Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Really, a letter

I read a news article about two congresspeople, or is it congresspersons, that have written a letter to Mr. Godel the owner of the Washington Redskins football team. They are attempting to coerce him into changing the name of the team. It is offensive ! Well, to some it is. Recent polls show that 90% of the Native Americans don't think so but 10% think it could be. The Congressperson that finds the term Redskin offensive is also the chairman of the Indian Affairs Bureau. Isn't Indian wrong now ? No mention of legislation to change the name of that bureau to  the Native American Affairs Bureau however. Wait, would have to reconsider that too. Native American is acceptable but affairs ? That might send the wrong message. Perhaps Department of Native American Concerns would be a better,more politically correct title. But then the acronym would be NAC. That could be subverted to Native American Casinos ! Isn't that what they are noted for now ? Oh my, that might be offensive to some as well. What to do. The other congressperson is a Native American so perhaps she does have a legitimate concern. I don't know her mind so will reserve judgement on that. Still she apparently is not asking to change the name of the bureau, so ?
The real question in all of this hoopla is why is it news at all ? Given the issues being faced by congress is this deserving of their time and attention ? Should they not be concentrating on more important issue than the name of a football team ? Is that the duty of Congress ? Maybe the news is that they wrote letters at all. Shouldn't they just have sent a tweet ? Tweets get a lot of attention. I hear about them on the news all the time. This person tweeted this or that. Or they could have threatened to " unfriend " the team on Facebook. That would get those Racist peoples' attention ! They must be racist to call their team the Redskins. And worse than that , the have used that name for eighty years ! Imagine that. Writing letters indeed. Do they know the cost of a stamp these days ? Could have saved 49 cents  if they mailed them together. Talk about government waste !
My bet is that they didn't write those letters at all. I'm betting they had some aid or secretary, or are they administrative assistants, wouldn't want to offend, type, no print those letters. Then they used an auto pen to sign them. Another person in the office was dispatched to post them as well. How much did all that cost ? Well as long as they are doing something I guess I shouldn't complain. Amazing though that Congresspersons or Congresspeople, whatever the heck they are, make the news for writing a letter. Good thing they weren't educated under the Common Core or they wouldn't be able to do that. It is my understanding only casual letter writing is being taught in the schools now, formal business type formats are not. I think they use tweets for that or E-mail. Or is it Instagram ?
Yes two members of Congress write a letter to a private citizen about the name of his football team and it makes the evening news. Those letters amount to nothing more than a threat. Big brother ain't happy ! Those that may find the name offensive, in an overwhelming majority do not, but big brother doesn't like it. Be careful what you name your children or pets, you could be next !

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