Saturday, February 15, 2014

Walking alone

I think one of the most difficult things to do is walk alone. To have that conviction that you are correct and proceed despite what others may think or say. I'm not just talking about doing something controversial or necessarily different from others, but rather to go with conviction even when you are alone. Alone with your thoughts as well as alone in action. To be absolutely pure in your spirit. To harbor no reservations or ulterior motives of any kind. That is a difficult road to travel. It also the reason we have our God. Whatever you conceive your God to be, we all need him/her. Whether we can admit that to ourselves or not, that is truth. There are those that will deny that need, but they are lying to themselves. It is easy to do with those around you supporting you. You may become lost in your own intellect and proclaim you have the answers. Those that try that are in denial or are not thinking at all. Any man that gives even a moments thought to his position in the universe has to realize how little he actually knows. Arrogance is easy in the crowd, but non existent when alone. When there is no one to impress with your intellect, or bluster, when there is no one supporting your decisions, that is when you walk alone. Are you confident in your actions ? If you are a thinking man there has to be doubts. The dispelling of those doubts is the function of faith. To have absolute faith is not the mark of a zealot or an ignorant man, but the mark of the thoughtful. man. One that has reached an understanding with his God. That understanding may differ from the understanding of others. That is alright. Each of us love one another in a different way, but it is all love. A passage I heard often in church but never really contemplated is from Philippians 4:7. " And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. "
It is this peace that enables us to walk alone. The source, in literal terms, is not important. God is not a literal thing. The temporal is not concerned with God. It is our soul, our motivations and our sense of self that is concerned with the spiritual. It is the inquisitive nature of man that thinks of these things. It is God that provides the answers. It is not necessary to call that God anything at all, that is for the convenience of man. What is necessary is understanding. Understanding and acceptance. That is what we should all be striving for, acceptance. We need to understand first that we can not understand, then accept that. That is faith. And with faith we can walk alone without being alone. 

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