Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Apology

I'm sitting at this keyboard feeling a little contrite. I have allowed my emotions to get the better of me, proving once again that I am human. Subject to frailties. To any that I may have offended, I apologize. I apologize not for the anger and indignation I felt, but for my choice of words in conveying those feelings.
I'm afraid I have been dragged down a level or two. Respect lost is very difficult to regain. As a wisp in the wind, it is gone.
I am, of course referring to yesterdays posting regarding an artistic expression that I take exception with. The level of disrespect this artist displayed was so poignant to me as to cause this knee jerk reaction. I'm afraid I responded on the basest of levels. The alpha male arose in my spirit and I wanted to fight. Still do, only on a different plane now. The feelings are the same and I feel no sorrow for those. My opinion of this so called, freedom of speech, remains unchanged. Every fiber of my soul screams for justice. I am deeply offended.
An attack upon the flag is an attack upon the Nation. I hear others speak of it only as a symbol and that it is. A sacred symbol much like a wedding band. My heart is joined to that symbol. I fought for that symbol, my father fought for that symbol and his father before him. Stretching back to the first rebellious words spoken in the founding of this country, my family, my blood is joined to that symbol. Desecrate that symbol and I will respond. I will admit that my response should have been tempered with tolerance and respect. I find that difficult given the circumstance, but will endeavor to do that in the future.
All that being said, it is what is is. My opinion is unchanged. This artist is not deserving of my respect and respect must be earned. It is a two way street. I was wrong to insist it be one way. I, of course, must in good conscience support his freedom of speech. The problem lies in that this " speech " is such an affront to my sensibilities. I could not and will not remain silent.

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