Wednesday, August 3, 2022

not for me

 Yesterday I was told to think outside the box. Well, you know there is a reason there is a box. The purpose of the box is to keep things together. If you start going outside the box your stuff winds up all over the place, it may be lost or stolen! Thinking outside your box is thinking about other peoples' stuff, you could call it coveting, a very bad thing to do. Oh, it is good to take a look every now and again, keeping an eye on what others are up to, but don't be influenced in a bad way, that should serve as a caution. 
  Now that advice came in the way of an admonishment. I expressed my dislike for a particular design feature. The individual telling me to think outside the box liked the design and so was attempting to influence my feelings on it. I was doing the same by expressing my dislike, but I didn't tell her to think inside the box. Instead, I tried to explain why I didn't like it. That was the end of the discussion. I went on about my day. But, I was thinking about that. 
  It led me to think about fad and fashion. They are both subjects I never really paid a lot of attention to. This time however it was about design. To me kind of the same thing only with an object instead of a person. The central theme to this design was an old fashioned wooden screen door. You know the type, like grandma had on her house. In this instance it was being used as a pantry door. For me, the wrong object for the purpose. To me like wearing a lampshade as a hat. Both will function, do the same job, but the application is wrong. It just doesn't make sense. 
  So, I've written three paragraphs about a topic that really doesn't matter at all. It really is all a matter of personal taste. It only matters, if it matters to you. So, what I'm asking is, what matters to you? Is fad and fashion important to you? What drives that? When I was young, I was like other young people, I wanted what was cool. My financial status didn't always allow that to be possible. Yeah, the cool stuff usually costs the most. And of course, my parents exercised some control over all of that. You ain't leaving this house looking like that! 
  I think another component in all of this is how comfortable you are with yourself. That is to say, how much attention do you require? Fashion is certainly one way to gain attention. I speak from experience on that having displayed some rather, shall we say, questionable fashion choices myself. The attention isn't always the kind you are expecting. Have I developed my own style? No, I don't think you could say I have a style. I'm just the average Joe. I'm happy with that. Being average gives you latitude to stand out every now and again, others don't have a lot of expectations regarding you. It's true though, I do find a lot of the fads and fashions to be ridiculous. Happens more frequently as I get older and I guess that is normal enough, old people aren't cool or hip. Older people will be laughed at if they try, unless they are rich or famous, then it's okay. 
  Not everything that is different is good. That's a lesson I learned years ago. I realize we are often told just the opposite. We are told that by the ones either being different or trying to get us to buy what they are selling. Caveat Emptor is my advice, true no matter what it is you are purchasing. Things like tattoos come to mind. Pretty cool today but not so much later on. Body modifications like those "gauge" rings in your earlobes should be considered carefully. I see these fashion designers every now and again, getting thousands of dollars for their designs that just look stupid! But the rich, the famous buy that packet for reasons I just can't fathom. Yeah, you'll stand out alright. You are "outside the box" and it is obvious. As for me I'll stay inside and take a look out every now and again. I enjoy a parade, especially one with clowns. I just don't want to be in it.              

1 comment:

  1. Apparently it DID matter to thought about it 'all day'....and wrote all that drivel about it. Easy to see that it matters to YOU, not to the rest of us
