Saturday, February 22, 2014

Worth the risk

I do wonder why if a citizen of this country of ours actively pursues their civic duty they may be labeled. The labels may include, troublemaker,upstart,activist or just a plain pain in the derriere. Seldom, if any, are they called a Patriot. Patriot seems to be reserved for those serving in the military. The dictionary defines a patriot as " a person that vigorously supports his country and its' way of life. " Sounds a lot like a person that takes an interest in the running of government. Should groups form in support they are often labeled too. Why is it the connotations attached to these groups are usually viewed negatively ? Think groups like the Tea Party.
Our form of government,as I often point out, is a constitutional republic. Being a republic that means ruled by the people. from the latin, res publica. We elect our representatives to act on our behalf. The curious part of this is when we ( the people ) attend government meetings and begin to interject ourselves into the discussion we start getting these labels. Our representatives often brush us aside or at best listen with detached indifference. Their attitude often becoming one of, I'll make the decision here. That could not be farther from their true function. Remember they are your representative !
In recent years there is even a hint that government agencies are spying upon the public. Those in power using the resources, provided by us, against the people for political advantage. Okay, so we all know the government has been doing this for many years. It really is no secret. There is no denying that power and money are at work here. This was foretold by the founding fathers in there writings and other documents. Truth of it is, it has been so since the establishment of the first government. The morality of man is not infallible..
I find it strange that those acting in a patriotic fashion, doing their civic duty by participating in government, are not looked upon with favor. Talk to just about anyone and they have an opinion. Most will expound upon what the government is doing wrong. Why do these people not understand that they are the government ? Why do they not understand it is their duty to make their wishes known ? How have we arrived at this point where the majority of the people feel their only obligation is to vote ? How many even know who their representative is ? In this age of email and social media contacting your representative is as easy as it has ever been in history. We are the Government. If we want change we must make it known. We must insist upon it.
I think we need to change our thinking a bit. Those participating, those attending meetings and writing to their representatives should be commended. They are patriots in the truest sense. The support of our country and establishing or reaffirming its' values is the responsibility of the people. The old adage, if you don't vote, don't complain applies. I would add if you don't participate actively don't complain either. The reality is because of our form of government it does require full participation, at least a two thirds majority in most cases. One or two voices speaking out in opposition does little good. Speaking out in support in always acceptable. Who doesn't want someone else to agree with them ? That is a no brainer. It is only when you disagree that you get these labels. A patriot will stand firmly in their beliefs in spite of these labels. Will there be repercussions ? Most likely those in power will attempt in some fashion to silence you. The question really is, is it worth the risk ?
Consider this : We are supposed to be supporting the Government, the Government is not supposed to be supporting Us.

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