Monday, February 24, 2014

Olympic Dreams

The Olympic are over. If I was asked about these winter games I would have to say,disappointing. I am not disappointed with the medal count, but the overall event. I admit to not watching every minute of coverage, in fact, I watched very little. The winter games are not as appealing to me as the summer games. It is just all the negative things I heard about during the games.
First it was in Sochi, Russia. All I heard was how unsafe the place was and how the village was not ready. I saw pictures of unfinished hotels and two toilets to a stall. I heard they were shooting dogs. I heard how the Russians had displaced thousands of their citizens to even build the place.
Secondly I began hearing about the venues. Shaun White removed himself from an event, citing it was unsafe. I heard many other athletes complaining about the conditions. After the events began I started hearing more complaints. Complaints about the judging. I heard complaints from the athletes, trainers,coaches and even the judges themselves. That is where the real disappointment for me, comes into play.
I know it is a bit idealistic but I think of the Olympic games as a gathering of Nations. We come together in the spirit of competition. Politics aside, a temporary truce on the world stage as it were. That is what I was always told and I can not help but say this one was a huge disappointment in that regard. I heard more bickering, like kids on the playground, in my short time viewing, than I have ever heard in the past.
The whole event was overshadowed by the events in Ukraine. There athletes left the games and black banners were in evidence. That is not the fault of the Russian government, it would not be fair to blame them. What their actions now, in the aftermath, I let the world community judge. I also saw the Russian police beating those girls protesting with horse whips. That is what the news reported,complete with video footage. That was disappointing. It was reported that it cost an amazing 51 Billion dollars to put on these games. Maybe it is time, time to rethink this whole Olympic thing. Perhaps we should apply that 51 Billion dollars toward world hunger or world peace. Now that is an idealistic dream for sure, but a pleasant dream nevertheless. Instead of coming together to compete maybe we should come together to cooperate with each other. That is an Olympic Dream !

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