Friday, June 22, 2012


Moods. We all get them. Most times I wonder why. What is the cause of this mood ? I hate it when I get in a mood for no apparent reason. At least if you know why you can complain about it. Or better still blame it on someone else. I really hate it when the mood is depressed. Why do I feel so down ? I really have no reason to be down. I have food,a roof over my head and people that love me. Isn't that all you need ? That's what everyone says anyway.
Another thing that bothers me about being in a mood is those around you want to change it. I'm sure they mean well but it is only annoying. It adds to the existing mood. So now I'm depressed and mad. Just leave me in my mood will you ? Talking about it isn't going to help. Acting cheerful does nothing for me. This is my mood and my mood alone.
With those that are close to you you can usually tell when they are in a mood. And you can usually tell what the mood is. You know how to respond accordingly. With others that are not close it can be more difficult. Co-workers you at least know what their normal mood would be. But strangers now,that is a different situation altogether. Are they always that way ? Is that their norm ? My reaction is too smile and be as pleasant as possible. 
Moods are funny things. I can be in a good mood but still not feel like doing something. I'm perfectly happy doing what I'm doing right now. Then someone wants you to do something else, my mood changes. I'm not happy anymore. Just that quick. Maybe I'm in a bad mood. I snap at people or just ignore them altogether. Then a simple thing happens and now I'm happy again. I think maybe that is what mental health is all about. When moods get out of control or you just get stuck in one. So I think maybe we are all a little unstable. That would explain a lot of things.
There are those they say moods are the result of a physical reaction. I suppose that could be part of it. My mood does change in response to physical stimuli. But for me I don't think that is the primary cause. No moods for me are a mental thing. Someone says something or does something and my mood changes. Although I have no explanation for waking up in a mood. Must be my subconscious mind. And your subconscious is always right ; right ? But then why would I wake up in a bad mood ? Is there something wrong that I'm not aware of ? My mood just changed to contemplative. Won't stay that way long though. No I'll move right along to something else. A sign of good mental health. I think. When you start losing arguments with yourself you may be developing a problem. 
Well I was just sitting here wondering about moods. 

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