Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Plain Truth

When I first started writing this blog I had no idea who might read it. I just started writing stuff down with no thought to any possible reactions. Of course I was hopeful that some would like it. My primary intent was to leave a written record of some of my memories and thoughts. I thought,and still do,that it would a wonderful thing for the Grand kids to have and maybe share with their own kids. I love history but you do need to look to the future. It's a comin' and you ain't gonna stop it !
On August 19,2010 I published my first blog. The title was " How cool is that ?" I had read a blog written by a lady from my hometown. I was inspired to think that anyone might be heard on this internet contraption. That someone you don't know and may not even live in the United States could read my words. Now how cool is that ?
As time went along I would occasionally check the stats. The program I use to write these entries does that automatically. It was interesting to see how many were reading. I'm always surprised by which entries get the most hits. I will say I'm pleased that my " readership " has stayed fairly consistent. It is not a large number but loyal. I'll take loyalty over volume anytime. The best part for me is reading the comments I receive. I always find them interesting. Sometimes others read a different meaning into what I intended to say. Sometimes others,get it. Everyone is always kind though. I have yet to receive any really negative comments. Only problem I have now is I'm beginning to know who is actually reading these posts. With this knowledge I'm starting to feel like my writing is being changed. Not by those reading, but by my own thoughts. I wouldn't want to offend anyone or alienate them from reading more of my posts. I guess you would have to say it is vanity. Maybe I'll expose too much and when seen in a different light,well, I've been called names in the past.
I've written about how these writings of mine are really self serving. A form of therapy. But can the therapist control the therapy ? Doctor heal thyself ? Only if the doctor is willing to endure the pain and make the sacrifice. This will only hurt for a minute ! You'll have a scar but should heal nicely.
I am left wondering if I am just being discrete or selling out to the fame ! LOL It is a bit of a dilemma. Mom always said,it you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything at all. Good advice. Other cliches come to mind, pick your battles wisely, take the high ground and speak softly. Of course there are others, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, speak up, and speak your mind.
I guess what it comes down to is how much of myself do I want to reveal ? What random thoughts and memories will I share ? It is a balance between that and what I think others may find interesting reading. I do want someone to read this stuff. I know I said I was writing this for the Grand kids to have and to share but I want some satisfaction too. That much is just the plain truth. And that statement completes this therapy session. Lesson learned ? Write the plain truth,it's universal and timeless.