Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just Ramblin'

It's all getting a little bit too casual for me. Not that I'm a stickler for convention or necessarily agree with Miss Manners but a return to a little more formality is in order. I'm watching the candidates in their blue jeans and now they are singing. The thing is, the jeans don't fit and they can't sing ! How am I supposed to take them seriously ?
I know this isn't anything new, Bill Clinton played saxophone on the tonight show and the Governor of Maryland is in a rock band. O'Malleys' March I think it is called and yes CD's are available.
It is just that I want my presidential candidates to be a bit more presidential. I know it is all about getting the votes. I know that has to do with appearance. But for me it just isn't working. Seems real phony to me. I can't help but wonder if these guys go to work in blue jeans ? And holding office is going to work for them. I wouldn't apply for a job as a roofer wearing a three piece suit ! I read an article once about preparing for a job interview and they clearly state, " dress as though you were going to work that day. " I don't want my president going to work in baggy blue jeans, shirt sleeves and loafers ! At least not where I can see him/her.
I can only assume the voters they are trying to appeal too are from a different generation than mine. Perhaps a younger generation doesn't care. That is probably the case. A lot of the younger crowd show a lack of respect. It is not their fault,it is what they were taught. Too much free wheeling from the Woodstock crowd. I can speak to that as I am part of that generation. I didn't buy into all that and didn't raise my children that way.
It is all a part of a growing trend. The country in general has gone less formal or is it less civilized ? I'm beginning to think the two terms may be interchangeable. It is getting to be more of an anything goes type of society. One need only take a good look around to see that.
Call me an old fuddy duddy or whatever but I see the country going down hill. A lack of a moral compass and proper decorum being the prime motivators. There are factions trying to remove God from our nation. Our current President is decrying " Economic Equality ",( code for socialism), men marrying men and lots of other examples. Just take a good look, and listen to what is being said. We are in trouble people.
I'm sure all this has been said before. I remain hopeful that the country will regain its' compass. Often times however it is extremely difficult to regain ones footing once you start down the slippery slope. Let's all be careful where we step !

1 comment:

  1. I'm a believer in "Dress for Success." We all act a little better when we're dressed up. I'm with you on all that you said about the nation sliding downhill. Our preacher says that it all begins with family. Teaching our children the right things, respect for others at the top of the list, would help to prevent some of this mess we're in today. Kids do rebel, but hopefully they come back to the things you've taught them. Our country needs to come back around to things it was built on...God and His precepts. That would take care of the moral issues and everything else too. I guess we can only pray.
