Saturday, November 19, 2022

selling the product

 The biggest injustice to the citizens of America today is convincing them they are somehow broken, and they can buy the fix. That is what I think every time I see these commercials on television. You just name the problem; medical or mental and the "cure" is for sale. You may not know you have a problem. You may not be aware that you should feel differently than you do. You could be suffering needlessly! You have a problem!
There is that woman that walks around with a sad face emoji on a sign. She carries it in her purse after she takes the medication, it's in front of her face when she doesn't. When she adds this medication to all the other medication she is already taking, yes, this product is in addition to whatever she already takes, the sign goes in her purse. Just because that medication may have serious side effects, one being death, that doesn't get her down. She just goes shopping with her girlfriends. The narrative is really what? She is sad every day, depressed, and requires chemical intervention. She's broken. But she can buy the fix.
Are you tired? If you are a man, you probably need testosterone! Hey, and she'll like it too! That's because having sex is the most important thing in your life. Your quality of life is being impacted! Listen to the ads and you'll be convinced soon enough, you need something! Your age doesn't make any difference when it comes to that. We've all seen the commercials for the little blue pill and a variety of other products for men, you know to keep them active. The FDA just approved a drug for women too. It's like an epi-pen and puts her in the mood, on demand. That's for women with HSDD. Yes, that stands for hyposexual desire disorder. Well because if you don't have the desire that a disorder, that's a problem. Just one of a plethora of disorders you may not be aware of. Well because menopause can cause that too, pausing men I mean, so drugs to the rescue.
We need to legalize pot so we can all just relax. It's medicinal. So was alcohol during prohibition, you could get a prescription for it too. They aren't advertising any side effects from the use of that product though and I have to question why that is. I'm especially thinking about smoking that product. In 1966 the FDA demanded warning labels on cigarettes because of the possibility of side effects, mostly lung cancer and death. The FDA is currently looking into the "Vaping" epidemic for the same reason, yet inhaling pot doesn't seem to be a problem. The only problem is those of us that oppose the legalization. Well guess it is okay as long as you can only purchase an ounce or so at a time. You wouldn't go to the store twice in the same day or anything.
Yes, the narrative today is that you are somehow broken. Each and every one of us are broken. But we're survivors! No matter how broken you are you can survive with the help of big pharma and/or mental health treatments. Just because you believe you are something that you aren't is no reason for anyone else to point that out. I shouldn't notice that at all! A guy wearing a dress and heels should be as normal as a woman at a urinal. If I don't believe that I'm broken! I probably have some disorder. In fact, I went to Google in an attempt to get a number for that. How many disorders are there? You can't get that answer. The answer is, there are ones we don't even know about yet! There is a list from A to Z but it is incomplete. You're broken in some way, maybe even a new way. Get with the program and proclaim loudly and proudly, ME TOO !
And that is what I hear every day. Me too. I have this or that and should be included or excepted because I have that. Me too. I have suffered just as much if not more than you have. I can list more trauma, ill health, or issues than you can. I'm unique in the world because of all of that. I'm struggling but I'm surviving! Life is so hard. Well, that's what is being sold these days and many are buying! We are raising an entire generation to believe that. They are being raised with a laundry list of disorders and an even longer list of perceived entitlements. Me too, me too. A dependence. That is what is being sold. You need that! And don't think for a minute you don't! Don't be a denier! That's a disorder too. You could have ANOSOGNOSIA! That disorder is when you don't believe you have a physical, mental or behavioral problem. Don't worry it can be treated though, you can register as a Democrat.

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