Saturday, March 26, 2016

Act accordingly

 Empathy and understanding. One is learned and the other experienced. The definition of an empath is one that that understands the feelings of another. The empathetic person " experiences " the others feelings. It is an admirable trait and one that should be fostered. The question is, can you go too far with it ? Going too far can be the cause of inaction and therefore no resolution to the problem is forthcoming. In an individual we call it " feeling sorry for yourself " but when we apply that to others we call it compassion. The compassionate person understands and sympathizes, practicing empathy. The wise person knows when to detach themselves from that empathetic connection. Emotion is often an ardent motivator but seldom a good guide.
 The trend in society today is to be overly empathic, in my opinion. We call it  compassion, understanding, tolerance, benevolence, affinity and sympathy. We are being told that we should react to that with charity and forgiveness. Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of others. To know how they feel. What we are being told is that others feelings are always right and justifiable. That is simply not the truth. There are times when those others " feelings " are just wrong. We have to move beyond emotion and examine facts. Understanding is being in agreement. Feeling " bad " for actions of the past, or the present, is not understanding. Feelings are not based in fact, but in emotion. Actions are in response to feeling. The action should be one that amplifies the good and negates the bad. Those actions must remain within a boundary. Moderation in all things is the applicable adage.
 Are we, as a society, extending those boundaries  ? This attitude of " all the good things " the politically correct if you will, is doing harm. By not defining boundaries, standards, how can we know how to respond ? We can not just react to feelings ! Feelings are transient things subject to whim and whimsy. The blind acceptance of your " feelings " being correct is the fault. Judgement and discrimination are wrong ! Isn't that what we are told, over and over. But if we do not exercise sound judgement and discriminate between right and wrong are we not inviting disaster ? If there is no right or wrong, what is there ?
 Legislation is mans' answer. Laws are thought of as punitive. That is not the case however. Laws define what is acceptable in a society. It is only when you do not act in accordance with those laws, that is, operate within the boundaries, that punishment is forthcoming. When we wish to change those boundaries, we write legislation ! Often this change is quite subtle and is only noticed by those directly affected. In more recent years we have seen major changes taking place. These changes are being justified mostly by empathy. This empathy, our feelings , are being manipulated by the powerful. They (we) are being used. But what is this agenda ? It is, as it always has been, commerce. There is money to be made. The easiest way to get what you wish is by appeasement of the opposition. Give those opposing you what they want and they become compliant. Replacing faith with empathy is the deception being practiced. There are laws, upon which this nation was founded, that impede this commerce. The only method to overwrite those laws is by convincing the population those laws are invalid. Isn't that what we are being taught ? Science has the answers ! We can explain it all. Do whatever you like, as long as it causes no harm to others or impedes commerce.
 Man is writing law to justify his desires. Our laws should delineate what is acceptable behavior. Being human we do react to our immediate needs. We have been given laws, guidance if you prefer, on the proper way to interact with each other. Man, in his arrogance has modified those laws to suit his agenda over the ages. Those laws, innate to us all, are being ignored. Will there be a punishment for doing so ? Yes, I believe there will be. Those laws stem from an authority. Something too many fail to understand. While man argues over just what this authority is, the authority observes. In due time, like a diligent parent, the authority will respond. The response is dependent upon our actions, not our feelings. Act accordingly.

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