Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 I find myself questioning. Is it sheer luck, good decisions or fate? I seem to have made it this far in life without significant trauma, drama or injustice perpetrated against me. I also don't feel like I've reached hero status for having served in the Navy. As I listen to those on the news and social media list their litanies of challenges and circumstances, I am left wondering. How have I managed to escape all of that? Shouldn't I be hollering, me too! There are hundreds of advertisements on television every day trying to convince me of just that very thing. How many class action lawsuits should I add my name too, how many injustices have I survived; I have had my entitlements withheld! Despite of all that I remain unchanged. I'm just not feeling that.
 I'm thinking this all ties in with the emotional cripples I was talking about yesterday. It's a change in attitude for sure. I'm still in the camp of collecting welfare or being on unemployment is shameful. It isn't anything I would advertise. I don't believe in begging for help every time I am challenged with anything. I'll figure something out. But it seems to be working as those crying and complaining are getting their demands met. All the "free" stuff being passed out to appease the electorate! That's the way I see that. Those in power retaining that power in that fashion. It doesn't matter what political party it is; both are equally as eager to participate in that. 
 All of that is being justified by the suggesting of superior virtues. Virtue signaling is of primary importance these days. Mommy understands, it's alright. That's the way I see that whole scenario. Used to be different. Used to be, you know better! Used to be, you made your bed, now lie in it! Used to be, this hurts me more than it does you! Now, I'm hurting for you, I'm so sorry for you, you deserve so much more. In my experience in life, you get pretty much get what you earn! Yes, sometimes you are disappointed in that, but the truth is, it's your fault, it was your choice, your decisions that landed you were you are. Equal opportunity isn't a guarantee of equal results!
 Want to know we are having so many issues with the young people. Why is our youth acting out? Is it because they are so deprived of education and opportunity? Or is it because they are being raised to believe they were born victims? They are being raised with that proverbial chip on their shoulder. An entire race of Americans is being taught that the government is systemically opposed to them. Other American children being taught they are responsible for what took place a hundred or two hundred years ago, that they are the problem. Our children are being taught to simply accept whatever ideology or fantasy is being practiced by others without question. Yeah, that in itself is causing lots of confusion! They can't tell reality from fantasy! 
 I'm certainly glad I was raised in a time when things were clear. This is what was expected. You were responsible for your actions. You made a choice and were expected to stand by that. If your choice was wrong, you were told it was wrong and you paid the price for that. You were due only what you earned, everything else was charity. The objective in life was to be able to extend charity to others, not receive it! The acceptance of charity was a means of last resort. It certainly wasn't anything to be proud of, or to be demanded. It wasn't an expectation, it was exactly what it was supposed to be, a gift. Those extending that gift also didn't advertise they were doing so. It was called Dignity and self-respect. Let's begin teaching that. 

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