Monday, November 7, 2022

The proof

 Heard on the news this morning that Russia is spreading disinformation. Once again Russia is attempting to influence our elections. Purportedly Russia isn't happy with the United States supplying Ukraine with weapons and supplies. I'm sure glad we have such insightful newscasters to explain that to me. I would never have thought about that. The Russians are attacking the left once again! Man, Putin sure doesn't like the Democrats. All this "free speech" needs to be throttled. Only those agreeing with the left and supporting their agenda should be allowed to spread misinformation. Oh, that's right, spread alternative facts is what I meant. Well, because there are alternative facts. I also heard that Elon Muck blocked Kathy Griffin from her Twitter account. The left is really upset by that. Turns out what is good for the goose isn't so great for the gander. Or in this case, vice-versa. 
 According to the experts about 225 billion dollars was spent on advertising in 2020. What is the purpose of advertising? To influence your decision is the answer. Guess influencing others isn't a terrible thing after all. I mean, all advertising is a matter of opinion when it comes down to it. My shoes are better than your shoes. Celebrity endorsements are intended to influence. In the last ten years or so Social Media Influencers have taken center stage, followed by millions of people. Their job is to influence people. So just how do we decide who can influence whom? Should all foreigners be denied? Or are just going to deny the influencers we don't agree with? Problem with that being; who decides on that? 
 Banning books and banning speech is an attempt to stifle influences. If you can't read it or hear it, you won't be swayed. That is the only way to really stop influencers. The founding fathers were well aware of that and that is the reason freedom of speech was integral to the formation of the republic. That is why we have the first amendment! The Magna Carta could be said to be the first "amendments" and King John was forced to sign that document in 1215. Its purpose was to limit the power of the King. The Bill of Rights, those first ten amendments were added to the Constitution for the same purpose, to limit the power of the central government. We the people could not be told to shut up or not write whatever we wanted in regard to politics, government or our lives in general! The free exercise of religion was included in all of that as well, for the obvious reason. Epictetus said it best when he wrote, " All religions must be tolerated for every man must get to heaven in his own way" The only influence there should come from God, not from the state. 
 I enjoy reading and listening to others discussing various topics. I don't always agree with what I read or hear. No surprise there. Does that influence me? Of course, it does. I draw conclusions, make judgements based on that. My actions are influenced. I think that perhaps the hardest thing for us all to learn is to base our choices on actions, not on talk. What I mean there is, we really should adhere to the old adage, the proof is in the pudding. Regardless of what is written, spoken or implied, the action is the proof. 
 "I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office. " (Andrew Jackson) The proof is in front of you. Are you willing to barter the first amendment to place your candidate in office? I don't care what political affiliation you wish to claim, that is the choice before you tomorrow. The promise of Office? Is that more important than the promise made to the people? 

Article One, Section one, US Constitution. "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." That is to say in, we the people. Do not allow your freedom to be bartered for your candidate.  

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