Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 Soon we can start the arguments about the Pilgrims, the Indians and that whole deal. It's really not a difficult a thing to understand. The Pilgrims were pretty ignorant about surviving in the "new" world and the Indians had been here for thousands of years. Each group had something the other group wanted. Not hard to figure out. Each group thought they held the upper hand. In the beginning, with just the pilgrims, the Indians had the advantage, no doubt about that. But they were divided into many factions, some interested in "helping;" for their own benefit of course; and other groups basically saying, "we need to nip this in the bud" these white people are bad medicine. Not a whole lot different from the political climate of today when you think about it. Those damn migrants! With only Squanto, an escaped slave to translate, things were dicey to say the least. But the Pilgrims built their fort and attempted to settle the land. A feast was had, the first thanksgiving as we have come to call it. The chance to nip this in the bud was lost forever.
 Historians say the Indians had been there for 10,000 years by the time the pilgrims arrived. It wasn't a country; it was a continent. A continent occupied by a large variety of cultures. Empires had grown and empires had disappeared. Individual tribes controlled certain areas. Those areas were broadly defined and defended. The entire continent was seen as a vast wilderness by the Europeans. It was compared to Europe. No castles, no roads, no Kingdoms, no nothing. Just a bunch of savages living off the land. Surely deals could be made with those folks and indeed there were. But deals were broken, promises not honored, and conflict arose.  
 And so, just like today, in the end violence was used. It has always been that way. It will always be that way as long as there are human beings. It doesn't make a bit of difference what race, creed, or religion is followed; the last resort is always violence. As kids we saw the cartoons about cave men hitting their women over the head with a club, the caveman getting what he wanted. Same thing today, only with nuclear missiles. Could the Indians have defeated the Europeans militarily? Only in the very beginning. No doubt the Europeans had the superior weapons. The Indians had the tactics, the knowledge of the land, and could be patient. But those pesky Europeans just kept coming, by the time all the Indians agreed, it was too late. Not unlike our Congress today.
 Today once again we are being divided into "tribes" each defending their portion. Each faction taking what they want, by force if necessary. That force may be the courts (tribal council) maybe by simply ignoring the law altogether or by violent protest. Each faction is now laying out their case. They should get this or that because, all the way back to the beginning. It needs to be remembered those tribes controlled their respective areas in one way, by force. Yes, they were prejudicial, racist, war mongering peoples! They were not a united force! America was formed by a united force. It's the only way we will keep it too. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. (George Santanya) The Indians lost an entire continent; we should learn from that lesson. After all, we taught that lesson! It's a "new" world. We had best learn to unite or we will be conquered once again. The "great white father" will have the same attitude as he always does. The strongest will get what they want, by force if necessary.   

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