Monday, February 17, 2014

I wonder ?

You know when I was a kid, adults never lied. At least according to my parents they never did. Dad, the teacher hit me ! Smack, what did you do ? I didn't do anything. Smack, You must be lying, teachers don't just hit kids for no reason. Smack, now quit lying to me or, smack, you're gonna get it ! Worked the same way with every adult. I saw Mr. Rosen today and he said, and you were guilty as charged. No such thing as hearsay. Another adult said it, it is the truth !
There were other absolutes as well. If it tasted bad, it was good for you. When something bad happened, it was your fault. If you wanted something you had to earn it. You always needed to " buckle down " and get with the program. And at least for me I always heard, you are not reaching your full potential ! Why ? I wasn't applying myself.
Yes things have changed quite a bit since those days. Parents and other adults have first names and are not always right. The phrase, because I said so, just doesn't cut it anymore. Nowadays kids expect a valid argument,with clip notes, to justify their parents actions. The adults must prove there intentions or social services may be summoned ! I think the closest thing we had to social services was our high school guidance counselor. Their advice, you need to buckle down and bring those grades up. You could talk to your Priest or Pastor who would tell you, Honor your Mother and your Father. And, pray for forgiveness because you were wrong !
Now that I am an " adult " I know all that wasn't exactly true. Adults did tell less than the truth and sometimes they were wrong. The thing was they kept up the facade anyway. We kids were told to go in the other room when the adults talked. Now I know what they were talking about, what the plan was for the future. Adults were conspiring against us kids all the time. They had to stay on the same page. It was all a big plot. Keep the kids just a little bit afraid. Do not let the children get too familiar with the adults. That was why they didn't have first names, just a little too cozy there. Mr., Mrs. , Aunt or Uncles whatever but never Bob or Jane. Which reminds me, remember the books we had ? See Jane run, run, Jane run ! Kids were always running somewhere back then. The boys played in the dirt and the girls played with dolls. Boys and Girls were different. Well, I guess it is progress. But I wonder ?

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