Wednesday, December 27, 2017

a different year

 Soon it will be 2018. It'll take a little while to get used to that. It always takes time for my brain to catch up with the calendar. I was just remembering when it was going to be the year 2000. All manner of stuff was predicted to happen, not the least of was our entire banking system collapsing. Well, we just knew those computers would screw up when the time came. A lot of folks were genuinely worried about it. I can honestly say I had no fear at all. The reason was two-fold. First, I didn't have any money and secondly I knew those bankers wouldn't let anything happen to their money ! Had the concern been world peace or something like that I would have been more skeptical, but money, ain't nothing gonna get in the way of that. As you know everything went along just fine.
 Here it is almost 18 years later. We are still forced to write what century we are talking about. Were you born in the twentieth century or the twenty first ? For a number of us that is a valid question ?Take my moms' husband, he was born in 1917. If he were to write 17 you might believe he was a new born. He was born in the 17th year of the twentieth century. Many of my grandparents were born in the later part of the 19th century, none are with us today. I wonder at what point we start having the " 20 " part of the year preprinted on forms and such ? When can we assume you were born in the twenty-first century ? I was born in '53 and don't ever remember seeing 18 anything preprinted on checks, forms or questionnaires. Of course we didn't have " drop down " lists until close to the 21st century either. Don't you hate it when you have to scroll way down that list to find the year ? It's almost like these millennials are showing off ! I wonder if kids born in the first decade of the 21st century will one day start saying, I was born in aught 3. I can hear a few old folks I knew saying that  back in the day. I was born in aught 3 or we had a big snowstorm in aught 2. O2 or whatever was pronounced that way. Aught, you just don't hear that much these days.
 If we go by the statistics I should make it almost to mid-century. Being born in '53, the century should be obvious, already sounds fantastic to some of these younger folks. There is no possibility I will see the end of this century. The way things are going I'm thinking it is just as well I won't. I'll just keep on remembering the sixties. The sixties were the good times, for sure. Very little responsibility compared to any part of my life after that. I was still a teenager and therefore knew it all and believed it. There was always tomorrow, as I would live forever. Now I'm not saying things couldn't change, I could always win the lottery ! I'm not regretting a thing however. It is just the natural progression of things. I enjoy a wonderful marriage, children and grandchildren. Life has treated me well, better than I deserve, but the sixties was the time. Yes, the 1960's. With continued good fortune and a bit of luck I will be able to say to a great grandchild, I was born in '53 and the century will be obvious enough. It has been my observation that as we age we tend to measure time not in years, but in decades. 2018, not a problem, I've got a couple more years. Now 2020 ? That will sound a whole lot different. 

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