Monday, August 15, 2022

no need to ask

  They surely must live in a different world, those that read the New York Times I mean. I have left comments on their Facebook postings and as a result my feed always contains some of those. You know how that works. There is one section addressing the Ethicist. This is where people write in asking question of an ethical nature. I am always surprised and shaking my head. Apparently, they have no moral or ethical compass whatsoever based on those questions. The last one I saw was asking if it was alright to "date" someone else because your husband has Alzheimer's. Well, you know she is lonely and just wants to have a good time. My only comment was, "till death do us part." Perhaps that hadn't been included in whatever marriage ceremony she had participated in! There has been a story on Facebook several times that explains my feelings about that situation. The story is about a man taking his wife for walks every day despite her having Alzheimer's and not knowing who he is. His response is simply, I know who she is! 
  I've read a number of these questions. If those people are really serious, I mean, genuine in that questioning, we are all in deep trouble. I can only say that I am not seeing any foundational morals or ethics as I know them to be. They are questions that I would have been able to answer when I was in elementary school. It is never acceptable to lie, cheat or steal. Even when you are certain you can get away with it, it is wrong. If you sign an agreement, you are bound to that agreement, even when you don't feel like it. Your employer does have a right to tell you when to work! Your employer can make certain requirements mandatory for your continued employment! He can fire your sorry butt for not performing up to his expectations! That's the way it works. Your hurt feelings do not require any action on my part. 
  I know that the Times is a liberal, left leaning publication. One need only read a few articles to grasp that. As with most liberals the concern lies with itself and its survival. Just go with the flow as long as it benefits yourself. All the programs and ideas that it supports are based in that philosophy. That philosophy is basically, never deny yourself anything! And that is usually the basis for those ethical questions. The fact that they have to ask is what I find disturbing. Education is always one of the major topics of the liberal crowd. College degrees for everyone! But where is the moral and ethical education? It is obviously sorely lacking among that crowd! 
 The big cities have always been a haven for moral depravity, vice and criminal activity. That's because it is an environment where you can hide. You can remain anonymous while living in plain sight. People will just walk right by you, ignore you out of fear, or just plain complacency. There is no accountability. That city philosophy is now spreading, in part due to the internet and social media platforms, to all areas of the country. Anonymity behind a computer screen is easily achieved. Like in the big city, you can find others like yourself. Others that will support you, for their own purposes. 
  I don't know I was just struck by that question. My husband has Alzheimer's, is it alright for me to date someone else? What part of marriage do you not understand? What part of love do you not understand? Does commitment mean anything to you? And what sort of man would be willing to date a woman under those circumstances? Don't worry, he has Alzheimer's, he won't know. Well, all I can say to that is, I know!
  But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at all. After all she was asking the Ethicist, not the moralist, so it is just a question of ethics for her. Therein lies the problem, separating ethics from morality. Too many today that just don't understand the difference. She is having a moral dilemma and attempting to solve it with ethics. Doesn't work that way. Liberals need to learn that lesson, should be a course on that in every classroom in America. It used to be back when we stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, when we started the day with a silent prayer. When we were taught about God and Country. It was then when we found the answers within ourselves, we didn't need to ask.     

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