A Facebook friend is leaving the platform because of the incessant censoring of her posts. Her posts generally concern medicinal treatments, vaccine efficacy and alternative treatments. Her language is always polite, certainly not aggressive or condescending, or in any way offensive. The sole issue is content, the powers that be at Facebook determining what she posts is "fake" or "untrue" labeled "misinformation" and not allowed. Facebook takes the position they are "protecting" myself and others from this. Personally, I would prefer to decide upon the validity of any posting for myself, thank you very much. But, as I have pointed out on many occasions upon my release from Facebook jail, it is there game, their rules. If I want to play, I have to play according to the rules.
I was asked to join a different platform, one free from such censorship. The invitation was worded in such a way as to imply I was "sheeple" if I didn't do so. I took no offense at that implication. As with most things there is a grain of truth in it. By remaining on the platform, I am complying, albeit to a limited degree in my opinion. I attempt to be a bit cryptic in my messaging when I think the censors are watching. Semantics plays the primary role in all of that, substituting words that trigger their algorithms. The thing is, I enjoy the other features and the company on Facebook that I have developed over the last twelve years of using it. It's free to use! But, like everything else in the world, nothing is free, the price on Facebook being the censorship of your posts.
I won't be leaving Facebook for a couple of reasons. The first reason being it is familiar. You could even say a habit. Yes, I'm comfortable there, aware of the dangers and pitfalls. I have a number of friends on there. Then there is the importance of whatever messages I do post on there. I post, generally, my opinions. Yes, I will offer facts and resources in defense of my opinions, but they remain my opinion. I do not feel like I am providing any vital service to anyone, offering any advice or information that can't be found elsewhere. In short, I have no single topic I am passionate about. Therein lies the difference between myself and my friend that would have me leave Facebook. This friend is very passionate about the information shared, a firm believer in what is presented and posted. Every time I have been "censored" it was for an opinion that was simply worded incorrectly. I could have expressed that opinion differently and not attracted the attention of the censors.
Yes, I know I shouldn't have to be concerned about that. That is what the usual response will be from those in the same boat as myself. The truth is, it is only prudent to do so. "Fights begin with a scream; change begins with a whisper." (ABR) Open defiance will only result in gaining attention, usually in a negative way. For me, Facebook is an amusement, that is all it is. It's a distraction from the day and a way to stay in touch with others. It is a "social" network and I treat it in that fashion. I have never attempted to use it to promote anything I'm selling, to promote anything being sold, or to promote anything at all. I use to it to present my opinion. Some do not like my opinion, what a shock and a surprise. But I see my opinion as a gift, the value lies in the offer, not whether you accept it or not. Receive that gift with grace and dignity. Should you offer that gift to others, regift it as it where, I'm flattered. And yes, my feelings get hurt sometimes when that gift is rejected. And lastly, I'm just too lazy to start all over again. Whatever message and/or opinions I have to offer aren't that important to me that I need to seek a new outlet. I have this blog for that. This is where I will explore topics that are "forbidden" on Facebook.
Have I become sheeple? Not in my own mind I haven't, and ultimately, I'm the only one I have to please. As I said I take no offense when anyone implies that I may be. I understand the use of persuasive language. Name calling is one technique, although in my experience seldom effective on people past the age of ten or so, like a double dog dare. It shouldn't offend those past that age either. As to regard for Facebook, I will continue to use it as an amusement, until I am no longer amused. Perhaps one day when a topic becomes one of deep concern to me, when I feel the need to crusade. When I have something to offer, I feel will benefit humanity in general. Right now, I'm just offering random thoughts and memories, my opinion on social issues, government, and mankind in a general sense. I'm amused for the most part. I sometimes get mad or upset when playing a game! Doesn't mean I stop playing that game though, sometimes I admit to changing the rules, like in Monopoly we all modify those rules just a bit. Free parking and taxes? On Facebook I can't change the rules, but I can skirt around them, and that amuses me as well. I Feel like I'm cheating and getting away with it. Well, sometimes I do, sometimes I get locked up. Well live life on the edge I say, life is too short to worry about it.