Thursday, August 11, 2022

that's ridiculous

 There are certain phrases that just annoy me. One of them is, leading your best life. You hear that all the time in television commercials for every product imaginable. Buy this, take that, and you can lead your best life. What's that supposed to mean? Is my best life simply getting everything I want and being healthy? Is that it? I don't know it just bugs me every time I hear that. I'm leading my best life. Give me a break from that will ya? Life is pretty much what you make it to be, it can't be purchased. If you read the tales of the wealthy that much should become evident. Wealth doesn't guarantee happiness. That isn't to say I wouldn't enjoy giving it a chance, I certainly would, and write a full report on that experiment after at least fifty years of testing. If it resulted in my best life, I would admit to that, and even say just that. In the meantime, I'll just do the best I can.
  Another statement that just annoys me, and I hear it repeated frequently, is that marijuana is legal in some states. It is not! That's the simple truth of the matter, it is not legal in any state of the United States of America! It may be "ignored, unenforced and legislated, but it isn't legal. It remains a federal crime as long as it is listed on the Controlled Dangerous Substance list. The Drug Enforcement Agency of the U.S. Government is responsible for that. I'm just annoyed when the newscasters, civic leaders, and others in positions of authority repeat that disinformation! The fact is simple, it is a federal crime. That remains despite any "feeling" or "opinion" I may hold otherwise. It doesn't matter how I feel about that, it is illegal.
  I don't know, it just seems to me thing get more ridiculous every day. I see stories about men being pregnant. Now that's ridiculous. Bruce Jenner insisting, he is now a woman, ridiculous. It's a choice to kill the unborn, but immoral to execute a criminal. Rich people should pay more taxes so the poor people can have free wi-fi and I-phones. The U.S. boarder should be open to all, it's immoral to refuse anyone entry into the country, but as a retired member of the United States Navy I have to provide documentation for a background check before I can get a commercial driver's license or a post office box. I can mail in a ballot and not be required to show any proof of citizenship or appear at the polling place and cast my ballot with no identification required. That's ridiculous. The government telling me I should have at least three months of salary in my savings account, in case of emergency, while the government has a deficit exceeding thirty trillion dollars! That means a debt of over 92,000 dollars for every person in America! That's ridiculous. The illegals owe nothing. I borrowed money to go to college. I shouldn't have to pay that back. That's ridiculous. 
  You can't legislate on emotion and feelings. You have to legislate on common sense and what is best for the majority. The latter is true even when you are the minority! That is what a Republic is all about, the people. Yes, I know you hear the term democracy thrown about, substituted for republic, but a democracy is not a republic! It is ridiculous to attempt to legislate morality or ethics. You can only legislate according to the rule of law. Again, the goal of a Republic is to do just that. A government "for the people" that means everyone, regardless of any real or perceived injustices and inequities. Taking from one group to give to another isn't equitable! Providing exemptions, exclusions and special compensation isn't equitable. It's ridiculous. You know it is like I have said many times in the past and I stand by it: " Everyone wants to be treated equally, until they are." It is at that point feelings are added to the equation, and I feel like I should get more, have more, and you should provide that. And that, that is ridiculous.    

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