Tuesday, August 16, 2022

being the victim

  I have a question? Just who is profiting from the covid at home testing kits? I have to ask that after listening to a medical reporter on the morning news. It turns out the experts agree, at home testing is not very good, not very effective at all. Their advice is to take at least two tests, a couple days apart when you feel like you have symptoms. They went on to say, take three in you don't have symptoms! Yes, that is what the expert said, take at least three in home tests when you don't have symptoms. I heard that as, take the test often enough and you will test positive. You should begin wearing a mask and staying socially distant! 
  We have all seen the ads, get up to eight in home test kits for free. Well, first thing to understand is this, nothing is free. Your tax dollars are going somewhere to pay for the manufacture and shipping of these kits. The expert informed me that those kits are, at best, about 60% accurate. Use enough of them though and they increase in giving the desired result. You will test positive. Are you sufficiently paranoid yet? I have avoided that by not taking any tests at all. I'm not worried about any short or long term side effects from any vaccine either. That's because I haven't taken them either. 
 I did go to the internet in an attempt to get an answer. The bottom line is no one is telling. As of January of this year, at least two billion has been spent on the in home kits. That two billion was shared between three companies that manufactured the tests. No one will tell the cost of the individual kit. It's shrouded in secrecy! Reminds me of much of the testimony the Democrats collect these days. National secret can't tell you that. Now I'm no investigative reporter, no watch dog, but it sure would be interesting to see if any politicians, have ties to any of these companies. Are those authorizing these free tests, delivered to your door, in any way making a profit? I will repeat what I, along with many others will tell you, follow the money. 
 Given the admitted efficacy of those test kits one does has to wonder, why. Are they giving the desired result? Yes, I suppose you could say that they are. They are certainly keeping the public aware and nervous. They are creating an atmosphere of paranoia. Test, test and test again. If you don't have symptoms, test at least three times! It was determined early on that they couldn't get everyone tested. The hospitals, clinics and parking lots weren't going to do the trick. But, if we give them test kits, for free, that can be done at home, well, that ought to work! It has: many are scrambling for those tests, testing themselves at every opportunity, remaining vigilant and afraid. Why? Because we are being told that there are the variants! No defense against the variants. The test kit will not tell you if you have one of the variants, but you should use those test kits anyway. Hey, they're free!
 Now if all this testing should fail to do the trick, we have a few other things up the proverbial sleeve. There is always Monkey Pox and Polio. Those viruses have been patiently waiting in the wings. Can home test kits for those be far behind? We do need something that will keep people at home. On the bright side however, we now have enough ventilators to supply the world! Literally thousands of them, sitting in storage all over the country. The truth is thousands were also sent to other nations while you were being told there was a critical shortage here in America. Scary uh? Well order your free kits, test every day after brushing your teeth. One day, you too, will test positive! No telling what that might entitle you to. Always good to be the victim in America.          

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