Sunday, December 31, 2017

time and man

 I'll be going into this year the same way I left the old, not rich. I purchased two Powerball tickets and my luck remained unchanged. I'm beginning to think that I'll never be a millionaire. Well, maybe this year. It's good to have dreams. Seriously though, I do wonder what that would be like. Just to be able to pay your bills the day they arrive in the mail would be an amazing thing. Definitely a life changing situation. Fact is, it wouldn't take a million. The next estimated jackpot is 440 million dollars. Even if after all the taxes and everything was taken out, if you were left with 44 million, that's more than enough for anyone. Having more than enough is a good thing though, pays to have a cushion. And no, I wouldn't feel any obligation to give any of it away to anyone. Would I, maybe, I don't know and will not know until I'm in that position. I hope to find out this year.
 Man is the only creature that marks the passage of time. All the animals, mammals, plants and such just live until they die. They do not count the days they are here, or the days that have gone by, they are only aware of the present. Do they fear death ? I doubt that. Man tries to comfort himself with the thought that life never ends, that we can somehow live eternally. We fashion that afterlife in whatever form is pleasing to us right now. The reason is because we fear the unknown, what will it be like ?       And so we soothe ourselves with pleasant imagery. We even use the opposite as a deterrent, we call that religion. But I do believe the soul of man lives on. We are energy. We can't create energy, only transform it from one state to another. We also can not destroy it ! That in itself is the proof that there is a higher power than ourselves to reckon with. The manner in which we do so determines our fate. I do believe in cause and effect. A fundamental law in nature and I believe a fundamental law regarding whatever energy we expend. The label applied to that energy is not so important, as the way we use that energy. Many labels have been applied to that principle, karma, fate, destiny, consequence, or just plain luck. I believe we are given that energy to use, as we see fit, and we will receive whatever return we initiated. Cause and effect. Will the end justify the means ? That is the paradox we face daily as humans. Should we base our morality solely on the end result of our actions ?  First, you have to decide upon the end point. Our influence on this earth is not constrained by time, it survives within the memories of others. That was the reason man first started drawing pictures on the walls of his cave, to pass his thoughts forward. We still read the words of Roman emperors, philosophers and seers. Those words influence us still. They are not constrained by time. Ignorance is what constrains man, and ignorance alone.
 It is this thirst for answers that created the need for a calendar. We want to know what is coming. Is it planting season or is the cold returning. Man first looked to the stars for those answers and where we still look today. Man has marked the time and by doing so marked his existence. In a few hours we will celebrate the arrival of another year. We will mark the passage of time, but can we really mark the passage of eternity ? No, of course not, but we can leave a footnote. Footnotes are important because they reference the source. And there it is, can we know the source ? Yes we can,  but only in our souls. Let your actions here on earth be a footnote, a reference for others. The time is not so important to note, the result of your actions should be. 

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