Sunday, February 19, 2012

Finding Comfort

Let me start by saying I am not a fan of Whitney Houston or funerals. Haven't really listened to a lot of either one. That being said I admit I did, I guess out of  morbid fascination, watch a portion of her funeral. The very first thing that struck me was the fact that it was televised. Yes, she was a star but televise her funeral ? I guess it is alright and affords her fans the opportunity to witness the ceremony.
I heard earlier that the family wanted to keep it private. A family funeral. Now that is a large family ! Looked like hundreds in attendance to me. Not at all what I would envision for a private family funeral. Televised,Private I don't think so. I understand the fact that a whole lot of celebrities are members of her family. That does present challenges. The grieving "fans" could prove to be less than respectful in their behavior.
As I watched the proceedings another thing struck me as odd. The clapping ! As I said I'm not a fan of funerals and as a result have attended very few. The ones I have attended didn't include applause. I know that in our modern times we call it a celebration of life. Call it what you will, but to me it is a solemn occasion. It seemed very strange to me to have an audience clapping after each speech or musical performance. Just what were they applauding for ? The performance or for Whitney ? As an artist I would not have wanted anyone to applaud me,the performance I offered would have been solely for Whitney. It just does not seem in keeping with the occasion. Perhaps the gathering following the actual internment would be a more appropriate venue for all that applause.
Well, to each their own. As long as the family was content with the funeral that is what is important. After all funerals are for the grieving. We all grieve in our own fashion. Personally I much prefer grieving in private. Very private. Public displays of grief or affection are not a part of my makeup. Has to do with the way you were raised. I sincerely hope her family found comfort. 


  1. I think you are seeing a difference in culture. Clapping is not unusual in the black Baptist churches - or in many other churches for that matter, especally pentecostal ones. I think that's why there are so many different denominations - those for folks how like qiuet, reverential worship services and those for folks who prefer more joyful, noisy ones. Occasionally they clap in my church and its full of staid Presbyterians! Each church does take on its own flavor.

    I think that service was a pretty typical example of the black Baptist culture - which I love by the way, and would feel very comfortable in. As you say - to each his own! LOL

  2. Yes, I think Barbara hit the nail on the head...cultures and diversions in 'church personality'. We have clapping in our church, as well, especially if someone gives a testimony as to answered prayers. We applaud the Lord for His goodness. I know that my Mother prefers worship that is more 'reverant', without the applause or hand waving, or utterances of "Amen", "preach it", "Hallelujah" and "thank you,Jesus"....but it doesn't bother me at all.
