Thursday, March 17, 2016

" Peta" and Patrick

 Happy St. Patrick's day. It is a holiday that I have always laughed about. Imagine a person chasing snakes with a stick ! I can imagine you would want to celebrate that. Drinking beer and eating cabbage and corned beef however ? Well what ever floats your boat I suppose. In the politically correct world of today I can't understand why all of Ireland isn't offended. I can't understand why anyone of Irish descent isn't offended. I mean, c'mon, the wearin' of the green, bad accents, and public intoxication are all attributes ? The Irish are portrayed as hapless individuals that fight a lot and drink beer. Yet, here we are holding a celebration. How much longer will this last ? I can't see it ever going away because it is just too much fun. An excuse to celebrate. No one is being hurt by any of this, right ? Not unless an Irishman hits you with his shillelagh should you offend him. And a shillelagh is an accepted thing for him to carry.
 Now back a few years or so I would have been participating in all of this revelry. As far as I know I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me but used to enjoy beer. That seems to be the only qualification necessary to join in. In fact I would say it is the central theme in all of this. St. Patricks' day is a day that encourages the consumption of alcohol. It is held on the day St. Patrick died, maybe that is why everyone is drinking. The Irish are famous for their wakes aren't they. St. Patrick is said to have brought Christianity to Ireland, another reason to drink perhaps ? Although I can't imagine why that would be. Maybe he also brought those bagpipes with him, now that would make me drink or cry ! I'd probably do both ! Of course having to run in a kilt would make a man cry as well. Having to wear a kilt would make me want to get drunk ! I have never understood that choice of dress for practical wear. Hey, call me a sexist but a skirt looks great on a lady but a mans' legs should be covered up ! That's just common sense.
 I hope everyone enjoys the festivities and has a good time. I pray that no one is injured in any way. Enjoy the parades and the cabbage. Drink your green beer and relax. I'll be staying at home. I have noticed something since I quit drinking beer and hanging out with those that do, drunks are annoying people ! Everything is either really funny or deadly serious. There is no middle ground. They are fun to be around if you are drinking with them, but don't show up to the party late. And beer smells bad. I'm not saying don't drink beer and enjoy yourself, to each their own. As I said, I've been there and done that myself, too often and to excess. I will occasionally enjoy a cold one to this day. I've just moved down the road a bit. Had some fine St. Patricks' day celebrations in my time. It is strange to try to explain it however. St. Patricks' day is a feast day on the Catholic calendar. It is a day to remember a man that was considered a saint. When we think of Saints we don't think about drinking. Yet, that is exactly what is associated with St. Patrick. Well that and being cruel to snakes ! Guess he didn't belong to PETA. They were chased into the sea where they supposedly drowned. In his defense though the snakes did attack him while he was fasting upon a hill. A snake never made it back to Ireland until someone brought one there. New Zealand is also a snake free zone, did you know that ?

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