Thursday, December 28, 2023

poking the bear

  There is an old saying about "poking the bear." It is something that isn't recommended. Yet that is exactly what the Biden administration is doing. It was reported that at least seventeen missiles were fired from Naval warships last evening. There were used to intercept other missiles and drones. Those missiles and drones being shot down were supplied by Iran to Hamas. There is no doubt about any of that, it is well known in intelligence circles. A very low-cost estimate to American taxpayers is a million dollars a missile. The cost of whatever materials, supplies and support I don't have any idea about. Certainly, the cost is in the millions of dollars a day. And all of this is being used to "poke the bear." The bear in this case being Iran. How long before Iran retaliates? Even if they only attack one ship at sea, launch a single nuclear strike against us or our allies it will be too much. War will be inevitable. For that reason, I don't believe we should "poke the bear" we need to simply knock that bear over the head. Remove the bear from the conversation! 
  But how are we to gain any support for that action when the same administration keeps driving an ever-larger wedge in the American people. The nation is being divided into political and cultural factions. Our southern border is being overrun and the response is to bus and fly the invaders across the country. Should we go to war how willing are those migrants going to be to defend our country when they won't stay and fight for their own. How many among those invaders are actually working for the enemy? We don't know, we have no clue about any of that. We have far more Americans on a watch list then these foreign invaders. What action is being taken to secure that border? Biden sends Blinken to talk to the president of Mexico. Where are the migrants coming from? Most aren't from Mexico but other Latin- American countries. Does anyone really think Mexico is going to do anything? I'm certain they are anxious to be rid of those folks. 
  This so-called migration is being funded by whom? Make no mistake about it, someone or some group is making money by funding all of this. Millions of people, poor, uneducated and starving to death aren't walking thousands of miles without support. Saw a group of migrants on television yesterday being led by a woman pushing a baby stroller, talking on her cell phone. Yeah, an arduous journey across very dangerous territory. But I'm told they are just seeking a better life, escaping injustice. The truth is they are being exploited by some group or cartel to their financial benefit. Those people are being promised what? 
  All the free stuff in America. And that promise is being backed by our President. It is being backed for political gain on his part. It's an attempt by the Democratic party to retain power. It isn't what is best for America, it is what is best for the Democrats retaining power. Also, the reason Biden is willing to poke the bear just a little bit, can always apologize later and send them some aid packages. And Ukraine, pay no attention to that anymore, like in the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Zelinski flies out of the war zone, leaving his country to come here and get some more money every now and again. We can deal with that situation later. Turns out its' not such a humanitarian thing at all, they can hold on for a while. 
 Now, Hamas, the ones that started all of this is being given a pass by the UN. Everyone should stop the fighting, you know, for humanitarian reasons. Hamas using those innocent folks as shields shouldn't be attacked. No, holding hostages and committing atrocities is all good, we should be more forgiving. We should stop and allow all the non-combatants to leave the battlefield. I'm certain Hamas will facilitate that in an expedient manner. They will release all the hostages and meet their enemies on the battlefield with honor. The truth is sometimes the only way to get rid of the termites is to burn the house down! And that is what Israel needs to do. Israel isn't poking the bear, Israel is going to destroy the bear. When the bear lives next door it is time to clear the lot. The Gaza strip will make a fine parking lot! 
  As for our borders we need to secure them immediately. We are closed for business. No more. The limit has been reached. There are quota's specified by law. "The United States allows up to 675,000 permanent immigrant visas each year across various visa categories." That's the law. There is also a set number of refugees allowed per year set by the President, with the aid of Congress. So just what is Congress doing about this uncontrolled influx of migrants and refugees? Apparent to me, not much. 
 We the people are the bear in all of that. I'm tired of being poked. When it comes time to vote I will be casting my ballot for America and her best interests. If you are in Congress and not supporting America, enforcing its' laws and acting in the best interest of this nation, you're outta there! That's what needs to happen. A convention of the States could make all that happen! That's what can happen when you poke the bear that is the American citizen. Secure the border and balance the budget. Enforce all the existing laws without exception. 

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