Saturday, November 5, 2022


  It's amazing and disgusting. In the ongoing battle of the Squeegee kids in the City of Baltimore it appears that the kids are winning. Baltimore is a Democratically controlled city and has all the issues that come with that, just like every other major city in America controlled by the Democrats. But for this problem with the squeegee kids a "collaborative" was established to study the issue. Now, just prior to the election some recommendations from that collaborative were leaked to the news. Specifically, to WBAL, the station in Baltimore that supports the left. The full plan will not be discussed or released to the public until after the election! Yes, very conveniently the voters won't know all the details. That's important to know because here is what has been leaked. 
 First, it has been reported that the squeegee kids will be self-regulating. Yes, these kids will establish a code of conduct. Specific areas will be designated for the squeegee workers. But, in the most amazing concession of all, and understand this, this plan is a concession to the squeegee kids, it borders on extortion in fact, these workers will be guaranteed an income. Yes, a guaranteed monthly income. That income will be guaranteed as long as they DON'T squeegee. Yes, you read that correctly. These kids will be paid to not do a thing. Basically, the plan is to pay the kids to stay off the street corners and not coerce, threaten and intimidate motorists! Yes, that's the plan as we know it so far. Will that plan include medical benefits, paid vacations and a retirement plan? Won't know about that until after the election is held.
 A new city states attorney will take office. Ivan Bates is his name. He is a Democrat but holds different views (for now) regarding the squeegee kids. The current Mayor insists these kids have a constitutional right to be on the street corners because they are panhandling, and panhandling is protected. Ivan Bates cites two laws on the books in the City of Baltimore that prohibit these squeegee kids. He is saying he will enforce the law! It's rather amusing to watch as these two, the mayor and Ivan Bates, both black Democrats oppose each other. The mayor insists they are not at odds with one another, he's on the news saying quit trying to make it look like two black men are fighting one another. Yes, those are his words. Ivan, for his part says little about that just that he intends to enforce the law. He does add, it is up to the mayor and the police commissioner to arrest these criminals, all he can do is prosecute them. So, the door is open for debate about who is responsible for what.
 These squeegee kids, now called squeegee workers so as not to offend, are breaking the law. They have committed many acts of violence, in one instance killing a man! They have stolen money from many motorists by grabbing their phones and using a cash app. Just the other day a squeegee worker stole a man's wallet. They damage vehicles when people refuse to get their windows cleaned by breaking off the wipers or hitting the side mirrors and other acts of vandalism. Baltimore has been paying Police Officers overtime to watch these little thugs, but they are not allowed to do anything to them! And now the "collaborative" has apparently made a bargain with the city. Pay us and we will not commit crimes! These same kids were on the news saying, if you take us off the corners there will be more crime, more robberies. and you will be sorry! Yes, they were on the news threatening the Police Commissioner, the Mayors office and all the citizens of Baltimore. And this is the recommendations. Pay them! 
 Now I don't believe this will really happen. I'm thinking after the election results are in the story will change once again. No doubt the Republicans will somehow be blamed for the failure of this plan to come to fruition. The Democrats in office will make sure of that. They really wanted to do this, but they can't. The whole deal sounds like a lot of hot air to me. I'm praying that is truly the case anyway. If it isn't, if they are seriously going to pay criminals to stop committing crimes, submit to extortion, our republic is truly lost. And yes, it is extortion! By a bunch of squeegee kids. Paying for protection. I can't believe they are even saying this out loud in the first place. Desperate times I suppose. Promise anything to anybody. 

1 comment:

  1. for those of us who don't live near Baltimore, what in the world is a squeegee kid?
