Saturday, June 16, 2012

Necessary Information

I have been pleased with my Grandson's interest in the news. I have always encouraged him to stay up on current events. I'll admit I have have had limited success. As he gets older though his interest is growing. Whether it is a result of aging or my pestering him about it I can't say. I'll take the later. However these last few days I've been rethinking this. The coverage of the Gary Sandusky trial is the cause. I can understand the reporting on the case but the graphic details leave me a bit incredulous. Is it really necessary to repeat the testimony, almost x-rated , on the six o'clock news ?
I understand the news wants ratings. It is all about money. I understand the journalists saying they are just reporting the case. The thing to me is, what about a little journalist integrity ? The really great journalists didn't resort to such foul mouthed sensationalist reporting. Walter and David would have never said such things on the evening news. It really makes me wonder about the direction of the nation. All this liberal stuff going on. Are we going to far ? It's a fine line between freedom of speech and just plain cursing. A town in Massachusetts has enacted a law. You can be fined twenty dollars for having a potty mouth in public. I'm sure it will be overturned in quick fashion however. I like it. While I'm at work I hear this " colorful " language  all the time. I'm an ex sailor and no prude but the choice of adjectives and verbs could be toned down just
a bit. It is almost as though we are losing our sense of propriety.
I'm just thinking that in order to get anywhere you have to have a sense of direction. I can't see the direction all this liberalism is going to take us. Everyone doing anything they feel without restraint ? Saying whatever they feel like saying, wherever ? Those are extreme statements but you get the idea. When raising children we must set boundaries. Boundaries need to be set for society as well. Irregardless of what the liberal media would have you believe I still believe this is a Christian nation, based on Christian values.
Well at any rate I will be writing e-mail to CBS news regarding this reporting policy. It is just a shame when I can no longer encourage my Grandson to watch the news for fear of this sensationalist reporting. I'm not favoring censoring the news just favoring a little common sense and decency. Generalized statements like, inappropriate touching, would be sufficient. I just fail to see why it is becoming necessary to include intimate details about tragic events that allegedly occurred. Keep in mind the trial is ongoing and no conviction has been reached. Only one reason I know of, money. Attract viewers and gain financially. Throw morals and good solid journalism to the wind. That's the direction we are going. A sad state of affairs to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. You tell 'em, Ben! I completely agree with the overage of information in the news. We don't need to know details of EVERYTHING. Good grief! "Just the facts, Sir...just the facts".
