Friday, February 17, 2012

Forgiveness in Death ?

You have probably seen the news story about the father killing his two sons and then blowing up the house.The same man whose wife went missing while they were camping. His missing wife's parents had gained custody of the children. A tragic tale to be sure. One can never be sure what people are capable of when presented certain circumstances. Speculation as to whether this could have been averted does nothing to diminish the act itself.
Why did this father brutally slay his children ? Was it to spare them the agony of dying in the explosion and resulting fire ? Why deny them life ?Was it solely to deny the Grandparent ?  Those answers we cannot know. What the thought process may have been doesn't alter the facts any more than their deaths ease the pain of the father. And surely one can only hope it was pain that he was feeling and not revenge when this act was committed.
Now it time for their burial. The father wished to be buried alongside his children. Family members are rejecting this. Some have purchased the adjoining plots to prevent him from being buried next to them. I can understand this reaction. What I can't decide upon, just yet, is if this is justified. Perhaps it is too soon but the question begs, " Should there be forgiveness in death ? "  On the other hand, should forgiveness be withheld for all eternity ? If you are of a religious bent the answer must ultimately be, forgiveness. Does not God promise us all forgiveness ? Should we not strive to be like him ? But then again, if you do not forgive, will not God ? These are difficult questions. Questions to ponder. There are many mysteries in life and answers we will never know. Each of us must make our choices.
If I were the Grandparents my thoughts would have to be this. My daughter is gone,missing, I do not know if she is dead or alive. I can not visit her grave. Now I must bury my Grand children. When I go to visit them I surely don't want that man lying next to them. A constant reminder of tragic events. This man took the lives of the children and may have taken the life of my daughter. I cannot find forgiveness.
Such a tragic lose of life. Why ? And do you forgive ? . 


  1. I have no idea about this man's thinking,but I wouldn't bury my grandchildren with the one who stole their lives either, regardless of his blood relationship. When/if the authorities ever find his wife's body (they believe she is dead too) she will be buried beside her babies. I think that is right. As for forgiveness, I have to go with hate the sin, love the sinner, I guess, though it is not easy in a case like this one.

  2. I think forgiveness is God's department. In a case like this its beyond human capacity....but I will discuss this with God when I see him myself some day.....
