Sunday, February 2, 2014

In the first person

I have said it in the past and will continue to repeat it, I am a big fan of the written word. I like the written word because it doesn't require any technology to enjoy. All you need is the words,light and the ability to read. Caveman did that with their pictures and it has proven to be effective. I am a firm believer in continuing the practice. Recording our voices is great, making video presentations are wonderful, but nothing tops the written word. If it is written down it somehow seems more official. Isn't that why we say, no job is done until the paperwork is complete ? That includes our lives.
I have also talked about writing a journal, for lack of a better term, for the grandkids. My thought is to make one for each of them. Each one of them are different people and deserve my individual attention. It is my desire to share my memories with them. Real memories are always in the first person, everything else are just stories. I don't want to leave them a bunch of stories. That is why it is necessary to write a journal for each. They must be in the first person to be meaningful to them. Like a card or letter addressed to you, that is what makes it personal.
When I start this process of writing these journals I would like it to be confidential. In other words I want no one to know about it. It is in my mind to present these journals to them sometime in the future. Hopefully, the distant future. I picture in my mind some great dramatic moment when, with shaking hands and the hint of a tear in my eye, I hand those volumes to them. The old grandfather passing his legacy to the ages. And it must be done, in the first person.
I will include a selection of my blogs. I think some may prove interesting to them in fifty years. There are ones where I speak of current events and changing trends in society. They may be amusing in the future. My views on politics and such could provide insight. My hope is that through the journal I will be remembered the way I really was, remember me in the first person please. Yes, you may quote the book ! It may prove useful as a reference when raising their own children. You see, Great Grandfather said that and it is still true today ! I've got proof, here it is in black and white. Yes, he actually wrote that with his own hand, it wasn't scanned or printed. What did he use ? He called it a pen !
I must also include some of my poems and a few old photographs. It will be a difficult process I think. Deciding what to include will require some deep thought. It is not an easy process to condense your life. Just which moments do you want to share ? More properly, which of your memories do you wish to preserve ? I think that may prove to be the most difficult part of all. Sharing those memories that are the most significant to yourself. To attempt to write down and share just who you really are, honestly and accurately can be painful. Often times we are not quite the person we appear to be, especially to others. That goes double when we get to write the story ! But as I said it is not the stories I want to tell, it is the memories. Again I say this, " Real memories are always in the first person, everything else are just stories. "

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