Saturday, November 26, 2022

being special

 This year I seem to be in a rush. I have no explanation for it. I'm not one to start celebrating early. in fact, I often talk about just that. I'm always saying how if you want something to be special, it can't be often. It's that way with everything. Sunday used to be special when I was a younger man. It did only come once a week after all. What made it special was getting dressed for church and stores being closed. Ironically both could be an annoyance, a bother. and an inconvenience. Today I do neither and Sunday has become just another day. Like all things special however, you can't schedule that. I recall when orange juice was something special. You had to be up early and catch the milk man, he had some for sale in his truck. It was a treat, something special when Mom did that. It was before frozen concentrate was readily available. It was special to go to a movie, in the theatre. Decorating for the holidays, that was special. That was especially true for Christmas. 
 In years past, you know the old days, we really didn't have many lavish decorations for all the other holidays. There were no lights for Halloween, Easter, or St. Patrick's day. Oh, the Easter bunny would make an appearance, some shamrocks, maybe a Leprechaun or two, that sort of thing but nothing like Christmas. Christmas was a very special holiday, the most important one in fact. Then, slowly over the years it began to be commercialized a bit more. The religious significance fading into the background. Good Friday in competition with Black Friday! I'm thinking more children today would know when Black Friday and Cyber Monday are than good Friday. I'm certain Amazon means something a lot different to them than when I was a child. The holiday being special means a totally different thing, special sales. Something to be excited about. What can I get? 
 This morning the thought came to me that I am getting caught up in all of this a bit. The majority of my Christmas gifts have been purchased. I've already put up a bit greenery, it was a gift, so I'll excuse that, but I have also put up a few decorations. I was busy making some crafty things for Christmas and so want to display them. Thinking about getting the Christmas tree today as well. It would certainly be the earliest I have ever done that. I am getting excited. This year I have a feeling it is going to be special in some way, I have a sense of urgency. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, I'm not thinking that. Anticipation is often better than the reality. But for Christmas I am thinking it is the gift we know we were given that makes the holiday so special. It isn't about what we are going to get, it is about what we already have, if we accept it. 
 When I was a young man going to St. Lukes Episcopal church, I was in the Jr. Choir and later served as an acolyte. I have a Bible presented to me my Reverend Samuel Davis, Rector of that church. It was given for five years of perfect attendance in the Jr. Choir. That included every Saturday practice as well! And it was in the days when there were no excuses or exceptions, you were either present or not. Every year we had a birthday party for Jesus in the parish hall. There was a Christmas tree and presents for all under that tree. It was a party; a birthday party complete with cake and ice cream. Yes, Santa Claus made an appearance and handed out the gifts. Those were special times although I didn't know it then. Decorating the church was another special time, everything had to be just right. And on Christmas eve we had a service, and everyone left with a lighted candle. The objective being to get that light into your home, the light of what was to come. Yes, it was all special.        

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