Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Today, we speak

 Today is the big day. Be sure to get out and vote for your candidate. You had also better be prepared for the results. No matter which way the pendulum swings there will be pushback. I'm not so dramatic as to predict this could be the end of democracy, that the republic will fall. It will certainly change how the presidential election is campaigned. It is as much about the fitness of Biden to be president as it is about the house and senate. I think it's obvious that Biden could not and should not serve another term. That leaves the question of just who would the Democrats have to offer? You have to remember that decision will be based solely on the electability of the individual. It sure wouldn't be Kamala Harris who has shown herself to be a disaster. Yes, she was the first women vice president and checked the boxes on ethnicity, several of those boxes in fact. It really depended upon who was asking. Conversely who does the Republicans have to offer? Disantis, Hogan, Ted Cruz? I don't know about that. A great deal will depend upon what is voted on today. 
 Today America will speak! Will it be a vote for more conservative views, a more conservative approach to government. Will it be for a more long-term approach to the issues at hand? Will it be a vote for the common good? That's what the Republicans are offering. The Democrats are going for more of a knee jerk reaction to the problem. Their interest lies in satisfying the electorates immediate wants, not necessarily their needs. Just continue to throw money at the problem, just continue a campaign of appeasement. That is the playbook of the Democrats. Release the criminals, hold no one accountable, provide "free" everything under the guise of compassion and caring to wrest complete control. Control the money, the health care and housing of the population, and you will control that population. The short-term appeasement of the population to retain power is the goal. 
 Today will be a statement on the moral compass on the nation. I truly believe that. Morals; morality; compels us to do the right thing. Look at the questions being asked today. Term limits are near the top of the list. The people are starting to wake up realizing that politician shouldn't be a career choice, rather engaging in politics should be a sacrifice on your part for the betterment of the nation. A civic obligation to serve if you are able to do so. That was the role of our representatives envisioned by the founding fathers. Those that wrote the Constitution never intended for those representatives to remain in office for life! For them, to serve, to be chosen by the neighbors and colleagues was an honor. They did feel an obligation to make the best possible choices for the people that had given them that honor. They felt no obligation to get themselves reelected! No, that wasn't the goal. 
 Crime and the punishment of criminals is another moral issue to be decided upon. The criminal justice system exists to impose penalties upon those that refuse to obey the law. Just as a parent should discipline their children for their misdeeds, so too the government. Spare the rod and spoil the children is a biblical proverb. The actual verse is worded differently but the meaning is the same. Words without action accomplish nothing. For too long, we as a nation have spoiled our children. It's time to change that. It's time to say, no. It's time for action, the application of consequence must be swift and sure. That is on the ballot today as well.
 Today we all need to vote for what is best for the nation. That is what is being questioned at this point. Set aside all the talk, the finger pointing and name calling. What will be best for all Americans? Can it be solved by increased taxes and spending? Will crime decrease by the removal of criminal penalties? If we simply ignore the law altogether? Is our moral code to become, nothing is immoral? Is abortion, strictly as a means of birth control really morally, correct? Set aside all the other possible circumstances leading to that pregnancy, is aborting a baby simply because, you aren't ready, or I don't want to, justification enough for terminating a life? And yes, it is a life regardless. That's what pregnancy is! Not difficult to understand.
 Yes, today America will speak to its' moral compass. That is what is truly at stake. It is a pivotal moment in the history of this nation. I believe historians will look back on this time and attempt to explain the motivations, emotions and reasoning behind the choices made. As with all history it will not be evident immediately to those us participating in that history. We all view this time with bias. Remember there was a time when the Democratic party fully supported slavery and did so openly! To those participating they were convinced there was nothing wrong with that. The Republican party was formed from the old Whig party in opposition to the spread of slavery to the western provinces. The Republicans voiced their moral opposition to this institution. It's interesting to note that the Republicans didn't say their intent was to abolish that altogether, just not allow it to spread any further. That stance was to appease those that held slaves currently, an attempt to gain their support. It could be a financial advantage for the slave owners if it wasn't allowed to spread, that was certainly discussed in the back rooms. By 1854 it was becoming obvious that slavery as an institution was losing its' profitability. With the advent of modern machinery and methods the labor required was being reduced. Also, the cost of obtaining/retaining that labor pool was getting costly as well. The civil war just expedited the end to that institution. That wasn't the initial purpose of the war but that was the result. We still talk about all of that to this very day. Today will not be that momentous in my opinion but will prove to be a turning point. Time will tell. Speak up, get out there to the polls. What will you choose? Is this for you or for the nation? What is the moral choice?         

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