Friday, November 4, 2022


 Pushing the baby from the nest. We've all heard of that and how it is a necessity. A life lesson to allow your children freedom to fly. It's something all parents struggle with. We don't want to see our child hurt. At the same time, we know that we have to allow them to make those mistakes. The majority of parents will release that control gradually as their child demonstrate trustworthiness and sound judgement. Freedom is earned, not granted. Parents know that once that control is relinquished it cannot be regained. It's like pushing that baby bird from the nest, either it flies or flops!
 It is a generational thing. It extends from the immediate family to the town, state and country. Each generation of voters embracing different ideals of "raising" their children. We call it progress and hail that progress with each new piece of legislation. That legislation is really a shift in what is considered moral, ethical and/or acceptable in the society. Different pieces added and removed as the years and generations pass. We can all agree on certain measures, certain changes, and that they were necessary and correct. Many changes concern basic human rights. We all agree on that. What we disagree upon is the limit to those human rights! Abortion is the prime example of that. Do you have a right to terminate a life? Some will say yes, absolutely you can justify that action, while others will firmly disagree. Consider affirmative action. Is it really fair to be prejudicial in programs based upon gender or race? Forced to hire/include/appoint or whatever a set number of individuals based on their gender or race? Seems fair if you are one of that group, but not if you don't get that position because of your gender or race. 
 As a senior citizen I often hear that I shouldn't have anything more to say. My time has passed, and my generation is the one that screwed everything up. The kids want their freedom! As a senior citizen I am hesitant to relinquish that. Yes, the kids have grown up some, gotten older, but they still have a lot to learn. That's how my generation feels. Well at least the ones that haven't made big profits off of allowing the kids to just run wild. Yeah, there are parents like that too, just let the kids do whatever they want and bail them out of trouble later. The only problem with that method being, sometimes it is just too late. 
 I am a baby boomer, that's the generation I belong to. This voting cycle it is expected that the millennials will be the group that casts the most votes. This will be the first time for that demographic. We baby boomers are losing that voice, that control. It's a difficult pill to swallow. It's that same feeling parents have when letting their children go to their first sleep over or unsupervised date. It's a feeling of letting go. Are they ready? I don't think so! And I think every generation has said the same thing since the beginning of time. It doesn't make it any easier though. Well, I've done all I can I suppose. There comes a day when you have to let it go. I'll be casting my vote for my idea of moral, ethical and socially acceptable behaviors, choosing my representative based on that. Seems like the ones I am likely to vote for are being called "extreme" in many ways. Yeah, I felt that way when Mom said I had to wear a coat because it was cold outside. I felt that way when I was told I had to be home by nine o'clock! I felt that way when I was in the service and was told I had to be on-time, every time, no exceptions, no excuses, even one minute late would result in punishment! Yeah, I've had no said to me, and I've had to say no. It's really hard to just let someone else decide. The country is in the hands of the millennials! OMG They'll come a day when they understand just what I'm saying here. I pray it isn't too late.      

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