Sunday, February 23, 2014

Finishing Up

I finished a small project I have had in mind for some time. I had even written a blog about doing this project and was surprised to learn that I had written that in October of 2011 ! Guess you could say I didn't rush into it. To tell the truth though, I started it a while back and for various reasons it wound up lying on the workbench. I'm no different from most of us, I am easily distracted. Excuses are far easier to come by than ambition, in my case, even when it is something I want for myself.
I would rather do a project start to to finish uninterrupted. For me, things get done that way, any pause and it might not get restarted for a while. Doesn't take much of a break to have things come to a complete halt. If things are not going the way I thought they would, or I discover some other flaw, I might stop. I do tend to look for reasons to not continue, valid excuses in my mind, but often nothing more than an excuse. How about you ? Do you start a project and stay at it ? Or do you do your projects in starts and fits ? Do you require specific conditions and equipment/tools ?
I have always found myself wanting a proper workshop. A workshop with all the equipment a man could want or need. My interests vary widely and I have some skills in just about every trade. A complete shop for me would have to include woodworking,metalworking,electrical and automotive equipment. Oh, I also need a " study ". A place to write my poetry and the great American novel. A study with a fireplace and a bay window overlooking the bay should suffice. Ok, maybe just a wood stove would do, but the bay window is essential. I could make do with a Lighthouse though, that would make a good study, on a private island.
In my home, growing up, if you wanted something you either built it, repaired an old one, or went without. I had used boats,motors and lawn mowers. All repaired. We had push carts, all made by ourselves and tree houses. Dad could fix just about anything and taught us kids to do the same. All this carries over to this day. I would still rather build it or repair it myself. I grew up with the mantra, " if you want it done right,do it yourself. " I have never really thought of it as crafting, we called it making do.
As I sit here admiring my latest completed project I wonder why ? I wonder why I don't finish more of what I start or dream about ? Why do I look for those excuses ? I think it is because I have got a little bit of that attitude of, I want it now. That attitude is becoming more prevalent throughout society.Patience, that is what is required. It is also one of my shortcomings. I am not a very patient person.
I am pleased that I finished this little project. A sense of accomplishment is always a wonderful thing. Still, it nags at me that I could have done it better. If I had had a bigger shop, more tools and materials. If I only had ? There is a part of me that feels like everything I do is being judged. Judged by others and I don't want poor grades ! Funny, I didn't really have that attitude in High School. I was really only concerned with passing. But I guess that is a good thing in an offhand way. If I had tried for the best possible grade I could have gotten in school, I probably wouldn't have finished at all. Probably would have found some excuse to put it off. Life is strange sometimes. Now I've got this other little project in mind, maybe I'll start it. Well I had better think about it for a little while, it doesn't pay to just rush in.


I made this " boat shelf " to display my Bow Light. I wrote the blog about it on Sunday October 16,2011. I finished it on Saturday February 22, 2014. Don't want to rush things.

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