Friday, March 4, 2016

changing foundations ?

 Newton's first law of motion says, an object in motion will tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. This is true of objects as well as people. Of course Newton's law about objects remaining at rest more closely resembles some folks I know, but that is another discussion. I was thinking about being acted upon by outside forces. Those forces would be other folks. Influences are what we normally call them, or inspiration. Those forces can change our direction, alter our speed and in some cases bring us to a complete halt. There are also forces internal to ourselves that have these same effects. Newton also said objects traveling in a straight line will continue in a straight line unless acted upon as well. Most people do resist the altering of their courses. That isn't to say their courses are the straight and narrow, just that they tend to continue upon the same course as they have traveled previously. Changes are unsettling.
 It is the degree to which we react to these forces that temper our countenance. How easily we are influenced to change defines our character. Stability is the word to describe that. We are taught that we shouldn't change, to stick to our guns. Changing our opinion is often viewed as being weakened. We even tend to believe that ourselves. It has been said the mark of an educated mind is the ability to change. Personally I think that was said by a person that just couldn't make a decision. Being open to possibilities doesn't mean adopting those same possibilities. When things do not remain the same that doesn't mean a change is needed. It means a change has taken place. The question is always, do I adopt the change or remain the same. Do I remain in motion just going along in the same way as always ? If we choose to change our course, being flexible some would say, can we predict further changes as a result of this action ? Well, in our minds that all depends. Is this change something we want, a good change, or something we do not, a bad one. Often the realty of the change is of little or no consequence to the final decision. That is to say, good people make bad choices. That new car is great until the reality of the payments hit home ! My " pro " list was a long one and convincing, I figure I can just ignore the one " con. "  We have a remarkable ability to justify our actions when we want something. That is a hallmark to humanity.
 How do we decide upon our course ? For the majority of us it is by our religious doctrine. That is what religion really is, a blueprint for living. The dictionary will tell you it is the worship of a God or superhuman being of some type. Yes, I can see that but it is much more. These Gods or super humans all demand some form of correct action to satisfy them. That is the doctrine of a religious belief. Christianity is still the most dominant religion in the world today, followed by Islam. Interesting is the fact that Atheists or non-believers, rank number three. The reason I point these facts out has to do with changes. As fewer and fewer people change to a more non traditional belief system, more changes take place in society. These changes are unsettling. You have to decide. Do you change and adopt this new doctrine ? Will that change bring about stability ? More importantly however is the long term consequences associated with these changes. Can we predict them ?  My Bible spells it out quite clearly for me, I know the consequences. Oh I can make a long list of " pros " regarding this change. It is certainly easier to just " go with the flow " as the saying goes. It is easier to say I am modern and progressive. I have " grown. " The question remains, do I adopt these changes ?
 It could be argued that Islam implemented some changes. Islam does admit to being based upon the prophets. Mohammed just chose to add to that account of creation and just actions. Many people adopted that change. I would disagree with their choice. But I am not writing this to bash the religion of Islam. I am writing to talk about changes. I am talking about being influenced from our course. The course I am most concerned with is the course of moral and just actions. Those items should be our priority. They should remain our priority in all things. Despite arguments to the contrary this nation was founded upon Christian values and traditions. That doctrine is our compass. I do not think it should be changed. The course of our nation has been a great one and can remain that way as long as we stay the course. The first Congress explicitly prescribed the phrase "So help me God" in oaths under the Judiciary Act of 1789 for all U.S. judges and officers other than the President. I believe that is proof enough of their intention and thinking. If I perform my job contrary to the Christian doctrine I do so  with consequences ! " So help me God. " The meaning is clear. It is an oath, sworn to at the peril of eternal damnation. Can the United States of America remain great while acting contrary to the Christian Doctrine ? The question is, can we expect God to help us if we refuse his guidance ? God isn't there to just give us things and grant our wishes. There is payment to be made. The payment is due daily. Luckily there is forgiveness. Do not believe that payment can be deferred because you can not know when the final payment is due. The wise man keeps his account current !

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