Sunday, June 3, 2012

A couple thoughts

Has the whole world gone crazy ? I here that question often. I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't some validity to the statement. When I read about Mayor Bloomberg wanting to limit the size of sugary drinks that can be sold I thought,that's just crazy. Well,duh, those that want more won't buy more ? Give me a break. And what business does any government agency have telling me what size drink I may purchase. Are they going to place these drinks on the controlled substance list ? Cocaine and Coca Cola, kinda ironic isn't it ?
And then the next article I read is about a comic book character,The Green Lantern. Seems as though they have decided to revive this character and modernize him. They're making him gay. A gay superhero,my how the times have changed. Superman was always crushing on Lois Lane. Batman was always a little suspect in my opinion, hanging with the boy wonder and all. But The Green Lantern is coming out ! The writer says he wants to stay contemporary. Whatever. I fail to see the necessity in identifying a superhero's sexual orientation. What has that got to do with saving the world ? No one has ever given me a valid answer as to why most superhero's wear their underwear on the outside ? So why do I need to know this tid bit of information ? Some things are best left to speculation. Besides I really don't think kids reading these comic books care about that. Oh,that's right, I forget comic books aren't for kids anymore. They are journalistic adventures with plots and subplots. Literature ! I just liked it when the Incredible Hulk got mad,bulked up and kicked somebody's butt ! Now that was fun.
I will say this, remember those little bottles of coke ? Got them out of a vending machine for a dime. Ice cold and delicious. Six ounces really satisfied. Now a super sized soda doesn't have near the flavor. Is there really a difference in the formula ? You betcha. If you recall Pepsi released,for a limited time, Pepsi throwback. And you know what the change was ? They used real sugar in the formula ! So I think Mayor Bloomberg ought to tell Pepsi and Coke they can only use real sugar in their drinks. Maybe then everyone won't need to supersize ! And as far as Gay superheroes. Well most superheroes do seem to favor tights. Not many wear cowboy boots or work shoes, more like slippers. Gloves are popular with them too. Most wear a mask so I always figured they were hiding something. I'm just sayin'. Times are changin' and not for the better I'm afraid.

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