religions but philosophies. As I said earlier religion and philosophy are bedfellows and bedfellows share a common interest. Religion and philosophy are both based in belief. Neither can be proven by scientific analysis. Neither requires that action. Both strive to achieve the same thing, a balance. It is in this space that the souls lives.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

it's a shame

 I was reading some postings and was reminded. I had, in the past, advocated for teaching local history in our schools. Like a lot of things that idea fell by the wayside and upon deaf ears. To be fair perhaps I just didn't speak to the correct people. Whatever the case I was reminded. I do believe that local history should be a course of study. I don't know if there is room for that in the common core curriculum. It is my understanding we much teach to the test these days in order to assure our school of funding. But I digress as I was thinking about teaching local history.
 The town I grew up in is full of history. I grew up alongside that history and my ancestors where a part of it. As children we were aware of that history because of a few unique things. First their was Home Sweet Home. The house were it is believed the author of Home Sweet Home lived and wrote about is on main street, it sits adjacent to the Episcopal church. There is a windmill in the backyard. Speaking of windmills, there are several other in town as well. The old hook mill sits in the fork of the highway and can't be missed. We even had a witch ! She was put on trial but acquitted. Gardiners Island just off the coast a bit was once visited by the famous Captain Kid. He even left treasure there. There were tales of whaling ships and we had Indians. We were aware but I don't believe we were ever taught that stuff in school. Oh, we probably had a project or paper to write but nothing very extensive. Local history, it would seem is just taken for granted.
 I do think a course of study should be assembled for every town and its' history. It should be required of every student to have an understanding of the past. I think it would create a sense of belonging and civic pride. I know I felt both of those when I was growing up. I was proud of my town and proud of its' history. I am still proud to say it was my birthplace. I admit to not knowing much about Greensboro, where I now live. I have read some histories and talked with some folks. I do not have any connection to the past here in Greensboro beyond twenty five years or so. In historical perspective that isn't much of a view. Now Greensboro, originally called Bridgetown, sits on the banks of the Choptank river, the actual town is just over one square mile in area. Still, there is a lot of history within that square mile. I have heard of river boats and a tannery. It was a stop on the underground railroad. Greensboro provided soldiers to both sides during the Civil war. There are many things of interest one could research. Most historians agree that 1732 was when Greensboro was founded. A portion of the land that is today Greensboro was once called " Ingrams Desire." Half of that land was given to a daughter named Sidney that married a Nathan Harrington. It was their son Peter Harrington that sold the lots of land that became the town of Greensboro. It wasn't a planned as a town just individual lots being sold. Personally I like the name " Ingrams Desire " and wished it had been retained. It is a rather romantic name don't you think ? Just a small piece of history though.
 I'll think about this some more. I'll need to get in contact with some teachers and find out more about all of this. Perhaps there already is a course of local history that I am not aware of. I'm no historian and this would require a great deal of research or at least assembling what history has been written already into a comprehensive course of study. Something to think about. We really don't pay attention to what is in our own backyard and that is a shame.