Sunday, December 3, 2017

debt and deficit

  The senate has passed a comprehensive new tax plan. That is what I hear on the news. As usual there is a great cry and hue from the politicians, the media and the public in general. Not one democrat cast a vote in favor of this legislative change. That's correct, not even one. Makes me wonder how much independent thought went into all of that. The party proposing the change had an internal struggle to get the votes necessary, guess they didn't huddle up and get the game plan ! Well however it came about, it was passed. It's not law yet, we'll have to wait and see what happens next.
 Elizabeth Warren has been vocal about not being able to read the bill. Yes, she admits that she hasn't even read the thing, yet she votes against it. Her big complaint is about penmanship ! She claims to be native American yet refuses any dna testing to substantiate that claim. Guess she doesn't want to read that either. In the not too distant past Nancy Pelosi explained to us " commoners " that they had to pass the bill before we could read it. They would explain it later, the politicians that is. Yeah, that's when they passed a bill saying if you can't afford health insurance you will be fined for not having health insurance ! Well, unless of course you are on welfare, then you get it free. Or was it, that the government would give you the money to pay the fine ? I don't remember all the details, just that it was a crazy plan to begin with. Being fined for not purchasing a government mandated product ! Well we can all see how that worked out. I wonder if Elizabeth Warren read that bill before voting yes.
 I think we should just do away with congress altogether and use Facebook instead. Facebook is jammed packed with tax experts. Hey Elizabeth Warren may not be able to read the proposed tax plan but thousands on Facebook have no trouble at all. Maybe Liz should check with her constituency. Those on the left seems to have a comprehensive understanding of that document. The current tax code is about 70,000 pages. I question if anyone has ever read every page of that. It makes War and Peace look like a dime novel. That manuscript is a mere 1440 pages long, nothing more than a footnote compared to our tax code. Yet, I sure hear a lot of folks claiming to know all about it. I admit I only know the basics. I make money, I have to pay tax on that money. The government collects that money and disburses it as they see fit. That includes giving it away to those that refuse to work and contribute. Then I get to complain about how my tax dollars are being spent. That's pretty much the long and short of it. The more money you make, the more tax lawyers you can hire and reduce your tax burden. An interesting fact to note is that the top 20% of earners still pay 84% of all the taxes collected. The bottom 20% get paid by the government. That means the rest of us pay 12% of the total tax collected. Yet, despite all that the left says the top 20% of earners should pay more, the bottom 20% should get more, and the rest of us should have to pay less. And that is what they think is a fair and balanced tax plan !
 I'm no economist that's for certain. I do understand some basic things however. Take the deficit and debt. Many seem to be confused about how that works. I read where the new tax plan being proposed will increase the deficit by a trillion dollars over the next ten years. Why is that ? It's because you can't keep spending more than you have. Yes, it is that simple really. Debt is increased by deficit spending ! If we spend more money than we take in with taxes, the deficit will increase. Learned that in ninth grade business math. So you see the tax plan will not increase the deficit at all. What it should do is reduce spending. Ah, but there's the rub with the left. You can't keep giving tax money away. Oh, it's a wonderful thing charity. Charity however is not a function of government ! Charity is a function of human compassion, dare I say a religious function. Government is separate from Church for a reason you know ! Government is business, Church is not.
 Look I'm not saying the government shouldn't provide assistance. I am saying that is what it should be, assistance. That assistance shouldn't be a lifestyle. I'm stating the obvious, which many seem to overlook, you can't spend more than you make ! When you read about the deficit and debt remember it is spending that causes the deficit. Control spending, control the deficit. Yes, it is true, you can't have your cake and eat it too. 

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