Wednesday, December 13, 2017

telling the story

 The elephant in the room this morning is the result of the Alabama special election for a Senate seat. An amazing thing if you really consider it. It wasn't too many years ago that such an election would have had little or no attention in the national news, now very are not aware of the results. The reason this election gained such attention ? I'd say because it was " influenced " by the main stream media. Yes, the American people have been influenced ! No, it isn't the Russians this time, it is the main stream media. The candidate they wanted has apparently gained the victory, albeit by a slim margin, and all is well. Moore hasn't conceded and there will be a recount. I'm not anticipating any change in the result. It is a very rare occurrence, although it has happened. Whatever the case, congratulations to Mr. Jones for a hard fought campaign.
 As far as the elephant in the room, that concerns the perception that Moore was defeated by accusation alone. I share that view with others. I haven't seen or heard any hard evidence that this guy was/is a pedophile. I should qualify that statement by saying if you were, you still are. There is no rehabilitation for that ! True, I have heard many accusing him of such and I believe everyone should be heard. I don't believe everyone should be believed ! Substantiated evidence is required to reach a conviction. At least that is the way it is supposed to work here in America. We can not judge people based solely on the perceived credibility of the witness. To do so would require the witness to be above reproach. Who among us could meet that standard ? That is especially true in todays digital world. The mother of that child that was bullied, you saw that on the news didn't you, has been shown with a confederate flag ! There are some saying she is exploiting her child for monetary gain. See how that works ?
 For every accuser of Moore I'm certain savvy lawyers, pundits, or politicians could find some " dirt. " Anything at all to discredit the person will do. Anything they have ever posted to social media, tweeted, and in any way made public, or not public would be fair game. I've written these blog postings for over seven years now, imagine what could be written about me ! If I were someone of some importance, someone that hampered anyone in any way, those posting could be gleaned and many conclusions drawn ! See, this is what he wrote ! I don't care though, as it makes no difference in my world. If I were to run for public office however, that would be a new ball game altogether. I'm not saying he would have won had not the media added their influence, I really don't follow the Senate races in the state of Alabama. Was all of this because the Democratic party felt they couldn't win that seat unless drastic measures were taken ? Was all this a political ploy ? I can't say one way or the other. I have heard that the Dems haven't won that seat in 25 years so that scenario seems plausible enough, even more so given the climate today. I understand this guy Moore has had issues in the past. Whatever the issues were he wasn't removed from his position. Amazingly there was at least one Senator, from the Republican party, that stated if Moore had won he would vote to expel him from the Senate. Was this Senator really saying, I'll decide you can be a Senator regardless of what the voters say ! That guy lost my vote for that. He needs to be reminded that it is the people that elect officials, not other politicians to suit their own agenda.
 Anyway congratulations to Mr. Jones I wish him success. I hope he had nothing to do with all this. I suspect he will be under close scrutiny for some time. The big question is, was the election influenced ? Yes of course it was and everybody knows that. We will spend much time and words denying it however. Will the persecution of Roy Moore continue ? Well, we will have to wait and see. If all those that accused him continue in their belief that he is guilty, I can't see why it would stop. If it stops, what will that then indicate ? Wouldn't that then say, it is alright to be a pedophile as long as you are not a Senator ? Of course I wonder were all these folks were when he ran for Judge, or got appointed Judge , whatever the case was. Was it alright for him then ? Sure didn't hear anything about that. And if I am Jones how do I feel ? Do I feel like I won the election fair and square ? Did I win because of my ideas, my platform or because so many were influenced to vote against my opponent ? What I mean is, did I get the votes because the people wanted me, or because they didn't want Moore ? It isn't the same thing you know. It is like taking the broken cookie because that is all that is left.
  If I lived in Alabama would I start carrying a sign, Not My Senator ? It'll be interesting to see. There will be a recount and the results will stand. Moore can complain all he wants and in one sense be justified in that complaint. He really was found guilty in the court of public opinion. The only question there being, who offered that opinion in the first place. Was it a political maneuver ? I'd like to believe it was not,but I don't. It is one the oldest tricks in the book. Politicians have been throwing mud at each other since the very beginning. It is to be expected when money and power is at stake. It's a real shame. I find it even more disturbing when it is an accepted behavior, endorsed by the media. I heard very little journalistic efforts to counter any of that. No, instead the media just kept adding fuel to flames in an attempt to retain readership or viewership. Facts had little to do with the reporting of the " story. " That's what is has all come to hasn't it ? The " STORY " is the most important thing in journalism today. Fiction sells, facts are boring. The reason is simple enough. Facts take time to gather, analyze, verify and demand integrity. Fiction on the other hand can just be made up as you go, unrestrained  the " story " can be developed into something sensational. Hey, if it is wrong we can always say, sorry, new facts came to light. Facts like, the truth. In this case the " story " is over. We will just move on to the next big " story. " Let's see, we currently have sexual harassment, bullying, and an accused pedophile to entertain us. When we get bored we can always fall back on race relations, the poor, or how the medical system is killing us all,or global warming. Then we can crusade for the national legislation of Pot. Get everyone stoned and they will just mellow out. It'll be a cool new America dude. Not a Republic but a commune. Groovy. 

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