Monday, December 4, 2017

the influence theory

 Facebook and Google are being investigated for possibly manipulating the media. Australia has launched this in response to their election results. Yup, some in Australia are now blaming those two for " influencing " the voters. Can you imagine that ? I've written about all of this nonsense before, any one trying to win an election is attempting to influence your vote ! I fail to see any difference whether it is the candidate, a newspaper or another country, you are trying to be influenced in your decisions. When Facebook, Google or anyone else actually changes my ballot, in the ballot box, then I will be outraged, until then, they can do as they please. Let 's not forget that those two are a business. Yes, Google and Facebook are businesses ! They are not the social conscience of the world nor are they obligated to be so. These businesses operated solely off the advertising revenue that they generate. Do you pay a fee to use either one ? No, you do not. Should they be held accountable for the opinions of their advertisers ? What we are talking about is censorship here. Should Google or Facebook or any social media platform for that matter have the obligation to censor ? And if they do, what gets censored ? Have you read the " terms of use " for either of them ? I know I haven't. Should your opinions be censored ?
 Look if an individual, or an entire nation wants to pay Facebook or Google 100 million dollars to say they hate Trump or Hillary I just don't care. Good for Facebook. Fact is, for a fee, I will try to influence your decision. Yes, I will. Oh I know , you can't be bought right ? LOL, fact is for enough cash I can change your mind about a whole lot of stuff. That is why advertisers spend their money on advertising ! It is really quite simple isn't it. They are trying to influence my choices, getting me to purchase their product. Are those advertisers wrong for doing that ? Should those advertisers be censored ? Caveat Emptor ! That expression from the Latin has been around for a while. Yes, even the Romans advertised their wares and even then the buyer was on his own. Fool me once, well you know the deal.
 It is the same old deal. This is nothing more than a way to blame someone else for our own misfortunes or an unfavorable outcome. That is the trend these days. It's not my fault, I was influenced ! Well if little Billy influenced you to jump off the bridge would that be his fault ? Many today would say yes, sue little Billy, hold him accountable. I say, no, it was your choice. Unless little Billy pushed you off that bridge it was your own fault ! Many today will take " medication " to influence themselves ! Think about that for a minute. I can take mind altering substances as a form of influence. well, at least it keeps little Billy calmed down right ? If I start to feel things I don't like just pop a pill, I feel better now. All the drug companies influence us every day, why aren't they being censored ?
 What Google and Facebook are being investigated for is accepting money from advertisers to slant the " news " in their favor. Thing is, are Google and Facebook news agencies ? Last I knew Facebook was a social media site and Google a place to ask questions. Does anyone really believe that the evening news programs don't do the same ? Does anyone really believe that there is a single newspaper in this country that doesn't do the same thing ? Does anyone in this country actually believe that anyone person doesn't slant their opinions to fit their beliefs ? See my point ? The reporting of " news " is a business like any other. Google and Facebook are social media and do not  have a standard of integrity to uphold. What they deal with is opinion ! They are under no obligation to prove or disprove anything that is posted to there sites ! Caveat Emptor indeed.
 Look, if you are basing your decisions off of social media you deserve whatever you get ! Personally I find the whole concept insulting ! Yeah Vern, I done saw on Facebook that I should vote for Billy Bob and that's just what I'm a gonna do. Billy Bob is a gonna give me free possum for a month ! And he is a gonna do away with them revenuers too ! Yessiree Bob, that's my man. And to further insinuate that an entire nation of voters could be so influenced by " opinions " on social media says very little about what our politicians think of their constituency. Oh but I lost the election because the voters were influenced to vote for the other candidate ! Gee, what a theory. 

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