Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My Grand daughter from New York is coming to visit for a few days. School just got out for her. The summer is beginning for her. It is always amazing to see her and how much she has grown. When you don't see them everyday it is a dramatic change. I'm looking forward to a little Grandpa time. It is important that she get to know me on her own level. Above the influence so to speak. As in any relationship there is always a risk but risks are worth taking. Nothing of value can be gained without it. The trick is to remain true to who you are. Sure I'll give her a few gifts and shower her with a little extra affection but I must remember to be me. That's who I want her to know.
Her cousins will be here and I'm sure they will have a grand time together. They are reaching the age where the girls will want to do some girly things and Mark will be out. Still, I'm sure they will find plenty to do together. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, if somewhat hot. I'm always pleased to see the cousins together. Family should know family. I hope it is a connection they share for the rest of their lives. Strangely, I myself have many cousins and know so few of them. And we all grew up in the same town ! Guess it was a parent thing between siblings. What a shame.
I know that when she is visiting with us it is a change for her. It would be for anybody. Each of us live our lives in somewhat different fashions. We all have our own routines and our own set of " norms." I'm betting a few things I do she doesn't think are normal. LOL I'm always a little uncomfortable when visiting others homes. Taken out of my element. It has nothing to do with them or their hospitality it has to do with me. I get that from my mother. She is the same way. Not saying it is right or wrong, just saying that it is.
So I'm looking forward to this time together. Oh yeah, my son and his wife are coming too, but the cat is already out of the bag with them. They already pretty much know me ! A little late to make good impressions. Shyann  however is still impressionable. I sound like the diabolical Grandfather now don't I ? (wringing my hands and smiling) The camera batteries have been purchased so let the visiting begin. I only have a few days to make lasting memories. But then again memories are not made,memories are lived. You can't force a memory. I'm thinking we will have a lot of fun together and she will take another piece of me home with her. I know I'll be keeping just a little more of her here with me.

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