Monday, June 18, 2012

Censored ?

All this modern technology is a good thing. Bringing the world closer together and into one big community. Especially the social networks. Twitter and Facebook leading the pack. I was out shopping with the wife yesterday. As we were checking out I said to my wife, half jokingly, Facebook brings families together. I noticed the cashier shaking her head in the negative. I laughed and remarked to her, No ? Laughing she replied that wasn't always the case. She went on to say she had friend-ed her Mom and at times wished she hadn't done that. Her feeling was that Mom didn't really need to know all her business. Chuckling, I had to agree. Your friends list does put a censor on your comments. When you remember who is on it. I revert back to the policy my own Mom always stressed. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. And another general rule of thumb. Tell no lies and you have little to remember.
What do you do with friend requests that you don't want to be friends with ? Respond or ignore ? Do you have people on your list that you wouldn't eat dinner with ? Just how accurately does your friends list reflect your real world ? Not counting celebrities and such just how many " friends " do you have ? I can honestly say my list is quite small. I can honestly say it is a fairly honest reflection of the friends I have in the real world. I never was much of a social butterfly.
As far as comments posted, I do censor myself on occasion. I find it difficult to express sarcasm in this format. And I can be sarcastic at times. It is not so much what I say, as what I don't say. I find being confrontational on here solves little. Usually you just come off looking like an idiot. I try to honestly state my opinions and feelings but in a positive way. I will attempt to explain my responses. It can be laborious and frustrating at times. At times it is just best to say nothing.
Yes I would say this social networking thing is a good thing. Get the dialogue going. It has power to bring us all together. We all should be careful in wielding this power though. Cyber bullying and all that. The power of the pen has shifted to the power of the keyboard. We all have a social responsibility. And therein lies the root of the problem. Our own moral compass. Conduct yourself online as if you were in a room full of your friends. Be on your best behavior. Do more listening than talking. Temper your comments. Words thoughtlessly typed can have lasting effects. And one final thought. Anything you write on here is part of a permanent record. You can't just take it back.  

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