Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Actions not words

  Heard on the news that Twitter is suspending its' policy on Covid misinformation. Apparently, it was put into place to "protect" the people. I'm thinking the real deal is an attack on Elon Musk. The liberals want to make him appear dangerous. That's part of the playbook to gain control once again of Twitter and other liberal platforms. Suspending peoples accounts because they are expressing their opinion is certainly a restriction of free speech. Even when it is supposed to be for the "protection" of the people the question remains, just who decides upon the truth? And that is at the heart of freedom of speech. The ability to speak my truth is that right! You don't have to agree, you are free to present as much contradictory evidence as you like. You are not free to silence me. I recall in the not too distant past when the supreme court issued their opinion on flag burning. In the courts opinion that is an expression of free speech and must be allowed. I disagree with that opinion but cannot attack those that burn the flag. I have to stand by voicing my opposition but doing nothing more. That's the way free speech works. I can and will continue to voice my opinion on that in the hopes the court, or the Congress changes that opinion and codifies flag burning as a federal offense. That's what I want to happen. It's for the protection of the people.
 Now there are laws regarding hate speech. That's a limitation on free speech, isn't it? This is one definition of hate speech. "Speech that is intended to offend, insult, intimidate, or threaten an individual or group based on a trait or attribute, such as sexual orientation, religion, color, gender or disability." I'd say that about covers anything of a negative nature you may want to say. The court has decided it is a crime to say anything negative. If you read a few of the cases regarding this the reasoning is often arbitrary and confusing. A whole lot of double talk going on in the courtroom. Intent is assumed, all you have to do is say anything within the confines of "hate" or negativity reflecting upon another person or group of people. In brief, if you ain't lovin', you are hatin'. 
 You can hate all you want; you just can't say so. How can anyone, especially a court of law based on blind justice, determine your intent? Well, you know what they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Apparently, the courts have decided all negative comments are intended to offend, insult, intimidate, or threaten. Sounds like some of my grade school teachers didn't like me much. My parents must not have either, or my drill instructors in the Navy. Strange, I was told it was for my own good. 
 The thing is, I was free to say whatever I wanted in return. I could, as long as I was willing to accept the consequences of those words. And that is another part of freedom not to be taken for granted. Freedom comes with a responsibility. You will be held accountable for your actions. You are not restricted in saying or doing what you want to do but are accountable for your actions. This idea that I can be held to account for merely speaking is a violation of that freedom. It's a restriction. The issue is that nothing has to actually happen in order for you to be charged with a crime. All you have to do is voice your opinion! Your opinion is a crime? My opinion may precipitate some criminal activity on others part, beating me up or whatever, but my opinion shouldn't be the crime. That's like blaming the water because you got wet.
 Speech is what we think. When we attempt to restrict thought, to codify that process, that is the path to despotism. When we are forced to think and say only what is allowed by the powers that be or be punished how can it be otherwise. It is the free expression of our thoughts, our ideas that stir men to action. Granted those actions may be positive or negative regardless of the original intent, but it is the action that we should be held to account for, not the thought. 
        "WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.  "Respect to the Opinions of Mankind" My opinion is not a crime. I'm entitled to that by virtue of being a member of mankind! And yes, when those men signed that document, that declaration of their opinion, they did risk death! The King had no right to tell them they couldn't say whatever they liked. We fought a war to prove that, and we won that war. Speeches and declarations never won any wars! It was the actions of men that won the war.                                                          

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

heroic choices?

 Everyone and no one. That is the state of heroes these days. It is something I was thinking about the other day. All of our old heroes now have tarnished reputations. Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, all the southern men that were confederate soldiers are nothing more than traitors and vile people. So much so their monuments and memorials offend the general public. All those capitalists of the past that formed the economy of a growing nation were nothing but "robber barons" and are to be despised. Indeed, the entire white race have done nothing but oppress others, committing genocide against the native Americans, and enslaving the black man. Certainly, no heroes to be found among them! And it occurred to me that even our imaginary heroes are now being tarnished. Not just Hollywood heroes of the past, but those in comic books as well. I heard that spider man is gay, but that is supposed to be heroic. I'm just amused those fictional characters, especially comic book ones, are being assigned a sexual identity. They're not real people, duh. It's called fantasy because it is fiction! When I hear people holding serious discussion about all of that I just laugh. The bottom line is it is fiction and can be anything you want it to be. There is no right or wrong in imagination! 
 Today however you often hear about heroes, they are everywhere. They are your friends, family and neighbors. Heroes are out there in the hundreds of thousands. I have even been called a hero! Why, what did I do that was heroic? I was in the Navy. I'm here to tell you, I'm no hero. You won't find a role model here. No, just your average guy. And that is what I have issue with as far as heroes go. Heroes are the exceptions! They are the ones that are above and beyond the average person. Heroes aren't like everyone else! Heroes are those that exemplify the character traits most admired in men. Did not Superman stand for Truth, Justice and the American way? That was his mission and he tried to hide his true identity because he wasn't seeking glory, fame or fortune. His purpose was solely to do what was right! All those Hollywood cowboys did the same. Defending the weak and killing those that needed killing. They were heroes. 
 I'm just saying as far as I can see we have no heroes today and that is a problem. Today we are trying to say everyone is a hero. That's why every hero of the past is being "exposed" by pointing out their humanity. Yes, they were real men with real lives doing what they felt was the right thing to do. Yes, Jefferson held slaves. So did 385,000 others in 1860. It doesn't make it right, but it was an accepted practice at that time. Does Jefferson holding slaves negate all his other accomplishments? I think all it does is show that he was pretty much a normal guy when it came to business. All those confederate soldiers were traitors? Or were they loyal to their beliefs and seeking to preserve their way of life? I believe the fact that they chose to support a different political view shouldn't be reason to erase them from history. 
 It is interesting to note that the very things used to discredit the heroes of the past are the very things being promoted as heroic today. Think about that. The behaviors, what are being called choices these days, that were unsavory, indeed disgusting and offensive in the past, are now on full display. It's a choice! And all choices are acceptable. Why it is even heroic to make such a choice public. Everyone is a hero! As a result, heroes are a dime a dozen and nothing special at all. Heroes define a culture, a society and sometimes a nation. What heroes do we have today? Think about that. No, really think about that. Even when it was just a fantasy, a comic book character, fifty years ago we had heroes, real heroes. Superman did stand for Truth, Justice and the American way! And we had real heroes too. JFK, Eisenhower, Patton, MLK, and others. A hero for everyone to admire, to emulate. Who do we have today?  

Monday, November 28, 2022

what happened

 This morning I was wondering what makes a memory, memorable? I'm thinking about all those little things we seem to remember for no particular reason. The everyday occurrences that are part of our collective personality. Sentiment certainly plays an important role in that, along with that feeling we call love. But why are some memories so persistent? That's what I am thinking about. The most persistent of all are those private memories we all harbor safely in the back of our minds. 
 There are public and private memories. Public memories are experiences shared with others, even when the others weren't there. But those sorts of memories share a common sentiment that can be conveyed by the telling of a story. What we also call nostalgia. Nostalgia is a big seller, as we all know. It is that longing to go back in time, to experience whatever it was all over again. We attempt to recreate that all the time whether we are aware of it or not. Favorite places, clothes and foods top the list. Family and friends are the central theme in these imaginings. To share with them once again. Our private memories are just that, private. They are the memories shared only between you and your God. They are not open to judgement from others. It is the uncertainty of judgement that impels us to retain those memories as private. We don't believe there is anything wrong with that memory, others may disagree. 
 I keep seeing the ads on television for Prevergen, a supplement to increase your memory. Targeted towards us seniors it will return our youthful memories and increase the quality of our lives. I keep meaning to buy that stuff, but I always forget. But it does make me wonder about those unfortunate folks that suffer with memory loss. It certainly must be difficult as long as you are aware of it. I admit I can't always recall every detail like I used to. I think a lot of that has to do with how often you recall that memory. A name from the past has been haunting my thoughts for two days, nagging at me. It'll come to me. I have looked at a group photograph from my sixth grade class and I can't remember all those names either. Some folks are just more memorable than others.
 I think that if you don't know that you can't remember it probably isn't an issue for you. I wonder if it is that way with dementia patients. I am sad for them, but are they? I don't think it is something we can ever really know though. There is much that man will never know, truth be told. Why do some forget, and others remain, sharp as a tack, as the saying goes. Can man ever explain that? Those studying the brain think they can identify some reasons, some processes, that control all of that. I'm no scientist, no expert in neurology, but from what I have read those scientists can't explain why we remember anything at all. They really don't know why that is? Why are their geniuses and complete idiots? Those conditions can exist while the brain is physiologically the same in both individuals. 
 Well, I'm still wondering about all of that. What makes a memory, memorable? It is a question I can't seem to forget. 

"I'm interested in memory because it's a filter through which we see our lives, and because it's foggy and obscure, the opportunities for self-deception are there. In the end, as a writer, I'm more interested in what people tell themselves happened rather than what actually happened." (Kazuo Ishiguro) 

Sunday, November 27, 2022


 I've taken a break from listening to the evening news. It wasn't by design but just happened. Now I'm wondering what I missed, if anything. I hear a lot of folks say how they get peace by not watching but that isn't the case with me. I guess I'm just naturally curious about what is going on around me. It's true that it often gets me upset, angry, disgusted or disillusioned but I want to know. I sometimes find that happening when listening to what the news is presenting as a "feel good" story. No surprise I don't agree with what some are portraying as a good thing! 
 I've discovered that living in the information age does take up a lot of your time. That is to say, there is so much more to think about and consider. I grew up in small town America where things didn't change much, and new ideas weren't readily adopted. Like children in a candy store city folk are easily overwhelmed by decision making and choices, often jumping at whatever bait is offered. Quick to discard the old and replace it with the new. 
 This information age has spread that attitude to the suburbs and beyond. The internet is primarily responsible for that. All of man's information available at your fingertips. It can overwhelm you, consume you if you allow that to happen. Perhaps it is the comparison with other lifestyles and cultures that create the confusion. When I was a kid the National Geographic magazine was the primary source of that sort of information. On those pages we saw naked pygmies, ladies with a stack of rings on their necks, Pyramids, Eskimo's and more. We read the stories how others lived, and it was usually pretty bad compared to what we knew.
 I agree that the more information you have the better decisions you can make. There is no argument with that, it's common sense. But a wise old farmer once told me, the more you know the less you think you know. There is a lot of truth in that statement. Still, in the end you have make a decision. The secret lies in knowing what information to discard. Well not discard, that isn't the correct word, I mean what information is relevant to the current decision being made. Basing your decision on what worked for others isn't always the best way. It's true there are times you just have to go it alone. 
 If you are always following others, you can't lead. Are those others trying to get to the same place as you? Each of us have a separate path to walk. Misery loves company is another familiar adage, and it also holds a lot of truth. We are all trying to get the things we want. It has to be remembered however that " The world is independent of my will" (Ludwig Wittenstein) is the author of that thought I'm not taking any credit for it other than to agree. It isn't surrender that obtains the goal, it is the acceptance of reality. Simply grabbing at whatever seems fresh and new, that offers the least resistance, what gains you popularity and temporary friendships isn't making a decision. That is a surrender. Clinging to the truth as you know it to be is acceptance. Just because you are the only one that believes it doesn't make it wrong! The hardest part of life is living it undistracted. I haven't mastered that yet. I'm working on it.        

Saturday, November 26, 2022

being special

 This year I seem to be in a rush. I have no explanation for it. I'm not one to start celebrating early. in fact, I often talk about just that. I'm always saying how if you want something to be special, it can't be often. It's that way with everything. Sunday used to be special when I was a younger man. It did only come once a week after all. What made it special was getting dressed for church and stores being closed. Ironically both could be an annoyance, a bother. and an inconvenience. Today I do neither and Sunday has become just another day. Like all things special however, you can't schedule that. I recall when orange juice was something special. You had to be up early and catch the milk man, he had some for sale in his truck. It was a treat, something special when Mom did that. It was before frozen concentrate was readily available. It was special to go to a movie, in the theatre. Decorating for the holidays, that was special. That was especially true for Christmas. 
 In years past, you know the old days, we really didn't have many lavish decorations for all the other holidays. There were no lights for Halloween, Easter, or St. Patrick's day. Oh, the Easter bunny would make an appearance, some shamrocks, maybe a Leprechaun or two, that sort of thing but nothing like Christmas. Christmas was a very special holiday, the most important one in fact. Then, slowly over the years it began to be commercialized a bit more. The religious significance fading into the background. Good Friday in competition with Black Friday! I'm thinking more children today would know when Black Friday and Cyber Monday are than good Friday. I'm certain Amazon means something a lot different to them than when I was a child. The holiday being special means a totally different thing, special sales. Something to be excited about. What can I get? 
 This morning the thought came to me that I am getting caught up in all of this a bit. The majority of my Christmas gifts have been purchased. I've already put up a bit greenery, it was a gift, so I'll excuse that, but I have also put up a few decorations. I was busy making some crafty things for Christmas and so want to display them. Thinking about getting the Christmas tree today as well. It would certainly be the earliest I have ever done that. I am getting excited. This year I have a feeling it is going to be special in some way, I have a sense of urgency. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, I'm not thinking that. Anticipation is often better than the reality. But for Christmas I am thinking it is the gift we know we were given that makes the holiday so special. It isn't about what we are going to get, it is about what we already have, if we accept it. 
 When I was a young man going to St. Lukes Episcopal church, I was in the Jr. Choir and later served as an acolyte. I have a Bible presented to me my Reverend Samuel Davis, Rector of that church. It was given for five years of perfect attendance in the Jr. Choir. That included every Saturday practice as well! And it was in the days when there were no excuses or exceptions, you were either present or not. Every year we had a birthday party for Jesus in the parish hall. There was a Christmas tree and presents for all under that tree. It was a party; a birthday party complete with cake and ice cream. Yes, Santa Claus made an appearance and handed out the gifts. Those were special times although I didn't know it then. Decorating the church was another special time, everything had to be just right. And on Christmas eve we had a service, and everyone left with a lighted candle. The objective being to get that light into your home, the light of what was to come. Yes, it was all special.        

Friday, November 25, 2022

Risky business

  Somewhere between precaution and paranoia. That seems to be the state of most Americans these days. What with all the government warnings and urgings to vaccinate, boost, test and retest how could it be otherwise? There are those of us out here however that are not. We are often called the deniers or anti-vaxers and people to be avoided. At first, we could be identified by our hesitation to mask up, stay back six feet from any human contact and carry hand sanitizer in gallon bottles. Today we are questioned about our "status." I had one of my doctors look at me almost in amazement as I told him I hadn't been vaccinated and had no intention of doing so. He said he couldn't believe I had never gotten infected. I assured him I had not. I feel like it is because I have avoided being infected. I was given a stern warning; I'm supposed to be worried. I am not. I do not exercise any more caution that I previously did and certainly I'm not paranoid. According to that physician I am in the minority. 
 It isn't just covid that is fueling all of this. Are you over fifty? The virus that causes shingles is living inside you! 99% of the people will get shingles in their lifetime! You should immediately seek the vaccination against that, see your health care provider! Are you sad? It's probably treatable with medications. Even the medication being prescribed will make you paranoid if you listen to the possible side effects. A rare life-threatening brain infection is possible! Getting together with family and friends for Thanksgiving or other holidays is also a danger to be avoided. And now RSV is on the rise, hospitals low on beds according to the news outlets. That along with the shortage of health care workers.  
 Then there is the economy, the environment and politics. Be afraid, be very afraid is the message. That applies on all three fronts. And what is the response to all of this? In my estimation it is anger. Paranoia often fuels anger. It is a defense mechanism. The desire to control the situation or circumstance is a natural reaction to being afraid. It can lead to manic behaviors. I'm seeing that every day in the news. Excessive precaution also leads to paranoia. It is my thinking that is what is causing the majority of this right now. The constant barrage of taking precautions, getting vaccinations, immunizations, avoiding contact with others is creating this atmosphere of fear. You aren't making enough money; climate change is killing the planet and the politicians are only watching out for themselves. You deserve so much more and are being denied! It's not fair. How are you supposed to survive? Only by complete compliance with government directives. In the end paranoia will have you sitting in the corner, quietly passive and compliant. That happens once the anger passes. Anger passes by appeasement. All you have to do is decide. What do you want? Take a risk or play it safe. 
 Well in my experience life itself is risky business. There are just so many variables. If variety is the spice of life, risk is the main course. Variety may mask that, hide it from the palate, but it won't change what it is. There are many spices to choose from but only one main course. Don't get distracted. Enjoy the main course, life itself.  

Thursday, November 24, 2022


  Happy Thanksgiving. I didn't want to write the usual list of reasons to be thankful. I don't want to write about Pilgrims and Pies. I'm not thinking about all of that. I find myself questioning if the big meal is really giving thanks. It is certainly the symbol of that in America. I recently learned that ten other countries also celebrate "thanksgiving" as a day. Funny how as Americans we never really give that much thought. I guess it is like the fourth of July we like to think of it as an American thing. It is a cultural thing. That's true in every culture when it comes to their traditions and customs. That is what culture is defined as. Today there are many that would challenge our culture, insisting that it is somehow wrong, that history is wrong. Exactly what those folks would embrace I'm not certain. 
 Today I find myself more grateful than thankful. There is a subtle difference between the two. Being grateful centers more on what you have received. I have a lot to be grateful for. It has been the grace of others that made my life more enjoyable. And yes, I can thank them for that while being grateful. Thanksgiving Day is really about being grateful for what was given to you. In the American tradition it began as being grateful to those native peoples that helped them survive. In a show of gratitude, a meal was offered. Other nations celebrate for different reasons, at least one being the lunar cycle marking the growing period. But whatever the reason to celebrate is, whatever custom or tradition established that, it is always a show of gratitude. That gratitude may be towards others or towards a God. The sentiment being something was given, and we are grateful for that gift.
 Being grateful and giving thanks. Two actions closely related but not exactly the same. I'm grateful for what I have received. I give thanks to those that offered that gift. I'm thankful that I can celebrate those gifts. The gift of friendship, of family and good fortune. I'll strive to express my gratitude every day, not just today. It is something we often forget in the passage of time. We offer a quick, thank you, almost as a reflex, and move on. But it is gratitude that warms our hearts and give us hope for the future. Be grateful for what you have. That was an adage I heard often growing up.  “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”
I'm grateful to one and all that take the time to acknowledge me, to console or cajole. I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for friendships both old and new. I'm grateful for an honest expression of emotion. I'm grateful for whatever blessings I have received from my God, whether I was aware of them or not. And for everything I am grateful for I say, Thank You. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

that's progress

  If doing the wrong thing generates income, we'll find a reason to make it make it right. That's pretty much what I heard the governor of Maryland saying this morning on a televised interview. Now I like Hogan, he has done a fine job of running the state, we have a budget surplus and in general things are good. His term is up however, and he has been positioning himself for a run at the presidency. He hasn't made any official statement concerning that, playing his cards close to his chest as the saying goes. Still, if you are watching, paying attention you can see the signs in his actions. He is beginning a campaign of appeasement. His latest is the endorsement of sports gambling throughout the state. You may already live in a state that allows that, draft kings, Caesars, and a few others. It's all betting, all the time. Yes, Governor Hogan is changing his spots a bit, going more for that national appeal. He's a Republican alright, but not a Trump republican or "too" conservative, he wants to be thought of as a hybrid politician now, a "Demlican." That's where you run as a Republican but vote like a Democrat. In short, what's best for me. 
 I couldn't help but think that as I listened to him explain how good sports gambling will be for the state. It will not only keep the revenue otherwise spent on gambling in other states and illegal gambling but generate revenue for the state that will be used to fund the education system! You know, it's all for the children. Maryland is ranked number four in the nation as far as education. Well, unless you count the Baltimore City Public School system which is under federal investigation for a host of crimes. But we'll ignore that for now. In addition to funding the school system a portion of the revenue generated will go to addiction services. Well because there are those that will develop a gambling problem with this new development, no doubt about that. When you can simply bet on your phone anytime, anywhere and on anything, it will happen. But it will only happen to a few people so it's alright as long as services for recovery are provided. You won't get your money back, but you will learn a tough lesson!
 Yes, the governor is positioning himself for a presidential run. He is aware, as I am, that the way to win is to appease the masses. Popularity hinges on allowing others to do exactly what they want. In essence popularity has always been a measure of just that. Doesn't matter if you simply want to be the most "loved" parent or the president of the United States, give them what they want, and you will be popular. And like those parents that practice that, the result may lead them to destruction, to ruin, but they will love you for it. It's all good as long as the enablers also provide the remedy. Programs are available to help you. When the government becomes the enablers, it is for one reason only, to gain power. Power and control. 
 It's true that we the people, the voting citizens establish our laws. We do that through representation most of the time and sometimes by direct vote. Self-rule is what the founding fathers hoped to establish. That is the primary purpose of a Republic. What is required for that is self-control. We have to be willing to deny ourselves those things known to be detrimental to a society. A national morality. A morality tempered by tolerance and compassion certainly, but not a morality of appeasement. 
 Sometimes we have to say no! That is what started this whole experiment we call America in the first place! We told the King, no. There were those that were loyalists and Tories, fortunately in the minority, in every colony. They were generally those wanting to protect their fortunes. The Patriots were those opposing the King and did pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in order to achieve freedom. Despite knowing that, that is what they did. They said no! It was the right thing to do. And that, that is what freedom is all about. It isn't about being free to do whatever you like. 
 The problem we have today is the loyalists are only loyal to one thing, themselves. The interest is in the ability to do whatever they like regardless of the impact on others. It's about what they want, not what is best. It's about taking the easy road, the shortcuts. The Democrats have historically shown themselves to be those loyalists. Their voting record on the 13,14 and 15th amendment is proof enough of that. The Democrats always say they are the people's party, they are for the middle and lower classes. And they are, they are for keeping the middle and lower classes lower and middle! They are about themselves, not the country. They even tried to leave the country once! Today they are busy attempting to divide the country without borders or boundaries. 
 Well, tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving. I will remain thankful to be an American. No matter what history the Democrats and others try to write or rewrite it won't change the past. And I realize many in Maryland will be thankful they can bet on their sports teams. Many are thankful the state and federal government will be providing them the funds to do so as well. It's alright, public service messages are being broadcast to be sensible when placing your bets. It's like handing your children the candy bowl and saying only eat a few pieces at a time. I'm certain they will be responsible. On the upside however, the state gets some of that money back, for the children, it's a win-win. Turning what's wrong into a right! Now that's progress.       

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I like that

The older I get the more I realize the old ways were so much better. I find myself wanting to go back to those days and methods. I use an electric percolator because perc'd coffee is the best. One scoop for each cup brewed and one for the pot. Grandmother Bennett taught me that. She kept a fresh pot on all day, every day, in case of company or if a salesman stopped by. The only polite thing to do being offering them a cup. She drank tea. But the pot was always on, ready to welcome anyone at all.
 My wife has used the new non-stick bake ware with mixed results. But when baking the family recipe Apple cake, you have to grease that pan with lard and sprinkle that with flour. That's what works! And forget about those fancy non-stick pans you see advertised, new and improved every year for the last twenty years, seasoned cast iron is still the best. It is what we use and yes, it is well seasoned and heavy. Not one pan has warped, chipped, or needed replacing in the last twenty-five to thirty years!
 Hand written letters and post cards are still the best form of communication to show that you care. "When you care enough to send the very best" is the slogan for Hallmark cards but I disagree. Get a piece of paper and a pen and write a note, card or letter, that is caring enough to send the very best. It is sending others a bit of your time, they knowing you were thinking of them while you wrote. Like homemade gifts, it is the thought that counts. Phone calls are always nice, and appreciated, but handwritten is still the most personal. 
 I still open the door for those directly behind me, stand aside and allow them to pass. I don't just do that for the ladies, I do it for everyone. Most times I open the car door for my wife, unless she beats me to the car. I say excuse me when walking in front of someone shopping. I put the shopping cart in the corral, pick trash up off the ground and do not park in the handicapped spaces! I try to make casual conversation with the checkers, the stockers and the other shoppers. I call that being cordial. It's an old-fashioned thing many misconstrue today.
 I enjoy my wind-up pendulum clock that strikes on the hour and the half hour. I wind it every Sunday and think about Grandfather Lester when doing so. That clock came from his home. I can see it sitting on the shelf. It was covered in dust and tarnished a bit as he didn't use it, but he admired it, nonetheless. I love my old photographs of ancestors I never knew. Somehow, I feel connected to them through those images. 
 I have never been one much for fad and fashion. Even when I was a kid that wasn't a big concern of mine. Oh, sure there were things I wanted that were cool. A new Spider Bike with a T-handle shifter and five speeds! The T handle shifter has since been banned by the government for safety reasons. Well, I did have that bike and later children, so no harm done. Later when I was a teenager and had earned my own money, I purchased a pair of Pro-Keds with the split leather uppers. Cost thirty-five dollars! That was over half my pay, but they were cool. I have never bought another pair since, having learned, they weren't that cool. Generic sneakers are just fine. Leather shoes and boots are still the best. 
 Yeah, there is nothing quite as satisfying as doing it yourself. I still make or repair whatever I can. It's ironic that it often costs more to do that than to simply buy whatever it is from some Chinese warehouse! But I am from the old school. I balk at hiring anyone else to do something I can do myself. I prescribe to the old adage, if you want something done right, do it yourself. I've found that even if you don't do it exactly right, it is still a satisfying feeling. I'll do better the next time. I don't feel the need to be a professional at everything, nor have professional grade tools and equipment. Good quality tools are a necessity I won't deny that, but an entire inventory isn't necessary either. Using hand chisels to make a mortise is far more satisfying than using a router. Craftsmanship is what I'm talking about. Good old fashioned craftmanship. That is learned by trial and error, over a lifetime. The old-fashioned way. 
 I think that some of this is because doing things the old way usually takes longer. We are all in a hurry these days. When you are young you are in a hurry. Always something new, always something exciting. When you reach a certain age, you begin to realize that time is limited. It's a harsh reality, hard to swallow at times. That's when we begin to want to slow things down. Not so fast. I have learned that doing things the old way often extends the time you get to enjoy doing whatever it is you are doing. Time creates anticipation. Anticipation is often times better than the reality. Works that way with lots of things. I enjoy listening to that coffee pot as it perks that coffee. I'm anticipating how good it will be. The smell and the sound combine to take me on a journey every morning. I'm back in Grandma's kitchen. Old things and our memories are time machines. They take us back. I like that.   

Monday, November 21, 2022

the best I can do

 Shakespeare said all the worlds a stage and each us merely players. The question to be answered is, who is the casting director? How are our roles assigned? Some of us are living in a comedy while others are in a drama, on the same stage! Now I've heard that your gender is assigned at birth but that it can be changed later on. I have to wonder what the director thinks about that. Isn't that same thing as buying a Ford and then changing the name to Chevrolet? I mean, it was "born" a Ford wasn't it? Calling it a Chevrolet later on doesn't really change anything, not even with modifications. Aftermarket parts aren't the same thing. But I'm getting off the topic a bit, I was talking about playing a part. We are truly players, as old Billy the shake pointed out. He was calling us all players long before Snoop Dog and Lil Wayne. He knew the deal.
 It seems to me the leading role today is victim. Everyone wants to play the victim. It is really the desire to be the hero of the story. The best heroes overcome tremendous odds to emerge victorious. In order to do that you have to first be the victim or oppressed in some fashion. Social and economic circumstances are the usual methods employed. But a good disease or ailment of some kind will work just as well. Mental illness is leading the pack at the moment, can't prove or disprove that, so it's pretty safe. Plenty of "Drs" willing to give you a diagnosis for a structured fee, I mean therapy sessions. Some even have a payment plan! You can even do that online if that works better for you. Just because you are a victim doesn't mean you have to be inconvenienced.
 It's my thinking we would all be a lot happier if we accepted the role we were assigned. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to improve the role, just don't try to rewrite the script. Changing just one character changes the whole show. That is something that I see happening a lot these days as we remove historical figures both real and imagined from our story. Future generations will never know Aunt Jemina, Uncle Ben or Mrs. Butterworth! The founding fathers will all be listed as racists and revolutionaries. In fact, the entire white race is to blame for every injustice ever perpetrated! The "science" will gloss over the theory that all mankind came up out of Africa. That will be ignored because if it is true then all the Africans are to blame! Just because they began to identify as Europeans or Asians isn't an excuse. They are Africans, right? They are when there is a benefit in being one. Hey, ask Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris about identity and if it is a benefit on occasion. 
 As for me I'm just playing the role I was assigned by the casting director. It doesn't really matter what or who I call that, it isn't important. What is important is in knowing my part in the play. I admit it would be a lot easier if I had been given the script before the play began but I wasn't. As I result, I find it is necessary to improvise. Yes, our lives are improv. None of us know what is going to happen next. The best we can do is react. Honest reactions are always the best. You can't figure out the future because you can't know the future! You can't control the future. Perhaps you can influence the present by drawing on the past, but you aren't going to change the future. The future is going to be whatever the director says it will be. The best I can do is ask the director, listen closely for an answer and pray.     

Sunday, November 20, 2022

it just isn't fair

  The Democrats are leading the charge against Ticketmaster! Amy Klobucher fired off a letter to the DOJ regarding the Taylor Swift debacle. Swift fans were unable to purchase tickets and in addition to that the price of the tickets are too high. The Democrats demand access for all, it's a constitutional right to be able to see Taylor Swift! This needs to be addressed immediately. It's clearly a violation of anti-trust laws. Taylor Swift has a monopoly on Taylor Swift! Ticketmaster failed to provide tickets on demand and their website crashed faster than Obamacares' health care one. That only resulted in about 600 million fraudulent contracts. The swiftys deserve so much better than that! All this is simply oppression of the middle class, oppression of minorities, and I suspect offends the LGQBT+ crowd. This needs to be addressed right now, that can't be stressed enough. It was even on the evening news, that's how serious it is.
 Well, you see this isn't the first time the government has been warned about Ticketmaster. They merged with Live Nation some years back and basically have a monopoly on selling tickets. There is no competition. You either buy through Ticketmaster or you can't buy the tickets. The Biden administration has made it clear that it wants competition! Taylor Swift shouldn't be able to sell her tickets for any price she wants, that's not fair. Ticketmaster has to be able to process those ticket sales to everyone that wants one, regardless of the volume of sales. Two million tickets were sold in one day, a presale day to boot. A new record for Ticketmaster plus they put 1.5 million tickets on the waiting list. But the system crashed and they need to be held accountable.
 So the DOJ has been mobilized, the investigation is underway. Hunter and Trump will just have to wait, this has to be dealt with right now. The Russians aren't a real threat, set that whole deal aside. Burisma? What is Burisma, we're talking about getting a Ticket to see Taylor Swift for God's sake! Midterm elections results still being counted. Hey, it takes time to count all of those votes you know but selling tickets to millions of Taylor Swift fans should go off without a hitch. This will be investigated thoroughly, and appropriate legislation enacted. 
 Taylor Swift issued this statement as well.   “I’m not going to make excuses for anyone because we asked them, multiple times, if they could handle this kind of demand and we were assured they could,” Swift said, adding that it “pisses [her] off” that even the 2.4 million people who got tickets “feel like they went through several bear attacks to get them.” Well, if Taylor is "pissed off" something definitely needs to be done. It's not like dealing with the IRS or the DMV. No, this was like a bear attack! She asked them first! They said they could do the job. And now Taylor has more demand for tickets than she has concerts scheduled. They are selling the tickets for higher prices even. This is terrible. Taylor Swift fans are being marginalized! It just isn't fair, notify the DOJ! 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

selling the product

 The biggest injustice to the citizens of America today is convincing them they are somehow broken, and they can buy the fix. That is what I think every time I see these commercials on television. You just name the problem; medical or mental and the "cure" is for sale. You may not know you have a problem. You may not be aware that you should feel differently than you do. You could be suffering needlessly! You have a problem!
There is that woman that walks around with a sad face emoji on a sign. She carries it in her purse after she takes the medication, it's in front of her face when she doesn't. When she adds this medication to all the other medication she is already taking, yes, this product is in addition to whatever she already takes, the sign goes in her purse. Just because that medication may have serious side effects, one being death, that doesn't get her down. She just goes shopping with her girlfriends. The narrative is really what? She is sad every day, depressed, and requires chemical intervention. She's broken. But she can buy the fix.
Are you tired? If you are a man, you probably need testosterone! Hey, and she'll like it too! That's because having sex is the most important thing in your life. Your quality of life is being impacted! Listen to the ads and you'll be convinced soon enough, you need something! Your age doesn't make any difference when it comes to that. We've all seen the commercials for the little blue pill and a variety of other products for men, you know to keep them active. The FDA just approved a drug for women too. It's like an epi-pen and puts her in the mood, on demand. That's for women with HSDD. Yes, that stands for hyposexual desire disorder. Well because if you don't have the desire that a disorder, that's a problem. Just one of a plethora of disorders you may not be aware of. Well because menopause can cause that too, pausing men I mean, so drugs to the rescue.
We need to legalize pot so we can all just relax. It's medicinal. So was alcohol during prohibition, you could get a prescription for it too. They aren't advertising any side effects from the use of that product though and I have to question why that is. I'm especially thinking about smoking that product. In 1966 the FDA demanded warning labels on cigarettes because of the possibility of side effects, mostly lung cancer and death. The FDA is currently looking into the "Vaping" epidemic for the same reason, yet inhaling pot doesn't seem to be a problem. The only problem is those of us that oppose the legalization. Well guess it is okay as long as you can only purchase an ounce or so at a time. You wouldn't go to the store twice in the same day or anything.
Yes, the narrative today is that you are somehow broken. Each and every one of us are broken. But we're survivors! No matter how broken you are you can survive with the help of big pharma and/or mental health treatments. Just because you believe you are something that you aren't is no reason for anyone else to point that out. I shouldn't notice that at all! A guy wearing a dress and heels should be as normal as a woman at a urinal. If I don't believe that I'm broken! I probably have some disorder. In fact, I went to Google in an attempt to get a number for that. How many disorders are there? You can't get that answer. The answer is, there are ones we don't even know about yet! There is a list from A to Z but it is incomplete. You're broken in some way, maybe even a new way. Get with the program and proclaim loudly and proudly, ME TOO !
And that is what I hear every day. Me too. I have this or that and should be included or excepted because I have that. Me too. I have suffered just as much if not more than you have. I can list more trauma, ill health, or issues than you can. I'm unique in the world because of all of that. I'm struggling but I'm surviving! Life is so hard. Well, that's what is being sold these days and many are buying! We are raising an entire generation to believe that. They are being raised with a laundry list of disorders and an even longer list of perceived entitlements. Me too, me too. A dependence. That is what is being sold. You need that! And don't think for a minute you don't! Don't be a denier! That's a disorder too. You could have ANOSOGNOSIA! That disorder is when you don't believe you have a physical, mental or behavioral problem. Don't worry it can be treated though, you can register as a Democrat.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

make them tell

  A fourteen year old shot and killed a man on the streets of Baltimore. A big point of discussion is, where did he get the gun? The authorities seem perplexed. Just how did he get the gun? Well, I'm no detective or fortune teller but I can tell you this much. He bought that gun off another criminal. Yes, someone sold it to him and I'm willing to bet it all that it wasn't in a gun shop. I know, I know, hard to believe isn't it, there are those willing to sell guns to children. But where did he get it, and should he be forced to tell as part of his plea deal? That's the question being asked. Even if he did tell, named a person, what could be done about that. The answer is nothing. Oh, I suppose you could place surveillance on that person, try to catch him in the act, but little else. 
 The fact of the matter is it is estimated that there are 400 million guns in the United States. It is further estimated that 393 millions of those guns are owned by civilians. This narrative of getting the guns off the streets by getting the guns is just nonsense. The idea that writing legislation, tightening the requirements to purchase and own guns will do anything is just nonsense as well. There will always be those willing to sell those guns! There will always be those willing to buy those guns. It isn't the guns that are the problem! It is the willingness of the criminals to use them! That is the problem. 
 Now I have been watching as legislation is being passed to "legalize" all sorts of vice in the name of choice and freedom. The state of Maryland is now all excited because there are going to allow sports betting. on your phone, with the app. Yes, you can bet on just about anything! That will stop the bookies! Yeah right, the bookies will simply offer a better deal and continue taking bets. The state and/or those apps aren't going to allow you to bet first and then pay. A bookie will, of course you have to pay a little interest. And you had best pay up, or else. That's been going on since forever and will continue. Drugs, prostitution, gambling, whatever vice ticks your clock will always be available, for a price. Guns aren't going to be any different.
 So, what to do about the illegal guns and those using them. The law needs to be swift, sure, and unyielding! Have an illegal gun, go to jail. Use a gun in the commission of a crime, you get time, lots of time, every time, no exceptions, or excuses. And it is immediate! You sit in jail, having shown yourself to be a danger to society, until such time as a trial can be held. No plea deals. It is the people carrying and using illegal guns that needs to be removed from society. 
 You are never going to prevent people from buying/selling whatever it is they want. You simply aren't. Legalizing those things doesn't change anything either. All that does it make it easier for those that want those things in the first place. Yes, it makes law enforcement a lot easier when there aren't laws to enforce, I get that. It is far easier to just allow the behavior than attempt to correct it. Of course, when people are getting killed, and the authorities themselves feel threatened, that is different. It's fine for some things to take place in seedy neighborhoods and back allies as long as it stays out of my yard. Go ahead, let them place their bets, let them smoke some dope that's fine as long as we can tax it. As long as we get a cut. But these guns, what to do about that? We'll make it as difficult as possible, maybe even ban them altogether, that way they will be too hard or impossible to get. Criminals and those that use those guns surely won't purchase them illegally. Well, they will but if we know who is selling them, we can stop that. Problem solved. All we need to do is make them tell!     

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


  Planning on a downsized Thanksgiving this year. The kids have plans to go to Deep Creek Lake with their children and Grandpa is staying home. Not really up to traveling over the river and through the woods to Oneonta New York where my son lives either. So, this year the plan is for the old folks to cook about a twelve-pound turkey with all the fixin's and simply be thankful. The big dinner is always something to look forward to, a tradition that must be carried on. I can think of no other reason for doing all the work when the meal only lasts about twenty minutes. The preparation and clean up takes all the time. Still, the turkey will be roasted, no ham this year, and I will have one of my favorites, rutabaga! A purple top rutabaga is one of those things that makes it a holiday for me. It isn't thanksgiving without a rutabaga and jellied cranberry sauce. Why, to leave those out would be unamerican. My mother shared my love of rutabaga and I think of her whenever I eat it. At Christmas my mother always had a fruitcake. I don't eat fruitcake but will purchase a small one in her memory this year.
 I remember back in the day when Thanksgiving was all pilgrims and pies. No one was talking about how the Indians were treated and all of that. The Pilgrims were just fine upstanding Christians sharing the bounty of the land with the natives. After that, Santa Claus arrived on the scene, at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. See ya Pocahontas, the big man is in town. Thanksgiving dinner was about three in the afternoon as I recall. When I was young there wasn't any football on television, at least I don't recall any, but we only had two channels and besides, you were watching the parade! Yes, you had to get dressed up for dinner on that day, even when you didn't have company! It was a rule. It was also the only day I recall grace being said before the meal at my house. I mean as a family thing that is. What whispered thanks may have been offered by others I couldn't say for sure, but on Thanksgiving it was like the Waltons, without the hand holding part. It was always a question just who "had" to say the grace. And yes, someone was forced into it. 
 Thanksgiving if you really think about it is a rather strange holiday. It's a day to eat a lot of food. Yes, I know the whole story about the starving Pilgrims and being thankful for the bounty of the earth and all that. I know how we should all gather out families around us and enjoy that meal. The first Thanksgiving was in 1621 when those pilgrims celebrated their first harvest in a new world. Squanto was responsible for that and so he and his tribe were invited. That's what I was taught anyway. Then two hundred and twenty-two years later in the middle of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday, a National Day of Thanks. The fourth Thursday in November was chosen. But why the fourth Thursday? Well because at first it was simply the last Thursday in November and some years there were five Thursdays in the month. Then President Roosevelt in 1941 decided to change it to always on the fourth Thursday. The reason? He thought it would benefit the economy. You see his political supporters thought having the last Thursday would interfere with the Christmas retail season. An extra week of shopping certainly wouldn't hurt anything, So, that's it. Thank a Democrat for that. George Washington was the first President to mention a National Day of Thanks. Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Thursday. Roosevelt moved it to the fourth Thursday. 
 Well, I'm just thankful that I'm still here in America. I can buy a Turkey, cranberry sauce and a rutabaga. Life is good. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 I find myself questioning. Is it sheer luck, good decisions or fate? I seem to have made it this far in life without significant trauma, drama or injustice perpetrated against me. I also don't feel like I've reached hero status for having served in the Navy. As I listen to those on the news and social media list their litanies of challenges and circumstances, I am left wondering. How have I managed to escape all of that? Shouldn't I be hollering, me too! There are hundreds of advertisements on television every day trying to convince me of just that very thing. How many class action lawsuits should I add my name too, how many injustices have I survived; I have had my entitlements withheld! Despite of all that I remain unchanged. I'm just not feeling that.
 I'm thinking this all ties in with the emotional cripples I was talking about yesterday. It's a change in attitude for sure. I'm still in the camp of collecting welfare or being on unemployment is shameful. It isn't anything I would advertise. I don't believe in begging for help every time I am challenged with anything. I'll figure something out. But it seems to be working as those crying and complaining are getting their demands met. All the "free" stuff being passed out to appease the electorate! That's the way I see that. Those in power retaining that power in that fashion. It doesn't matter what political party it is; both are equally as eager to participate in that. 
 All of that is being justified by the suggesting of superior virtues. Virtue signaling is of primary importance these days. Mommy understands, it's alright. That's the way I see that whole scenario. Used to be different. Used to be, you know better! Used to be, you made your bed, now lie in it! Used to be, this hurts me more than it does you! Now, I'm hurting for you, I'm so sorry for you, you deserve so much more. In my experience in life, you get pretty much get what you earn! Yes, sometimes you are disappointed in that, but the truth is, it's your fault, it was your choice, your decisions that landed you were you are. Equal opportunity isn't a guarantee of equal results!
 Want to know we are having so many issues with the young people. Why is our youth acting out? Is it because they are so deprived of education and opportunity? Or is it because they are being raised to believe they were born victims? They are being raised with that proverbial chip on their shoulder. An entire race of Americans is being taught that the government is systemically opposed to them. Other American children being taught they are responsible for what took place a hundred or two hundred years ago, that they are the problem. Our children are being taught to simply accept whatever ideology or fantasy is being practiced by others without question. Yeah, that in itself is causing lots of confusion! They can't tell reality from fantasy! 
 I'm certainly glad I was raised in a time when things were clear. This is what was expected. You were responsible for your actions. You made a choice and were expected to stand by that. If your choice was wrong, you were told it was wrong and you paid the price for that. You were due only what you earned, everything else was charity. The objective in life was to be able to extend charity to others, not receive it! The acceptance of charity was a means of last resort. It certainly wasn't anything to be proud of, or to be demanded. It wasn't an expectation, it was exactly what it was supposed to be, a gift. Those extending that gift also didn't advertise they were doing so. It was called Dignity and self-respect. Let's begin teaching that. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Get real

  I first heard it called shell shocked. It happened to some men in battle. I heard stories about the problems these people had following their experiences in battle. Battle fatigue. Then, somewhere along the way I heard it being called PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A treatable mental condition and one certainly understandable. Having never served in actual battle myself I can only imagine the stress that would cause. In my twenty years of military experience, I engaged in exercises that were stressful, but no one was trying to kill me! That being said I give my full support to those individuals that may require help. 
 Now I'm hearing this term, PTSD, applied to just about every negative experience a person can have. No doubt people suffer from stress caused by many different things but calling it PTSD doesn't always seem right to me. I heard that term applied to a person that didn't want to return to their workplace because they were suffering from PTSD as a result of covid. They are afraid! The experts were then insisting that the person should be allowed to continue to work from home without penalty of any kind. A new precedent being established. 
 My concern with this is that we are raising a generation of emotional cripples. Yes, I understand people suffer from stressful situations. Yes, I understand that people have different thresholds for that stuff, some folks are what we used to call, nervous. That nervousness shouldn't be used as a crutch. It's my feeling that is exactly what we are doing. Instead of simply telling those folks to "buck up" we are empowering them. Empowering them, a term I can't stand. To empower is to give others permission. I don't need your permission to do anything! It is my choice! But by empowering those folks to remain emotionally weak, not placing any pressure on them to overcome their fears, all you're doing is creating a lifetime of issues for that person. Patton was criticized, indeed vilified and reprimanded when he slapped that soldier. He was trying to help! It was an attempt to bring that man back to reality. And reality can be traumatic, you had best learn to deal with it. There was no time for therapy sessions or yoga classes. 
 I get it I'm from the old school. I do believe in just bucking up. I don't believe in running to the doctor for every scratch and bruise or seeking therapy when I'm upset about things. I believe in simply absorbing the blows and moving on. I'm not looking for sympathy and understanding. Yes, I say, get over it! That's what I said to my kids. They did. They didn't always like it though. Doesn't matter. I was developing what is often called intestinal fortitude. A lot of that is lacking in people today. Especially true if you're a Democrat. Just go with the flow, don't make a firm stand on anything, give others whatever they demand, it's too stressful to do the right thing! It's so much easier to say, I can't. 
 We are now teaching conditional morality! It all demands. How much do you want something? If you really want that, it's okay no matter what. That's the condition of morality, your own desire. Wasn't that way when I was growing up. We were expected to do the right thing, every time! Right was right and wrong was wrong, all the time. That line is surely blurred today. That's the reason things are so messed up today! Without a clear line, clear guidance and rules the game is chaotic. Life doesn't have to be complicated. Do your duty, do what's right, and accept reality for what it is. 
 It seems we are having a big issue with that last thing, accepting reality. That's what all this "identifying" is all about. Trying to figure out what you are? It's not hard at all if you simply accept what it is. You were "assigned" a gender when you were conceived. You don't have to wait to be born, you don't have to wait until you are "of age" you don't have to wait to "find out. Nope, you are what you are. The signs are quite easily identified. Now I'm hearing about children identifying as animals and adults are supporting that! They are a few other realities many need to learn. My money is my money, and I am under no obligation to give you any of it! It doesn't matter how much I have or how little you have, that reality doesn't change. You are not the most important person in the world! You are not the best looking, the smartest or the most popular. Because your distant ancestors came from a different nation that doesn't make you from a different nation. I am no more  German than a German is an American! Yes, my third great grandfather came to America in 1856, he was German. I'm not. That's reality. 
 And a final thought. Unless we as a nation get our act together, straighten up and fly right, we are going to crash! That is reality. It isn't so much who is the President, it is the decision of the people that matters. Too many are living in some fantasy world, a good dose of reality should cure that. I had hoped the mid-terms was going to be enough but apparently not. It's going to get real folks, you had best be ready. They say only the strong survive and there is truth in that, but it is mental toughness that will ultimately win the day. Sitting in the corner crying ain't gonna get it done. Accepting reality is key.    

Sunday, November 13, 2022

where memories live

  I spent some time yesterday straightening up the attic. I found a lot of dusty memories up there. Old things in boxes and totes. Yes, in this modern time we use totes. They are far more functional that an old cardboard box but lack something as well. I think maybe it is the smell of old cardboard mingled with hot, stale air. As I moved and sorted things, I did peek into the containers to see just what was in there. The question always came to mind, do I keep this or throw it away? I have to say I didn't find much I wanted to throw away. And I try to temper that with the thought that I could donate it to Good Will or some other store. I realize that Good Will makes a profit off of everything I give them, that it isn't a charity at all, but a business. Still, I feel like maybe I am helping someone else out they could at least get a bargain. 
  I do have a lot of tools and things that I most likely will never use again. My days of being the "handyman" are coming to an end. I don't work on the car like I used to, I don't repair plumbing, electrical or do dry wall. Yes, I have a lot of equipment. Some of that equipment is dated, old stuff, old technology, that maybe a collector of that stuff may be interested in. Thing is, it is still new to me. I have a set of files for use on points, feeler gauges and a brake spoon. I have the pliers necessary for doing drum style brakes. Hand tools that will still do the job, but few would use. A brace and bit, a jack plane, hand saws and hacksaws. You never know what you might need. I've been collecting "metric" tools for a while. I'm finding my standard tools are becoming somewhat outdated. I still haven't made the connection in my mind that a 1/2 inch nut, which I can readily identify, is the same as 13MM. My mind was programmed using the fractional system, the American way. My operating system is becoming outdated! One day it will get a reboot, what we call dying. LOL. That's the way I'm thinking of that anyway. 
 We call it downsizing but it is really discarding. Assigning a value to every object can be a difficult process. Often it isn't the object itself but whatever memories are attached to it that is being decided upon. Some of those tools belonged to my father, ordinary looking wrenches or whatever, but I know. I can't throw them out or give them away. I don't want to part with the memory. Maybe I'll get old enough one day that I just don't remember. I hope that isn't the case, but it may come as a blessing as well. Are you willing to part with your memories? I'm not. And that is why we accumulate all this stuff. 
 I posted on FB yesterday joking about this topic. I said how my wife said she needed to tidy up the place, get rid of some of this junk. I told her it isn't junk, it's decor! That's the way it really is too, at least in our minds. One man's junk and all that. I think of that stuff as visual aids. Worked well when we were in kindergarten, and they work well today. And a lot cheaper than Prevergen! Each object has an identity, a memory attached to it. It is only the strength of the memory that retains the object, keeps it from being lost, discarded and forgotten. Just as we all don't want to be forgotten, so too those objects. Why it's a moral obligation to keep that stuff! I can't just forget about it! I'll put it in a tote in the attic. The attic is where memories live.       

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Imagining the past

 I started the process of digitizing my old VCR tapes. I had thought to combine them into a show. I've discovered however that it will be quite difficult to do that in any meaningful way. What I mean is, still photographs are much easier to combine into a slide show. My thinking is that is simply because, as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Each picture engages our mind, while moving ones are simply viewed without thought. I've also discovered the truth behind home movies, they do quickly become boring, even when you are watching your own grandchildren.
 I will still digitize all those tapes for safe keeping and in the hopes future generation will be able to view them. They are alright if watched once every few years or so. Any sooner and they might as well be in five-dollar video bin at the Walmart. Those bins are also the place old books go to die. I'm thinking now I will simply copy those tapes, as is, without any editing and place them on flash drives. I have purchased a video editing software program thinking I could use that for this project. Turns out I won't need it for this but I'm certain I can make use of it for other projects. I'm not interested in making movies though, I'll leave that to those far more talented than I.
 It's funny really. The pictures I treasure the most are mostly in black and white. Those are the sentimental ones handed down to me from past generations. There are a precious few that I remember taking myself. Now color photography has been around since before the Civil War but wasn't common, mainstream stuff until the early sixties. It was available, but expensive to the average person. I have one picture in particular taken of my sister using the Polaroid Swinger camera. But I do have many taken after that in color. Today we take pictures with such frequency that little isn't recorded. I don't have a single picture of a meal my mother made. I have lots of pictures of cakes, cookies, main courses, and all manner of food. Enough to make an album just using them! 
 I thought having videos would be the best thing ever. It isn't that I don't enjoy them, but they aren't nearly what I thought they might be. I've found they just don't hold your interest as long as a single photograph may. When sharing photographs with others you get to tell the story, offer an explanation. You have to search the background of the photograph to find the clues. Perhaps it is obvious, a young you in front of a birthday cake. In others a description is required. 
 I'm thinking that it must have been wonderful back in the old days when events and people were painted/photographed with others' memories. When the stories told were the only connection to the past. Then man began to draw pictures, to leave a record of what they had seen or done. Language was developed to tell the tales. Today every nuance is captured, every image, every word or sound. Still, it is the imagination that entertains us all. It is a lack of imagination that creates boredom. I find myself wondering, imagining, what the occasion and the thoughts were when a picture was taken. When those that were there are no longer here, that can be difficult. Sometimes it is difficult when you were there! 
 I have this picture of myself and a childhood friend. The picture was taken in 1954, July the Twentieth 1954 to be exact. You see, we share a common birthday, and the picture commemorates our first birthday. I don't remember that firsthand but know the story. Yes, it was taken in black and white with the Brownie box camera I remember from my youth. It was a special occasion. You know we all remember the past as we imagined it to be, pictures provide the proof. Perception and Imagination can be the same thing. 


                               Barry Collum on the left, Little Ben Reichart on the right. 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Progressive Discipline

  Just heard a new term from the Deputy Mayor of Baltimore. Progressive Discipline. That's where you are told you are wrong but are not punished for that. The promise is that we will not give up on you. No matter how manty times you break the law you will not be punished you will be given another chance. That's progressive. Just because you messed up that doesn't mean you should suffer any consequence. You will be told of your error and given another chance. This is just one of the policies coming from the "squeegee collaborative" to address the problem of the squeegee workers in Baltimore.
 Another interesting thing came from that group. I'm calling it conditional constitutionality. For years the mayor of Baltimore has insisted that the squeegee workers have a constitutional right to be on those street corners. Nothing could be done to prevent them and existing laws prohibiting that practice were unconstitutional. But now the "squeegee collaborative" has determined that they can be prohibited from some corners, but not from others. It's all conditional. The constitution applies here, but not there. Yup, pretty progressive I would say. It was also explained that those laws were targeting black workers because the squeegee workers are all black people. So, the law shouldn't apply to black folks, it's just discriminatory. Another interesting interpretation of the law.
 Now the heart of the plan to get the kids off the corners is to simply pay them not to be there. A guaranteed income of at least three hundred and seventy-five dollars a month in exchange for a promise to stay off the street. But, if you are caught still squeegeeing you won't lose that income, you will just be told to stop! That's progressive discipline. The mayor says they are calling this program, earn to learn or learn to earn, something like that. These kids will be provided with training and a mentor. No mention of what training will be given though, or who the mentors will be. No mention of how any of this will actually be administrated. Just a cost of maybe 5 million dollars, well more or less, that's not a firm figure. No mention of where the money is coming from, maybe grants or something. 
 It must be remembered that there is no data base of who exactly are the squeegee kids. Who qualifies for this program? I guess any black child that makes claim to being a squeegee kid. Remember there are no white kids doing this, all the white kids in Balitmore are privileged and not being forced to squeegee to stay alive. How long can a squeegee worker remain in the guaranteed income program? They can for a year. They do have to participate in a work training program. After a year these squeegee workers will be fully trained and ready to join the workforce. 
 Yes, progressive discipline. If you are a thug on the street corner threatening motorists that refuse to pay you to squeegee your windows this is how you get punished. It took one motorist being shot to death by one of these squeegee workers to get it done but the program takes effect Jan 6, 2023. The message is clear. Break the law often enough, create chaos, unrest and disrupt the citizens of the city enough and you will get appeased. It's progressive. Last year the city was going to build a dirt bike facility because of all the illegal dirt bikes on the streets of Baltimore weaving in and out of traffic. They haven't killed anyone yet, so they'll have to wait some more for a facility. 
 The squeegee kids have managed to extort the city of Baltimore. That's what it is called when the mob demands payment for protection against them. The squeegee kids openly threatened the city saying if you remove us from the corners we will start robbing and killing. Yes, that was the statement, and that was followed by the threat that they were armed. Just three days ago a squeegee worker was detained and found to be carrying an illegal handgun. But we are now going to pay them not to do that, peace will return to the city, progressive discipline will correct all this social injustice.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

A reboot?

 I've listened to the story a couple times and I'm still not certain I understand it. The discussion is about a controversial procedure for the harvesting of human organs for transplanting. From what I understand it revolves around at what point those organs can be taken. One doctor says the patient has already been declared dead, and another says something a bit different. Is being brain dead, dead? That seems to be the question at hand. If that is the case, then the first doctor is correct in his statement but what if the organs are still functioning? In this procedure when the patient is declared brain dead the arteries/veins in your neck that supply the brain are clamped off. Then, as it was explained in this story the organs are "restarted" artificially. The science says those organs are much better for transplanting than the old method. The question then is, are they being taken from a living body? From what I understand in the old method the physicians had to wait a minimum of thirty minutes before harvesting. Well, that's what I got from the story anyway. Sounds like another moral and ethical question to me. 
 I am an organ donor. I have that on my driver's license and in my medical records. If there are any serviceable parts left after my passing, you are welcome to them. Thing is, I want you to be absolutely certain I'm gone, forever, no possibility of return. I don't think I want you clamping off my brain, whatever little I may have left of that, while circulating my warm blood through the rest of my body. Maybe that blood would revive me! It can't help where it can't go! 
 Now we all say we wouldn't want to be hooked up to life support kept alive by machines. We don't want to be a financial burden to our family, we want peace for our loved ones, etc., etc. I've said all of that myself. I get it. At the same time, I also don't want my medical team too anxious for the harvest. I'm thinking a patient, cautious approach would be best. I'm thinking, let my body at least be cold. If I'm in a coma or something I'm not certain whether I would know that or not. I've heard of people waking up after years! It just seems like clamping off my brain removes all possibilities. I'm not certain why they feel the need to do that, I didn't hear an explanation for that necessity.
 Science and medicine are in a constant state of flux with morality and ethics. Doctors' take an oath to do no harm. " Primum Non Nocere " Latin for, first do no harm. There has discussion about changing that oath by some. Consider giving someone a lethal injection or assisting in a suicide. Are those actions doing harm? Well, it all depends now, doesn't it? Some say physician assisted suicide is actually a mercy, a professional procedure. Others say, just providing the "medicine" is the same as actually performing the procedure and still others say, it is simply wrong. I'm in the latter group. I do not believe any physician should help anyone die. I believe it is unethical for any doctor to perform an abortion unless it is to save a life, it shouldn't never to be to take one! I fail to see how ethicists justify that. Roe V Wade was legislation that said the Constitution guaranteed you the right to an abortion. Of course, that ruling has been overturned. I don't believe the Constitution gave you any such right! Ask any constitutional scholar where the word abortion appears in the constitution. It doesn't. Ask that same scholar where privacy is guaranteed in the constitution? It isn't. You have to read between the lines to find anything about any of that. Ask a doctor performing abortions, on otherwise perfectly healthy women, what the purpose of the procedure is. Is it ethical?
 Like I said I'm not certain I understand this new proposal about harvesting human organs for transplanting. My first impression is, no, I don't think so. It seems like a rush to judgement to me. I'm thinking, wait a bit. As the old timers would say, you can at least wait until he's cold! It's respecting life. That's my thought on this. Let's just wait, no jump-starting organs without attempting to jump start the brain as well. You know a car won't start without the ignition switch turned on. In modern automobiles you need that computer, same with people.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Prophecy or fact?

 This morning I woke up to hear the local results of the election. No red wave here in Maryland, barely a splash. I'm not disputing the results just disgusted by them. Apparently, the electorate is morally bankrupt. I can see it no other way. The big questions were all based in morality, with a few exceptions. The Democrats with all their false promises have won again. All I can do is wait for the next election and cast my ballot once again. Currently the state of Maryland has a budget surplus, I expect that will not be the case in the future. A Democratic governor will surely spend that money as fast as he can. The comptroller is also a Democrat. The big accomplishment there is that the comptroller is a woman. Yes, that was her primary qualification for that position, first woman to be comptroller. I listened to her speak and that was usually her line of reasoning, "it's time." I hear that from a lot of candidates. It's time to elect, (fill in the blank) because we never had one of those before. Of course, we must also remember that everyone is the same, everyone is equal, no one is different. Just elect me because I am different from whatever you had before.   
 I have yet to hear about the election on a national level. I'm a bit nervous to hear about it given what I've already learned about Maryland. Is the entire country morally bankrupt? As much as I hate to think about that, to accept that, I understand that it is a possibility. Has Biden destroyed enough that many are willing to just grasp at any straw? A sense of desperation? It's the only way I can believe that people would vote for the Democrats. Heck we are already going broke might as well grab everything we can right now. Let's pad our pockets, get every benefit that we possibly can. Promises and "entitlements" can still secure a political office, that much is apparent. We will simply allow everything to proceed as it is until it gets bad enough that we can seize control! That's seems to be the playbook of the Democrats. Give the people enough rope and they will hang themselves! It's working too. 
 Well, the people have spoken, and I've heard what they had to say. I don't like it. I'm disappointed and disgusted. I'll keep on voting, keep on talking, keep on trying to get others to see the truth of the matter. "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." (Alexander Tyler) "
 The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these Nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;

2. From spiritual faith to great courage;

3. From courage to liberty;

4. From liberty to abundance;

5. From abundance to complacency;

6. From complacency to apathy;

7. From apathy to dependence;

8. From dependence back into bondage "

Also Alexander Tyler.  

Written in 1787 I'd say it is pretty darn accurate. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Today, we speak

 Today is the big day. Be sure to get out and vote for your candidate. You had also better be prepared for the results. No matter which way the pendulum swings there will be pushback. I'm not so dramatic as to predict this could be the end of democracy, that the republic will fall. It will certainly change how the presidential election is campaigned. It is as much about the fitness of Biden to be president as it is about the house and senate. I think it's obvious that Biden could not and should not serve another term. That leaves the question of just who would the Democrats have to offer? You have to remember that decision will be based solely on the electability of the individual. It sure wouldn't be Kamala Harris who has shown herself to be a disaster. Yes, she was the first women vice president and checked the boxes on ethnicity, several of those boxes in fact. It really depended upon who was asking. Conversely who does the Republicans have to offer? Disantis, Hogan, Ted Cruz? I don't know about that. A great deal will depend upon what is voted on today. 
 Today America will speak! Will it be a vote for more conservative views, a more conservative approach to government. Will it be for a more long-term approach to the issues at hand? Will it be a vote for the common good? That's what the Republicans are offering. The Democrats are going for more of a knee jerk reaction to the problem. Their interest lies in satisfying the electorates immediate wants, not necessarily their needs. Just continue to throw money at the problem, just continue a campaign of appeasement. That is the playbook of the Democrats. Release the criminals, hold no one accountable, provide "free" everything under the guise of compassion and caring to wrest complete control. Control the money, the health care and housing of the population, and you will control that population. The short-term appeasement of the population to retain power is the goal. 
 Today will be a statement on the moral compass on the nation. I truly believe that. Morals; morality; compels us to do the right thing. Look at the questions being asked today. Term limits are near the top of the list. The people are starting to wake up realizing that politician shouldn't be a career choice, rather engaging in politics should be a sacrifice on your part for the betterment of the nation. A civic obligation to serve if you are able to do so. That was the role of our representatives envisioned by the founding fathers. Those that wrote the Constitution never intended for those representatives to remain in office for life! For them, to serve, to be chosen by the neighbors and colleagues was an honor. They did feel an obligation to make the best possible choices for the people that had given them that honor. They felt no obligation to get themselves reelected! No, that wasn't the goal. 
 Crime and the punishment of criminals is another moral issue to be decided upon. The criminal justice system exists to impose penalties upon those that refuse to obey the law. Just as a parent should discipline their children for their misdeeds, so too the government. Spare the rod and spoil the children is a biblical proverb. The actual verse is worded differently but the meaning is the same. Words without action accomplish nothing. For too long, we as a nation have spoiled our children. It's time to change that. It's time to say, no. It's time for action, the application of consequence must be swift and sure. That is on the ballot today as well.
 Today we all need to vote for what is best for the nation. That is what is being questioned at this point. Set aside all the talk, the finger pointing and name calling. What will be best for all Americans? Can it be solved by increased taxes and spending? Will crime decrease by the removal of criminal penalties? If we simply ignore the law altogether? Is our moral code to become, nothing is immoral? Is abortion, strictly as a means of birth control really morally, correct? Set aside all the other possible circumstances leading to that pregnancy, is aborting a baby simply because, you aren't ready, or I don't want to, justification enough for terminating a life? And yes, it is a life regardless. That's what pregnancy is! Not difficult to understand.
 Yes, today America will speak to its' moral compass. That is what is truly at stake. It is a pivotal moment in the history of this nation. I believe historians will look back on this time and attempt to explain the motivations, emotions and reasoning behind the choices made. As with all history it will not be evident immediately to those us participating in that history. We all view this time with bias. Remember there was a time when the Democratic party fully supported slavery and did so openly! To those participating they were convinced there was nothing wrong with that. The Republican party was formed from the old Whig party in opposition to the spread of slavery to the western provinces. The Republicans voiced their moral opposition to this institution. It's interesting to note that the Republicans didn't say their intent was to abolish that altogether, just not allow it to spread any further. That stance was to appease those that held slaves currently, an attempt to gain their support. It could be a financial advantage for the slave owners if it wasn't allowed to spread, that was certainly discussed in the back rooms. By 1854 it was becoming obvious that slavery as an institution was losing its' profitability. With the advent of modern machinery and methods the labor required was being reduced. Also, the cost of obtaining/retaining that labor pool was getting costly as well. The civil war just expedited the end to that institution. That wasn't the initial purpose of the war but that was the result. We still talk about all of that to this very day. Today will not be that momentous in my opinion but will prove to be a turning point. Time will tell. Speak up, get out there to the polls. What will you choose? Is this for you or for the nation? What is the moral choice?